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PAGE EIGHT THE WORKMAN, SATURDAY, MAY 20, 19. Panama Hardware IN Cyclone Smith Serie MAMLAMMAM MAMMALAR High Class Hemstitching COLUMBIA GRAPOPHONES Columbia Favor Note the Reasonable Prices for the VIGOR TONIC glas a Race Meet at Juan PSSSSSSSSSSS Franco Brought EXCELSIOR THEATRE Surprises.
Main Store: Plaza Catedral Branch: 125, Central Avenue For The First Time Most TO NIGHT TO MORROW of the Favourites Falled, Saturday, May 20th Sunday, May 21st ANNOUNCE On Sunday last, the race meet.
ing at Juan Franco demonstra EDDIE POLO PRISCILLA DEAN ted that in those countries General Reduction IN where racing is carried on, Panama can certainly give a good REPUTATION example of dark night race in their prices The last race between Chombo Loca, and Bambolina was prac.
An Exciting Feature tically run in the dark, and it was a great mystery how the starter aterte was able to get the NEXT WEEK Contractors and Builders will be horses away from the starting pole.
greatly benefited by: paying a visit The racing on a whole on Sun The Continuation of the Cyclone Smith series with EDDIE POLO as the day was very satisfactory from to these stores.
the first to the last race. The main attraction.
starts were fairly acceptable, and there was no cause for complaint by any one that Mr.
Dave Cardoze gave any unfair advantage.
It is the duty of the Jockey to assist the starter, in as much as is possible to get the borses away without any unnecessary delay at the starting point. It this is adhered to, it is the gene.
ral belief that the seven events would finish much earlier than at present DONE AT The first race was won by Lead Us. It was thought that Flashlight would had been an easy winner, but his performance RECORDS AND REPAIR PARTS At House No 6, was disappointing as at no time 21st January Street, Guachapali he was able to show himself on equal terms with the winner.
Opposite the Market Pool paid 90 Every month we receive a complete assortment of FLORENCIA QUANG, The second race was won by Checkers and this was quite a New Records Proprietress surprise, as for many months this horse had shown a very Comprising the latest hits in Jazz Popular form as far as racing is and Classic Music, as well as English and oncerned. He deserves the Spanish Songs race as an encouragement to his owner, who has kept the spirit MODERATE PRICES COURTEOUS ATTENDANTS of a sport man in making a race The best Tonic in the World Lilliputians possible on very many occasions. The Pool MADUROJr.
paid 13. 20.
Third race, Sibarita and Cortez CATHEDRAL PLAZA faced the starter, and although Sole Agent for Panaina and the Cz.
This elegant Tonic preparation is highly recommend. Sibarita put up a gallant strug ed in Debility, Nervousness, Female Weakness, Cortez proved himself better horse over the distance.
Impoverishment of the Blood, and to build up The winner was in excellent a run down constitution.
form and was 1 trained. Mur Reputation JUAN ILLUECA Man With 13 Wives It promotes digestion, improves the apperay the trainer, deserved all the congratulations he received for Would Be Evantite, and gives tone and energy to the whole system. fitting this horse in the manner Attorney. at. Law he did. Medina, the newly REPUTATION is the title of arDOSE: One small Wine glass before each meal or No. 44 Central Avenue the special picture offered by rived Jockey gelist.
his first mount got times a day.
the EXCELSIOR Theatre for in this race. displayed ex TELEPHONE No. 64. BOX No. 76 cellent judgement and created Hopes to Enter Ministry ful and popular Priscilla Daan tomorrow Sunday. The beautiJAVER MORAN American Pharmacy. quite favourable impression Practices in all Courts of After Prison Term, If Panama.
among the turfites. The Pool best is seen at her in this English Spoken Fluently Convicted.
picture in which she plays the dual role of mother Fourth race, Ace of Trumps, and to perfection. Reputation is an As de Oros, and Lord were the WANTED.
