
THE WORKMAN, SATURDAY, MAY 20, 1922, PAGE FIVE Atlantic Side News THIS STOVE IS YOURS FREE in Here Red Tenk at the Waldron at the sermon the them to a large Cure that Cold in your Head off ara address will Kerr Couple Score To Whom It May Concern.
Canal Zone Notes know India is occupying the at Triumph This is to certify that Brother Charles Underwood, ex Secre As a prelude to the lecture PARAISO there will be a couple musical Clever Young Violinist and tary, bas been suspended from St. Joseph Friendly Society for We furnish it to you absolutely items by local talent, and the Sister Pianist Makes Big the period of eighteen Years, for Literary Society would feel amply Hit Before Freeport violating the rules of said society grand Cantata was rendered under for its efforts in requesting Star the auspices of the Red Tank in various respects. 29 and Capt, Bax to lecture under its Men Club.
Paraiso Choir on the above date. At auspices if the spacious hall of the provided the gas pipes are in the kitchen 30 m, the doors of the Paraiso Y should be packed from di me The following extract taken toin with the Wesleyan Metho C:A. was throws open for the occasion to pit on the night of May 23rd.
from a lite New York paper will 11 am 3p. and 7:30 pm. The dist Church Colon tomorrow at mentioned, quite a number wended their Built of Cast Iron way from Rd Tank and Panams to undoubtedly be full of interest morning and evening services hear the nightengales of Parsino and GATUN Equipped with Two Red Tank, Credit must be given to Mr.
espec80 as both Miss Ink Brahan and in (2) Burners and Bannister of Paraiso for the excellt Song Service Enjoyed.
Kerr and Mr. Erring the afternoon the address will Kerr are well known in the be delivered by the Rev.
ton Plate Shelf.
way be ang his ton many solos, sino Mr.
city of Colon being the son and Jordan of the Bible House. The Brown of Red Tunk for his beautiful Size on top: 13 25 De Salo. also Mr. Howard of Pedro being held here The Song Services which are daughter of Mr. and Mrs.
ward Kerr of Colon:meeting will be held on Edway bight when a very on Sunday after Inches, Miguel, with Mis Martha Walcott of moons are being very much en orean, also Mias is what the New York teresting programme of recitai Height: 22 Inches. Gadyo Riley of Summit who rendered attendance up to the present time by of these two young tions, dialogues and songs will the residents, as the per so Mr.
Bannister solo along with Mis have be rendered by the young peoIvy Shan and little have been very encouraging. The Appearing before a large ple Special collection will be on Sunday OUR AIM last was number of members of the Cau. taken at each service tomorrow organ who played most of the Cantata prea Service, Credit must be given to Mrs. Crict Day school teacher, the subto Mrs. preached by Mr. Brown, the Dis.
cassian race, which showed their and at the meeting on behalf of GAS STOVE IN EVERY KITCHEN appreciation of their keen musi Sunday School Funds. hearty utal solo rendered along with the little ed in a forceful and intelligent Flo ence Barker of was cal abilities by forcing to welcome to extended to all.
folks of Paraiso credit must be given to manner, play several numbers more than PANAMA COLON GAS CO.
that which they had Mr. Greaves for organising to great agreed to UNLAWFUL USE OF FIREchoir, his cboir standa first DOLIE It is requested to report that render, Errington Kerr, the PANAMA OFFICE. ARMS AT COLON OFFICE: along the lines, the service commences at 45 his clever boy violinist, with and all the residents are Cathedral Plaza sister, Miss Constance Kerr, at YOUR The names of those who 93 Bolivar St.
comprised asked to be in time as the final the piano scored a big musical At Guabito Bocas del Toro the choir are follows:Tel. 798 triumph Monday evening at Free SERVICE Te 364 proceedings are closed at 30 pm Mr. Thomas Mt. B, Howard, B18: port. when they appeared Mr. Banni ter and Blaxe, Commisario Joe, under the before a audience compo Mrs. Atkins and Mrs. Small, Secretary Waller Introduced sing mostly the membership of supervision of the Inspector Mr. Atkins and Mrs. Garnee.
