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PRICE Cts. Cy.
Depositors Panama Banking Co. ot telt King as at small der. com dor. He were of meeting, Share large number of West scenas follows:Loans and drak sented by counts about At the close fostters of public interest, but accounts 1919 been pass TO READ PAPER ana TO RECEIVE THE FIRST THE PRINCE SAV LA MAR MAJOR WOOD WILL SEEK OF WALES TRAGEDY PAYMENT JUNE FIFTEEN Meets Accident Playing Sailor Killed by Shark Girl AUDIENGE WITH KING Polo In Manilla City. Killed by Alligator.
Is Decision At Meeting of Credi ja despatch from Mon Plaided or sola eu, Sandarma terrible To Assure Him Of Great Loyalty May 14 that the Prince of tragedy occurred here to day, tors Held at National Theatre Wales, who arrived here yester. Sunday) whilst two sailors from day morning, suffered a slight the French barque now in Of West Indian Subjects.
port injury during a Polo game, were swimming in the sea, one On Tuesday last, the National expenses in connection with the when a player behind him hita of them were attacked by a big The West India Committee Cir discriptive articles which apTheatre was crowded with a affairs of the creditors. b) To ball that struck the Prince a shark which instantly killed him. cular addressing a meeting of its peared in The Times will shortly large number of the and depositors of the defunct preference has been admitted: creditors pay the entire claims to which glancing blow over the right One arm was bitten of complete constituents at form Panama Banking Company, who c) 50 of the a leg also fearfully lacera March 25th, Hon. Edward Wood by The West India Committee attended a meeting summoned common claims referred at some length to the deposit de and a ball long. It was neces ted.
The body was fished up with his visit to the West Indies, and ATTENDED DINNER sary to make two stitches in the of the Third which have been accapted. To wound.
by Judge Vallarino Mr. Edward Wood, Mr.
The wound is not grappling irons. The funeral stated that cn bis return the Circuit Court for the purpose of authorize the Receiver to make ime til med ervice was held at the Roman o hibe dealthy to see ka sel hinau die Wiseman will be guests of Ormsby Gore, MP. and Mr.
receiving the report of Mr. payment of the balance from time serious. The Prince Catholic Chapel at of.
Addison Ruan, Receiver; and to time, in his position as financier from the game and returned to burial took place assure of the The at a to adopt the various recommen the sum of not less than 10 of the Renown; he was unable to Gratto Cemetery. Much sorrow these distant colonies. Pell made dinner on May 4th.
afterwards people of dations put forward as to the the total amount of the claims a tend the dinner reception is felt for the you young man who him feel proud of his connection MAJOR WOOD REPORT, disposition of the funds in the already recognized. that Governor Woud had arrang was a favourite on his ship. The with the British Empire, for London, April 27. West India Baak.
That in the accounts of the ed for him.
At 10 am, the Judge took his Bank, funeral was largely attended which he had been privileged to Commítree Circular) In reply to there are 1, 500 It was seat and called the meeting to or amounts of sums from 20 00 Prince will resume the activities were sent by spapathisers.
announced that the and many wreaths and flowers be on that occasion an Ambassa Mr. Gideon Murray, on April The several sections of the downward and which approxi. of his visit to morrow. The hoped On Wednesday a girl was sible for the the Government be pos bib. Mr. Edward Wood stated Civil Code of this Republic to that he hoped to have his report un mately is 6, 000 00, that these Prince is said to be first heir to killed by an alligator, Half of come in some der which aucborization for the be settled and removed from the the Throne of a World Power her body was recovered. The economical help of these coun. West Indian Colonies ready in to the on his official visit to the British.
calling of the accounts. The present accounts to visit the Philippines alligator was captured yesterday tries, the hopes of which tha course of the next two or Third Circuit Court this photos as seen on the books of the Bank very much in ona basket in three weeks. He understood vince draits 359, 331, 25 these difficult days. He suggest that courtesy demanded that it Indian depositors were ed that the ladies had it in their should not be laid on the Table.
Hon. repie Debts to Baukers and various GARVEY SENDS TELEGRAM Humber, banks in correspondence with their power to help one of those of the House before it had bad British Vice Consul, while the Panama Banking Company; countries. Dominica. The root time to reach the Colonies conTO PRESIDENT HARDING reason why we in this cerned.
