
1922 PAGR TARS TWEEDS SERGES LININGS PRIVATE ACADEMY American Bazaar point, but the progress the Acting Varied Assortment of we it mon STATIONERY Поt West Indian N3w3. Continued from page 9)
IN OUR COLON STORE ONLY Bargains! Bargains. Bargains. the Inspector General that there is great dificulty in obtaining men able to come up to To make room for new stock coming in shortly, we the literary and physical stan 60 TO THE PANAMA BARGAIN HOUSE dards; an instance in point being have arranged that of the 19 men selected last month not eight could be found When you wish a cheap, but docent Suit (complote. VERY LARGE REDUCTIONS IN to satisfy the required teste.
Selections will be madb on the hats, hose, collars, ties, and so forth.
first Wednesday in next month but we understand that the Inspector General will not be un willing to select before that date so cheap Cots for the weary Traveller candidates who may be found fit in every way.
Address. MULLER BUILDING GRENADA CALIDONIA Essence of Income Tax Principle.
At the last meeting of the Legislative Council, Mr. Fitz CALLE No raised the question of the liability of a person to pay Income EXCEPTIONAL VALUES Tax on the rental value of a house while such house was not being rented. Mr. Harford. Mr. Copland, and, we believe, Mr. de la English Classes Mothe, held that a man should not pay on what he did not re For Young Ladies 6 ceive, and argued along tha lines of common arithmetic. Mr.
AND FOR BOYS 7 Lewis held that such a man should pay, and gave practical Mon Tues. Thurs. Fridays.
COLON reason to bear out bis he never once got near to the BARTON, Bosco principle underlying Income Tax laws. Time after time, during of the discussion, we expected to bear the Secreto we were disapa at involyed but ved at Is Dempsey The WILKINSON Yeu it We do not remember whether World Champion? CONTRACTCR BUILDER in First Class Workmanship but heard the Under SecrePlans and Specifications Free tary of State outline the position The Colour Bar Explained.
in plain terms He sald must 5th Street Wes! House 99 not be forgotten that the object of the Income Tax is to Box 411, Panama, hit the possibility of Wills Dempsey value of a man income whether Match, that income is actually diverted quite a virtue of the fact that be or is not. That is to to say, wbeth er the value is cash or not.
Says the London Observer of would meet no black man in the Of Every Description February 26 last:ring, but by a strange occurence It will be seen, therefore, that the only black boxer of note at the rental value of a bouse is It is more than two and a halt that time was Peter Jackson, what is really taxable and not years since Jack Dempsey gained most formidable proposition.
the actual rent received: The the title of the world heavy. Jim Corbett followed CAN ALWAYS BE HAD his be to meet Johnson. Next, In hier te word bere voluit heures and are solo ing bori giganele mpolor white promote to and could may defeat the object of the lard in three rounds at Toledo. champion Tommy Burns became AT THB tax, The District Boards act During that period he has fought very virtuous over the colour on this principle and do not give for his laurels on only three question, at a time when, by a relief to unfortunate persons occasions. In 1919, before he queer coincidence, the negro WORKMAN PRINTERY who fail to get their houses rent met Willard be faced five Jack Johnson; was on his trail.
successive opponents and beat When Johnson forced him to At first, sitting at the repor. In 1918 he took part in twenty Burn ideas on the colour probthem in the first round meeting, the result, proved that ter table, we thought Mr. Fitt In 191 When passing drop in and inspect our varied simply launched an adventurous contes. tweive of them termi. lem were correct.
idea without hope of succeeding nating in the first round among In England we cannot con.
