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time, we have noted tbe exchanges which have been taking places in most of the British West Indian Islands. In fact the educational movements in Colonies like Trinidad, Jamaica, British Guiana and Barbados have been very much marked for the last two years or more and especially since the West Indian Educational Conference was beld at Trinidad.
The Inspectors and Board of Efucation seem to have gone esrnestly to work and have been making radical changes on the lines of the Resolation passed at the Conference, the first consid eration being given, without exception to the improvement of the teachers position.
We trust that the scheme jast published is characterized with original ideas beneficial to the teachers: Until we sball have received some anthentic information, we refuse to believe the rumour the usual official courtesy bas denied the Mangers of Schools, who were never informed of the intended changes for the Distribution of the Grant and that the main feature of the scheme is to reduce Head Teachers salaries by the abolishment of the 10 per cent, permitted by Governor Haddon Smith on his visit in 1920 and which is still retained to other Civil Servants.
we are now gathered.
that the been House Death of Mr. Septime Clauzel.
ORDER BOOKS For Friendly Societies Kept in Stock at the WORKMAN PRINTERY One Thanksgiving Day Horrible Crime.
One of the demonstrations of By Members of the equality of sexes has been the calling of women onjury panels. This has been found (Concluded from our last issue. in England to work badly in some cases, but the greatest set (OPPOSITE THE IRON GATE)
The following is Mr. Wilkio back, to practice comes from St.
son address as stated in our Paul, Minn. where seven women last issue:and five men were locked in one Worthy Master of Ceremonies, Rov. room of the jal for two days ENGLISH AND AMERICAN Nightengale, Olliers and Men and two nights bers of the Grand United Order of Old.
The husbands of the women follows and friends.
serving on the committee didn We tha members of the Grand United mind doing the housework and Order of Odd fellows of America, have caring for the children during some together bere today to celebrate the day but when it came to this second Sunday of May, day met pight and their wives were apart by General Low No. 90, the day berded with the men in a room which we call Thanksgiving Day, but where there were no screens or before pur Jone for which we have met, shall begin to address you on the con shield the feminine of the improvised dormimake few remarks of the place in in tory, they turned on the Judge which we and Sberlet and gave them to We are told in General L» No 90 understand in appropriate that Tosnkgiving Exercises shall be language, never again would held in a church or auditorium, on that they permit their wives to be Authority we have come to this ap placed in such a position.
ciou auditorium of Chapter No. 14, of Lady Astor has been giving the Universal Negro Improvement As some of her experiences as sociation and African Committee member of committee of the Longue to observe this day. of Commons revising This is the first time in the history criminal laws with reference to of the Grand United Order of Odd. immoral offences and she deWILLIAM de SOUSA, Proprietor fellow of the Isthmus of Panama of P, clares that it was most unthat we the ulm nga nated lodges with pleasant. There was recently CONOSOBOX the various branches of the Order bave formed in the United States a met in an auditorium, which may bay national committee to protest is a pleasure to us and believe it is against legislation placing women pleasure and delight to the officers and on equality with men, on the members of Chapter No. 14. being the ground that women would first of its kind to be privileged with thereby love the benefit of much o notable a gathering in their Liberty legislation granting them rights Hall and favours on account of their little thing started a few years ago, sex, There are some of the How often do we not bear it said, and out croppings of universal suf bow very true it is.
ferage and perhaps it is little Little drops of water, Litle drops wonder that many women of of sand, this model province have set their faces in the opposite Makes a mighty ocean, And direction. Exchange.
wondrous land, Every beautiful building, nay the whole world itself tells us of the man happiness, and the happiness of others vals of small beginings.
and link the golden chain of rocial union From small beginings arise these with all maskind, walking ere et through super men and women to whom the life, during the searching glance of an whole for guidance and direction, shall honest eye, establishing the moral qualiwe, can we, dare we ever again, contion of our Order, protecting the perce fronted by this spacious auditorium with and prosperity of our lodge and thus its four thousand and odd members, establish the grand principles of our despite the small beginings of sympathy. Order therefore of own self on beball of the various branches of the Grand FRIENDSHIP, LOVE AND TRUTH An Electric Cap Lamp for United Order of Oddfellows, located in Friendship, who dare us doubt so sacred Miners.
