
PAGE TWO THE WORKMAN SATURDAY, MAY 27, 1922 Interesting News From The West Indian Islands WE ARE PROUD for Of MAGNUMS Made Entirely of Imported Tobaccos with architectural and subMANUFACTURED IN PANAMA conTHAT IS WHY WE CAN SELL 20 High Grade Gigarettes for 15c.
Save the Coupons And we given the appoint qualities in that SUPPORT HOME INDUSTRY the SOXSDOMSEX the BARBADOS JAMAICA of the course it is pro posed to bold an examination and on the results local certifi.
cates of competence Would Extend Superintendent of sad sanitation will be awarded to successful Public Works.
Our Educational Training, TRINIDAD recent despatch from the The Hon. E. Ffrench bas Secretary of State for the Cologiven notice in the Legislative nies to His Excellency the Gor Death of Distingish.
Council to ask the Colonial Sec ernor gives the information that retary the following questions. the Crown Agents are unable to ed Trinidad Soldier.
In view of the admitted facts obtain the services of a man, for that in the interests of Educa the presently vacant post of tion and betterment of the Superintendent of Public Works The death of a distinguishel. It is desirable that the rageot with the qualifications desired Trinidadian in the person of the salary offered. The Brigadier General John Ambard children attending Elemontary Legislature wents an MIC. Bell Smith took place in London, Schools should be extended to with knowledgo recently, according to a private 16 years, and also that the hands The most the Crown Agents can cable received in Trinidad on as well as the head should be offer is an with no the 27th ulto. Born in Port ofeducated, and also having in architectual knowledge, and this Spain in the year 1965, he went view that the Titchfield Trust specimen of professional person to England for his education, with As the Legisla afterwards passed into the Army an sonual income of over 000 Polyproaption just at present through Sandhurst. and afforded a good opportunity for is to curtail expenditure, and as sequentiy joined the King starting a Continuation School there is here is no intention.
because Dragoons Gaards. When the in connection with the Titchfield their cannot be, of launching out Emperor of Austria was Hon Secondary School at Port Anto upon any big schemes of ary Colonel fot that regiment, he nio where for both boys and girls could be near future, we can hardly so calendare Service in the hoca taorld touia 18 struction of public Workean jin the event to be received the camera Eavoy taughtwill the Government the reason for keeping open the consider the expediency and situation longer when it might Boer war, first as to desirabllity of introducing the very well be fille by the gentle Lord Methuen and under Colonel necessary legislation to empower man at present filling it in an Mahon, and saw much fight at the Titchfield Trustees to raise acting capacity. His permament the famous battle of Magersthe necessary funds by issuing occupation of the chair is hardly fontein and the reliefof Mafeking Titchfield Trust Debentures for likely to render him any less In 1904 he rose to the rank of the establishment of such a capable of performing duties Major and at the outbreak of the School, and also for providing which he will be able to carry European war.
he was Lieutfor the redemption of such out so long as, and bowever long Colonel. This distinguished Debentures from the Income of he continues to act. Every cir. Trinidad soldier went across the Titchfield Trust?
cumstance is favourable. We the channel at the very out Will the Government re are hardly capable of estimating break of war, and took part in quest the Jamaica Schools Com. the actual mental diference be several important battles. He mission to formulate a scheme tween Mr. Taggart, and an was mentioned in spatches for establishing a School in Bnt we nevertheless do on several occasions, and served connection with the with the Titchfield not feel impressed that it is of until the Armistice. He rose to Secondary School at Port Anto. Atlantic breadth. are Brigadier General in 1916, and nio where vocational training for confident that if Mr. Taggart is was made a and in with the recognition of his valuable ser.
such school to be financed on boys and girls will be taughtonweriod for the honour his death to Trinidad was sent to a vices. The telegram announcing the lines submitted in former question?
dignity, position distinction, or his aunt, Mrs. Leon Agostini.
whatever else it is cared to term it, of an C, E, he will WOMAN TRAGIC END: ready and willing to do so, and CRICKET IN ENGLAND.
will, further, succeed. The mat Fatally Burned while Alone In ter can be settled witbont fur Invitation to West Indian House.
ther reference to Crown Agents or any one else and we Team hope it will be. most unfortunate and fatal accident occurred at No. Text Says a Trinidad paper. letter has been received by Mr.
