
ment. think it disgraceful that it should continue and hope that His Excellency the Governor will All the vacancy existing at St.
Mark within the next few days anr so relieve these much dis.
tressed people, Another correspondent says that the vacancy in St: Mark is actually filled What what? like em!
INDICATIONS Coughs La Grippe Reconstructant Cold Anaemia Following Fevers Bronchitis General Tonic and Pneumonia An excelent vehice for administering lodides, Bromides and Salicylates. Summer Complaint and Bowel Irregularities among Children. All ages, all climates, all seasons of the Year.
You have Tried the Rest Why not Use the Best Terrible Fight Between a Man and a Donkey.
The best tobaccos that money can buy. blended in a way that can be copied.
That whyFOR SALE BY ISAAC JUTTING, 111 BOLIVAR STEET, COLON. They Satisfy don WATERBURY CHEMICAL COMPANY Dos Moines la, Des Moines, New York, Toronto, New Orleans Chesterfield CIGARETTES of finest Turkish and American tobaccos blended man by the name of Edward Taylor bad an awful fight with jack donkey at Das Illes, St, Patrick s, on Thursday last.
The following is Taylor account of the occurrence: He is the owner of two keys, one of which is very stub boro. While leading him away from where he was tied he laid eyes on the other donkey and made some effort to go at him, While pulling back the donkey to the Tood and in an slipped and fell an instant the jack rushed upon him and set to biting him. There was no one present to give any assistance so before he was able to get away from the donkey be had received several bites on bis face his neck and his hands, especially the left hand wbose ingers were all badly bitten and the little one cut oft.
The poor man was taken to Dr, Hudges who, upon examination, attended to bis wounds and ordered him off to the Colony Hospital for prompt attention.
Book Binding!
Why throw away your old, but no doubt interesting, books when you can have them neatly bound at THE WORKMAN Book Binding Department CENTRAL AVENUE Golden Opportunity SAVES Smith LIFE LEVELRY BARGAINS adjustment of to the matter Remember LIFEBUOY SOAP is more than soap, it is a reputable germicide and sure disia.
Link up with LIFEBUOY We think it was the head of a Church in Grenada, who, writing for Health Sake.
FOR SALE us from Petit Martinique, one of the little islands of Carriacou An up to date hou se containing where he spent some weeks on three apartments; located on one duty, said: am cut off from and No. G Street hectare of land, Securely fenced civilization, for there is no ice with barbed wire and well plant and no newspaper here. The ed with sugar cane, bananas, great news of the day ia Gren also suitable Mesh wire en is now in full working order and the party comprises two old it was found to have many difpnaltain, papaya, pineapple, etc. ada is that the new ice factory closure for poultry. Situated at that ice is to be had once time South African (Da Beers) ficulties that did not appear on Hatto Pintado, Las Sabanas, 15 again, and without difficul cul mining mon, two gold miners the surface. On the suggestion minutes walk from Tramway. ty. We congratulate Mr. Eric from the Yukon (Canada. a of the Colonial Secretary, and Price Reasonable, on what we call bis mining engineer several ox with the advice of the Attornay.
patriotism and high sense of perienced from General it was decided that a public duty, as well as his busi. Danada river men, Scholl of Committee be formed to report ness instincts, in putting up Practical Science graduate, a to His Excellency the Gøveraor.
such a modern and up to date doctor. carpenter, and two Accordingly the Guvernor ap: factory. We bring to mind 3: Royal Air Force pilots with pointed a Committee and it was this moment deaths from typhoid seaplane and equipment. expected that something would which occurred, some people say It is stated that they have all have been done at an early date through the lack of ice in the stood the privations of many towards the YOUTH and happiness are linked Colony. Mr. Smith should meet Canadian winters in the back. the hardships endured by with the success he deserves, and woods these up with health. Link up with and are therefore not people. Several pressing matthere are indications that the afraid of Indians Red or Carib ters have engaged attention Lifebuoy for health and for the children sake. Lifebuoy Soap prosuccess is assured. Soakes, terers, mosquitoes, meanwhile but it is expected or peral.
that the Committee will mees motes health happy, smiling health; at an early date and give full DEMERARA it protects the children from the consideration dangers of contagious diseases.
