
THE WORRMAN SATURDAY, JUNE 3, 1922 PAGE THREE International Banking Corporation the tes of Hole BoBo position to this spots is IN OUR COLON STORE ONLY especially Cate of local VERY LARGE REDUCTIONS IN TWEEDS SERGES LININGS are been proclaimed in this part of ters wbose services we are told the diy, are in great demand in the Capital and Surplus 10, 000, 000 Undivided Profits over 1, 000, 000 Already some writers seem to Republie in consequence of the view the move on the part of the operations of a company interest Government as desire to ed in asphalt and oil.
barass the poor bucksters instead of as a restoration of law and order and for the recogni Sharks Prevalent.
tion of the rights of the public instead of their sequestration by few Parties who returned yesterHead Office: 60 WALL STREET, New York City Owned by THE NATIONAL CITY BANK or New YORK How long it will last it re day from the Islands tells of the mains to be seen, as in this prevalence of sharks the bese mongrel community tbere is During Sunday two of such a diversity of interests monsters kept a ceaseless vigil that nothing pro bono publico Grand Four, and Georgetti and around Copper Depository of the PANAMA CANAL succeeds.
Monos, while three others were reported to be in the vicinity of TRINIDAD the Bocas, where a fisberman, Direct Representations through our own Branches and those of Ich descare, havio be plying his daily vocation, had been THE NATIONAL CITY BANK OF NEW YORK in Trinidad Races for customers.
recent Jamaica barbour tragedy.
it is no alarmist view to sug.
CHINA JAPAN INDIA JAVA STRAITS SETTLEMENTS PHILLIPINES gest that some organized effort ARGENTINE BRAZIL CHILE JUBA PERU PORTO RICO Last week Captain Cipriani re should be made to rid our waters ceived an offer from one of the of tbese dangerous denizens of URUGUAY AND VENEZUELA leading Venezuelan stables to the deep, send over five representatives to our Midsummer meeting. So Correspondents in all the Trade Centers and Ports of the World far no decision has been arrived Eastern Market Improveat, but we are in a to ment.
state that if this gentleman is willing to take charge of the be The three massive Iron string in question they will gates immediately shipped to of the Eastern market ESPECIALLY EQUIPPED FOR FINANCING AND PROMOTING INTERNATIONAL COMMERCE which colony. Needless to say that if were recently repaired. bave it is practicable the offer will be been placed in position once INTEREST PAID ON SAVINGS ACCOUNTS AT PER CENT. PER ANNUM accepted. There is little doubt again. It is also noticed that that as invasion from the neigh of using the bouring Republic will give very impetus to the Midsummer more sanitary method of move Krounds being replaced by the fixture which already promises able wooden stalls. nicely paint to be a bumper one.
West Indian News JENNY GEDDES, ed and quite large enongh to make an effective display of cable received recently an. ground nounces that the Irish tilly, vendor seems enamoured of the provisions, etc. The (Continued from page 2) Jenny Geddes has been shipped changed conditions, held on the following day at from Liverpool. This filly comes as the latter through working which the jury returned a ver to the order of Capt. Cipriani commendable improvement in dict of accidental death.
who represents a small To make room for new stock coming in shortly, we syndi volve no increased expenditure tsmen and we to themselves, sportsmen hope that she will arrive fit and have arranged Bill to Authorise Loan well. Obviously too late for the forthcoming T, it is quite TLUCIA At a meeting cf the House of possible that she may be able to Assembly on Tuesday a Bill to take the field on Discovery Day authorise the Governor in Exe providing she travels without Bottle Found at Sea cutive Committee to raise a sum mishap.
of 17, 000 by way of loan was FILLY NO.
Gives Fate of Cyclops.
passed. The report of the Select Filly No, which has so far Committee on the Bill to impose not been named was out on the certain rates of income tax was La Brea track looking quite fit Alleged Message says Colller adopted. Schedule which and allowed a Missing Since 1917 Was Sunk was estimated to yield 15, 935 little exercise the day before the 159. Bd. was adopted and formed races and her connections by German Submarine.
