
Under the auspices of the West Indian Committee of Panarablished on Saturdays by Rates for Advertisement on applica ma the British colony in ALROND, at the office Central Ave slon. Correspondence on all mailers Panama will celebrate Empire Iue and corner of Strool, Panama, of public interest to vited. de Day, next Wednesday with true All copy for publication must be British patriotism. Box 74, Panama written on one side of paper only, and The Baden Powell Boy Scouts RATES OF SUBSCRIPTIOS must be accompanied by the name of will go on full parade head by the Oce Year. 40 U8. Cy. the writer, not necessarily for publiea Silver City Band The British West Indian colony Six Months 30 tlon but as a mark of good faith.
Three 80e.
We do not undertake to return is invited to meet at De eseps One Park at 30 pm. The parade 250. erejected orrespondence, will start from this point after an address by s The Liberty of the Press is the palladium of our rights JUNIUS Chargé Ataires in Panama and will proceed in the following SATURDAY, MAY 20, 1922 order: Order of Parade.
EMPIRE DAY NATIONAL HOLIDAY Band District Scoutmaster in Command of Troope. Buglers and Drummera, Next Wednesday will be the great National Holiday Seoutmaster loading 1st Pantura of the British Empire known throughout the vast domin Troop, supported by Colour Bearen ions as EMPIRE DAY, and though in a foreign country, it is possible for Britishers to feel that patriotic enthusi Senior Patrol Londer and his Patrol Troop Leader to right of Troop.
asm and loyal pulsation that have been the elements of cementation in welding together the beterogeneous and Seoutmaster at bead of 2nd Pana ma Troop diverse populations comprising the Grand Old Empire. Asst, Scoutmaster to right of Troop The origin of Empire Day as a national holiday is Scoutmaster of 3rd Panama Troop. Avenue to Colon Street and traceable to the death of the illustrious queen, Victoria. Ant. Scout master to rigst of Troop disperse.
PANAMA BAPTIST ZOO zoo the Good. In her life, the 24th of May was celebrated as 10. Members of Association in Auto Several addresses will be BE IT KNOWN TO EVERYPARTY her birthday, just as the birthday of all British sovereigns mobles delivered in honour of the day, BODY.
have always been commemorated. After death, as the 11. Members of Wost India Committee and at night other patriotic Draws Upwards of 200 People functions will follow. Further What you saw poblished some perpetuation of her immortal memory as well as in re in Automobiles, The route of parade will be notice of this event will be pub weeks ago into this paper about sponse to a general desire for emphasis on the imperial asThe Church pect of the national life, the day became a distinguished from Dee Lesseps Park up Cen. Ished within the next two days not the one in this Camacho is annual Zoo Zoo Parly one e uovebilde itp and distinctive entry on the political calendar of Great despite Cathedral Plaza through Avenue tree dance at the Standard Oval. 20:27 Gamacho, of Demerara. of the weather. the police her big leveres to the British Legation, considerable numbers, bent up having an enjoyable time. The fall downstai The imperial aspect of Great Britain, roughly speak back down Central Avenue and Adaertise in The Workman It pays.
CHURCH SERVICE was tastefully and artistically decorat a ing commenced about eight years ago. From that time around Plaza de Mayo, down and surpassed that of any previous national consciousness, as a predominant factor of impe(American Episcopal Church)
rial nationalism took its irresistible rise in Downing Street, criticism goes on to say: Look at the wars in Ireland, the St. Paul Church, Panama. Too much credit cannot be given to and with telepathic force transported itself into the various rebellions in India and South Africa, the irrascibility of s. m, Holy Communion, Messrs Brown, Malcolm and Bill for dominions on which the sun never sets.
Egypt, and even the mild but sinister agitation for repretheir efforts in this direction. Lavander 10 am, Matias The first particularly pronounced idea of British im. sen tative government in some of the West Indian posses 10:30 am, Holy Eucharist, and ser long strips of rad, white and blue blend and white profusely with the palm, and perialism came into special prominence at the time of sions! Holy Baptism, ed harmoniously, and was very pleasing the Boer War 1899 1902. This outbreak attracted the Great Britain is solicitous of the peace and harmony p Sunday School.
and attractive The program interspersed with just en sugh variety, attention of the various countries constituting the vast of the empire. She is willing and ready to give Ireland, Was 730 Evensong and sermon, to take one wish that the fiosle empire and evoked their loyalty and patriotism, Then it Egypt, India and South Africa the best that they need There is the difference. Ember Days, Matics and Litany at very ably and effectively show to what Monday, Tused and Wednesday. would never be reached.
was, as never before, that the Rule Britannia of Buck. not the most that they ask for.
