
PAGE POUR THE WORKMAN, SATURDAY, MAY 27 1922, muss Three 250 DI ALBOA EST EER REWED City ed in its from and after the Union of condemn financial in state, sect according at It was Panama Chauffeurs Union.
THE WORKMAN Resolution No: 41 May 2nd 1922.
Published on Saturdays by Rates for Advertisement on applica WALROND, at the office Central Ave ton. Correspondence on all matters The undersigned President of tao and corner of Street, Panama, of public interest invited.
the Union de Automedon tes, de All copy for publication must be (Papama Chauffeurs Union) exP. Box 74, Panama written on one side of paper only, and ercising the faculty conferred on RATES OF SUBSCRIPTIOX accompanied by the name of him in sub section of the Oce Year. 40 U8. Cy. the writer, not necessarily for publica. Chauffeurs Union, Article 11 of 20 Six Months tion but as a mark of good faith. the Statute and in attention to 60e.
we do not undertake to return the stipulation in sub section One arejected orrespondence.
of said Article, and:Considering The Liberty of the Press is the palladium of our rights JUNIUS That its of imperious necessity to take energetic steps to ob SATURDAY, MAY 27. 1922 tain the compliance with the dispositions on Trafic in the of Panama, and that the ECONOMIC ASSIMILATION. Union of Chauffeurs be com postotal ot sober men with recognized good conduct una and that they shall be in full enjoyment of their individual rights.
It was therefore resolved:Whatever may be said, as to the retention of sur That. this date, rendering of nationality by foreign immigrants into any au members of the country, there is a controlling fact that, as long as fortune Chauffeurs of Panama, is sought in labor or in speculation, individuals should ed for grave or dishonourable exercise do small amount of caution and precaution in the offences for for any infraction of way they seek to enter into the economic life of other the rules of Trafic or otherwise shall be suspended from the people.
exercise of his rights during It is an observation of elementary recognition that three months, for the past in the Halbe behov for of a tibe Thanksgiving Day CHARLES OSBORNE foreigners who leave their homes for strange fields should offence without prejudice of feel the compulsion of knowing the laws and customs of ing bis monthipre contribution: Union for the better information conviction of the members. Observed Was Not Financial in the new people among whom they elect to live. No and for the second for an offence, he shall be expalLEOPOLDO CORDERO According te Constitution.
proper understanding is possible, and no sympathy prob led without having any right to President.
able unless the new land with its differing experiences claim on the Union with the inBy Members of It is rumoured that Charles breaks in upon the mind of the immigrant with appreci tent of demanding what he has LACIDES LOPEZ paid for any cause to the Union. Secretary, Osborne, who died on May 11th able, force and awakens appreciable interest. Comply with the above by Sunday, May 14th being the of the present month at the It is equally as necessary for the citizens of the counday set apart by the 00. member of the Chapter Ancon Hospital was try into which foreigners enter to learn and understand having the same published in the Rent Receipt Book in Span of thaay nited Staksgiving merica: 17. The officers of the Chapter the newcomers who may take with them manners and various local papers, and remit a all habits somewhat unfamiliar. This is overwhelmingly ob. copy of the same to the Treasure Ish and English for sale at The branches of the order working in nexplanation to certain wila vious in places where advantages and opportunities of er for that of his duly acceptance under the Sub Committee of humours which have been circo Heregement, it was observed in teda do the city, beg to that advanced thought, through unpropitious circumstances, and to be fixed on a visible place WORKMAN Printery: following.
Article IIT, present themselves too slowly to permit of those countries. moving in consonance with others who are in line in the of sincere inter relationship. People will work side by ce partecimele ce asking: Getre pro member was not entitled to the cession rapid march of twentieth century progress.
side, and live together in a wholesome fraternization Lodge room Guachapali provisions made in these sec Panama is a land of unconceivable opportunities and when they understand and appreciate one another. Sympa under the command of Bro. Associatibe was indebted to the Caby, Chiet Marshall and the time he died. He paid for for Here people from all over the thies are engendered regard for personal rights and Bro, Peters of 8243, Assistant the year 1921, but hone aid unwakened poseibilities.
the world come in quest of fortune. During the days of privileges recognized and mutual confidence demonstrated. Marshall.
