
EST 600.
DA DRI EER REWED hee and energy.
of might KINGBEE VMAGNUMS CIAS simply trolley required Extra Mild the Schoolso been. Visiting Las Cascadas.
THE WORKMAN Every man under his own vine and fig tree.
Living in Las Casadas in Published on Saturdays by Rates for Advertisement on applies these days have not the slightest WALROND, the office Central Ave son. Correspondence on all matters semblance of living in a prison me and corner of Streol, Panama, of public interest invited.
camp as it was feared sometime do Box 74, Panama All copy for publication must be.
written on one side of paper only, and Rether. It looks more like the LATES OF SUBSCRIPTION mum de accompanied by the name of foretaste of the prophetic des Ope Year 40 U8. C, the writer, not necessarily for publice cription given of the time of which it is written. Every man Six Months 20 ton but as a mark of good faith.
under his own Vine and fig Three wo do not undertake to return tree and no one to make him One 250. crejected orrespondence.
of the 110 families located The Liberty of the Press is the palladium of our rights JUNIUS there without police and court house and the peace and concord SATURDAY, JUNE 1922 prevailing one hears nothing but good will and content not to be found in many places on the INDUSTRIAL EXPANSION. terrestrial ball It does one good like a good tonic to get away from city life!
with all of its evils and get It is generally evident that most of the dry goods in a place like Las Cascadas.
business places in Panama and Colon are passing through Tilling the soil and stock strenuous times. Many of them have already reduced raising forms the chief means subsistance, but it is sure, the number of their employees and some have reduced the pure and wholesome, and makes wages of those who are still in their service. This means for independence with honest that business is slow in the dry goods line.
resolve and The groceries are, to an extent, much better off be There is a government school cause people must eat, and those who can find the money for the children of the residents, cannot avoid visiting places where foodstuffs are sold. And but the camp of the Seventh yet business in the groceries is nothing like what it was of the best building for a Tocal Disparaging Remarks of some years ago.
While articles of dire necessity are Tuskegee Institute bids fair to Colleagues.
purchased the luxuries and physical non essentials move achieve much in the life and very slowly or not at all.
training the people the La Boca What might be expected from a situation like this young people particularly. of Colored School CZ, such others if no improvement comes neither to the unemployed who the persausion and as might be admitted May 25. 1922, to the are out of pocket nor to the business man who is making college as be of craft of no money out of his investment? This is a question of far religious cult ana not be To the Editor of The Workman the Sir, regret that an unneces.
sect. The training too serious import to be dismissed with a sigh.
however sary correspondeace has ap The Isthmusvis in the vortex of industrial inertia and progresses, and the pupils and peared in your valuable columns teachers seem to get along re Teachers economic stagnation, The businesses that proved lucra nicely and appear bappy.
of the Canal Zone Schools and Certificates. Mr.
tive and attractive during the construction days are flat saw many young faces whom Allen who wrote at first, was failures in the reconstruction period. While the dirt and am acquainted with from Colon rather too vague and would lead rock were being excavated out of the canal prism and tops Panama and San Andres who any one who read his letter to wonder what it was all about.
of hills blown off in the canal contour, business raged wild reported getting on fine.
even in the lives of jewelries, perfumeries and exaggerat The College Professor Mr. and Mr. Thompson of the Canal ed haberdasheries. Silks were as common as cotton and Boyd hus established a regular Zone Schools, who knows all about the market places flashed with brilliance of profligate Carry boate service between the lived the situation, made obscuri. Cascadas and Gamboa which is ty more obscure also gaieties.
not confined to the use of the These things and others more necessary don sell in camp alone but offers a con indulging in personal dispar these days. They are shelved and almost forgotten in the ventent means of transportation agen ents when he could Desires have not to the inbabitants of the town of whom he is one. bave own have stated that the Teachers inability of people to think of them.
and visitors But there is a red changed but circumstances have, and there is where the jitney and car, service on tolake a curse in the Palmer by the Dept.
whole matter lies. Merchants are complaining that the road between the villages, Method of nothing in their stores are selling and some of the stores Culebra and Pedro Miguel pewnship, and CIGARETTES the names Mr. mentioned are as quiet as a graveyard at night.
Life in Los Cascadas teaches with a few omissions, are those The idea suggest itself that a new or rather an old, beautiful lessons of being able who have already completed the but different form of industry should be sought and fol to live without intoxicants or the course and therefore has been lowed. If money can roll on the shelves it ought to be various other evils of the city awarded certificatore life.
removed and placed where it can roll. It doesn pay to The WORKMAN seems to be Mr. Thompson letter to say tie up money in unsaleable articles. Nobody can afford the news organ looked forward the least of it, is not only disto do that, and even if one could it would be considered to week by week in Las Casca paraging to some of his brother teachers, but is also to my mind, the greatest bit of folly to sink money in goods, returns das.
Las Cascadus is a real resort fessional, grossly undignified and unpro.
on which are veiled in such uncertainty.
One industry which cannot fail to bring profitable for a run down pnysique and the studious mind.
Thanking you for space, am returns is agriculture. Another is stock farming. These More houses are in demand for Respectfully, SAVE THE COUPONS two lines of industry are proving to be most attractive in such as desire to get out of town REED these days. In the United States people who formerly with growing up children etc, invested their moneys in dry goods are now selling out Old Bill (Willie) Greene an Creoline Hair Producer is and putting their cash and time in the soil, and no one old veteran advocate of living in the World bəst hair pro CHURCH SERVICE Soventh Day Adventist Church seems to be regretting the change.
