
Correspondence London Correspondence.
THE IDEAL PHARMACY No 1, 29th treet East, Calidonta Cuatro We do not bold ourselve responsible for views expressed by correspondants.
Sentimental Songs In African Language.
more Drugs Patent Medicines Perfumes, Soaps etc. etc. NO SUBSTITUTES USED Only the purest and most genuine 10 tha actul the during total du winst It must be im and and for article, suffered ORDER BOOKS For Friendly Societies Kept in Stock at the WORKMAN PRINTERY quick and is, Konerally ment of To the Editor of the Workman, Mr. Editor. Though only a constant reader of your widely circulated and far reacbink paper the Workman; am asking you to publish one or thoughts that came to me whilst at the BIBLE TRUTH in SAN MIGUEL listening to women of the DPRT race pealing out beautiful sentimental songs in the AFRICAN LANGUAGE sad dern music. It seems as though they were singing the songs of Zion in strange Isnd, comforing themselves in the hope of joining the great majority in the different Congo States where Afrie sunny fountain roll down their golden sand If in Lomsutation, wasee that Our skia wus black because of famine we suffer from the righ eousness some one At doing us pod. Some out of the other fellows msy sy. We are tho first to carry the Gospel (good news) to AFRICA. What is thy but obeying the command of God. May ask the publie which is BIBLE facts What is it that any of the modern preachers have that they did not re ceive? am not a preacher, but challenge any Mr preach with Heb. 4: Then BIBLE TRUTH must furnish Christ taid, am the way, the Truth and the Life no man comb unto the Father but by me.
The fore, we are not careful about fiery speeches and enticing words; but Let us labor to enter into that rest, for Christ which is the Truth will make us all free from the law of sin and death. for He, the Word) was made flesh and dwelt awong us. He is powerful, acting as a word, he sees in the distance and establish whom he will, and it is for that reason why the Rev, Dr. En was inspired to say Any one who tries to suppres Nation al inspiration must report to his God.
Therefore, bretheren; let us give more diligence to these things, and we shall bever fall.
You may not remember the late Rev. Pianoek, a full blooded African minister who though an active sufferer, did work in silence which is being manisested today.
It was through hie strenous efforts that the members of the SAN MIGUEL BIBLE TRUTH CHURCH was able to entertain the public with so many of the beautiful songs, in the language of our own mother The deceased, LO laboured in the translation of those glorious sougs into the African language which made ruch bit at the SAN MIGUEL NEGRO CHURCH Tuesday night last. If a small choir, of all black PARTIES can be 80 bar.
monious in singing Zion song in strange land; what will the HUNDRED MILLIONS do when they bave known each other? All fore sightod Se, of this city were represented at that AFRICAN MEETING bsd planned for other coRagements on thes same night From Greenland ley Mountain was suog Just think of it song about AFRICA Then, choiord music, AFRICAN words, AFRICAN blood voices. AFRICAN hesrers, and more. But more than all APRICAN COLLECTION, This is what the BIBLE TRUTH CHURCH is standing for, and trust will ever stand for. So there is no need for any one trying to Attempt anything more, for, our God is no respector of persons, Abrabath and Lot agreed on certain matters; to them, let us keep to either one or three or the four end of our space, wish for the BIBLE TRUTH CHURCH CHRISTAIN ENDEAVOUR with its president and other officere, success in their work and trust that soon and very soon they will again sum non the publie to attend Rother such meeting. Thanking you for this courtesy, remain Yours READER.
London, April 1922. The restrained little prospoot that the achievement of optimiem with regard to the outlook for such balance will admit of more than trade recovery, of which have apokea comparatively modest reduction in one is recent articles, finde now support or two of the most irksome of existing ENGLISH AND AMERICAN from a study of the official returne of taxes.
the overseas trade of the United King With the gradual improvement in dom during the month of March. The trade conditions and business sentiment most significant feature of those returns investors are beginning to take an apis that the raw materials of industry preciable interest in shares of industrial were impor ed to a considerably greater companiss. Many sbare in powerful value than in the corresponding month companies are undoubtedly cheap at of 1921. When the enormous fall in com the low price to which they have modity prices during the past year is fallen, but generally speaking, investors taken into aconun, it will be seen that will have to exercise patience before quantities of rav materials good results in the shape of esroings now being imported are very far in and dividends begin to acerue.