Mr. Weston ingham Palace became the school song of children through Communities, like individuals, sometimes desire things a. Wednesday night. Litany in Pro beights and dep:hs the human voice out the vast dominions.
that are unfavorable, and when this happens the guiding session at 7, 30 o clock. Thurslay, could imitation of the female Two years before the outbreak of the Boer War the hand must deny them. They may writhe under the nega Post of the Ascension, Holy Commo voice. Miss Paillips who has a very sweet and pathetic voies was applauded Diamond Jubilee of the late Queen Victoria was eelebrat tion and feel discontented, but a keen and resourceful dip ion at am.
ed with an outburst of patriotism never before experienced lomacy such as has always marked the course of England NIGH TENG ALE. Vicar. vociferously, and Mrs. Irvia with Me.
NS, Brown, was so realistio ia bar love in the history of the world, not even in the days of the will steer the ship of state through the most troubled St. Alban s, Paraiso. song, that they had the hearts of all deified Caesars of Romam Imperialism. Throughout the waters.
11 a. Matins and address, of all the young people in the hall going empire of Great Britain a vibrant enthusiasm was felt by England must forgive, but she shall never forget Gerpit a pat, as she sang 80 consolingly and pm Sunday School, royalty, nobility and the proletariat alike. Medals bear many and her duped allies. Their criticism and propagan 30 Evensong and address caressingly her Roundelay.
ing the picture of the Lady of Unfading Memory were da are destructive.
AF, NIGHTENGALE Priest in charge The program on wlavie as far a the items prudented, was struck by the realm and fell into the hands of ecstatic If England ever allows the experience of the recent Bible Truth Churches.
entertaining from every view point. The lovely juveniles and joyous adults with a unanimity of loyalty past to fade out of her memory she would be creating a strains of the Orchestra that was prothat spelt the security of the greatest nation on earth. woeful situation of trouble for another generation to meet San Miguel effect of 5:30 am Morning Prayer try and transform the preceedinge into causing many to Great Britain is a grand empire. Its constituent Germany is talking too strong in the face of her humilia10 am Children Service.
just a litle Fantastic Toeing but races, its multitudinous and heterogeneous population, its tion and defeat to be trusted. The serpent has been 11:a. tn. Preaching Service through the strenuous efforts of older diverse forms of governments and varying degrees of struck and beaten, but the ad of the vicious wretch with 30 pm, Sunday School.
and wiser beads the Brigade 7:30 Gospel Service.
autonomy, place it beyond comparison with other nations, its venomous fangs has not been crushed, and it will bite was put to ignominious flight Special again.
Calidonia in extent, variery, grandeur and power, also be made of There is another form of criticism of which the empire The latest note of Britannia progress is heard in its 5:30 am Morning Prayer Mrs. Scots who sing eplendidly, accom 10 am, Childr Servine, panied by the Hawaiian Orchestra.
imperial conferences in which the heads of the various must, however, take notice. This is the serious and con11 am. Preaching Service spirit of harmony and merry makcolonies and dominions are brought together on a common structive kind that augurs well for the safety and preser2:30 Sunday School ing characterised the proceeding all the political platform for the discussion of policies conducive vation of the nation. It comes from within. Great Britain 7:30 m, Gospel Sarvice.
way through and evary body felt that is not unconscious of her failures and shortcomings.
to the nation prosperity, wealth, and happiness.
She BARCLAY Pastor in charge Chairman Me. Richa ds with his A990the delivered Mr.
Canada, Australia, New Zealand, India, Egypt, the is trying hard to rid herself as much as she is naturally South African Union, Ireland, and the British Isles with able of these complaints that are sounded all over the Seventh Day Adventist Church Richards boga through this conditioner 68 ANCON AVE, PANAMA.
thank the following ladies and geatlo islands in the Arctic regions, the Fiji Islands, possessions empire. She does not boast of political or industrial inSabbath (Saturday) 945 a. Sab to make same a success men who so ably contributed in belping in the Antartic clime and the West Indies comprise the fallibility. She realizes the fact of national (like human)
imperfection and she feels no immunity to the general bath School; 11 15 sm, General Worship Mrs. Williams, Postmistress; Mre, tremendous territory of this mighty Empire.
The World War has had its convulsive effect on Great susceptibility of error among the governments of the world. 30 Spanish Class; 30 6Mrs. G; Irvia, Flower stall; Mrs.
Young People Meeting; 30 She makes no such absurd claim.
Vespers, Roberts, Restaurant; Mrs. Riobarde, Britain just as it has had on all other great governments.