the city of Panams and La Boca, Canal Zone, with the Officers and members of word when uttered by ons to another, AFTERI SHAVING Chapter 14, of the Universal Negro to the contrary.
yet how treacherous it is when proved The British Government reguImprovement Association and African lations as regards electric lamps USECommunities League suceoss in in all their Friendship is mutual feeling that exist for use by miners in firey mines Dr. TICHENOR ANTISEPTIC Isudable undertakings, and may you con is one towards the other, yet how rare are so stringent that hitherto the tinue to go on from victory to victory it is to find so dear a treasure as a true lamps have been made in a very It feels fine. Prevents soreness, chapping, burning chaling.
until yov shall reach the goal of your and faithful friend, for faithfulness is compact form to be carried by bis his Ambition, again wish you every suc the soul and bond of friendship. friend the miner or hung up ne.
If you shave often, you can do without it.
ship is one of man moral nature, and work. It has long been leade them to seek ouch others comInexpensive, easy to use. Just a dash in your bowl of water.
THANKSGIVING DAY however that that the proper pany, may true friendship be found in position for a lamp. to enable a Keeps your face smooth and comfortable.
It is to me a great pleasure to be orch and every member of the Grand miner to carry on his work with pleasant, satisfactory mouthwash Use it for dobie iteh.
numbered amongst those who bear the United Order of Odd fellowe. out severe eye strain, is over his name of Oddfellows, and especially for LOVE At your drugi Ists. You need it.
back, so that the light is throw the great privilege of Laving for the first on the work without glaring into time in our midst the last unit of our Love is the essence of friendship, his eyes. British Order. the Past Most Noble Governors love is sacred, not easily changed, love had been Chamber toj vin with us in our thanko is of spiritual nature and huros with miners successful with giving exercise.
study of the cap The purpose of this organization is to iGod itself, let us therefore love on lamp problem, and has croater intenety than friendship, love made alps thereupon has succeed sultivate lastings sen iments of Friend another as Johnathan and David.
ed in producing a cap lamp ship, Love and Truth, and whose departthe TRUTH approved by meat eball be of the bigbes: type of Truth in the principle on which the Phe whole equipment weighs British Secretary for Mines.
woman hood, this am sure will help foundation of Oddfellowship rests only 51 lbs. 12 ozs, and includes us to conform to the rules of the Order, foundation which no one can destroy, we an accumulator capable of supand to practice the principles of philan are therefore udited to this principle plying a 24 candle pɔwer lamp tropby, we have therefore come together by love, bound together by friendship with current for about 12 hours.
en masse to celebrate this our Thanks reulting in gobd for one and all giving Day, accumulator is carried in a And now oh gracious father again we metal case fixed to belt round Let us therefore be aware, approach theo with purity of heart the miner body, and it is conGod is here and everywhers. beseecbine thee to continue increasing nected to the lamp on the While we work and while we play, our affection towards one another, miner cap by means of a God watebeth over our every way receive that may ready to specially protected cable, The is 255 ft. 9ins. long and 27 ft. ins.
the precious jewel which thu lamp is fitted with a We are taught as Oddfellows to be prepared for those who love and reflector and is in Love and fear of beam. She has two decks tween God Love, because God Gret loved ones serve thee, imbue in us that loving designed so that even when it is die kindness which will enable and gave his only begotten Son to us to broken accidentally it will not for us; and Fear, because God is ne establish the true father hood of God cause a spark. The use of this respectar of persons, God is a consuming and brotherhood of msa, koop over lamp should entirely remove the miodful of our as members of the risk of miners nystagmus. a dis Her speed is 17 knots. She has Wireless, Electric Grand United Order of Oddfellows, tressing nervous disease arising Lights, Steam windlass, Steam steering gear, Refrig.
Let us therefore brothers and sisters doing in deep adoration, praise and thank, should do unto us, unto others we would they from the lack of sufficient light when working on coal.
erating machine Evaporator and Distiller, Feed Almighty God, praise Him as the pet Let us therefore be always vigilant, water heater, Sounding machine, Running water, etc.
watching for the enemy who lurks around We must Buy her for our Service Praise Him in the morning, to destroy the peace and harmony of and T: Society.