Lane on Wednesday night, when Drowning Fatality Margaret Evans, a single woman Wiles, Vice Captain of Queen of about 51 years of age, was Park from Mr. Brown Milton Holdip, 11 years old, aſ of the British Guiana burnt to death in her room.
According to the statements cowboy employed at Wakefield stating that Captain R collected by the police, the de Factory. St. John, was found Somerset had written to bim water tank on the telling him to approach ceased bad not been in the best drowned in a of health for some time. On plantation on Wednesday night authorities with a view to send Wednesday night, after two per last. The youngster was seen ing West Indian team sons had visited her and left watering some cattle during the England next year.
about o clock. She turned in afternoon at the tank at which Mr. Brown has communicated bed, and shortly after 10 o clock. ais body was The cows with Mr. Geo. Challenor of the someone who was passing down were seen later unattended, but Barbados Cricket Committee, te the lane discovered the disappearance of the boy was the Georgetown and room was on fire.
that her not taken serious notice of until CO. on the subject, but so far The door was immediately at night when his grand nothing definite has been ar burst open, and the unfortunate then came in search of him. It was woman was found dead on the labourers had reported seeing rived at. It will be remembered recollected that some that Captain Somerset twice toured the West Indies with a ly. The fire brigade was also on water some hours previously, next in 1913. It is now sixteen on shadow on the surface of the cricket team first in 1911 and the scene. The mattress and two chairs were destroyed by the but on close investigation dii years since the last West Indian fire. Yesterday Dr. Lawson Git. not find their suspicion justi team headed by Mr.
ford; D, for Kingston, per fied. Astention, was, however, Austin visited England.
formed the post mortem examin again turned to the tank, and ation on the body of the deceased lighted lamp revealed the body Spain, Trinidad, have received. with a The City Council of Port ofstated that there was only one deceased floating on the letter from Mr. Llewellyn room on the premises, and the water. At the coroner inquiry Roberts, solicitor, claiming on deceased was living alone. Just held the following morning, the behalf of his clients, Messrs how the fire originated is a Doctor post mortem laation Sammy and James Morris, mystery, as nothing was found of the body disclosed that the father and ther of wrong with the lamp.
deceased had suffered prior to the late Bertie is, the death from an attack of conges sur 500 Counpensative apolexy, and the opinion tion for the loss sustained Motor Car and Garage was expressed that from this through his death, by the falling Burned.
seizure he might have recovered of the Western gate of the Easthad he not fallen into the water. ern Market on him on the 5tb verdict of death from misad December last.
Shortly after o clock yester venture was returned by the day morning the occupants of jury. Bon Air, on the Sonth Camp In order to enquire into the Road, the residence John circumstances of the railway Nicholas Hanna, were Ad Lectures on Sanitation derailment which occurred at from their slumber who. alarm was sounded that their Arrangements have been made thur Maingot, Traffic Manager, premises were on fire. They for course of 20 lectures in Malthus, iso a Superinhurried from their house, and Hygiene and Sanitation for ten tendent, and d, Mainfound the garage and a fine sanitary inspectors in condec. that district vesterday morning tenance Engineer. journeyed to cylinder Peerless motor car on tion with the British West by fre. The garage and car were Indies Centre of the Royal by the 26 train and returned to totally destroyed, also a portion Sanitary Institute of Great in the a cernoon. The of an out building. The Cross Britain. It is proposed to de driver Downey when the derail.
Teat! goods tralu was in of Roads police and several resi. liver these lectures on Saturday dents in the district were at p. at the Parochial Build. ment took place. In connection on the scene, but there being no ing, Bridgetown, commencing with our paragraph of few water ayailable, they had to turn on Saturday the their efforts from the scene of The fee for the course to the the men will, in 18th instant, weeks ago re the Railway Police day or two, be the fire, and work on the sur general rounding premises, so that the dollars but the lectures will be arrangements are made for put public will be five required to submit themselves for a medical test before flames would not spread. Just free to sanitary inspectors and ting them on the same footing fire originated is a Inspectors of Members It might be stated of Vestries and Boards of comes with the Constabulary Force, www. iwo weeks ago Mr, miss! oners of Health will be rosidence was entered welcomed and for them there The Constabulary is at present by the res, and large quantity will be no charge. list of short of its strength by four of clothing and other articles the lecture will be We understand from were stolen.
warded At the end (Continued on Page 3)
the to found mother be of the mortem examination he the 14 SUNLIGHT IN THE MORNING, SUNLIGHT ALL THE DAY.
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