This is excess of the quantities than were being made very clear by an analysis of con import:d a year ago. Now it is obvious pany reports published in the current that manufacturers would not be getting issue of of the London Economist, in in larger socks of raw mate sls unles which it is shown that 442 industrial Drugs comthey were satisfied that they saw signs companies issuing reports of increasing demand for the finished first three months of 1922 disclosed net articles, which they Troduce. There are profits of 22, millions, against 43. pounded by a reliable Pharmacist of over those who go so far as to predict that millions in the corresponding period of the development of this process will be last year a drop of nearly 50 per cent.
rapid and extensive enough to make These profite were earned on 40 years experience strain upon capital 18 vurces and pro.
capital of about 538 millions. The deer and higher prices with average rate of dividend paid on motey WILLIAM de SOUSA, Proprietor ordi.
in a short time. But that view is not nary sbare 8. percent against shared by reasonable exporters, who are 11. per cent a year ago, but in order soles fairly unanimous in the opinion that to pay even this rata over millions development will be very gradual and were drawa from reserve. It re that, in the meanwhile, investment membered to that even though activity and cheap money will continue, provement has set in, reports covering The Court of Directors of the Bank of the worst period of depression bave yet England have now reduced the official to appear. The worst showing, far minimum discount rate to four per cent as the annual reports issued during the. it was six and a half per cent a year past quarter are concerned, was made ago and it would need some courage by textile, motor and cycle, iron to deny the pɔssibility of a further de steel, shops and stores, rubber compacline in the near future, even a four nies and hotels Among the companies peront rate is rate is higher than than is. compatible excle excluded from this analysis are banks with monetary conditions generally. Fcr and railways. British banks as de mon. instance, the Government are this week strated to previous.
offering Treasury Bills at the low rate severe decline in in profite is 1921, but of 25 per cent. Industry and trade have were abe to maintain dividend rates for the past few weeks been looking for owing to the rise in the quotations fresh stimulus fron three direc liregilt edged securities, which relieved tions that from reduction ction them of the necessity for devoting, as in Back rate, from sellement in previous years, large part of probia ment of the engineering dispute, the to writing down investments depreciaeffect of which is so luegely felt. and tion. The railway ontlook from relief of tax burdens. The fist regarded much improved any hope has been realised; but at the morate by the investing public who have of writing the engineering stoppage been for some time past paying vigor seems no nearer solution, while as Bud ous attention to railway stocks. year get day approaches, expectations of ago. yield of about ten per cent was able than that of 1921. Neveray substantial tax alleviation being obtainable on the ordinary stocks of theless, it must be remembered aternly tempered by contemplation of loading British railways So subote that emigration from the British the bard facts as regards prospective tially have the quotations of the West Indies still continues, and Dr. TICHENOR ANTISEPTIC revenue and inevitable liture. stocks risen since then, that same real balance between revenue and expen stocks at present price yield only from Grand Turk that the Bull recently we have learnt Is in the homes of thousands of families which have often saved ditore must be the least that is aimed between seven per cent and per cent Line of steamers, in addition to Doctors bills by having it.
at in the coming budget; and there is on the average, the Clyde and Columbus Lines You should carry bome a bottle to day because you or your wife (which latter have been allowed or children may need it to morrow.
to use the port If an open roadstead can be called that free of Dr. TICHENOR ANTISEPTIC dues of any kind) have been calling as Turks Islands to collect Is certain relief for burns. dobie itch. bruises, cuts and soreness in all parts of the body. It is the one best prescription for labourers for Santo Domingo. It is certainly an extraordinary colie, eramps, and diarrhoea.
OF BRISITH WEST INDIA ISLANDS state of affairs that we Ask your druggist. Buy now.
have complacently to witness FOR 1921.
ess this exodus of labourers from from under the British far, whilst only quite recently seve ral British West Indian colonies with the Census of 1921 and additions by immigration, the labour and of the many problems The attached article desling the fact that, despite artificial were positively crying out for it is to be Emigration of the British West increase in the population during this is one Indian islands taken from the the tive preceeding years had which will receive the attention West India Committee Circular been at the rate of only per of Mr. EDWARD WOOD should undoubtedly make inter. thousand, and he attributed this whose report is 80 eagerly 4esting reading for every West failure of immigration to its hav waited. Another matter which on the Isthmus. ing been neither initiated nor should also be closely watched In the present issue we are yet pursued in the interest of is the proposal to draft West able to pub for the first time colonisation. The planters need. Indian labourers to the complete totals of the Cened to the low percentage of fe Coast for work on a new barsus returns from the British males introduced. Moreover, bour at Takoradi. Sir FREDE West Indian Islands, British the labour required by the RICK GUGGISBERG binted recentGuians, and British Honduras, sugar estates fluctuated, and ly that it was to Barbados tbat for labour to which were taken last year. The the planters did not trouble to he was it is 255 ft. 9ins. long and 27 ft. ins.