the Men Club of the Freeport molested the peace of persons Methodist Episcopal Church riding on a flat car travelling be Mis G, Riley and Miss Shan During the Song Service on Mrs. Shan and Miss Edna Martin. Sunday last Secretary Waller sident of the Club, in presenting the car and fired two shots from Mrs. Florence Barker, who is temporary in charge, inthe young artists gave cre to his troduced himself and Mrs. Waller, in the midst of the Mine Gertude MoCullough and Mrs to the residents here. In his re WITHthe Pastor. Rev. Thompson people. The matter was reported for having Greaves of Red Took, completed NOSTROLINE marks he has promised to do all rangements for their appearance to Inspector Mr, Greaves Choir Master of Paraiso, in his power to keep up the presBut no with the editor of this news arriving at Goh:98, on their Nasal Specific, Invaluable for Nasal Hygiene Tuanto tige of the Clubhouse and with notice was paid to the accusation.
paper, who afterwards made the assistance of Mrs Waller, it INSTANT RELIEF CERTAIN CURE FOR short The public would like to know it Numbers ren RED TANK is anticipated that all the people dered by the young violinist and on this man is employed to the Pan.
join heartily in making the Nasal Catarrh, Influenza his sister were operatic selec ama Government, if so why. He is not even a citizen of tbis coun.
McFadden Health and activities a success it has been tions which bave been arranged by the genial Secretary, HAY, FEVER, BORE THROAT AND DRYNESS; STUFFINESS times applauded by some of the try (Central American Express. Educat onal Club Tucsdays aut Tuursdays best musical critics. They were AND INFLAMMATION OF THE NOSE evening will be set apart for reforced to creation. Billiards, domino and force play four numbers British Consulate (Notices Simple! Safe! Sure!
consecutively. Afterwards there The concert and dance by the whist parties will be held on were representatives of different For sale at all up to date Drug Stores MacFadden Health and Educatuose eveninpa.
clubs present who were anxious The Acting British Consul at tional Club is now a thiug of the to segure their seryices for a Colon would be glad of informa past. To say it was a success is later date.
tion as the present where Barber Knocked down by Car.
putting it mildly indeed abouts of one Henry Evertz, who their children under subjection, others wrong. Among those who gave addresses Panama Caruso and Mr. Ford, is stated to have arrived on the who tries to, but with words that will which waw all of tho malo nex, with the of the same city, who were privi During the week our popular Wrongly Informed, Isthmus in March 1913, and was help the children to farther away from exc aption of one, who belongs to the leged to assist in the concert, car last heard of in July 1916, when the right way, and en treated all parente, opposite sex, in the person of Miss Eried away the honors, but Red barber was knocked down by a Cristobal Colored School, bis address was given as La Boco especially morbers, to be careful in the Grabam who hold the audience spelledeckers know how to accept cir and had his face all bruised Commissary, Canal Zone.
spiritual training of their young ones, bound with her froeful words, and especially at the hands of and cut up. These accidents are 17 May, 1922.
professionals The audience went becoming numerous and some.
and closed by emphasising the fact that broke the silence of all when she sured wild when these two artists ren thing with bave to be done in Sir, In your issue of last Baptist Church.
this can only be done, when parents them, that thoug, only a poor NEGRO dered their latest hits enforcing the week a Mr. Allen published a regulations. Pedes girl, her aims are high, and that her list of Teachers of the Canal Colon, 11 am and 7:15 pm, Mrs. allow God to rule their lives.
trians should be protected from Thrift, The duet by Mrs. Blanchard recklessness and Criminal intendeterminationis, AFRICA OR DIE.
Zone Colored Schools. His com Chorillo, 11 am, Mr. Yearwood On Monday night, inspite of the incle Wheu she thinks of all the nicities that and Mrs Palmer, also the song tions. There is a laxity some ments accompanying same would mency of the weather, quite a fair num there is in that place, and the perils tha Someone is waiting for some 7:15 Pastor Witt where and this ought to be appy that these men possess Corozal Road, 11 am. Pastor Witt ber attended the programme that was we are facing here, it wouid be better one. by Mr. McDonald, were remedied immediately, qualifications which 7:15 Mr. Gallimora prepared THE MOTHER OF YOUR for all of us, to decide to reach bume, well rendered.
their fellow And HEART.
treat enjoyed quite Empire, 11 a. m, and 30 pm. Mr.
reat (AFRICA) or die.
teachers professionally.
