
PAGE TWO THE WORKMAN SATURDAY, JUNE 3, 192 Interesting News from The West Indian Islands THEY RE OF glad to with wbo dealt court 28 LUCKY STRIKE (the of content workers.
Started, June 1st. Closes, August 15th Winner Announced, August 25th.
Ist PRIZE 250. 00 Gold 24 OTHER CASH PRIZES the The Watch All Newspapers Jamaica Attention Treatment at this bul JAMAICA sense of the term, man who Supreme Court; has been was desirous of doing bis best recommended by the Board of by The Motion For The best in a manner that is gonte every religious denomination in manly, and not to burt the the Island as the inalienable feelings of any body in this this right of the children and the Recall Of The island, and of such we were very manifest duty of the State. It Governor.
bave bim.
But there is is undoubtedly the best solution no getting away from the of this problem, and this duty fact that while Sir Leslie the State must face and face Probyn was a man, an English quickly in order fo cope Discussion Takes Place At Rentleman second to none, as a condition that must otherwise Meeting of Parochials the Governor of a quasi Crown lead to disastrous consequences Board of St. James.
to be desired, The very fact that he ficers would have 30 intimate disired to to please everybody, the acquaintance with the people in RESOLUTION PASSED very fact of his desire to conduct their districts any know hie Remarkable Start. No One Left At The Post.
government in way that the waifs and strays need would not tread on the toes of ing to be brought under the Members Express Disapproval any class in Jamaica made him District Committees or Stay Up With The Crowd.
Of Resolution Passed By to sort of man in his (the speak with by a juvenile Parochial Boards Asson. er s) opipon who was not an neglected children and thus ideal Governor, not the Govern Compulsory Education will mateor they needed nor would glad rially help th: Child Welfare The movement for the recall of ly welcome. And while disso Scheme.
the Governor of Jamaica, Sir ciating bimself from the reso ONE OF THE ADVANTAGES, Leslie Probyo, which has been lution passad in in St. Andrew going on in that island for the action ought to be condemned)
One of the adyantages of bring past few weeks, does not seem he could not associate himself ing all the children for eight to be gaining the general, sup with this resolution which gives years under school discipline will EMPTY PACKAGE CONTEST port, as may be gathered by the an expression He be the gain to the industrial and following excerpts from the ask the mover and seconder to economic life of the Colony of a proceedings of a meeting of the withdraw this resolution and to superior class of Bt. James Board:The Labour Party in England The vice chairman moved and chial Board Association had demands that express regret that all narrowly voca the Rev. Brown seconded passed such a resolution when tional subjects should be elimithe following resolution: Resol they could bring no concrete nated from the school Curricu.
ved that at the first regular fault against the Governor. lum; Changes involving Vocation monthly meeting of the Parochial Mr, Foster said that as the al Training therefore call for Board of the parish of St. James resolution stood be could nt vote careful treatment. Further (a legally constituted body) bela in its favour. He did not believe opportunities are needed for the since the 19th of April, 1922, that the question was within the training of youth in industrial this Board places on record its province of a Parochial Board for and agricultural pursuits in disassociation with a resolution discussion. Not being satisfied order that the difficult years of passed at Half way Tree in the with the admioistration the later adolescence may be bridged Parish of Andrew on resolution would not have his readily learned: There is a lack over, and selt discipline more St.
the 19th day of April, 1922 at a support.
meeting of a body known as the Mr. Foster enquired as to the of opportunity for poorly eduParochial Boards Association delegates who were aent to Hallocated boys and girls to earn a the said resolution requesting way Tree by the St. James livelihood.
Secretary for the Colonies Board.
The principle of thrift in eduto recall His Excellency Sir chairman pointed out that cation finds its first application Leslie Probyn, Governor of no delegates were sent, and that in the conservation of health in the Board of St. James had not early life. survey of the child The vice chairman speaking on joined up with the Parochial life of Jamaica makes it clear the resolution said he felt that Boards Association.
SA that in the matter of health the the Board was not in accord with The portion of the resolution school children need Medical the resolution recently passed at at which took the form of a vote and Half way Tree for as regards of contidence in the Governor throughout their Scbool Years.
the Governor administration and the Government was remove Preventive measures however faultly his mothods ad, and the first paragraph wal periodwindbe othereater service Death. von Board, regular caller at this port dur. Port of Spain Gazelle says. the to them to community ing a recent voyage from the realise in him a disposition for St. James Boards dissociation than curative treatment in latter West Indies to Plymouth. The It may be mentioned that the development and improve with the resolution recalling the ter years, and future generations paper mentions that two girls, these persons passed through ment of the island. It could not Governor was put to the voté and well as the present will bene. TWO PASSENGERS SUFFOCAT EDMarce Rosa Rampazzini (13) and this port when the Venezuela be said that Sir Leslie Probyn passed unanimously.
fit by money wisely spent in this Maria Lara Ignasias (18) were was the worst Governor they direction.
have had, and The London Daily Mail of April Buffocated in their sleep in their was last in our harbour. It is for many a term The committee endorses for 1st records a regrettable incident cabin through gas fumes, They understood that the gas fumes they had not found any Govern The Welfare Scheme For Jamaica the following words. which occured on board the were travelling with which were quoted in the House Royal Netherlands West India parents to Paris to study music. age room of the ship into the their had escaped from the cold storor who had manifested BO much a desire to improve the condition Our Children.
of Lords in 1917 from a speech Mail Steamer Venezuela of things as the present Govern.
of the Minister of Roferring to the above the cabin.