Indianapolis, Isaiah Moore, intense drama involving the CRICKET Cycle Sports. contestants. In this race it was indicted by the Grand Jary here reputation of a voman and thought that the weights allowed Accot Trumps was not sufAlbert Henry of Bocas del en charges of bigamy, grand better vehicle could have been found to show the finished actembezzlement no Toro would like to know the larceny and Much interest is being evinced fictemple chance against Lord, whereabouts of Louisina Cheese. wishes to become an evangelist log of Priscilla Yorkshire dafeats Stand by sport lovers in the coming Dean ard pic oleh meet and Galantay fote this in to be held at the Isthmian Park cannot be understood at he ture as it is positively the last Brown who formerly resided at prison if he is convicted, to on Tuesday May 30th. By any have time it will be Panama. These said. Moore is said presented in At Standard Oval last Sunday 100 yds has been added to the allow him the justice he should whose address is Catarina Farm special request a Sack Race time, demonstrated, that Chorrillo in though the handicapper did not worsons are requested to com confessed to having thirteen Panama.
municate with Albert Brown the Standard went down have always wished to enter ANTIGUA PROGRESSIVE defeat before the Yorkshire program and it proinises to be of had, he was no mean contes Costa Rica Division, Bocas del the ministry, and of considerable interest to its tant; for as the starter when am after having Yorkshire in dipped released from prison hope to SOCIETY tial Collapse. Ba ting first, York followers.
his flag the Ace took the field Toro.
shire bad lost wickets for the The mile Cycle Novice Race roughly along, and it was clearly become an evanglist. Moore said sbortly before he was in Held Thanksgiving Service, small total of 24 runs, when is expected to be among the seen that As de Oros could not Died dicted the Grand Jury.
Standard skipper, determined it most amusing for the day as it make any showing beside him.
seemee to help his opponents, is intended for only cyclists who At this time Valencia was ridIn an interview Moore said he At the Santo Tomas Hospital believed took off the bowler who was get have never before entered a ing Lord comfortably having in that several 03 Sunday afternoon at the ting the men out. Appreciating race on the Isthmus, and opinion mind that he could win when on Wednesday night last at checks which he had signed National Progress Lodge Hall, the favour shown, Clarke started is rife among thosa riders as to ever he thought fit, but when about midnight, Mr. Daniel were being held in David City. iberisoothe Antigua Progresin to make things hum and York, who will turn the trick.
the time came, he tried all that Elliot. The deceased had been Neb; Fedville, and Wilson sive Society, held its first annual Thanksgiving Service The shire finally amassed a total of The mile, miles, and miles was in Lord to do it, he failed; as ailing for the past few days and How many others are out much for the Standard to ly contested being hanpdicap lengths ahead and Lord could regions of the liver. On the 10ch he said he did not know.
bruns. This proved 40 ruas too races also promises to be keen the native horse had fully three was suffering with a pain in the which he said were fraudulent, was tastefully decorated, with palms and buating the principal address was delivered by make, and so Yorkshire won the races, and it well handicapped not do the trick at the distance of the present month his suffer An automobile which he said Mr. McCarthy who spoke on the judge box. And ings became so very acute and he hai used to courting Miss Love for ones Country was match after of the best wickets between the many new riders left for had fallen for practically nothing.
replete with keen rivalry and lathe lead. Pool paid 10. 20, operation ward of the hospital whom he was to have married is ley contributed the major part cracks it should be Ace of Trums came home a neck intense he decided to enter nelia Kofal of Becker, Minn, a master peice. Miss Violet Far.
The fifth race, was again won After a very careful examinaClovelly Cripples La Boca. agement have consented to make by Checkers, he was able to tion, the physicians in the insti. in onds and other new he said Dia to the program, which followbacte jewelry he said the concession of Cycle Races perform the double trick for the ention came to the pecan lusien, had also been pawned in that an immediate operation of a that Praver, By the Chaplain for 300 the regular entry to day. Pool paid 40. one sided match was witness each race being 100 and at this The sixth race was one of the very dangerous nature Two more wives were added to Itrod. the Chairman, By Mr. W, 7, Scripture Reading ed at Isthmian Park, last Sunday rate it is hoped that the entries most important races for have to be performed. Mr.
