
London Correspondence.
sy, however io Dot Drugs Patent Medicines Perfumes, Soaps etc. etc.
ol of being, الله in to wait contribute.
in. in question is, Mt, us tbt ORDER BOOKS For Friendly Societies Kept in Stock at the WORKMAN PRINTERY matter ada just the is a West Indian News. Continued from page 3) 892 as against 572 in 1831.
The large majority of the 905 BRITISH FINANCES No 1, 29th treet East, Calidonia Cuatro Whites settle in the Mt. Moriz district in an isolated sort of Loodon, April Our London cort being attributable to three osues, the (OPPOSITE THE IRON GATE)
way, and there is DO social pendent writing that the opening of cheaper of money, the depression in intercourse between them and Sow financial year has been followed, trade, and also the fret (which critic the higher Waites. These expected, by the advent of very of British Government bancare apt Mt. Moritz Whites are said to be y conditions in money market; and to forget that financial policy in this die week the Government is selling country has been very sound, ENGLISH AND AMERICAN the descendants of those Royalists and convicts who were badisbed to the West Indies in the per cent, which compared with per of inflation adopted in so many sousdays of Cromwell and at sote cat. year ago There was a wide tries, That not to later period.
They follow ag pread belief that the Bank of England that further drastic coonomy in public culture life, are very humbl, would last week reduce ite official rate spending is required. But it is and are thrifty, but they ha e which stande a 4t par. But the re investment stocks that movemento duction did not take place, the directors are favourable.
The growth lost trace completely of the traditions and historical cu probability influenced by business and the better tone has spread rents of their ancestors, added two factors. 1) the desire to a wide variety of share markets, thus to which they have failed metal the official New York rate is indicating the increasing public belief to become Creol zad.
Thesa Bowered. 2) the fear of encouraging that the worst of the great economie people form opeo a small com comspeculation. Nevertheless it is almost depression is over and that at last things NO SUBSTITUTES USED of their own, partly certain that reduction to per cent are really moving slowly, perhape.
from will be made either just before or shortly but moving in the right direction.
of circumstances, and to no choice, but largely by force Way after Easter, and the announcement may full restoration of British Trade Only the purest and vey likely be made before these lines to normal activity and prosperity, as. most genuine Drugs comto the theory of reach my readers. There are those who em alunost wary of re iterating cannot superiority of the whites over other races. The study of these declare that the monetary position war: artive until the formidable problems of pounded by a reliable Pharmacist of over interesting people and their rants a per cent Bank rate, but the European economic settlement are in a su tborities are hardly likely to take no fair way to settlement. But even position in the community ought bo afford relish to those woo to bolda step Neverthelese per cent this respect, hopes are growing. AI 40 years experience attribute to rate. when it comes, should do some thouge private opposed to heredity, the power thing tangible towards stimulating trade, somewhat pessimistic about the results to build or to destroy the best sed if such WILLIAM de SOUSA, Proprietor a reduction is followed by a Genoa, owing to the restrictions of in mankind. There is, however. sibetantial relief in taxation in the the agenda papers, they are paying some stronger power than enBudget, which is due to be introduced on some attention to signs of progrens SOSOWOOK May let, the combined effect abou the internatlonal outlook, The vironment and heredity conbined Repara produce a decided improvement at woris in this case. Anthro in senti tions is not settled but ses pologist and others who deal ment and serve to give a fillip to the stage in the discussion is roched, now with branch sciences relating to process of recovery that is viable in ta thoroughly practical scheme butuber of industries, and would be visi. put forward as tentativo basis of the development of human oon beings need not go to Africa, ble over a wider industrial field, were 10 sideration by the British Chancellor of Java, and Thibet and such mot for the unfortunate continuance of the Buchequer is being studied by the place to find rich material tor the dispute in the engineering trades Allied Finance Ministers. The correlatstudy They should come to ed problem of inter Allied debts The stock exchange in so confident of Moritz to tell why people the near approach of a lower Bank rate through recent developmenta, brough of pure Eaglish stock have that in recent weeks this event has been nearer to the point where it nonst be remained hundred of years in to considerable extent discounted in discussed in earnest. In Austria the West Indiies without keeping zdence by an all around rise in security pace with the creativeness of improving. Th valuer, most marked of course, in high coonomic outlook in ideas and of the general social The British Little Entente has developed policy of elas investment stocks and educational progress woich Government five per cent War Loan, self hulp. In these and other are recogaiz ıble in the rest of which may be taken as the most im. progren may be slow, but the fact that the community.
portant of all British securities now there is progrew is beginning to engas This, therefore, means that stands above 100 as compared with an after taking off the Mt. Moritz isue price of 95 and a quotation of 82 more attention in financial circles here.
