
THE WORKMAN, SATURDAY, JUNE 3, 1922, PAGE FIVE Atlantic Side News Ease of Control GAS which is Prelata opening Outside 30 Theresa Stewart Reetta Thomas Bar.
VIGOR TONIC are very сау.
most most JAVER MORAN American Pharmacy.
Cristobal Silver To Whom It May Concern. for you cannot find any account GRAND of the monies anywhere, unless it Clubhouse WHAT MAKES AN AUTOMOBILE POPULAR?
Charles Underwood, ex Secre whose doors are marked NIA.
This is to certity that Brother they homebody pocket and again Ragtime Rally have a nice Cream Palace tary, has been suspended from but not registered as such.
LITERARY SOCIETY St. Joseph Friendly Society for WILL BE HELD BY eighteen Years, for They take the Though the gathering which attended violating the rules of said society and open busines prosent to the Royal King David Temple No. sell in various respects. 10 people for their owa benefit and the lecture of Staff Captain Bax (Salva o. of Friendly Society one thing surprises me and that tion Army) on India, last Tuesday night at the under the auspices of the WHAT IS EASIER OF CONTROL THAN Jas. Ricketts, Grand Chiet without the nails being take a is the building is still standing, IN Literary Society, was by no means as well as many Past Officers of large one yet the fapt attention of those the St. James and St Olives away EUREKA LODGE HALL present, and the expression: appre Thanking you for space.
Lodges and representatives from 44. Hudson Lane ciation ard satisfaction given by them.
the several Friendly Societies Yours for justice, Between 4th a 5th Streets bers of the society were encouraging operating on the Atlantic side GREGOIRE gave the new Lodge a happy evidences that the lecturer bad not ON laboured in vain. It is safe to say that send off JUST LIGHT THE BURNER THAT IS ALL eldum in these parte has there been a After the unveiling and Dedi Mr. C: Wesleygam Saturday, June 10, 1922 lecture to profoundly instructive and cation of the Charter the followAt o clock interesting as was Staff Capt. Box s, mon Sails, iog officers were daly installed and it is the intention of the Society at some future date to requist this notable Come In And See Demonstration thus forming the great adminis.
tration:A Full Band of Music will be in restleman to orain lecture under its Among the passengers in tran attendance, Bro. CH Bitebolor Worthy Chief auspices, Following is a sketch of the sit on the Tivives from lee ure: YOU WILL BE CONVINCED Mssterman Wynter VC Columbian ports on Wednesday All are invited. Refreshments on Sale.
Staff Captain appeared in the dress. PA. Cole Ree. Seety 31st May was Mr. Wesleyis worn by the people of the PunJ othe Henry Lillaw Fin Secty, gummon of Savanna la mar, Ja jab red coat for Raney) white sboulder, Treas. maica cloth, khaki breeches, which in PANAMA COLON GAS CO.
Abart Cake are topnotchers in dancing and he said were the actual articles be wore Richard Allen The gentleman is a successful scarcely left any room for the Conductor solicitor of the Jamaica Bar and Gatunites.
PANAMA OFFICE. AT COLON OFFICE: with one or two exceptions for the ten John Neverson Sentinel is the leading member of the years of his stay in India. Continuing Henry Neale Cathedral Plaza YOUR 93 Bolivar St.
Ralph Pesemoro profession in the large sugar Mrs. Waller at Home Again he said not only did the misionaries in lodis wear the dress of the people, but Tel. 798 SERVICE parish of Westmoreland.
Tel. 364 Sis. Frances Morris Daughter of Fount He was around town with Mr.
but they alto took names after their Mrs. E. Waller, wife of the names. In lodia he was known by of Records Advocate Reid, and was Secretary of the Clubhouse has ludian name which interpreted means, Theodosis Sexton of Finance afforded the opportunity of meet returned from La Böca, where Line of Hope, while his wife name Loora Robinson of Treas ing a good many of his Towos she attended the Community Club Miriam Brown of Lec.
would be interpreted to mean, Sister of men as well as prominent Paua dance and the Decoration Day Hope, Viry much importance we The best Tonic in the World Clementina Samuels Conductres manlans and members of the local exercises. She expressed herself attached to the relection of names in Mary Grover of Keys as having enjoyed a pleasant stay that country, as every one had a meatMartha Armstrong of Pass Messrs. Reid and Wesleygam. among her many friends and ing, so the choice of names was made Rabecs Kilby Past PD, mon hails from the same old acquaintances.
with great care.