Chagres, between the Clovelly and will be in for all the Cycle Races Tirst American were the con band of fate and the cleverness ture, He told the price that Estrella, and Elliot resigned himself to the Moore list of matrimonial ven.
Quinland La Boca. Clovelly won the toss by the so as to give the and sent La Boca to the wickets handicappers chance to handi testants, Despite the weights of the physicians; the operation when he gave them his original Chairman Remarks, Mr, Bernard o the and dismissed them for a paltry cap intelligently, other allowance given by Estrella, she of was performed 39, Sealey (11) being the only events will be 50 cents entrance was made prime favourite in the liveroving an abscess from his liat of eleven he elimated one in Voeal Bolo Mine Rosins Martin event and three pool, and it was thought impossi ly. He rallied for Successful Denver, Col. whom he had mar Secretary Report Mr. G, Richards wer to each says, ried under the name of James Solo Miss Farley a few days, man to reach double figures. To in. Vaughan. and one in Ridgeway, this Clovelly replied with 213. events for 00. Entries must ble that the plucky and deterbut other complications set Mosely made 46 not out, Burns be given to Mr Harold Hollis mined Chagres could secure and despite all that medical skill Md. where he gave the name of Address Mr. Martin Dialogue Thanksgiving Day M, who will be in Colon on the 26th victory: But at the fall of the could do for him, be succumbed Harry Forbes.
45, Lemuel 34, and Myers 21, Nash, or be left at Fuller store. Hag, Chagres went away with on Thursday morning lasta. The Grand Jury indicted Farley and Family The track is opened for and it there was ever a on evidence presented Address of La Boca wickets for 12 runs. From today and med hva Practergraceland. which have used to ra cemetery on Thursday even by Miss Harriet Evans Por Me Vocal Solo Mr. Alexander Foster To morrow at Isthmian Park, from over at asport to journey into a bois energy to defeat The Ind. school teacher and one Address Love For Ones Contry Mr.
the Clovelly will meet the the Isthmian Park and see their it was in this race; Valeacia broth of Mr. Campbell the of Moore many wives. McCarthy Sports of Colonl This should favourites working out, urged his mount for all he was steward at the Santo Tomas of Hospital, Coldwater, Mich. Isaiah Duet Messrs. Grant worth; but Chagres could not be there also at the time of prove to be a good game, and his to Harriet SADDLE POST.
cricket fans in general are look Richards defea tad and came home the death. bis wife tänd brother Evans of this city at Vicennes, ing to Clovelly to treat the visi.
winner and other surviving relatives we Ind. Jast Thanksgiving Day tors to some leather hunting, Seventh race, was almost dark tender our condolence in British Consulate Notice, a citizen in high standing in At Standard Oval, the Britannic was able ther Indianapolis, the manager of to see their bereavement.
Melrose, according parents, Mr. and Mrs. John large banking establishment and will also meet a selected team from Colon the The British Vice Consulate fin the horses reached the judge race was won by Shortcake, Evans. The parents expressed a member of a church choir. He leadership of Mr. Lynton. With Panama would like to know of box. This race was won by but the public expressed a great astonishment npon learning two visiting cricket teams from the whereabouts of William Chomba Loca. Pool paid 70 deal of dissatisfaction in this race Moore was held on a charge of disappeared early in January, the Atlantic end, the fans will be Locke, Louis Robinsonland Just before the seventh race as it was thought the Jockey bigamy, they were informed, and the in do fix to select a ground to Beatrice Taylor who are request there was a match race between could have done better with Their daughter informed them daughter took up school teachvisit to morrow.
ed to call at that office, Shortcake and May Be, The May. Be, they said, that her husband was ing at Mexico Ind, paid 40.
daughter no he had that be You. bogus hall 96 and our would city.
the co brother and he was employed Moore was sad married this under the name of George and no one under


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