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y They satisfy Chesterfield Book Binding!
THE WORKMAN Book Binding Department in London, with the res that the local Ad SAVES S a THE WORKMAN, SATURDAY, MAY 20; 1922 PAGE GEVEN Interesting West Indian News WATERBURY COMPOUND (Confinned From Page 6)
WITH CREOSOTE AND GUAIACOL nominal one. Grenada may be small colony, but this is not a small matter, INDICATIONS Coughs La Grippe Reconstructant TRINIDAD Cold Anaemia Following Fevers Bronchitis General Tonic and Pneumonia Pastor McLaren An excelent vehice for administering lodides, Eromides!
Deportation from and Salicylatet. Summer Complaint and Bowel Irregularities among Children. All ages, fall climates.
Chesterfields are the St. Lucia.
all seasons of the Year fastest growing cigarette in the United States. It You have tried the Rest their quality that makes Act of Subordinate Police Why not Use the Best them so popular. AndOmcer.
Colonlal Administrator ExWATERBURY CHEMICAL COMPANY Molno. la, presses Regrat.
Dus Moines, New York, Toronto, New Orleans The following which is taken from Churchman Magaeine of London. Rod relates to the deportation from St. Lucia. of CIGARETTES read locally with interest, Pastor Joseph Mclaren, will be of finest Turkish and American tebaccos blended view of the fact that McLaren was well known in Trinided as an itinerant Street preacher boasting a knowledge of several languages (including Chinese und Hindu) nanchichisme walkinon Why throw away your old, but no to hold forth to his unsophishcated adherents:doubt interesting, books when you Our readers may remember LIGGETT MYERS TOBACCO Co.
that in July, 1919, we published can have them neatly bound at an article announeing the de portation of Pastor Joseph St. Lucia in the British West McLaren from the island of Indies. The Protestant Truth Golden Opportunity protetton Link with LIFEBUOY tions to the Coionia!
UP result Administration received a for Health Sake.
FOR SALE warning not to be so high handed in future. The official explan CENTRAL AVENUE An up to date house containing ation does not agree with Pastor three apartments; located on one McLaren charges. The of Acial hectare of land, Securely fenced view was that there and No. G Street with barbed wire and well plant mis misunderstanding. Well, if ed with sugar cane, bananas, the there was a missunderstand pnaltain, papaya, pineapple, etc. ing then let there be an un.
also suitable Mesh wire en derstanding now that Pastor closure for poultry, Situated at Joseph McLaren is not to be Supt. Sub Inspector de Labas: through her various examinaSupt. Star tions, Miss Oxley is the daughHatto Pintado, Las Sabanas, 15 interferred with in future when tide, Assistant and Sergt. ter of Mr. Christopher Oxley, minutes walk from Tramway. be visits the Isle of St. Lucia Sergeant Jones Price Reasonable, to carry on religious work of Rollins and detatchment of late Headmaster of Couva C.
preaching the Word and dis men with the Ford. Corporal and brother to Rev. Oxley and tributing and selling literature. Russell in charge of the truck also Dr. Oxley, who are now Now We Understand with breaking implements and residing in the United States.
Sergt. Job (who was on leave)
received from the Governor saw that formidable task was Arriving on the HONDURAS office in Trinidad and which was before them as the names had addressed to Pastor Joseph Mc, already taken possession of the Laren as a full explanation of building where, we we understand YOUTH and happiness are linked the misunderstanding referr furniture business wag way carried The Water Supply.
up with health. Link up with ed to here: on by one Darceul, and whose Lifebuoy for health and for the stock with the Remember children sake. Lifebuoy Soap proColonial Secretary Office, few articles removed by willing The water supply is again motes health happy, smiling health; Trinidad, helpers, together with the momentous question owing to the it protects the children from the 2nd March 1920 premises have been ontirely receptacles in town for the most Sir burnt out. The dangers of contagious diseases.
