
TAE WORKMAN SATURDAY, MAY 20, 1922 PAGE THRER West Indian Nows. Continued from proe 3)
BARBADOS Bargains! Bargains. Bargains. IN OUR COLON STORE ONLY To make room for new stock coming in shortly, we have arranged VERY LARGE REDUCTIONS IN Cotton Planters to Petition Government.
60 TO THE PANAMA BARGAIN HOUSE When you wish a cheap, but decent Suit (complete. hats, hose, collars, ties, and so forth.
TWEEDS SERGES LININGS August, 25 lbs PRIVATE ACADEMY American Bazaar wbom Was one The Varied Assortment of STATIONERY Of Every Description CAN ALWYAS BE HAD Phillip is WORKMAN PRINTERY For Reduction of Cotton Also cheap Cots for the weary Traveller Inspector Fee.
We learn that the leading Address MULLER BUILDING cotton planters of St, Pbillip parish intend petitioning the Governor in Executive Commit.
CALIDONIA tee with the object of endeavour ing to have reduced the fees now paid to the Cotton Inspector of the parish. The fees paid to Inspectors of cotton, prior to 1920, was 1td. for every th of an acre under cultivation.
CALLE No and for giving a certificate for EXCEPTIONAL VALUES the sale of cotton, Id. on every As a result of a petition forwarded by the Inspectors to the Government asking for an English Classes increase of the fees, and on the favourable recommendation of For Young Ladies 6 most of the Vestries os to the petition was referred, an AND FOR BOYS 7 increase of 50 per cent was granted by the House of Assem Mon Tues. Thure. Fridays.
COLON bly at their meeting of August 10th, 1920.
exeo SENOS The intending petitioners now BARTON, claim that the present price of cotton is so low, as to justify a return to the older order. At the we time the increase was on the amounts paid, regardless Report is exceedingly well got granted seed cotton being of the fact that in the present up in all points. We see sold at thirty cents per pound, slump which has set in the bundred and one deposits of but the quotation during the last values of those bouses to day information in the Report which week was six cents per pound would be about one third, in should form subjects for inter e ruling ma market price, it is is most instances of the prices eating editorials.
claimed, is the strongest possi. then paid.
ble argument for the reduction We just mention one to day, As to whether the petition will which we call The White Wooeventually be general we cannot There is at present some! der. Be it known that the tell, but as the acreage in St. unrest and dissatisfaction among Compiler, Mr. Garraway, greater than the the rank and file of the Police in bis Report, quoted certain aggregate cultivated in the force. On Monday six men who appropriate words which were ten other parishes, it is con. were due for re enlistment used by his who was sidered that standing alone it refused to do 80 unless they compiler med father many years should have quite sufficient were certified that their pay concerning ng one phase of weight with the Government would not be interfered with. The White Wonder. Those By the way, we learn that the We understand that some words are: MANY PERSONS OF Colony cotton acreage is likely Arrangement was arrived at and MIXED BLOOD HAVE IMPROPERLY to be considerably increased the matter was settled for the AND RIDICULOUSLY RETURNED during the present year as, present.
THEMSELVES AS WHITE. And AT THE despite the very low prices now the present Report goes on to quoted, the economic benefit to say: While the schedules the planters is yet more satisThe Board of Health. were being examined one could factory than that received from not help noticing that persons the cultivation of sugar cane. meeting of the Board of und undoubtedly of mixed blood Herald Health was beld in the Council seemed to have undergone an Chamber. on Thursday. There albescent re incarnation, were present Hon. o. Wright, Now. isn this a pretty dish to When passing drop in and inspect our varied notice that the Vestry acting president, Hon. Dr. John Hutson, set before the King?
on the advice of their Solicitor Publ. Health Inspector, Hon. Mr. Garraway comments are bave instructed him to take pro Dr. Phillips, Dr. N, not as severe as we would have Stock of ceedings against the Parochial Boxill, Dr. made them, but they are sufficiTreasurer to make him replace Alleyne, Port Health Officer, Mr, ently biting to affect even the the sums wrongly paid out on Clyde Williams Mr. bide of a rhinoceros, and, the two vouchers stolen from Hanchell and Mr. Hart. doubt those who made tbet.