Whites from the 905, there are touched last year. Throughout the So it may be said that Easter find hardly 100 other white people lists of first class investment stocks Ginancial and economic opinion here in a in Grenada to maintain, what is similar rises are recorded, the rises low despondent condition than of late.
called, white prestige Grengoes on ing in the feeling that same, rejie.
it The British West British Empire, within coloured man country, and meaning of Section of the The Earnings of the with the knowledge of the peo This decision Indian Cocoa In finance Act, 1919.
ple of Grenada led the West we regret to state, is having a United Fruit Co.
Why Suffer With Dobie Itch?
Indies in many of the sims, When DR TICHENOR ANTISEPTIC will relieve and cure you? activites, elementals and essen.
This old time prescription is living up to its reputation by conquering tals of common life. Wo sbould point out that Bananas now Bringing in STOPS DOBIE ITCH Product Shipped on Op British cocoa shipped from the Big Returns to the We could get on so much bet The advent of Dr. TICHENOR ANTISEPTIC has proved to be the British West Indies on optional ter it we all felt ourselves part tional Bills of Lading and bills of lading is largely carried Glant corporation right thing in the right place. Those that have tried it for of each other, striving together this troublesome itch have found instant relief for a commou destiny into Preferential Treatment. in British Customs and that it cooling, soothing appl. estion for the affected parts, and you are should not therefore be said that SOME APRIL FIGURES.
Empire. But we prefer to spe the doubly grateful to Dr. TICHENOR ANTISEPTIC the British shipping industry the whites in fantastic display of CUSTOM OF TRADE, is pre when the itch disappears.
by this system Rough Earnings to Date About prejudiced Others have tried it and found relief, why should you suffer? In considering the question ignorance while we should only conclude what is good in them 20 per cent Less than for Dr. TICHENOR ANTISEPTIC with full exercise of care to reRepresentations Made by West it must be borne in mind that the British Colonies produce tar Same Period Last Year.
can be found in all drug stores. Try It.
main your own We, in India Committee to Board more cocos than can be con.
Grenada, are in the best position of Customs.
sumed in the United Kingdom direct West India cable in the West Indies for gaining the figures for 1921 showing: a from Boston dated April 28, the fruits of common effort. We The following is a copy of a production are one of approximately states that the second quarter Retter which has been sent by 500 000 cwt within the British of the year is invariably United people. almost one family. The would be whites, the West India Committee to Empire as against a consumption Fruit best earning period (and some of them are sufficient the Chairman of the English of 920, 000 in Great Britain and since it encompasses the big ly ignorant as to despise the of Berdirici e bust. com whipped on Treland the humodes importante consequet. com that This being case, banana selling months. As a pure whites of Mt. Moritz) keep earnings since as apart, and are responsible for optional bills of lading may be that April 1st have been pic picking much mischief into the whole afforded preferential treatment up in encouraging style The Fullest Advantage with every body, and danger unto themon entering the United Kingdom likelihood of their crossing the selves.
Copies of the letter has also should be taken of continentala: 1, 500, 000 dollars mark for the been forwarded to the Secretary well as markets President of the Board of Trade, British merchants have develop Por the first four months of the of State for the Colories and cocoa. To this end progressive woont. This forecasts a net of Approximately 500. 000 dollars Registration of Societies.
who has been requested to ed a sellice organisation teles year which support the representations of many European countries, the start in January and the backconsidering the The suggestion made by Mr.
the Committee in this connection success of whose operations wardness of the banana season Marryshow at the Botanic Gardepends largely on the maintedens meeting that the Govern.
The British is highly sati factory, Rough ment should insist on the regis.