Praise Him in the evening, our sweet abode, doing all in our power Praise Him in the noontide, to deprive us from the excelsior of our Starts Activities And the dewy eve, ambition, may we theefore be preserved The Barbados Overseas Reliet WE NEED 60, 000. MORE Waiting for the barvest to reach the upper region our Eureka. and Travelling Society has sent And the time of reaping; We shall come rejoicing, Friendehip how sweet in thy name to Petitions to the Governor of MONEY the noble hearted and true the Island, the Bishop and other Bringing in the sheaves.
While love entwine the purest mind, officials The object of these Thank Him, we have to thank God Truth joins in hand with you. petitions is to obtain it posYou may subscribe some of this by purchasing through the Barbados some of our 40, 000 Preference shares at One Pound of Oddfellows of America for 79 years, and those who know thy worth, and employment in His Majes.
each or our 10, 000 Ordinary shares at One Pound through the many wile and caprices Since Love and Truth with you must bety dominions for stranded Bar each and become part owner.
of the thoughtlon, directing our leaders while there is heaven and earth: badians here and in Cuba.
in the transaction of business, for the Friendship, for without the wo are DO NOT STOP TO THINK. THE TIME IS NOW benefit of ourselves, and the betterment Mr, Clyde Williams (Barris.
naught, for thou must first begin of mankind, drawing men, women and Then Love will joins us hand in hand, ter at law) will be asked to children together, so that we may fully and Truth watch over thee; represent the Society interests Write to the palize, we are our brothers keeper. Friendship, Love and Truth unite Odd in Barbados.
To day hundreds of thousands of mear, fellows in a band, Replies to these petitions will women and children join with us in to help the weak and fatherless, unto be published in The WORKMAN.
praise and thankfulness to Almighty God the heavenly land; THE SECRETARY.
37 ORANGE ST, KINGSTON, JAMAICA for preserving and keeping us through Let us then Oddfellow all, go forward the past year, thereby enabling us to unto duty.
eherish these principles which we be Evar mindful, ever watchful, and reAduertise in The Worklieve best calculated to promote our own ceived our toward in heaven.
man It pays.
Advertise in The WORKMAN. It Pays We regret to record the death of Mr. Septime Clauzel who died at his residence on Monday at the good old age of 84 years Mr. Clauzel who was very known and most popular with all, was born at Soufriere, his father Diminique Clauzel being an old French planter.
of ten children, almost all of whom lived out the allotted span of of three score years and ten, he lived well and died great.
ly regretted. planter old school, he managed where. ever he was in charge to get a greater yield of sugar than any other. For 50 years he was an employee of the Du Boulay family and served them at Anse Canot, Anse Mahaut, latter place he managed the sugar factory for Mr. Emmanuel DuBoulay for thirty years. He has left three surviving children to whom, and his other relatives we extend our sympathy.
of the nized DEMERARA British Guiana Development Very Mr. Chnrchill and a Loan.
which has been IMPERIAL CONTROL AGAIN, The aces THIS 600 TONS STEAMER so we be in powerful u decks ft. high.
duty fire.
There was a private confer.
ence in the Governor office at the Public Buildings in Demerara, on the 8th instant between His Excellency and the Execu.
tive members of the Combined Court, Besides His Excellency there were present the Hons.
Hampden King, acting Colonial Secretary, and Hector Joseph, acting Attorney General THE MESSAGE The following telegram was read from the Secretary of State for the Colonies.
April 1st. understand that representative of McDonald Gibbs, Contractors, and of Higginson, thelr financial associates, baye arrived in the colony. Represen.
tative of Will Contractors, and dard Scholle, their financial associates are embark ing in Orange Nassau. Third financial firm, James Capel. are making semi official inquiries.
lows: Having regard to the attitude which obligations of investors have recently compelled me to adopt as regards proposals from Barbados and to fact that Tax and Custom Ordi.
nancas are annual cannot approve of being floated for British Guiana in London under Colonial Stock Acts unless Ordinance was passed to give me reserve power to assume financial control during currency of loan, but do not wish to raise this issue at present juncture.
Consequently should prefer you to make best Anancial ar(Continued On Paye 7)
Bernard loan West Indian Steamship Company, Ltd.


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