Brigade at part being empty, and unless we Lifebuoy Soap has a twofold use it disinfects We are hoping that some of vious correspondence on the sub bit to work vind, unde. comparar are favoured with rain soom the casion will bring you to ourject of your alleged deportation tivo sbort by lamine as it cleanses; disease germs cannot live where prevalling will Lifebuoy Soap has been used. Lifebuoy Soap store shortly. And when you from St. Lucia, the Secretary of the conflagration under complete especially among the poorer good become more serious than ever will safeguard the children. keep them do come be assured that it will State for the colonies to cause control, averting ang damage classes, Vats have been erected at healthy as well as clean. Insist upon them using it before school, after play, before meals. be a pleasure for us to serve st. ucted the Governor to cause you, and that our pleasure in you to be informed that the to the adjoining building where the Court House Wharland WolfUSE LIFEBUOY SOAP FOR CLEANING THE Araistrrtor St. Lucia has the Morning Rose Lodge (Free shon on North Front Street serving you will make your visit expressed his regret that, with Gardeners) is conducted up for the storing of the Manatee IT BATHE WITH IT SHAMPOO WITH IT. Parlour and water for sale. The first lighter to our store even more enjoy cut his knowledge or that of the stairs, and a able for yourself.
Acting Chief of Police docu shoemaker Establishment on arrived on Monday the ground floor and saving the be continued until the difficulty and this wib ment purporting to be a Depor. FULLER tatiun oder in regard to you spread of the fire to the rooms is overcome.
What is the most essential ele MORE THAN SOAP, YET COSTS NO MORE.
JEWELLER was issued by a subordinate in the yard of the burning police officer whose services have building, both of which places ment in life; the poorer class of 122 CENTRAL AVENUE now been terminated. It appears the occupants bad elready vacat, the community do suffer the ex to bis Lordship, treme, nearly every year, and consequence made the Adminisertations had placed their belongings oml of on those in authority should exer by the side of the street. Therecise greater interest and afford Jen of various eligious den Smiwas crowd in much needed Assistance.
he It sincerely the mana dina view of the fact to the members of the Constabu. British Honduraso to thayera advised you to leave evidence who gave no trouble that some of your doctrines lary. There were also present Association will tacklo the quee distasteful to the Brigade in good job the tion of the inhabitants as water supoly for the as to endanger performed several town of Balizo and done away lic order and your personal members of the Volunteer Seceli Fich this incessant appeal to those safety Administrator state Sergeant tion, including Lieut. Vony uldt, of every description Taylor, enke me site short and baxaed.
o are responsible, when nothing Corporals talk has been accom ou tos: the attitude of the Gov. Oford. We understand that The yr. was due to your having water famine in Belle Led in St. Lucia without both the premises and stock are has abs absolutely become a perfect certificate from the the Anglican insured. ofnulsance to a place where, more Church, or that he had deterwater is obtainable from various mined to prevent any doctrine sources, than most parts of the DESPATCH belre preached other than those Success of Trinidad world, and where water is conandea by the Roman Catho Lady veyed into towns and cities from Anglican, and Wesleyan many, many miles away.
cbes. It is evident that your Il public money is invested in towarks on thor wints were News has been received to the the way of supplying water by the result of an wujerstand effect that Miss Helena Oxley, pipes to the town of Belize or by Head Syndicate for the have the honour to be, Sir, School, has graduated as supplying; unnecessary teacher at the faculty of trouble and continuous wasting Your obedient Servant, ac BEST. has secured an appointment as the Revenue would be profited.
Harrisburg, Pennsylvania, and of pablic money would cease and (Port of Spain Gazette) head teacher of one of the Good water for drinking purpo Good Assortment schools in that State. Miss ses, and washing is more needed Fire at Charlott Street. here a few years ago for the sanitary point of view. The Belize Oxley, it will be remembered left in Belize today than ever from a.
purpose of bettering her posi Independent TO SELECT FROM AT THE At 11. 30 o clock last night, the tion, and took up residence with intiDr. Oxley mation of a fire at premises No. Her qualifications obtain ROOMS TO LET 88 Charlott Street and imme ed locally, exempted her from diately answered the call. The certain subjects in the Univer CALLE No Fire fighting Company, com. sity curriculum, and by arduprising, Inspector Power, ous studies, she successfully got APPLY ON PREMISES LIFE LEWELRYBARGANS Below we print the letter exception of a LIFEBUOY SOAP is more than soap, it is a reputable germicide and a sure disia fectant.
an enormous JOB PRINTING were BO pubThe the preached.
DONE WITH NEATNESS AND Wedding Cards, Christening Cards, Birthday Cards and Ball Cards ing.
this teach.


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