International Banking Corpora 14, 295 45. Due to Martin Concountry tion, and the American Foreign bog, Receiver in New York were so silly as to use lemons LEGISLATION IN JAMAICA.
Bank represented In when limes had so many advan Mr. Churchill informed Captors, MB Wynter also Debts of Isaac Brandon to this Thanklng Him For Sup Colon Boy Brigade sages, was that practically every tain Benn, on April 11th; that 23 25 depositors. Bank, 384, 269. 52.
port to Liberlan Loan recipe no been is The Receiver reported that of the report, Of Flve Million Dollars.
In Panama Take a fresh le con. He asked to the Government of Jamaica the Mr. Juanario Illueca, proposed was a difference in the ladies to to and de claims presented against ented pass immediate the that ihe depositors having the endeu vour to correct that advise ya Bill to prevent the publica assets of the Panama Banking sums of up to 50. 00 be paid.
The Colon Boy Brigade un by rubstituting Take a fresh tion of misstatements apon Company, and by reason of such This was seconded by Mr. diterences be had classified the Wynter, but it was shown that gram to President Harding. der Watson, arrived in this city wouid be materially helping the attention of the Governor liminto several groups, so this would reduce the payment Presidext of the Universal on Tuesday last from Colon, Dominica drawn in to certain as to arrive at a clear under of 50 to all the other deposi Negro Improvement Asso Quite a large number of persons legislation which had be standing of the various claimants tors the matter was dropped. ciation thanks President and assembled at the railroad station ed in another Colony for con The first group was represented The remuneration to the Ra Secretary of State for sup to witness the demonstration of Major the Hon. Ormsby trolling the importation by such claims as were given ceiver for service was accep ed port of the Liberian Luanthe boys who were looking Gore, is to read a paper circulation of seditious publica consideratiou in. of five million dollars.
of the net funds recure. smart and tidy. Capt, Brown regarding the recent visit of the t100s. law called the Harmful 1597 and 1598 of the Commercial by the bank. It is anticipated Following is the telegram sent was very much admired for the Colonial Office Mission to the Publications Prohibition Law Code of the Republic, and will toat amount will be about in full: manner he was able to handle West Iodies, at the Royal Colo had been hander news recently introduced be the first to receive payment. 25, Although it seemed nial Institute: in the second into the Legislative Colecil of Warren Harding President the drum major staff.
The second group are those ro very large amount, the repres of the United States of America After arriving at the station, week in June. His interesting Jamaica, presented under article 1569, sentatives were satisfied that the Brigade marched to Liberty Washington, and which are the properties of Mr. Ruan has accomplished A, Chapter the claimants, but have no legal satisfactory service and has Honorable Sir: hereby beg 14 Commander transfer to the bankrupt liabili prevented much Sentenced to Death andce has to return thanks to you and your address his unnecessay Secretary of State on behalf of object for coming to the city. At stating wbat was The Dreaded Mos ties of the Bank. Third group, delay and sufferings, which are those which have and will be might have occurred otherwise the Four hundred million Ne three the fall in was again London, May Ronald True quito.
given preference. The fourth and the opportunity is here taken groes of the world for thoni sounded at the hall, and the boys former Major in the British group, are those. which have to tender to Mr. Ruan the sincere providing a loan of Five million whe port you have given to the bill marched to DeLesseps Park. aviation service, on trial for the adopted the method of making gratification of the depositors The Silver City people their claims as required of Gartrode Yates, was dollars from your com general, and the West Indian to the Republic of Liberia. The demonstrated the people government raheretbey went through exercises. In the movements found this evening crying out for mosquitoes which monly by the law.
depositors in particular for were of wilful inurder and sentenced are prevalent around. As notbwas found to adwhich he loaning amount dem much pleased with the to death.
ing of repairs have been done to just the claims of the correspond pas mexpedinean the internationalista han reveals the friendship of your wekiviteu cho me by the brigade Asked by the court whether the screens, which have been ding Banks with Isaac Brandon just two months to declare Race in government toward the Black After this demonstration was he had anything to say why greatly of New York, up to March 24th, payment especially to sman Race in that Liberia zjis the only concluded, the Company march sentence should not be passed December and last.
