
THE WORKMAN, SATURD IY, JUNE 3; 1922 PAGE SEVEN Interesting West Indian News WATERBURY COMPOUND WITH CREOSOTE AND GUAIACOL direct. Continued from page 6)
rangement possible locally.
UNFAVOURABLE TO BONDS. Am adverse in general from payment of Contractors by bonds as it is preferable to deal with financial houses thus eliminating Contractors commission. It is however de sirable it financial arrangement is made with firms in London such arrangements should be referred to me for advise as to market price, etc; before they are finally accepted on behalf of MEMBERS PRIVILEGES THREATENED.
It is understood that several of the Elective members expres sed the view that this WAS matter which affected the privileges of members of the Court and they would like the telegram published in order that they might consult their respective constituents.
This agreed to.
Unusual Value HESTERFIELD cigarettes are est possible quality at the lowest possible price.
We buy only the choicest and most expensive grades of Turkish and American tobaccos. And then these fine tobaccos are blended in just the right proportions for full flavor and pleasing taste. You can buy such quality in any other cigarette at the price.
Try them today.
INDICATIONS Coughs La Grippe Reconstructant Cold Anaemia Following Fevers Bronchitis General Tonic and Pneumonia An excelent vehice for administering lodides, Bromides!
and Salicylate. Summer Complaint and Bowel Irregularities among Children. All ages, all climatis, all seasons of the Year.
You have Tried the Rest Why not Use the Best colony.
LOTTON WATERBURY CHEMICAL COMPANY Dos Molnos la, Des Moines, New York, Toronto, New Orleans WAS They Satisfy DEATH OF DR. JOHN HARRISON Book Binding!
Chesterfield quite serBook Binding Department SAVES burgh LIFE EWELRY BARGANS der age.
and of Grenada LIFEBUOY SOAP is mere than soap, it be among the germicide and a sure disin fectant Promising Young Career Cut Short, AR The Demerara Chronicle an. Why throw away your old, but no nounces the death of Dr. John Harrison, only son of Professor CIGARETTES Sir Jobn Harrison, doubt interesting, books when you Government Analyst and Lady of finest Turkish and American tobaccos blended Harrison, Dr. Harrison who was can have them neatly bound at young man was recently ly on a visit to Demerara to see LIGGETT MYERS TOBA Co.
his parents, and on the expiring THE WORKMAN of his leave returned to his ap pointment at Singapore Straits Cuban Auxiliary Schooner settlement, where he held an appointment in the medical Link up with LIFEBUOY Under Guard. vice of that Colony. Information to hand is rather sparing, in the for Health Sake.
absence of Sir Jobo Harrison, An exchange states that the and was conveyed in a private CENTRAL AVENUE Cuban motor auxiliary schooner letter to a well known friend of Maria Concepcion was recently the the family who was advised that and No. G Street under guard in the Bay of Banes on the 16 or last month a teleHavana, province, by a detach. gram was received advisiog the ment of soldiers. The navy serious illness of the young sur department is is to begin an inves geon, and another on the 22nd tigation into reports thate plane was signalisa teda that McGarrtor dark in connection with an ima 122 Church of Scotland Tea the graduated McGill Uniwere schooner in carrying a cargo of versity and then went to Edin portant question, and why all the males and 44 females din haste in its passing?
under age of 21.
Chinese to Florida.
and Was thereafter appointed to the Straits Settlemenis, He was married to Mss. Boys School for SeconTOBAGO Flora McDonald from whom he dary Education.
leaves issue in two sons of ten Races Somebody who ought to know tells us that the Catholics have GRENADA in mind the establishment of (From the Sporting Chronicle)
Boys School to afford Secon From the cabled results it will YOUTH and happiness are linked dary education to Catholic boys be seen that for the Alfth time in An Act of Com Sonvent, which has been part was won by the Tobago cham others. Besides St. Joseph succession the Governor Cap Lifebuoy for health and for the for children sake. Lifebuoy Soap proyears, a a High pion, Daryell which evidently Remember monsense. School for Giris has been estab has a mortgage on this trophy motes health happy, smiling health; lished by Catholics in St. An. The Trinidad representative, it protects the children from the We are hoping that some ocdrew We will be Redline annexed the Bonanza is a reputable dangers of contagious diseases.
casion will bring you to our (From The West Indian) list to welcome any arrange Cup easily and details are Lifebuoy Soap has a twofold use. it disinfects The withdrawal of the Riots ments whereby the benefits of as to the reaanxiously awaited store shortly. And when you Damages Bill at a recent meet higher education may be exteded son for her failure in as it cleanses; disease germs cannot live where Lifebuoy Soap has been used. Lifebuoy Soap do come be assured that it willing of Council was simply an act in the Colony.
ernor Cup. Mr. Kernahn will safeguard the children keep them Ses won the healthy as well as clean. Insist upon them be a pleasure for us to serve of commonsense. The framer or author of the Bill no doubt had The using it before school, after play, before meals.