Education: Although His Excelle cy desire is that our peuple may not be called a democrat, Polnts In Appendix At should be good citizens, revernot found a man who. body was so desirious of helping the tached to Report Sumb and mind, skilled in the practice march of democracy.
mitted to Legislative of their several avocations Rev. Mr. Brown said be Council.
capable of turning their leisure seconded the resolution most uses How to make heartily. Of course he felt that the Public the was not perfect Elementary School centres for no man was perfect. Maecat ABOUT COMPULSION the physical and moral, as well as the mental improvemont, of as he could see the Goventry The Health of School Chil, the young people of Jamaica is a from his coming to this had shown himself to matter for the care of the Board be a man of broad mind and a man desiri dren Need Medical Care of Education.
ous of giving fair play to every And Treatment, man; a man who recognized ability in all classes and condi BARBADOS Of Every Description tions of men ead be thought it In conclusion with the Child a cruel act to pass such a Welfare Scheme which has been terrible resolution, and to record submitted to the Legislative Death By Accident.
it as the sentiment of the people Council the following appendix CAN ALWAYS BE HAD of this country, when in fact it is attached to the reportsimply concerned certain indi child who has become a Oa Thursday morning Marga. АТ THBviduals who may not be in ward of the State through the rett McLean a woman 63 years accord with tie government or agency of the poor law is con of age, died suddenly while the Governor vion. sidered to be entitled to support vomitting blood after. Mr. Kerr rett said he was with good citizenship. What who were gathered around. education commensurate struggle between some persons sorry he coula support the resolution Sue would say wby: the State has done and is asked stand pipe at the foot of my Because ho ought that the further to do for the wails and Lord Enl. It was thought that such a resolution and he could the deficiency of the provision received a blow in the attray association had no right to pass strays brings into prominence the unfortunate old woman had When passing drop in and inspect our yaried not vote on the vice chairman made for training young people which caused her death. The The resolution as it stood. Unless the who are not of this class.
on being notified of the Association bad a concrete and The fact te sputed that occurrence took charge of the Stock of clear case against the Governor a very large nu. children, corpse and conveyed it to the they had no right to pass such a some say 72, 000. act o Public Mortuary of resolution. He could not go as at all. yet the disciplina of school grounds. Later in the day an far as Mr. Brown had gone in is indispenable for the children inquest was held by Mr. J, that resolution, he could not of school age in this country, Sainsbury, acting Coroner for see bis way to vote on it. and the absence of a hoine life District A, and a jury. Dr.
CHAIRMAN SUGGESTION whe makes the majority of them Johnson, Government Patholowholly dependent on the ele gist, made the post mortem and The chairman spoke disap mentary schools for whatever gave it as bis opinion that provingly of the resolution of religious teaching and moral the deceased been the passed at Half way Tree training they receive of a disease which meeting, in that half a dozen comparison of the falling off was members from half a dozen of school attendance during the death at any time and that death Boards should have presumed to the past ten years with the in was due to rupture of the have passed such a resolution as crease of paupers, of illegitimacy thoracic aorta. The jury in acfrom the Parochial Boards in and of crime, reveals a situation cordance with the medical testiJanaica demanding the recall of that calls for serious considera mony returned a verdict of the Governor. They had absotion and prompt attention. The accidental death.
lutely no right to do that, nd essity for making that may br Attendance nia ofi e schools Compulsory was plasized by the Commission boy named Dudley Johnson.
ge that be prove nprinted in 1877 under the employed in the engine room of ought against airmanship of Sir. Lucie Sandy Lane Factory, St. James Sir Leslie Probyn, They, as a nith, Chief Justice and by the was killed by the spin wheel of Board, knew on the contrary Commission of 1898 under the on the night of the An Assortment that will meet your Taste.
that the Governor was an chairmanship of the Hon 10. An inquest was English gentleman in the true Lumber one of the Judges of the continued on Page. Our or.
they had ent and and Varied Assortment of STATIONERY sbort WORKMAN PRINTERY the Reet had victim Birth day Cards Menu Cards Wedding, Christening and Dance Cards.
quite likely to cause anything out be Luey had tbA 28.


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