Speeches expressing the good Olive Mate (Maony School) and This elegant Tonic preparation is highly recommend Speaking on the Home Rule for India, wishes of the Sister Societies were both Solicitors Clerks in the Games are Improving he sid, as a rule he did not touch on ed in Debility, Nervousness, Female Weakness, were delivered by several speak long ago.
the political phase of the subject in bis ers Special mention may be Mr. Wesleygımmon is making Basket ball, Volley ball, Billiard lectures, but by special request be would Impoverishment of the Blood, and to build up made of the sage advise handed the round trip för relaxation and Whist and Dominoes few facie in the bope a run down constitution.
dowa by Toe of popular games at Gatun, dispelling some mistaken ideas that veteran Friendly, Esq. rest.
Society which were in It promotes digestion, improves the appechampions here are willing to the minds of Pignitary, who the people at the present time. India on a tite, and gives tone and energy to the whole system. bstamian Star Lodge No. AT Canal Zone Notes meet all comers in any of the above mentioned games. Secre whole does not want Home Rule, and OSBBro. Harold even if the people did, they are not yet DOSE: One small Wine glass before each meal or tary Waller who is a brilliant of the Mystic Flower Lodge times a day.
ready for it. To substantiate this, he daaftsman will play or accept a LA BOCA challenge from any first class con made a comparison of the size and Bro. Jos. Cocking, ably pre.
testant for the championship of population of America with India, the sided over the meeting and in his Song Service this place.
former country though twice the size of the latter bas belf as many people, usual manner added greatly to The regular monthly Song the enjoyment of the function.
Cricket Gam Postponed The enormour population being eplit ud ficult for the people to get along are having very little trouble with years and upwards, and to unbearable Lodge, as well as the Juveniles count of inclemency of weather up into hundreds of castes, makes The Sister of the St Olives Service tor the month of May.
having been postponed on acThe cricket game which was with each other, the main o stes are diosase and famine. He then told of an was the life of these widows that they contributed by songs and Recita: Will take place on Sunday, June 4: Stranged to take place cbere on the Hindus and the Mobammedans instance of the wonderful improvements preferred death to life and a pean tions to make the time pass 1922 The subject will be the Sunday Lestel between. Cornwall 210 17 sanitation ou ton of the womes to pleasantly.
Excelsior. has been millions Mohammedano SECOND ADVENT OF OUR hese two add irrigation in sections of the country, offer thera selves to by burned alive with bodies bate each other, not with a turning arid lands into fertile plains the corpse of their husband, The The meeting was brought to a LORD to be dealt with by Mr postponed on account of the to this close at 10 m, after a bounti: W. Reynolds, from the origin weather: unfavourable condition of the surface hate, but a real bate born of and making it possible for the people to British bowever, but stop centuries and benturies, bate of suspi live in places where previously it how to practice. but the women crowork to suicide ful supply of cakes, ice and cream bistory and practical importance played tomorrow, weather per of one party being impossible. He cited the place where now by burning themselves alive or had been enjoyed Millenium cion, every move of This subject ought to be interest at 12 30.
mitting Wickets will be pitched suspected by to drowning continue select a spot for the up of Concluding, spoke ing as it will be desit with by a Dr.
with the same intensity.
of Home Rule has been brought to the was after long travelling, and with much were numerous, and of varied forms, of The question settlement for the Salvation Army. It worshipped by these people. The Member Makes Non Millenniu nist.