West Indian without difficulty in you, and that our pleasu. e in something in his mind, but it the fact th at Grenada is one Dings of of MT: Smith, wh USE LIFEBUOY SOAP FOR CLEANING THE HOME WASH YOUR HANDS AND FACE WITH The serving you will make your visit was ill advised, we are the few Colonies in these parts was ridden by Doggett.
400 to our store even more enjoy The Governor stupid, proposal. that have entirely given up the commonbred races able for yourself.
sticks thating idea of a War Memorial in Hon. Congo Girl. This is the to me Secontentious, and as of Lest we forget it is our of our fallen heroes. Instead that Trini repre: the Bill was FULLER there was no there Let sented at the Tovago races and immediate Deed for MORE THAN SOAP, YET COSTS NO MORE.
us forget. until something is we bope that in future Tobago JEWELLER it, its withdrawal upon. Mr. Lewis, on the other shall all stand accused of a great circuit a fixture which will no decided done, eyery September 19 we will be included in our racing 122 CENTRAL AVENUE hand, favoured the Bill, regret betrayal.
doubt do an unlimited amount of ted its withdrawal and felt that good to the horse breding indusit should merely be laid aside try of the sister ward.
witaia grasp of Council.
Bloodstock Needed The following are the resultsThere is one great lesson that Miller Stores Cup: Sea all of us abould read in the witbdrawal the Bill, and that is, it The Acting Superintendent of Breeze 1st. Surprise 2ad, Bullet 3rd.
was ki ad Agriculture brought forward Was ki by Island Stakes: Congo Girl 1st, proposal at the Botanic was selo nic Sailor Girl 2nd, Dora 3rd.
for for and, Meeting the de the de improvement of the breed of Cannon 2nd, Ethel 3rd.
Governor Cup: Daryell 1st.
fects. anning into were pointed out. Why was not favour of improving the breed Esster Stakes: Congo Girl 1st a similar course adopted before of livestock generally. We Sailor Girl 2nd, Dora 3rd.
the recent passing of the Bonanza Cup. Redline 1st, Landholding Bill, for wbich, too throw out the suggestion that Ethel 2nd, Cannon 3rd.
Race Club DONE WITH NEATNESS AND there was no a the im Wal pressing necessity? make Valuable suggestions and altera tation ou make Lions might have been offered by think the Governor will render stallion.
the district Notes of Interest.
DESPATCH The passing of laws is a very For aid to a deserving case like that matter, and, at least, been generations Grenada has German barkentine, the full been famous for the breed of its should be taken horses, but we are falling back, Barbados since the outbreak of call at the people who are to and something should be done the late European war arrived 19 lase at the rearliest, and for to redeem the high standard of at that colony on the 24th April are reasonably longest, possible tbe years.
with a cargo of salt consignad the intention of to Hanschell Co.
We quite understand that in Marrlages In 1922, some cases it is impossible to put proposed Bills, dealing with According to our West Indian exchange there is eyery likeliA Good Assortment The number of marriages in hood of an English cricket team matters of urgency, before the people for proper consideration Grenada for the year 1921 was visiting the West Indies early and comment, but we do most 170, making it the greatest on next year.
strongly protest to the menner record since the year 1831, says TO SELECT FROM AT THE in wbicu the Alien lers the Acting Registrar General Bill was ruabeu.
his In the Tenhaog uru nt number was 301, and in 1920. 14 ROOMS TO LET ot remarks to as of stood at 359. Of the 170 Roman mudiate necessity If it Catholic Churches were CALLE No was of no immediate bewussity ponsible for 110, Church why were the people kept in the England 45, Wesleyan Metho ti APPLY ON PREMISES Breeze in the Gov.
Maiden in the bands of deplores Mr.
while Deadline went to an to IT BATHE WITH IT SHAMPOO WITH IT.
tempted Baid LIFEBUOY SOAP and as was LEVER BROTHERS LIMITED, PORT SUNLIGHT, ENGLAND JOB PRINTING publistrict Boards ordens ent deformities, horses in Grenada We are in of every description Aliens thro St painosbportunity to see Wedding Cards, Christening Cards, Birthday Cards and Ball Cards obey time th with proposals.


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