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PRICE Cts. Cy.
Black Star Line Money is all Lost GARVEY TELLS JUDGE IN SEVENTH DISTRICT COURT HORSE BIG MASS RACING MEETING EMPIRE DAY CELEBRATED BY PATRIOTIC BRITISHERS of the result of contest Small investors and loyalty wiped out. was an winner.
liable to to arrest pre in of loan.
adverwas cause that you dupes who have be have taken their stand At Juan Franco To mor In Connection With Sendrow, Will be Corker. ing Delegate to England The Panama Jockey Club wl Admits 600, 000 Represented to mortowracate rahen the public and His Street under the aus In City of Panama On Wednesday, Tonight at Liberty. 16 to seven races when there will pices of the Panama Branch, of Amount Collected, All of which bo plenty of fund and enjoyment chees jamaica for the turfites. The famous Representative British Charged Affairs Delivers Was Gone.
native borse Ace of Trumps, Association; a mass meeting will will again meet Lord and First be conducted for the purpose of Impressive Address.
American in a mile and distance with the deputation which will considering plans in connection New York, April 26. The Home Improvement Association, was allowing Ace of Tramps the present years to lay before His race. First American will be be to England during the News. severe rebuke was former OMcer of that organiza, and Lord will be giving 17 ibe. Majesty King George V, and His ly known as Empire Day in the oldesti come to really in talks about On Wednesday last, common pectacular promises of a cheap given to Marcus Garvey, the tion at 6000 a year. He sued This is a crack race leading spirit in the Beck to for 750 wages, and a verdict for as it was said at the last meet for var Government, a Petition difficult realiza any form ying history of the British Empire: ot practical value except by solid Political was åttingly celebrated Tonder work and selt sacrifice.
that Valencia underated constitution of Jamaica, and to the auspices of the Africa movement, by Justice that sum was granted in his ing a change in the Panken in the Seventh District favour, while on the loan of Ace of Trumps, and had be gone discuss such other questions Committee, a the world animation The attainment of sele dependCourt, 125th St, and St. Nicholas 000 Justice. Panken decided with him from the start which is an adjunct of the once and liberty is not an easy Ave. when it was brought out against him, as no proof was test affecting West Indians abroad.
race, the the 600. 000, invested in the soown he had given the money would have been diderent. This Mr. P. Wynter. has been British igation in looking after privilege to be won by flocking Black Star Live by thousands of Brooks claimed it was deducted race wil be watched with very appointed a member of the affairs of Britishers, and to to the standards of noisy proprotection and pbets; it is the fruit of work and among the from bis salary.
much interest on this occasion deputation, at a public meeting secure such devotion coloured people was practically each of Brooks asserts the officers of Glorita and Chambo Loca, will held at the Ward Theatre, on representation as is necessary ity by us to great ideas, to great examthe Association, which bad meet at equal weights of 115 ibe May 8th, Plans will be adopted in a foreign country.
ples, to etort and faith in Garvey was defendant in three membership of 4, 500, 000 people, is is rumoured that both horsed to make possible the sending of By the establishment of this lives. Such an our most important were permitted to draw what are going betronchlagtes is also the meeting will commence at doubt a better mutual under Brithday als, the delegate from the Isthmus, Committee, there is without given by Queen Victoria actions, the example being the case brought against ever mɔney they for the bas ose become the this him by Edward Oer, 290 expenses.
standing between the British of the union in faith and work of expected to compete in 137th St. in which decision has At the finish of the trial Jus: Glorita are flyers for this dis event as both Members of the West Indian Legation and the West Indians great group of peoples: been reserved.