Financial of the original schedule.
in place highly pleased with the way in Two which she carries herself. Sbe bottle containing a note purportBeaufort, March 25. Select Committees were appoint is described as kind and likened ing to be signed by an engineer ed to consider certain Messages to Dixie Himmel when striding aboard the navy collier Cyclops.
from His Excellency the Govern. am afraid this is a tall or as he is leaving the colony The Kernahan mare was without which disappeared at sea in 1917 about the middle of May and it most perfect was picked up today northeast was necessary that replies strider seen in these parts and of Cape Lopkom Lighthouse.
that time and then the House filly No. may be quite as per bands was ordered on bours should be given to them before while it is not impossible that The note stated that a German close by, and all EXCEPTIONAL VALUES adjourned foy a week.
fect we should like to see her the boat, and the ship wa before giving it as our opinion. then to be torpdoed.
The Government of the Lee. Sporting Chronicle.
The note was smerged with ward Islands has recently pase.
grease and the make provision for bottle ed an Act was studentships, and for the payThe King Colours.
stopped with a rubber stopper and covered with sea brao, ment of tuition and other fees The Cyclops was bound from of students from that colony at The King Colours presented Chillean the Rawle Training Institution, port to the United COLON The Governor in Council may consecrated just before the tensive search was conducted Codrington College. Barbados tishwest Bettedi Regimehe Bora States with a cargo of nitrates Indies were make rules to regulate the num.
Costco ber of studentships, conditions opening session of the Legisla, for her but no trace of her was found on which same may be awarded, tive Council of Trinidad with It has been generally believed payments of coat of journey etc becoming ceremony: Following the the King that she went down suddenly off Colours. which take the form of the Atlaattc coast in a heavy WILKINSON OBITUARY a silk Union Jack with the num. squal or storm, although no ber and crest of the battalion nearby ports reported any Bargains! Bargains. Bargains. CONTRACTCR BUILDER News was received here on embroidered in the centre, were wireless message was received First Class Workmanship Friday last of the death in the installed in the southern portion from the vessel indicating ang Plans and Specifications Free Colonial hospital at Port of Spain of the Council Chamber just trouble. New York Times.
of Irene. daughter of Re Rev. above the Roll of Honour. Cana.
GO TO THE PANAMA BARGAIN HOUSE 5th Street Wes House 99 Johnson. It was in our last dian Gazette.
issue that Wered to the The New Scheme of PayP. Box 411, Panama, of Rev.
ment for Primary School When you wish a cheap, but decent Suit (complete. wife.
Going to Venezuela.
has been laid heavily on the old hats, hose, collars, ties, and so forth.
JUAN ILLUECA gentleman to whom we offer our The following item of news is condolences in this his further gleaned from the Port of Spain We have observed that a new Attorney. at. Law bereavement.
Gazette of 20th instant. goodly scheme for payment of salaries number of artizans yesterday ob. to Primary School Teachers bas Also cheap Cots for the weary Traveller No. 44 Central Avenue Oficial The death took place on Sun tained from the Colonial Secre been published in the TELEPHONE NO. 64. BOX No. 76 day last at the General Hospital tary office passports enabling Gazette. From the exchanges from time Practices in all Courts of of Dr. Edward St. John, them to travel to Venezuela, The that reaches us carpen(Continued On Page 6)
Address. MULLER BUILDING Panala.
Youngest brother Mr. St. bulk of these men are John of Benthams. St Lucy English Spoken Fluently and of the late Dr. St. John.
CALIDONIA It was only about three months ago, soon after the death of his Ape Came After Man, Says brother, that the deceased The STEWART Paris Scientist.
arrived in the island from whether be went to reside about 16 years ago, in very bad health Paris, April Postive denial and gradually grew worse.
CLAE No of the Darwin theory bas been made before the Academy of PRIVATE ACADEMY Medicine by no less an authority Law Regulating Hawkers.
than Professor, Arthur Coutiere, famous author of numerous On account of the enforcing of CLASSES IN English Classes biological and medical works. the the law making it compalCoutiere bases his theory remains sont com backaters the plagoods in Shorthand, trades and vend For Young adies p. parts of the world which the Public Market from Monday show, he asserts, that not only last. Swan stres sirest and the ad AND FOR BOYS 7 the human being and the joining have bad ape always been types apart, but deserted appearance and pedesMon Tues. Thurs. Fridays.
51 16th STREET WEST that the ape was created after trians and others have been man. At the same time he admits able to pass along this highway BARTON, that man at one time walked on with some degree of comfort.
PANAMA CITY all fours. But he had always the This district gives one the apgift of speech.
pearance of a bartal having part of the the submarine American Bazaar ever death on Easterdary the hand to Commercial Evening School Shorthand, Typewriting, Spanish, Etc. an all have byeways


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