England is not without her troubles, and that of Sunday night 30 Service. All Cake stall; Mis Hunter, Fishing Small countries have faded off the map, and many large well; Mr, Grant, Ice cream man ones have changed their size and boundaries. Great Brio economics is the g;eatest. She is trying to solve the un are welcome.
tain remains semper idem, and if there is any change it employment question in the mother couutry by transportI. B, S: Death of Mr. Best.
ing thousands of families to Australia and New Zealand has come in the form of acquisition, and not loss.
ORDER OF SERVICES Another feature of British resourceful diplomacy is as well as to the Fiji Islands. In a steady seam thay pass through the Panama Canal on their way to their new We regret to chronicle the seen in its increasing democratic character.
fields and prospective homes. It is one of the greatest Sunday, 11 a. Berean Study, p. death of Mr Edgar Best, naThe term imperialism as used in regard to Great moves of the British government and will have a multi Latern tin. 8, Lessons; 30 tive of Barbados and well to this community. Toe deceasknown Briain must not be taken to mean the same thing as plex effect upon the future progress of the empire.
Preaching Tusday pm. Harp Bible Study ed was employed by the Deodge Russian Imperialism or German Imperialism. There Something is needed to be done in the West Indies, for the Public. The public are welcome ine Divisija for number is a wide divergence of significance in the term as applied and this is a problem that must be brought forcibly to the to all those services.
years and resided at Paraiso, of to Great Britain. It does not mean an autocratic entity, attention of Downing Street. There are thousands of Before but a national solidarity with its territory studding the British West Indians out of employment here and they he was school master at Hermaoceans and its millions of subjects with varying customs, have been in a condition of helplessness for the past year, Ordination Service, tige combined school; he taken suddenly ill last Saturday languages and creeds, without work and without mvaey. And while it is true General hostility associated with malignant propagan. that their attitude in refusing to attend to the questionaire All interested are again re pital last Monday evening. The and removed to the Ancon Hosda among other countries has tried to depict the British sent out by the consulates in Panama and in Colon has Whittaker of No 14 Chapter of ing the dangerous condition of minded that Chaplain doctors of that that even some timorous individuals within the empire at repatriatiou, it must be regarded as of some kuificance pale 21st Street, will be ordained ed an operation idare e Perform Empire as being on the verge of collapse, and it is true subverted the plans of the Gove ent in their disposition the NIA. Guacha the patient immediately perform experience a feeling of fear for its safety; but amidst it that the people desired to know what prospec. stood Minister of the Gospel, all the old country goes sailing on if even in the storm of before them in returning to their homes empty nanded Christian save his life, but the end and Theomonitic afternoon Church of internicine restlessness the political craft appears to go and with nothing to depend on, so far as their personal May Washington, The deceased who was also a 3 p. in Liberty member of the Bible Students a rocking provisions are concerned.
Hall Guachapali. Ordination Association of this city, exhibitThe hostility expresses itself in a criticism character It is glorious to be a subject of Great Britain, with all will be performed by the Bishop ed much calmness and sobriety istically unkind and wantonly uncharitable to British her faults. Beneath the surface of national allegiance of that Church. Members and during his life. He leaves a wife and seven children including interests and welfare, and can clearly be seen to emanate there is a security which is generally made light of friends are cordially invited. Mrs. Henry Hall of La Boca to from green eyed prejudice of the kind that blew the crest especially by people of color in the empire. In the British collection will be taken up, mourn their loss. The internof the Potsdam crater and set the militaristic volcano of empire there are no lyochings, no governmental segregaEurope in horrid eruption eight years ago. Fault is found tion, no jim crowism and ku kluxism. No lawless terrors British Consulate Notice.
ment took place at Coco Grove cemetery last Thursday afterwith the colonial policies and executive suzerainty of aor savage propensities afflict British society. The sacredThe British Consul at Colon noon in the presence of a large England. She is considered an intruder in the East and ness of personal rights and personal protection are assured would be Iglad of information as representative gathering, who for that reason, it is asserted, she ought to get out of India. and maintained. Educational facilities and Imperial to the present whereabouts of paid their last respect to Paul Joseph, a native of Domini departed friend and brother Nor has she any right in Egypt! What is sbe doing in honors are open to white and black alike. In the British ca, whose last address is given as Oar condolence is extended to Ireland anyway? Something is rotten in Denmark. The Empire a man is a MAN.
the bereaved family, seat had th Dancing mention must 156 Ancon Avenue coming to to the was of Wednesday came tbe

    EnglandGermanyImperialismWorking ClassWorld War

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