Special mention should also Brown Special mention must be made of Mr. Allen bas been wrongly On Sunday last, as was preLs Mr. Paillips, also read some be made of Dialogues by Misses Pueblo Nuevo, of the gentie informed. None Decon solo sung by Miss Moulton the viously announced, the Victoria Johnson 7:15 Williams notes, showing the good there is in that Mitchell and Catwell.
Wesleyan Methodist accom: Kool Land, and what is needed to achieve The recitation and Simmons at the Organ act by came over from the Atlantic men named is at the head of the Now Providence Pastor Thrift.
it, Likewise addresses given by the the One of the special features Pis.
profession bere while some are Messrs. De Bourg, Palmer and city of Colon, for the purpose of Cativa, Deacon Foster, far below the intellectual attain.
Gatun, Thursday Pastor Thrift service was the prizes merited by mentor Mr. Whittaker. Chaplain) Mitchell received merited ap playing a friendly game of cricket un ments of many teachers bers of the department for bring Mors. Lowis and Patterson. All plause.
Crownwall cc. of this known to him.
school. The pointing to the same place, aim and The performance by Mr. De town, The wicket was slightly bad as the rain had fallen on Satur.
The Schools Office take very good care of al. publications San Miguel Bible Truth Church nigbam, First Prizs, Moto prixos awarded was Miss Edins Foder obiect. Nothing more can be said of the Bourg was so real that when he day night. The ho ne team won Fraser, addresses, then they were all full of fell wounded to the floor after the toss and went to the bat. The in connection with the Canal Second price, and Miss Iris McKenzie life, as well as love and longing for our the shot was fired, one of the Colon demon bowlers were un Zone Schools and teachers, and Activities.
Third prize. These prizes was presented (owa dear homs AFRICA. musicians not knowing that it playable as not one of the bats it borders closely on imperti by the Superintendent with a few brief On the other hand, special mention was the beginning of the play men on the Cornwall team could for unknown persons remarks and words of of encouragement must be made of the songsters, who did sprang to the platform to assist reach double fisures.
sende out such mirinformation Mothers Day in the Sunday School to those who merited the pris. on the not fail to do all in their power to make him thinking he was hurt. This Bent down for 43 rans, The team to the public.
was quite a success, on Sunday morn whole, Mothers Day at the San Miguel the evening enjoyable to the who created shouts of laughter. After that liable much darin faina no present to the first command of God The 5. Department bego through this wear such govoribus congue social mentide Mr. Thomas orchestra kept the Mr. Alien can do bis friend in ing the pastor directed those mothera Bible Truth s. was quite success. availed them wel voor of the opportunity to the concert the beautiful music by LA BOCA good by provoking a controversy towards mothers, and spared no paino medium to thank all those who wisted must, to be very boom. do of the econo music lovers busy till midnignt.
hence he had better remain training their boys nod girls to in showing of in making the same successful sang by Muore, which was LA BOCA LITERARY S0silent on this question, the future that starts before tlum, not Lecture on Africa.
easured, and that sang by Mis Yours etc. Cristobal Literary Society.
We striotly 10ore the CIETY Jonly for th terapors life, but also for above the ordi THOMPSON. the spiritual. And in order to bring Bery this out, children must be well trained, Long before the hour numbers could sury. On the whole, an enjoyable ovenng was apcet, and even after the beno be se coming from all direcioneto duo doa ww prznouaood, many of the days off. the Literary Society of With the 23rd May only a few Singing Contest to respect those about them, and those the SAN MIGUEL BIBLE Scoutmaster Council. who they aball come in contact with in CHURCH to listen and enjoy them joy. anosbar similar programme, no one cires through this medium to te loud to Le Bon Clubhouse for the pure TRUTH OTHEU still fult that they could have en Cristobal de To night. Saturday) all roads will selves on what would be said about our was waar. ed for all was about bume, Through the efforts of the ing was given the SuperinAt the Sunday School bour, an inspir old mcther bome AFRICA. At the ap and there is nothing that sounds tweeter mind the public of the lecture one of litening to those who will 002County Commissioner Mr. s tradend of the rebocor, by regarding seribe pointed hour the President of the Ce words and ROME, HEAVEN and on India to be given by Staff Capt end for singing honore at the All Lotbmeeting to singing the Literary Conncil for the District of Colon the example the parenta Barbam Jr. Scoutmaster respect of children to their parents, and the well known song, from Greenlaod MOTHER, Aad all three of the were ye Salvation Army at the mian Singing Content that on that date.