the canal construction the tide of immigration flowed with In other words, PANAMANIANS AND WEST INDIANS The dues for the present year procession marched been paid has the rapidity of a sweeping current. They came from the MUST BE FRIENDS.
through the principal streets of Par and arrived impossible for the Orient, from western Europe, from the Americas and There are numerous opportunities for self improvement Liberty Hall of a Chapter 14 members to have attended from the West Indies. In those bustling days neither in the economic life of this country for West Indians, but after all were duly seated, Bro. inclement weather prevented tbe funeral in large numbers, as the native nor foreigner seemed to have been careful about to a great extent the door is closed through misunderstand. Fitz H, Bowen, Master of Cerethe facts of international comity and inter relational intering and the blame is attributable to both sides. The monies, assumed his position em doing so. Arrangements ests.
monstrous farce that is now occupying the public stage and ordered the roll called, after were made for the band to ac.
company the mourners, but due The one predominant idea amongst the immigrants and enacted by West Indians is doing in calculable harm to procebe dba pitician program was to the same cause before the canal was completed was to make as much their industrial interests. It is an unfortunate advertise prescribed by the ritual of the impossible for the band master money as they could. Some had planned before entering ment, full of nausea and disgust.
to get his men together.
into this country that their stay would only be as long as Some of the actors have grown tired of being clowns and Nightengale, they found profitable employment; others were not quite have deserted the play, but the curtain is still raised and preached the Thanksgiving ser: CHURCH SERVICE so careful and let loose their earnings with amazing pro the farce becoming more sickening. Nutives are asking, mon, which was listened to with (American Episcopal Church)
digality, who are these people with these unbeard of demonstrations? rapt attention and will remembered by the members St. Paul Church, Panama.
However the experiences of the immigrants worked, We thought we knew them, but we are puzzled! West and visiting friends. At the close it is unproblematical that there are thousands of persons Indians, on the other hand, are peeved because of the men of the oficial program, second am, Holy Communion, 10 sm, Matins, of differing nationalities here who, whether by compulsion acing economic ostracism which has begun to give cause part of the function was entered 10:30 am. Holy Eucharist, and or by choice, must seek their future in this country, and for alarm. They are finding it hard to obtain work among upon, the various representa tives were asked to deliver their unless some unforeseen circumstance arise to aid the the natives and because of them. Holy Baptism, addresses.
stranded and the unemployed there is no other chance for It is time that the intelligent natives and intelligent The opening address was pm. Sunday School.
them but to look around for a livelihood.
West Indians ünite in a sincere effort to remove the given by Br. M. Martyn. of 30 Evensong and sermon.
It is incontrovertible that the foreigners in this coun economic barriers that stand between the two peoples. Patriarcbie No. 223. The other St. Alban s, Paraiso.
try wha came from all parts of the world brought with The blatant folly that stalks under the garb of racial self addresss were delivered by Bros.
them many things which have proved beneficial to the determination. a phrase which few of those who use it so 408; Todd, of PGMC, 2186 Clarke of P, G:MČ, No. 11 a. Matins and address, p. Sunday School, naturally fortunate that it is so. It makes for advance po uncertain language. Quibbling should quit its vile and for of 8243; Aastichards 8714; F, NIGHTENGALE Priest in charge country: No land can escape such influences and it is freely seem really to understand should be denounced in Gibson. of 1679Pillip Tao 30 Evensong and addrese ment, political, social, econom and otherwise.
ineffective disguise, and let ignorance suffer the exposure Downes of 9017; Pres Åmongst the foreign elements whose presence tells, which in these days of racial progress should drive it to cott of 241; Sister Gittens of the Bible Truth Churches.
of. West Indians can be rated to be in the van of industry the we little Judith of Juvenile Society San Miguel and energy. The completion of the canal, in the first in Tue Duropeans and the natives of Caucasian descent No.
5:30 am. Morning Prayer stance, and the wholesale reduction of labor in recent years have long ago been welded in the bonds of economic We take pleasure in making 10 a. Children Service.
have thrown thousands of them into a pitiable plight, assimilation: why should not West Indians and the natives mention also of the splendid ser 11: a. Proaching Service 30 m, Sunday School, They have bad their day on the canal which has ceased to of African origination? In the former case there is no vices rendered by Mr, Charles whose 7:30 Gospel Service.
be the centre of attraction so far as labor is concerned. economic problem unless that which makes them think and Sobers, and his choir act in unison: why should there be any to impede the es to the occasion. The evening selections were very benefitting They must look around in the republic.