West India Committee having maintain the steady annual de construct this barbour, and obtained from the Colonies by mand which might have served has already been suggested that beam.
2, 000 Barbadians should be reShe has two decks. tween cable the figures hitherto lack to accustom the minds of the ing. It is shown that, taking the labouring classes in India and cruited for the purpose in the West Indian Islands as a whole, South China to the idea of emi first instance. It would, indeed decks ft. high.
the population in April 1921, was gration to British Guiana. be an irony of fate if British with compared Her speed is 17 knots, She has Wireless, Electric. 688, 494 and 1, 577, 12 at the time. The decline in the population West Indians were to be drafted two of Barbados is less order to ob to West Afr surprising, viate a drain on the agricultural Lights, Steam windlass, Steam steering gear, Refrig: last censuses taken in 1911 and inasmuch as enigration from community which would be free 1901 respectively, erating machine Evaporator and Distiller, Feed Adding to that over populated island rabas to produce increasing quantities these the figures for British been deliberately water heater, Sounding machine, Running water, etc.
Guiana and Brit! sh Honduras, owi owing to of cacao that of the grand totals for what might awera na toe besede cele ofenavail, Trinidad and Grenada. Surely We must Buy her for our Service settlement be termed the Greater British the people. Hitherton emigca the 2, 000 labourers, and more.
West Indies become 077, 980 tion from Barbados has could be more profitably employfor 1921, 2, 024, 993 for 1911, and an advantage, inasmuch as the ed, from the West Indian standWE NEED 60, 0001MORE 1, 910, 917 for 1901. It must be Barbadians who seek fresh fields point, in the British West Indies admitied that this result is dis and pastures new have been in even if Barbados wished to be appointing, the increase being the habit of sending back to rid of them, we commend to MONEY, far below what it should be in their relations in the consideration of the powers!
normally bealthy and prosperous gland of the very substantial sums You may subscribe some of this by purchasing communities. Particularly dis. fof money; but it is a question system of peasant proprietors some of our 40, 000 Preference shares at One Pound on the undeveloped lands of our ish Guiana indicating as it does ration has not gone far enough. South America, and those of the concerting is the return for Brit now whether this wholesale emimainland colonies of Jentral and each or our 10, 000 Ordinary shares at One Pound that, in spite of immigration, the since it is now being found that West Indian Islands each and become part owner.
population is practically station it is the better class of agriculwherever DO NOT STOP TO THINK. THE TIME IS NOW points to the complete falure of immistural labourer and gration schemes up till now rather than the emigrating On this subject, it will be recall circumstance is, no doubt, casual. This British Consulate Notices Writo to the ed tha. MR. CECIL CLEMENTI, tributable to to the sugar boom, atThe Acting. British Crosul at the Colomual Secretary which resulted in thousands of Colon would be glad of informaof the Colony, had something to labourers emigrating from the tion as to the present where say in his valuable Report on British West Indies to 37 QRANGE ST, KINGSTON, JAMAICA the Condition of the Colony of Many of these mea Cuba. abouts of one Henry Evertz, who have now is stated to have arrived on the British Guiana during the Great drifted home again, and it is Isthmus in March 1913, and was War, which was presented to possible that if a fresh census last heard of in July 1916 when the Combined Court in 1919. In were to be taken, the result his address was given as La Boco that document be laid stress on would already be more favour Commissary, Canal Zone.
Advertise in The WORKMAN. It Pays only rece tongue Census Returns and Emigration should FOUR that hongh DDY Indian the Gold THIS 600 TONS STEAMER looking to 1734. 972, Africa in te the encouraged Rent Receipt Books in Spanish and English for sale at the Workman Printery. Little Eo that be an an extension TO ADVERTISERS AT COLON industrial possible.
worker that is West Indian Steamship Company, Ltd.
On and after March 1st Advertisers at Colon whose Ad. at present appear in the WORKMAN will make all remittances to the Office and all intending advertisers will please communicate direct with the WORKMAN Printery Box 74 Panama City or Box 1102 Ancon, Canal Zone.


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