Orr charges tice Panken, in addressing bis whatever President or Africa, and claims remarks to Garvey said To ten niet will bard to spot the and to take part at this monster adence which now obtains, could against Provisional shortcomings, meeting. There can be no es not have been made possible. its errors, and me that you have been stands rock amid the he a The other is at present de turmoil. doubt and discord of a Bambolina and No Se, will cuse for any West Indian who And there can to be actions were brought by James preying upon the gullibility of del Brook s, one of the high your own people, having kept no diosa for furlongs, these queso sent absenting himself as this is the shortcomings of the people idetracted world, to hold up proper of two of salaried oficers of the Univer received for investment, being horses is the best as very little a matter of paramount impor represented by His Majesty common cause of unselfishness, Diplomatic Representatives, and in duty, of vital with high is known about the performance tance, and one which is freedom and self tion, for wages and a finance in which the officers re either of the two. It is un. This meeting will take the place plaints and frictions of the past sity, of stora courage in the time. As a result the grevious. com: respect, of discipline in Brooks, and off were repreceived outrageously high sala derstood that Waterboy is also of the first meeting which was are being gradually removed.
sented by Robert Louis Waring ries and were permitted to have booked for this event.
face of danger, and calm faith in as counsel, and during the termale exhorbitant expense accounts announced to have been held at In the race, Dorris MarPrecisely at 5p. the mem the hour of triumph. It is to in spatial Scientistes con Dorpen the It interest in the case, Garvey was the country.
try. advise these racers of Mr. De LaPaz stable through the unfavourable con West Indians were present at make yours, not in opposition to unavoidably postponed mittee, and other representative today, it is this that sauve of manner and proved a contributed about the finances of the Blacis Court and ask for the appoint merias of the horse it is expected Branch of the Jamaica Repre of the Baden Powell Boy Scouts they be found, who believe in into an opportunity of judging the The members of the lis alliance with those, whurever many other ther Court and receiver. You should that the turtites will see some sentative become rrement teas oneige endemisdibder compatible officers fare per inte human kind, at of well enterprises which 600, 000 and built good fostered the the progress eventual a nospital for coloured people in. hereby requested to be Commissioners Garvey not a Citizen The Lilliputian horses will present at this meeting.
and this city instead of purchasing a The kindness of the de este se na nastana. roan erreale. che rich and the poor the up Garvey admitted he was not few old boats. There is a form meet in the same order they from of the strong and citizen, having resided here of which manifests have always met and a surprise is very much appreciated by the 30 Hon. Constantine Graham, great and the humble alike.
less than five years, but was itself in believing oneself to be a can be expected from any one of Association in giving the use of His Britannic Majesty Chargé Mr. Wynter, then ad.
In very great man them which may result in a big its spacious ball for this meet Affaires going to make applicatioc.
was dressed the demonstration in the card at the Pari mutuel. The ing.
that short space of time through given the Royal Salute by the following words:Scouts while the La Boca Silver Victoria the Good of Blessed makide Poits of various money out, said Justice Panken when enjoyable day will be spent it undertakings, he had band later seem ove moa mabeth at have the weather will be kind for the Election of Delegate. To atter then diese astagioner?
National Anthem isb Memory. was born people movements day.
his race, to invest their life, been fostered by Garvey have the ber august uncle she came savings in his projects. taken of music had died away, Rev. the throne. Her woranly qualiWhen on the stand, Garvey the pockets of the coloured Nightengale, Chairman of the said the Black Star Lina repre people. In the Universal Negro REFUTATION West Indian Committee, intro history ties has been recorded in the sented an investment of 600. 000, Improvement Association, he The election of a delegate to duced the Hon. Constantine manner that of the Empire in represent the Guachapali Chap Graham time will never which was all He told the claims a membership of 500, who delivered the delete the imperishable records waar dues: am instructed by the officers Negro Convention to be held at ter No. 14 at the 3rd Annual following address: of a noble and unselfish life. 145, 000 and lost 300 000 her He first coup, while the Maceo was Black star thing is de corporation code nimebers of the weet dat die Hervor under the auspices of pleasure with price that elada mes to look foretract atter, she her Line, Committe to state that the the Universal and address the was signing of coloured he formed which told of wonder article which appeared in the men ment Association during the these few words to you on this the Act of Independence which organization met with a loss of officers care ok developments Star Herald on Friday last famous anniversary, the birth gave to her Negro subjects the Shadyside 75, 000. The the his own people. All tbe on the West Indian page is not a thirty one days in Angus nesday day of a great Queen and will take equal rights of mankind.