Charges of Disloyal Anderson of Panama will officiate Excursion Train Enjoyed front by a few people, but as a lover of difficulty they reached the spot, gọing varius materials, ranging from wood as Chairman, persons who were friend of the Indian people, over what were apologies for roads, and stone, bronze, pure gold docked India and Service.
with contributing to the program are Quite a large number of per!
reminded that they are expected sons took advaatage of the excar one who had come in intimate places over bot loose sand.
and diamonds, etc. He showed with the people, and knew something of in which their feet sunk and the wheels to the audience some real gods which he to do so still, The public ission train which was run by Colon, Rep. of Panama, their inner feeling he was confident that of the cart made deep furrowe, but in had brought from cordially invited, Starts 30 Father Burns on Decoration Day.
and graphically May 31, 1922 Free. Free; Free.
of India on a two had described bow religiously and devcut on a two years It was a splendid opportunity for whole. To begin with, bo would ask come over the place. Great Oanals these people were in To the Editor of the Workman, many of the excursionists to visit the question, Indis were given with running fresh water were construct these gods, the care and attention that Mr. Editor Will you please GATUN their friends and relatives at La tomorrow, who would ed, bundreds of acres of cultivated fields was bestowed on them, and the feasts give me space in your widely read Boca and Panama City Over fifty rule? This put had aprung up, and respeotable louking persons from this district took of the question which still remains un bouce were built there and hit the king and presents that were given to the weekly for the insertion of these time of festivale and few lines. By our Correspondent) advantage of the pleasure trip, oswered: What would happen if an be left the population was 5009.
were any visitations or Though am of the opinion Parents Meeting and on their return stated that irresistible met a movable object?
Referring to the Punjab Rebellion be calamitio, leet the gods be angry and that you are not much concerned they had enjoyed themselves Most people did not know that many anid, he was at the tim. just completing destroy them. The greatest difficulty in the UNIA, nevertheless, you immensely At the Silver Clubhouse government positions were beld by dative Indians, position such a tour along the northwist frontier when this to convince them that their gods wellare of Negroes wherever Thursday night last, the ball was said he that the mimic nary is confronted cannot but be interested in the. the rebellion broke out. Oo reaching wich a large number of Song Service well Attended of districts. Buperintendent of Police. presence of the troops, etc. told him belief that as soon as their gode are will grant my petition Deputy Commisionero (men in elkargo Amritaat ho saw signs of uneasinew, the ato inanimato, no fix are they in the they are, therefore. hope you packed with parenis, guardians, and friends of buol children who were Judgee, 810. but it would frequently Nɔw sir, suppose the Parent present to hear bep seu that aiter elections Hindus and something was wrong. Scarcely had the blessed by the pricot, they tako nito and The Song Service at the Clubrecitations house on Sunday last was well Me hammedas would elected to the positions, and the results when he got the bow of the trouble, being able to be and bear, and enjoy all does that mean that the Branches Messrs. Clark and placed in the hands of Mr are privileged to do the same? Smith teachers of the Colored Holder, whose address was taken vou. be truubie, because the Hindus and they could see a blase of the burn that is going on.
would not want to serve along with the destruction of important buildinge and voto of thanko wa proposed by Mr. be condemns. he Does two wrong interesting pareats meeting and pel. He read several verses and the ing town. He then told of the weator At conclusion of the very thing school This was inde la very from 17th chap. of st. Luke Gos.
Muho mmed de and vice versa. This Reid, sooonded and supported by constitute a Obud other binge and the murder of innocent constitute a right?
clearly demonstrate that if the reins white people. still he opined there Ve Colo and Mr. Parker success.