Calidonia 5:30 a. Morning Prayer Since this is true it is necessary that West Indians un tablishment of reciprocal confidences between the latter?
program was brought to a close 10 a. m, Children Service derstand Panamanians and Panamanians understand West The trouble is as stated above. The foreigners of in a most enjoyable manner 11 a. Preaching Service Iudians. In the interest of economic development these European ancestry do not rur zonkeys of themselves the members feeling assureu 2:30 pm, Sunday School that the mandates of the Orde po les must come into closer relations and foster and thus expose themselv to embarrassing ridicule. had been successfully carri 7:30 pm. Gospel Service. BARCLAY Pastor in charge muro sincere sympathies to each other that are at present They do not jeoparpize their influence by playing the role through.
erboth of the clowns. They possess intelligence and they use it.
The address Seventh Day Adventist Church Somewhere in the substrata of the social life of West What is wrong with west Indians that they cannot do the delivered by. Bro.
kinson VP, on the founda68 ANCON AVE, PANAMA.
Indians and Panamanians alike, there are antipathies of a same?
tion of the Order, a full report bbath (Saturday) 945 Sabmild, but embarrassing nature. Suspicion, mistrust and Fortunately, the natives of the country and foreigners of which will appear in our bosh School; 11. 15 General Worship prejudice are accountable for much of the stupid attitude other than West Indians know that there are West Indians next issne. 30 Spanish Class; 30 PM.
that deters an intelligent raps. ment between them. here who enjoy the respect and friendship of natives and Young People Meeting: 30 If, instead of these evidences ord, there were the all others. These are making profitabla med of their oppor Notice.
Veepers Sunday night 30 Service AB desire and intention to promote trou, euings, the eco tunities and they have no trouble with anybody; are welcome.
nomic advantages that would accrue to both would be But the West Indian ng are the people who are inestimable.
out in the cold. They refuse tu y intelligent leaderIt must be evident to all who give study to the ques ship. They ignore the assistance of their fellows who can With a view of raising funds Notice to the Public.
tion of economics that of all the foreign elements in this see better and farther thar: they; rather, they abuse them for the delegate who will repre sent Gauchapali Chapter No. 14 country, West Indians stand out prominently as a class of and view them with no sm: amount of suspicion. They at the A. Convention to public in general. tnat my wife hereby beg to notify the wbom notice should be taken. More than one generation enthrone ignorance soà install stupidity. Ethically be of an inevitable intermixture have bound natives and West and religiously they e ascribing virtuous attributes to Angust 1922 1922 ibe Management York during hent Mildred Gooding has without Indians together. They live side by side, and by an inter carricatures and fakes. Disloyal to their own flag, they of the Chapter has arranged to my consent left my home and course directed by fate, they have learnt each other must necessarily be disrespectful to Panama.
eive ten cent Concert in the protection, will not be res language and customs.
If West Indians are to prosper in Panama they must Indian masses must not hope for assistance from any on Tuesday evening May, 30th As long as this sort of nonsense continues the West Lubbero el ball of the Chapter 21: poneible for any debt she may October Street Guachanal contract of assume. Please take notice from this date.
not seek to escape the force of economic assimilation in source which is able to aid them. There must be a change. Decoration Day) commencing at IRVIN GOODING this country. The silly act of clinging to helpless insulari. a reformation, a social rebirth. Without these West o clock All are invited, mem Panama, ties must be oped, and while they still remain Indians in Panama are bopelessly doomed in the economic bers of the Chapter are expected is 3n.
British, hey must remercber that they are world, and instead of seeing improvement in their con this yeature a suce. mal ditions, sufferings and privations, more bitter and more CAS, VAE Bu in Span Respect fc. babits and manners of the people of severe, stand lurking in their path to lure them to irre1st Vice E 400 Ish and Englk for sale at the the country is rot negligible factor in the establishment trievable ruin.
Chairman of WORKMN Printery.
it was also Rer.
mon, No. 1416.
be held eus


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