was how production of any member of 31st inst. The candidates old ferry boat, was also mention figure in the history of the are empire of which we all are mem. liament We much salary they would receive the West Indian Committee all popular personages and are Eng e can never forget that Par.
ed, but the price paid for it was besides voted twenty millions expense officially or The as not satisfied. The mythical ship accounts.
was during the reign. 1st ber Phyllis Wheatley, named after members of this committee for Vice Pres: Joseph Albaredad bsy of Queen Victoria that not only of the planters in the West in.
the dignity which is expected the Negro poetress, was never write anonymous TIdent, Thompson, 27. the Emoire we know today grew dies for this most atrocious seen. Advertisements were car An Explanation. letters or any newspaper matter Lady and Mrs, Aird to maturity but that the concep. trade in human ried of the passage to Liberia President tion of Empire ss we cherish it The British Government It is difficult For the information of the which may bring about a conon this steamship, to forecast who guce now, first arose.
compensated her Negro subjects cessful aspirant, but Garvey denied knowing any gentlemen who kindly gave sub The idea of a fraternity of for the tolerance the GovernIt is rumoured, that the dications are that keenest nations bound by common ideals, ment gave to the inhuman traffic thing pertaining to the advertise. scriptions towards furnishing ments about the Phyllis Wheat music for a free dance at the article in question was inspired interest in the outcome of the ethical, social and political, and in human souls, because we have of and are enjoying the blessings ley. of which an investigation Standard Oval on the evening of by the members of this Commit. election is being displayed. An extending to many peoples bey, he embiconductedes tagatine Empire Day, and as an explana tee. The members who took part members of the Chapter and its other blood diverse interest and of education, and the right to Federal Government.
to those who, perhaps, were in the celebration are of the auxiliaries in the outlying dis other race, the strong hand of enjoy our liberty as other men disappointed Orr asserts he attended one of on account of the opinion that they did det prices on the urged to be present to brotherly ubådp and her operation are.
of as Britishers, the meetings in Liberty Hall cancellation of that part of In 1837 the slave trade was part making in of programme, beg to state the and in gratitude to the memory selection. Please take your con problems, was new in the his abolished. From the British Isles and heard Garvey tell the au: funds collected were far below of a most illustrious woman who tribution cards along with you as tory of the world. Today, the to distant Malta, the name of dience how he be British Empire stands not only Good Queen Victoria will be ever double the amount required, and with a had done so much for the peace only financial members will within 60 days the money they supplementary amount were and happiness of the world, and furnished voting slips. for a commonwealth of nations, remembered, invested in the first steamship given to the band in recognition with those sentiments, they took but for a closely knit group of When she came to the throne put in 105 and has not yet recei of their services in heading the very little notice or interest in by. Orr organizations those West Indians who acted Left The Isthmus she saw no purples shine; ved a dividend. Garvey vehepurpose is to build for eachtens For tears had dimmed her eyes, otherwise, all its members political systems She only knew her childhood menuly denied the accusation that he would guarantee apy British Consulate Notice. The policy of this Commitiee Evangelist George Young who into which each can flt, and which is not to strike in the dark, but has flowers were happy pageantries each can grow safe in the such thing as the return of the money in two months, The British Vice Consulate in if there is a necessity, to at any Lectures on the Isthmus, left last support not of wild words and And while the heralds played part, Panama Iwould like to know of time use open, constitutional and Monday for Trinidad. Mr. empty promises but of the solid Brooks Under Indictment, the whereabouts of William air methods in their actions.
to drown Young will visit all the West In strength and wealth of a Brooks. who is under Locke, Louis Robinson WYNTER, dian Islands and may probably and strong people. Perbape God save the Queen. from hill to mart, indictment for misappropriating Beatrice Taylor who are requeststop in here again on his return growth on these lines is less funds of the Universal Negro ed to call at that office, Secretary, trip to New York, sensational and slower than the (Continued On Paye 8)
paranoia arrived and his City Band struck. mediately 1:19. In 1937 after the death of British persuaded millions of, various ot came and on maiden voyage for the purchased for 65, 000 shipping 1922.
place on about enormous bers. It them it cannot.
has will be be the suco troversy.
in thont in.
tion to buman whose parade a Bible great and now


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