Mr. Editor, believe you are a took as bis subject The Good el Government to Wante Mr. Waller, Secretary entrusted emported bedre end os eller bare numerous for loveles de cette the audience rining to expresite e man for justice and you can not the Clubhouse was the Chairman therefrom was very instructive them, there by the Indian. Most of of the vo of thanks but meit right for ances and civil war of the BOGD.
to people eople that took part in the rebellserious nature. Further, he said, lion he said did not know what they ing items: Preceding the lecture were the follow that people, ever so ignorant, fortelle childrens Hie instructions and interesting. The musical part should be made to bepaaye their be Jong remembed tiu large rendered and all went awayer ni puents will of the program was satisfactorily Home Rule were given to India, and in were fighting for, but did so in blind monies and led to believe they number of 1900 there with, the Troops to Prices they Byron were were were with deg so from India, labot. com, would ng when queried, Ghandi wa Recitation The Secretary Rotore Body: ad again the collection of presenter Thesivenesrecitation evening was enjoyed.
th would not continue ao independen: Memot unknown to them. Concluding a for. and activities on state for any time, as there are border chis point, he said that one great miracle Song There vacant chair, Min which afterwards, when a men by the children, and at the end of. am were dered Post Master at Hospital ing countries such as, Romain, and he would have to happen to India before ber asks for aid, he was refused, the factio all won ghanistan, rendy to pounce down on her they would be ready for Home Rule, Fay satis stating that the association was fied that a ver the minute that Great Britain steps out.
no alas house. Right here. Mr. was enjoyed wi.
ceat evening Mr. Whitting, the post.
childrea, master here is at present a patient tanti e of the Punjab Rebellion.
Here la cited the attitude of Afghanis and that is, the Hindus and the Maham modany would have to come to the comid Independent Order Editor: badest ning that stamaica at the Ancoa Hospital. The resicontinued, kept of this was immense the toll being around Speaking on rate, be said and Barbados are bless Dance a Sucess.
47 am ripate for the gentleman Ise of presence of the British of Good Samari ed places on earth, for all the Vecovery and hope to twelve millions a year, twoord that In fact, from personal conver beats the world.
and are bere, with few excep On Monday night, quite a days.
ee him at his post within a few tans of sations with many of the people he Following this he spoke on the caste tions. The officers of Branch No, pleasant entertainment was given knew that they did not want their own 18, formerly No. 4, were so zeal to those who attended the dance people to rule them, they were afraid system, which be characterized as a Mr. Webster Sick of the bribery and injustice that would curse to the people of India. It has Despite the naughty behaviour ous that they purchased a bus at the Clubhouse. large num unknown to the members and ber of guests came over from hoe meted out to them in the courts, and wronged woman and enfeebled manhood, of Jupiter Plavins on Sunday had it not been for the auditing, Colon, and Martin Jazz Band Other forms of impositions that would be and certain bewriter definitional del last (May 28th) the inangaration it would never be known, but the from Panama was present, and regret to be informed that Mr.
was he has heard. ceremonies of the Peaceful Re Auditors barsted the bus. And certainlv. the dancers received Webster, the Principal of the the missionary is called upon to placed on them. Many times, bº setih. The caste system of India is like treat Lodge No. 49, of the Low. Mr. Editor, am going to satisfactory service. Mr. Colored school has been confined LOW dieputes among individuals to wbom special ladder on which every man of S. and of were ably la tell you something in secret bat Booze, the General take it to the kisses the foot of the man above him, performed by the District Grand we must be careful we are not of Canal Zone Clubhouses was here will miss him for his courte Secretary to Ancon Hospital. The residents they prefer to go than courts presided over by their own peo and kicks the face or the man below Lodge No. 1, over heard, It about the Part present and expressed himself ous and polite ways and it is ple. The people are happy and proe him. There were in India he averred Grand Chief Bro. Wm. Kilbey and Tilford Grocery Store of the very much satisfied with the man hoped that he will recover from under British rule, they are 100 000 widows who own never marry associated with Bro. Jos Cock. Association which sold thousands ner the people conducted them his present indisposition at an getting good prices for their crops, and again, tbois ages ranging from three ing Grand Secretary and Bro. of dollars that has evaporated, selves. The visitors from Colon early date.
bətween the two elements still coteching he among others had been deputed the other, and this feeling has opening touch and sed in rome rubice India, and the desire this was not the.
great change in their worship Home Rule ip things in when there muto force on high the the was lecture should a a man do the of British by SO be said, perous

    Civil War

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