Society of that place will stage. There there.
set The writer happened to have will be twelve cont two thirds of has been formed. Wednesday before their children. He closed his liseyin puntains followed by prayer and The Officers and members of the CE been night the 10th inst, the first meet remarko, by asouring, all prosent that tif Bib.
lewon by the pastur of the the Wesleyan this number being members of in who in a few words introduced me. bego through this medium to thank all Church ing was held and some very esting matters were discussed that he could boast one was his mother, Lioco to the chair. The audience was those who, by their presence and other week, and was attracted by the addition to the judges for tho Csatest in only one thing in.
wine aminted in making the evening en crowd which had gathered out the person of the Dirotor of the Conthe foremost of which, an exceptional one. this service EWEN SHIELD COMPETITION who is now in clory, and that he is one of a most important nature. This oyably as well coconful.
side the doors and along the veraatory of Music in the city. With the bis 101 FOR BOY SCOUTS. This shield and ever expects to beloved muther He railings of that edifice. Curiously addition of this, distingui. bed personage wa great im meeting, reminded all who were aoqunin he went closer to enquire the on the judges force, the public and has been kindly offered to the pression on advanced abers of those with late Rev. Pianock, of his TO ADVERTISERS AT COLON Cause. strong, clear, well ain those who will be seeking honors in the work od labour in this field, It Baden Powell Boy Scouts of the his boun tacked and left behind him Isthmus by the British Consul of school, with the awuradca ed voice arrested his attention, singing art will be doubly ssured that mother is in Glory, und that very soon Colon Mr Ewen. to be competed he will be going to de talents brought from his meet her.
On and after March 1st and in another instant he was the mod ale which will be given by che for by representatives of At listening to Capt. Bax, the famed Literary Society will be wall merited by the Advertisers at Colon whose lecturer home, the ours, AFRICA. That night service, Mr. Walthose various Troops. at the latter part ters of La, Bocs CZ took the pulpit choir was able to display such qualities Ad. at present appear in the will be awarded.
vocal talents, in the AFRICAN Really one wonders bow Cap Those who part in of tue Contest are and attention language through put that. It The next meeting of this coun: to the training of Moses showing from where there are open to bouture and mit tances to the Office and tion in comparatively short at the Clubhouse at cil will be held leadquaz 39. both Biblical, soll Historical finde et la courbox APRIA BLOOD all intending advertisers will tinfect His representat intered the more release of the events content to. m, at Headquarters of the work that MOSES, was moulded ED BOYS AND GIRLS!
for. He drove with force, to the best those glorious songs in thi: om mɔther please communicate direct subiect is a considered a rare scheduled to start at p.
to receive interesting, there 3rd. Colon Troop, as they sing them, is hearts and it must be of everyone that attended that service, language.
with the WORKMAN Printery opportunity to have one so Special decoration of the Clubhouse is Sunday School Anniver the strict training that the boys Box 74 Panama City or on the Indian Empire to give an in the hands of the Secretary, lavitation girls of today, who will be the men and Many inspiring addresses was given Box 1102 Ancon, Canal Zone, authentic news of the habits and is again extended to the public to como sary.
women of tomorrow needs to fit them on the good old home land, and the customs of the people, their likes and bova a pleasant timan listen to for the career that is set before them. move that is now aflost to get the sons By order, and dislikes, religions, their fail. our best singers Special pi. Lo elec Sunday School Anniversary He divided the matter fare fire by of AFRICA together in one solid body.
MANAGEMENT ures and their strong points, tions will be rendered by the cɔn estants Services will be held in connec showing how some parenta fail to bring to fight for the right, and resist the especially at this time when we nocomp nists during the intervalo, some special qubobea placed them 11 a.
Bocs West panied by Miss Suomi of with the CTO Sew scholars to the be meet EG Mre. which the after years.
contestants th the was te owes to ted WMS that SO BO and Where to whom are going to take are bereby nques ed to be at 30 and report to and


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