DEMERARA DIAMOND which should prove a benefit to We are hoping that some ocLifebuoy Soap has a twofold use it disinfects the community as it cleanses; disease germs cannot live where casion will bring you to our Rent Restriction in INDUSTRY Litebuoy Soap has been used. Lifebuoy Soap store shortly. And when you will safeguard the children keep them do come be assured that it will Demerara.
healthy as well as clean. Insist upon them NEW REGULATIONS FRAMBD. ST. VINCENT using it before school, after play, before meals.
be a pleasure for us to serve USE LIFEBUOY SOAP FOR CLEANING THE you, and that our pleasure in Incident to be Altered.
serving you will make your visit Landlords and the GovFrom exchanges to band from ernor: to our store even more enjoy St. Vincent we glean the results able for yourself. SYMPATHETIC HEARING Argosy the Goverment is about tions which had taken place up According to the Demerara of some of the athletic competi. FULLER to publish new regula ions deal to then between pupils of the MORE THAN SOAP, YET COSTS NO MORE.
Aceprding to the Demerara ing with diamond mining in that Vincent Grammar School St.
JEWELLER Argoey of the 21st instant a depu colony. The principal feature and representatives of St.
122 CENTRAL AVENUE tation of six members of the of the regulations is the altera Mary College, St. Lucia. In the Georgetown Ratepaper Asso tion of the incidence of fitxa bon visitors) were victors after a Athletic Sports, St. Ltcia (the ciation led by Mr. F. Barrow, of the industry is President, waited upon His proposed to impose a higher keen competition by 41 points to Excellency the Governor at Gov pate of St.
ernment House in keeping with is condena football me wh, St. Lucia were the decision at the recent meet necessary in place of the allo. Also victo It is proposed goals to ing of the Association in the vial certificate fee of 25 and the Hall, super 20 per to the Kents carat for every carat in excess British Empire Exhibition, Bill which were de of 250 carats and the recently cided upon at the meeting were removed export duty of 2t per Vents discussed with His Excellency cent ad valorem to levy a royalty Active work has already begun who gave the deputation a long charge of 50 cents per carat of in preparation for the great cents will be at British Empire Exhibition to be DONE WITH NEATNESS AND Excellency is reported to have the time the stones are declared beld near London during 1924.
agreed with reasonableness at the at the Lands and Mines Depart The most up to date machinery of the odments sug: ment and the remaining 40 cents and methods are gested and saiu for DESPATCH ward by the Electives they would portea. time the stones are ex in the construction is comployed industrial wouldported. In view of the great this bvo isplay be considered. He even promis expansion of the industry it has aad arubu cievements. In ievement jed it is slated, not use his cast also been considered absolutely the excavation work for the ing vote to pass the Bill in the necessary in the interest of law sports arena the contractors are event of a tie of votes. meet and order to station a Warden using a gigantic, machine which ing of the Committee of the Asso and constables in the district. can excavate 200 cubic yards of ciation was beld later in the day material per hour. The plant is at which a line of action was deOf a sum of 17, 800 subscribed stes stern driven and mounted on cided upon. The Electives will be approached with view to on the 21st instant towards the feet boom with a bucket of two putting the views of the Associa. Demerara million loan, Barbados contribut plete operation of excavating Government i bive cubic yards capacity. The com.
tion before them. Good Assortment ed Party to Search for which 1, 404, 725 has been paid with the exhibition arrangetion to date is 1, 405, 050. and overflowing bucket loading 35 seconds. In connection TO SELECT FROM AT THE Diamonds.
ments are being made ternational conference on the The Danerara Argosy is in An attempt is being made in subject of Power. British enmed thai there is a present Demerara to secure some mea ginering groups are inviting bel. form d, in Canada a party sure of relief for needlewomen experts from overseas to discuss which is coming to search for when the proposal was made in every phase of this importaat diamonds in British Guiana, lhe Tombined Court last year question, LEVER BROTHERS LIMITED, PORT SUNLIGHT, ENGLAND In the gret to alter the JOB PRINTING or of every description His which 10 paid at of some ay of work for Wedding Cards, Christening Cards, Birthday Carc and Ball Cards about up, an inWORKMAN PRINTFP)


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