of 1922. asid mu ehe draftsma were depositors reliving much sul Boca whore the train upon him, True replied, am during the great storm and rain remitted from Panama Bank, among the people was boarded ing Company. It was also found All The srt of bigbergofounded colon Justice McCardie, in his in the houses of the occupants.
necessary to adjust such claims adopted and the meeting brought through the assistance of your It be admitted that a charge said he would leave it to It may be only a few more as were the result of foreign to close. We take this opportu country man for the purpose of great jury to decide whether the days left for a great and extenDaeal of credit should be therder, if committed by the pris. sive spread of malaria and other exchange.
the Negro to helping also in given to to Commander Watson for The sum deposited was audit thanks of the demors to the lish himselt on his own native the neat appearance and disci oner, was committed during an diseases in these localities to and da ce it.
of the race America is looking that will be. are to The total amount of money in the strict administered homeward with interest it round in Bank for liquidation was 690, throughout this matter, and for and out of the houses, Though 694, 43 The Receiver recom: the manner the court worked te for us to express our apprecia: done to make these boys useful by the defence.
True resided in Texas and sanitation has been increased on other parts of the United States the Isthmus malaria should still that he be authorised bring the affairs uo to date. It tion for the further belp you a distribution on June is indeed a credit to this Repub! have given in granting this loan.
during the war.
15th of the present year, so as lic, the consideration given the obedient servant.
Believe me sir, be your Mass Meeting at be dreaded. We feel dure that the Canal Zone Government is to bring to a conclusion the first people; also for the assistance aware of the fact that the storm part of the work of the office, rendered by the British Lega MARCUS GARVEY, Hall LAURIE and rain between December and viz. a) the entire amount of the tion and other banks in the city.
President General, January last have done great N, I, By kind permission of the damage to the screen In sad but Loving Memory of wires That Ragtime Rally Secular Concert.
officers and members of the my Dearest Mother, Mrs. Joanah provided around and about the Oddfellows Thanksgiving. Universal Negro Improvement Allen who departed this life on homes of the occupants of The public is asked to bear in secular concert will take Association African Commu. the 2nd June, 1921 various settlements.
mind the Grand Ragtime Rally place on June 15 at the Panama nities League, Chapter No. 14, a asking the Government to assist to be held under the auspices of Capital Hall, Guachapali, when Just a us to get out of the lips of mosthe Royal King David Temple No the Musical Art Association of the Improved Independent held for the purpose of explain How missed you Mother Dear. quitoes and to keep from the room. On Saturday night, June will 2, at Eureka lodge under Director Leacock Order of Oddfellows, London ing the aims and objects of the And remembering all your kind dreadful disease of malaria.
ness, Unity known as London Day Jamaica Representative Govern.
Our young children are perish10. An excellent program has a present select program will be observed has including Tableauxs, Sunday ment Association. The meeting As shed a silent tear. ing. We do not think so much been prepared and a full band Mcnologues, and songs to the June 4th, will be held on Thursday 8th of of ourselves as our poor lit dle of music will be in attendance. delight ot those attending. The special service whill be held the preseat nonch at p. at But know that you are happy ones. child said to ber mother good time is anticipated. Come management is present in the Loyal Star of Hope Lodge Liberty Hall No.
In the mansions of the blest, Mother look where the mosand enjoy yourself. All are invi formulating plans for the suc Hall. Calidonia road at p, Toe West Indians are invited quito suck blood. See ted. Admission free. See adver cess of this concert and every when the Rev. T, Bartley to take part and give their assis Where there is no pain or sorrow it here mother, kill it. We tisement in another column of thing points to a bumner house will be the preacher. All mem tance in making this meeting In the sweet Eternal resta beg for sympathy for the little. on the night of June 17th. ibers are asked to be out on time. big success, ONLY CHILD ZIPPORAH, children.
articles 1596; 1596, at this 000 00 Hall.
of the The gave an seve killing are guilty prompt damaged between My Lord was to nity on justice to mended to the We are on at


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