to elicit any real discussion, but those vanquished in these one ceive the feeling thar round Ko being such good over the problem of the negro rages Stock of with some clever of argument, he came very fighters Arthur But, however, them. Felkey, in Cop Porky and suggestion, that it should tein Fred Fulton, Carl Morris, there is only one logical point of Bill Jim Flyo, and view with regard to the position be up to the Assessors to. out those persons who Kellar. It seems that of World man in the boxing world champion refused to rent their the hin, is now following the sold in his own sphare of with must in no way connected a serious thought, serto road to king of the world be fought Wardens doing the same. ers fiercely and black men, or yellow men or Fitt could have been settled in a way through the Clare that The question raised Mr. strenously. He Unitatians, or Bolsheviks. It Dempsey insist on keeping up moment of time but it occasioned thronged about the steps lead the coloured bar be can no longa full dressed debate and a waste ing to the throne and toppled er term himself the world of words. man may dissipate the reigning monarch from his champion, and his title then the walye of his income through hisoblace. he safe ked his leader is automatically shrinks to that of relaxed efforts heavy weight philanthropic. and no further sougbt to gain of the worlă. When Tommy ence or mismanagement, but honour by his strong arms, but Burns Tost his title to Jack that inherent value is what taxable and not the amount of was content to rest and exact Johnson he advertised himself actual cash in which it pleases deeds of merits.
ses tribute by reason of his past as the white heavy weight him to covert it. This is the champion. and it Dempsey essence of the principle of the For over two years the name refuses to risk his title against tax on incomes.
of Harry Wills have been put a black man that is the only forward as the most title he can justly lay claim to.
An Assortment that will meet your Taste.
rival to the holder of the title, Medical Attention. Now that Mr, William Brady has offered a purse of 200, 000 and has posted a forfeit JUAN ILLUECA valued correspondent on of 50, 000 dollars for a Dempsey Attorney. at. Law Notice. The British Consulat Colon wedbority that the colonial rood winds binnen on the hochs opion it Wills contest, No. 44 Central Avenue The STEWART wouha beigiad of information on geon was succeeded to persuad: demembered. They all scotermnda dhe TELEPHONE NO. 64. BOX No. 76 Harry Wills, it be to the present whereabouts of ing the Governor in Executive Paul Joseph, a native of Domini Council to abandon the No. negro boxer who when invited to Practices in all (Courts of ca, whose last address is given as Medical District (Spring Bank) act as Dempsey sparring partPanama Cristobal.
and to retain the No. Medical ner before the Willard. Dempsey English Spoken Fluently District (St. Parl This is ob. contest, said it No, ll fight him refuse Notice to Correspondents viously done to prevent the time Dempsey followarising for him to do bim to box, the Richmond Hill Institutions ing precedent, when he and Contributors.
ACLASSES IN which really would be the only Later, he raised it momentarily, the title, put up the colour bør.
his The management of this paper the residence attached to these but when three weeks after the Toro would like to know the of desires that all communications Shorthand, Institutions.
negro knocked out Fred Fulton, for publication be typewritten or in three whereabouts of Louisina Cheesehe quickly if hand written must be This as lead us to ask the ques: dropped it back into its old ckly man, Joseph Watson and Joseph and legible to facilitate publica tion: Has it dawned upon the.
occasioned authorities that of the nine medie position. Since then, however, Browa who formerly resided at he has stated that he would Chorrillo in Panama. These 51 16th STREET WEST by several letters and other copy cal officers in the Island no less meet wi Wills if the desired persons are requested to comwhich often delay publication.
not legible and than five of them are resident in the match. Appareat for all municate with Albert Brown the. all whose address is Catarina Fara and the strong anti colour feeling in Costa Rica Division, Bocas del PANAMA CITY an 11 allowed the States the public does the rest of the islantis wan Toro.
British Consulate Notice. remaining four? Oar cerrespon either best it can with the this match, and Dempsey either be forced to The British Vice Consulate in dent adds: This inconvenienc meet meeting or will rapldly lose the whereabouts of William ple for the convenience of one course, the State bands the conLocke, Louis Robinson and healthy branj is only possible test. How strangely history CALLE No It pays.
Beatrice Taylor who are request. under Crown Colony Govero repeats itself even in boxing ad to call at that office. Continued On Paye 7) matters. Sullivan made APPLY ON PREMISES such of near as Flynn, the justified that wilfully houses that of the be champion of the was in Birth day Cards Menu Cards Wedding, Christening and Dance Cards.
is serious dollars, Commercial Evening School likes, but teach gained Typewriting, Spanish Etc. rounds, clear to manage as bast will agree to Advertise in the Workman ROOMS TO LET


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