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PAGE EIGHT THE WORKMAN, SATURDAY, MAY 27, 1922 COLUMBIA GRAPHOPHONES New Records your EXCELSIOR THEATRE EKKI SX. Harris, principles that the ransom sacrae Empire Day To The Creditors (Continued from page 1)
Of The Panama Banking Sbe heard through all ber beating Company.
heart and turned and weptBy order of the Judge of the Sbe wept to wear crown.
Third Circuit, the Creditors of At the close of the address, a the Panama Banking Company the procession was formed headed are hereby notified that by the band, followed by the General Meeting of Creditors three companies of Scouts and will take place on the 30th inst.
members of the West Indian at 10 a. at the National TheaCommittee in motor cars pro tre.
ceeded along Central Avenue It is desirable that all creditors and turned into Atenue attend this meeting, as it there to the temporary residence of is not the quorum specified by De.
Belisario Porras, President law, the meeting will be postponof the Republic, while a halt was ed, thereby incurring a delay RECORDS AND REPAIR PARTS the made. Here the band played the which will be prejudical to Papams National Anthem, while interests of the Creditors.
the trooping of the Colours was Those creditors who are not Every month we receive a carried out by the Scouts, able to be present, personally, complete assortment of President Porras appeared on should arrange to be represented the balcony and was euthusias by proxy. Such proxies must be tically greeted by the crowd.
signed by the interested party before two witnesses, The Chairman of the Com EDWIN CHAN DECK, Comprising the latest hits in Jazz. Popular mitteee then addressed the Secretary, Third and Classic Music, as well as English and President saying: Your ExcelCircuit Court, Spanish Songs lency, have the honor to inform that we are today, in Panama, May, 26, 1922 MODERATE PRICES COURTEOUS ATTENDANTS consideration of our loyal and patriotic feelings as British Notice to Correspondents MADURO Jr.
known throughout the British and Contributors.
Dominion, as Empire Day, the The management of this paper CATHEDRAL PLAZA Anniversary Day of the late desires that all communications Solo Agent for Panaina and the CZ Queen Victoria. sincerely hope that the friendship and for publication be typewritten or it barmony which exist between and legible to facilitate publicayour Goverment and occasioned to which we belong will be tion. This notice is be by several letters and other copy continued throughout the ages. hand written not legible and Bible Study for the Public and that you can depend that which often delay publication.
the British West Indians resid.
under ing In response to the numerous beneficent Government will be always Mr. Innis, British Justice requests since Evangelist Young ready to co operate with you in Dr. F, Anderson, British De preaching activities on the Isth all that tends for the advancemocracy.
mos, the Bible Students of Pana ment and prosperity of this Mr. Wynter, The British ma, have opened their class room, TO NIGHT 156 TO MORROW Country.
Ancon Avenue. near end of Street) to the public every President Porras replied ex Mr. Simons, The Allies, Tuesday at pm for Bible Saturday, May 27th pressing his heartfelt thanks for Dr. Fairweather, The West study. The Harp is the text Sunday, May 28th the consideration and respect Indian Islands.
used, This book is the lat.
showa to his Government and Mr. Walrond, The Press.
production est of Judge MARY Mac LAREN SPECIAL Ruther Noted FRANK MAYO the people he represents, and ford of the New York City Bar IN that the West Indians could be Mr. Turpin, Summary and President of the Internationof the Proceedings. REEL assured of his support in all Students Association. DOCTOR JIM things pertaining to their wel fare.
making reference to the able We take this opportunity of Squarters at Brooklyp: addresses of Mr.
on ten fundamental Road to Divorce The procession then marched Inniss, and Dr. Fair.
of the christian Commencing Monday to the British Legation and hall. weather. These addresses were religion. The language employed Also EDDIE POLO In ing there the National anthem without doubt a magnificent pro simple, that a child ten years throughout this book is 80 1st and 2nd Episodes of was played. Returning through duction of Central Avenue, and then dis strated intelligence, having.
Berest understand Any one who Clyclone Smith, No. 10 The Dragon Net persing at the Pacific Club ucts sacrifice range of knowledge of the where refreshment was served entrusted to the gentle made by the man Christ Jesus is to the Boy Scouts.