20 your notice a matter concerning merchants cannot bring their earnings to are about tration of public bodies is one that beam. She has two decks. tween did not seem to meet with approv.
the British West Indiain cocoa to London direct and dis! per cent less industry in relation to the Cus tribute it thence to the continent June is slightly better than the If May and al year ago.
decks ft. high.
because Grenada is a small colony. We toms Tariff of the United King since the would then incur showing for April United Fruit over feel recommendation is heavy landing and Her speed is 17 knots. She has Wireless, Electrie sound one, and, far from putting eThe action of His Majesty charges in the United Kingdom will come close to earning 8, 000, 000 Lights, Steam windlass, Steam steering gear, Refrig; obstacles in the way of public British produced a cool na stari and would consequently be un dende in the first name able to compete with foreign In any event the balance should erating machine Evaporator and Distiller, Feed preference amounting to one. mercbants who would purchase be between dollars and 50 water heater, Sounding machine, Running water, etc.
good. The recomendation is not confined to bodies which sixth of the duty, is we need their cocoa direct from share.
of hardly state, greatly appreciatlast boat the We must Buy her for our Service concerned with public matters, Moreover, in the ed: but this concession is less big shipping expansion proThe names, contribution and 1919 in area of activity of of all effective than it should be owing pede in Feho centro da tranship gramme bodies which receives subscripto the following circumstances: peuld bthe Uniteded Kingdom was delivered overlede world subjected the English It has for many years past French surtax.
subsidiary WE NEED 60, 000:MORE tions from members or donations from the public should be in the been the custom of merchants to The exclusion of British Elders and Fyffes, Lid. This hands of the Registrar. It does ship cocoa tontional Bills of Lad optional bills of lading in accord boats for the United States and the British West cocoa from British colonies on completes the total of eight new MONEY not matter that a Colony is small Indles on ing which gives the shippers ance with the custom of the additions are at present consix for the European trade No what matters is the legal standYou may subscribe some of this by purchasing ing of a public body, the standthe option of having it delivered trade of many years standing, is templated.
at ports on the continent and, or for the reasons set out above, a some of our 40, 000 Preference shares at One Pound ing, in law, of a member of that the United body, and the opportunities Kingdom, each or our 10, 000 Ordinary shares at One Pound tion very real disability and one being exercised after the which is seriously handicapping recommend to the Right Honeach and become part owner.
those are for legal redresses who may be called upon to ance with the market conditions British traders.
Exchequer that provision may be DO NOT STOP TO THINK. THE TIME IS NOW move against it. Although the newly formed Chamber of Com.
or requirements after the date We beg, therefore, respect. Bill for remedying this disa; made in the forthcoming Financa merce was selected as an exan.
of wlling. This system has fully to urge that it in the opinWrite to the proved ple, Mr. Marrysbow bad in mind of great advantage to the ion of the Law Oficers of the bility in cases where proof all public bodies which receive shippers: enabling them, as it Crown, cocoa shipped from Brit is forthcoming to show that subscriptions from Pass done to take the fullest ac Colonies on optional bills of lad taken out of bond on the conti the cocoa has no: been including the Grenada members.
Repre: vantage of market requirements. ing, and cocoa so shipped landed We understand, however, at a port on the continent and nent and that its British origin 37 ORANGE ST. KINGSTON, sentative Government AssociaJAMAICA tion and the Grenada Literary that it has been held by the transhipped thence is beyond question.
tha to League. No cumbersome Commissioners of Customs, that United Kingdom, cannot as ihe (Sgd. RUTHERFORD, machinery is necessary, and British cocoa shipped on ap op Law now stands be admitted to Chairman there is no reason why the fee tional bill of lading is not regard preferential treatment, the Com (Sgd. ALGERNON ASPINALL, for registration should not be a ed as consigned from the missioners of Customs may Secretary.
Advertise in The WORKMAN. It Pays (Continued On Paye 7)
selves poor THIS 600 TONS STEAMER Sir. We desire to bring before ance of the system of options due to its na walifanele in the West is 255 ft. Sins. long and 27 ft. ins.
ladingi bills cocoa date than for the same tinen: periods they nevertheless that months.
expression, will make of make for much The producers.
weeks public to ago West Indian Steamship Company, Ltd.


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