the Church wardens office in November last. So the public are discuss the steps to be taken to schedules may say to The Board met principally to selves ridiculous in the Census themselves at last in for a display of legal prevent the introduction into the now, individually and in silent Greworks the cost of which will Island of the disease reported to chorus: What a fool am I!
have to be borne by some one. ba Chicken Pox now prevalent! The report goes further for Meanwhile the man who is to Trinidad. long discussion en we read: The ridiculous aspect to lay the fuse and be bomb sued and it was eventually deci is evidenced by the fact that of thrower will receive a fee of ded by the Board to issue a circu the issue of the same parents of 50.
lar to the medical officers of the mixed blood, one was returned various parishes, stating that the as White while an her was The Price of Fresh Milk a list of all persons arriving Health Oficer would send them entered Mixed.
We hold that taking the CenTrinidad, whom they would ald sus of the Colony is a serious expected keep under ob on thing, because reliable returns so that if they develop are needed for the information servation so stantly applied by the local sary precautions could be taken Government, and that those who Yielding the pressure con ed any infections disease, neces of the local and of the Imperial Press for reduction of the in the matter. letter from Dr. Hutson was the schedule should be subject price of fresh milk some of the willingly make false entries on principal dairy keepers have read suggesting that a circular warto punishment, We would make An Assortment that will meet your Taste.
recently advertised a reduction be sent to the Commissioners of a pilgrimage of any length in of the price to cents per pint. the several parishes requiring order to be present to hear one Which one has to be thankful but not know the house conditions his or her schedule in a court of a medical Our am quite convinced that with patients visitimg him and Tau prices the foodstutis consider typhoid fever, he should be re: Census document with green fodder at its pre war found to be suffering with Lady of charge of unlawfully intentionally Grins and Chuckies.
able reduced to what they were quired to visit it (the patients object of perpetrating the The fraud STEWART a year ago, this commodity house) and inform the Inspector and to deceive His Majesty profitably be sold at 6c. per pound of Health for the parish as to He called upon the daughter dear, would be 50 per cent whether or not the patient coula Government.
Against her dad request. higher than pre war price, But be properly isolated at home, The present Compiler, like Then, the old man pressed a britton am glad to learn that certain the idea was agreed to by the his father, is a man of mixed And the footman, did the rest. dairy. keepers recognising this Board. Weekly Illustrated. blood, therefore much signifiC, are selling theirs at this price, cance should be paid to his remarks, for they go home far GRENADA more effectively than if they CLASSES IN Mr. According were the comments of a white to this paper, The House Rent Question boiled cows man. We hope we do see in his good for babies.
remarks a strong manifestation Shorthand, Spanish, Etc. Mr. That right! raw cow were genuine in his desire to see If His Excellency the Governor race pride. Did the Compiler Census Report pass his pen with red ink over gives better milk than the condition of the Civil Ser.
those false entries? We hope vants and others ameliorated he Hard Hit to Would Be necessary corrections were A, D, would exercise his prerogative Whites.
51 16th STREET WEST in controlling the prices of some of the items wbich come into The Black population of the universal in Lesson consideration of the Mt, Meritz colony in 1921 was 51, 032 as PANAMA CITY WILKINSON domestic experidir. Just the District.
against 51, 892 in 1881; Mixed least of these at the present population that is to say CONTRACTC BUILDER moment would be house rents.
Negroes with varying degrees of Because certain persons were From West Indian of 6th insi.
white Workmanship 11, 673 extraction)
as wild enough during the recent We hope to deal with certain population 905 as against 835 in against 9, 676 in 1881; and White 5th 99 beads and purchase houses at all of the Grenada Census Report Box 411, Panama, sorts of fictitious values they which has come to hand, It is mainly East Indians, stands at expect to get back the interest an important document, and the (Continued Os Page 6)
no Birth day Cards Menu Cards Wedding, Christening and Dance Cards.
from be to Could which Commercial Evening School milk is not Typewriting, of boiled cow.
Advertise in the Workman Plans and Specifications Free It pays.


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