At 30 m, the members of British Justice when analysed, opportunity to study the manner men mentioned. The subject of efficacious to save fallen humani. the West Indian Committee, can be characterizada toricaneeds in which the blessing wil. come they took an exercise to the Sava neglect this associated with some the most exto the as result of guests met for the purpose of positions yet heard on this very death. Several Competent and nas road. Amongst the novices, enjoying a Smoker finale to important phase of British devoted Bible students will Harris seats bis wheel in a pertbe occasion. There were about Colonial.
25 Britishers present when fact that it is this appreciable eseint the Elder in these studies, fest manner, and am of opinion Bring your Bible and Harp that he will be a dangerous comquite an enjoyable and very quality of the English mind.
in any distance, of from Children who can grasp the pleasant evening was spent binds the hearts of the closing at about 12. 15 a. Negro subjects to the Empire subjects are allowed to take to miles. Dunn seems to be bard. in and will be On the whole, a very pleasant to contend with. Greaves, and The following toasts were pro and enjoyable evening was Crosby, showed TO. MORROW very much posed and drunk heartily. spent; and one which will be endurance in the hike, as on the Mr. C, Harris, The British long remembered in this comfinish they are always going Sovereign munity strong.
Sunday, May 28 Agard, is a demon on his road.
ster, and it is anticipated that he At 11. 30 Sharp will do wonders on racing toasted to seal the hearts of the fans in his trial machine. Young Jack Allen won in the delicious beir talked that this year he performance last year, and it is JUAN Main Store: Plaza Catedral Burley flavor will be a tough un to deal with ko for regular Branch: 125, Central Avenue team work, AN LINTERESTING PROGRAM stands very much in need constant practices as he has OF an become rusty as ANNOUNCE athlete, showing that his previous records for endurance has waned He showed very poor stamina and will have to do some hard training if he is to get in proper Turfites will witness a field of ford: Allan from Pedro Miguel, horses in the various events which looks as it as if he will romp home an easy winner, but he must not has not been seen at the Juan trust too much to the future. it LUCKY Contractors and Builders will be is only by perseverance that good Franco track for a long time.
and great things are achieved.
Baptiste, is playing the dark greatly benefited by: paying a visit borge as he has not shown up at the exercises, and it is said that ADMISSON. 00 to these stores.
CIGARETTE he is doing it all alone.
Now the closing date for the entries will be Sunday 28th inst.
and all the contestants must CRICKET will meet on the Standard Oval bave their entries posted to team comprising cricketers Harry Hollis on or before that picked from Demerarn, Trinidad.
date, so as to secure the proper clovelly Defeats Sports Grenada, St. Lucia, St. Vincent be in Colon today for the purpose handicapping. Mr. Hollis will and Antigua of Colon expected that this match. weather permitting of receiving the entries. The leh will prove very interesting, as Colon athletes are reqnested to get in touch with him80 that The Clovelly of Panama islands are determined to the representatives of these Cycle Sports.
final arrangements can be made defeated the Sports of Colon one over on the Barbadians. Can The Boy Scouts on this end, last Sunday at Isthmian Park. they do this? Or will Barbados DONE AT seem to that they The Athletes Are in Pre will put it over the Colon boys. score of 127 runs for wickets Strite. These questions will be. be victor in paration.
the well trained and diciplined Lemmon 32 and Samuels 28 not lem solved are invited to the they will have to look out for and closed. Of this Burns made 37, fore who want to see this probdeclared their innings answered by Tuesday. All there At House No 6, Quite a large number of cyc see our good friend the out. To this Sports could only Standard Oval Sunday and Tues.
21st January Street, Guachapali Scoutmaster who is himself lists can be seen at Isthmian first class athlete.
make 31 for all.
Opposite the Market Park in the evenings, preparing day to watch the working out of The Silver City Band will disGames for Tomorrow.
FLORENCIA QUANG, themselves for the big athletic course sweet music during the BARBADOS VS. DEMERARAmeet which is expected to come day, and the, jazzers will have an CREOLES off. Some very fast sprinting opportunity to enjoy themselves.
Proprietress Rent Receipt Books in Span were seen on Tuesday last by Tomorrow and Tuesday, May ish and English for sale at the the various contestants when SADDLE POST 28th and 30th a Barbados Xi Workman Printery.
HORSE RACES petitor in It Panama Hardware FRANCO PARK tiche will go to and of ot Exciting Races. General Reduction in their prices STRIKE It is High Class Hemstitching Reasonable Prices POE same,


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