Las Cascadas mine bost is the (American Episcopal Church)
It would be a comparatively easy matter for a fem of Elder in the gato at Las Cas. ducer and will not soil or stain cadas.
clothes, St. Paul Church, Panama.
Sabbath (Saturday) 45 an. Sebthe business men to get together in a solid financial plan bath Scbool; 11 15 am, General Worship and inaugurate farm life as a change, or at leasu, as sub6 m, Holy Communion, 30 Spanish Claas; 30 There can be tound Our business proprietors must look beyond the couar 10 a. m, Matina, sidiary to their other investments, Young People Meeting; 30 o.
10:30 am. Holy Commuion and ser Vespera, enough labor here to make farming a booming concern. er and desk of the department stores and groceries of the mon.
Sunday night 730 Service AB There are lands that can be had by those who have the city and visualise the possibilities that exist in the soil all Holy Baptism, are welcome.
means to buy them. All that is necessary is vision to see over the country. They must put their money and their p. Sunday School.
the tremendous opportunities that lies hefore industrious minds together and help to solve the great crisis of unem7. 30 Evensong and sermon. Death Of Well know Book ployment into which the masses of our population have eyes.
St. Alban s, Paralso.
If the business men of Panama are serious in their been projected by the wholesale reduction of labor on the 10 sm, Holy Baptism expressed desire to see Panama improve economically and Canal Zone. When these people were employed the local 11 a, m, Holy Eucharist and sermon, The death is reported of industrially, they would not hesitate to do the sensit e proprietors and landlords made profitable business out of p. Sunday School, Andrew Waldron a native of 30 Evensong and addres.
thing. Truck gardening has always been profita. e them, and now that things have come to a stand still it is Gorgetown, British Guiana enterprise, and so has been stock farming. Tundreds of their turn to set the ball rolling F, NIGHTENGALE Priest in charge which sad event took place at ships pass through the canal every few months and rege article. It is believed that if the merchants and large Nothing impossible is being advocated by this St. Peter Church La Boca. Santo Tomas Hospital in this city on Thursday May 25 blast tables and meats are always in demand, 6, 30 mm. Hly Communion Waldron was proprietors who are now guessing as to what the economic a Pigs and chickens don take as much care as might future of Panama may be would stop wondering and com3 Sunday School, bookbinder by be first thought and good workmen on a farm can make mence to think out the problems of indyg alistu as they mon 30 Choral Evensong and for trade and was employed for one part of the business support the other without addi stand before them, they would soon come to the conclusion 600d Printing once.
of years in the book department of the Star MULCARE Rector, tional outlay. Investors need have no fear as to loosing and determination of doing something tangible for their St. Barnabes! Church, Emplre position in this ofice. Within the was also employed in a similar their monies for the soil never fails in this ct of the own prosperity and good of the country in general.
world 11 am Morning Prayer and addres. recent past he showed signs of good business insight seeks to catch every opportu Suaday Sobool at pm.
Unp spitious weather and scientific inexactitudes do nity that pusses by and sometimes it create opportunitailing health and gradually be 30 Evensong and address, came worst until he was forced not worry farmers in the tropics to any appreciable extent, ties which prove beneficial. If there is bad business in St. Bartholomew Church, to enter the hospital where he and especially in Panama is this so. It seems only neces the city why not go to the country? If the stores are died Demerara papers please Las Cascadas sary scratch the soil and plant the seer or or. and dead why not turn to farming? Il canned meats and imcopy, wait for a little while for the crop to reward ti inimum ported foodstuffs don turn over wby delay in building up Communion, 10. 45 am, Morning Prayer and Holy of toil with a maximum of profit.
a wholnoome live stock trade?
Lodge Notice. 30 pm. Sunday School.
Pansma has indisputable resources and opportunities poor people are ready to do the work, the soil p. on Evening Prayer and address ISLE OF SPRING LODGE No for industrial expansion and development. Some coun is wat In Sie men who are able to make the invest MULCARE, Priest in charge. 81. 50 tries, like Mexico and Russia are wonderfully rich in re menus do not seem to be ready. It would be a better sources and natural wealth, but political embroglios social instinct to prevent starvation and misery by finding Bible Truth Churches. The meeting nights of this San Miguel lodge are the 1st one sort or another keep them in a backward position in employment for the great mass of the unemployed than and 3rd Mondays and the 3rd Thursday the industrial world, Punama is free from political strife to answer appeals of the local Red Cross for subscriptions 5:30a. Morning Prayer of each month. The next meeting of the kind that can hamper business and industry. to relieve the sufferings wbich must inevitably come if 10 a. Children Service.
takes place on Monday June 11: a. Preaching Service The kinds of industries that can make Panama pros something for the sake of the people does not stir in a 5th at 30 sharp in the 30 Sunday Scbool.
Loyal Progress ll Par ama.
perous are those which have to do with lands of the short while.
7:30 Gospel Service.
All officers and members are country in the suburbs and in the interior, Factories will But after all, it is not only for the relief of the ecoCalldonia requested to be on time.
come in the future, but the immediate need is to find nomic situation that something ought to be set on foot, 5:30 am. Morning Prayer WM. MAYNARD, relief for the economic stagnation in the lines of agricul but the investors would be the greatest beneficiaries be 10 a. m, Children Service.
Per. Secretary ture and stock farming. There will always be a demand cause their monies would be working for them and mak 11 a. Preaching Service 2:30 Sunday School for the products and by products of the soil for which the ing returns far in excess of anything which they might be 7:30 Gospel Service.
IE you like beautiful hair markets are already assured, able to sit down and caculate. E, BARCLAY Pastor in chargouse Creoline Hair Producer Entirely Different 20 Cigarettes for 15c.


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