p. 8


PAGE EIGHT THE WORKMAN SATURDAY, JUNE 3, 1922 Tumbla COLUMBIA GRAPHOPHONES race able the RECORDS AND REPAIR PARTS peting not with a man מט EXCELSIOR THEATRE TO NIGHT public give was a The Dragon Net The physiDecoration Day can passed first about ball a length ahead; Lord second. The pool paid 20.
Races at Juan Franco, ton and Sonrisas, there was very the race between Doris Mormuch difficulty in getting off the At the horse races at Joan horses, and at the fall of the flig Franco on Tuesday, Decoration Sonrisas got the advantage of the Day, there was not the large jump. The public expressed a crowd as one would have expect little dissatisfaction at the start, ed on a holiday. This was no but this unfortunate circum Note the Notes at all tracks doubt due to the fact that it was where the horses white for a is to ma, and there was not sufficient pick up a quick stride at time for advertising the meet fall of the flag gains an advanfor that day.
tage over the other contestants, Quite a large number of the blame can be attached to Mr.
It cannot be seen where any imported horses were on track, but just a few of them Dive Cardoze for any unfair took part in the meeting. There advantage as he has undoubtedly was a bitch in one of the races demonstrated himself, the most in which it was announced that conscientious starter who has Chagres would have been com. ever the red rag at Juan.
Every month we receive a and he did not. Another Franco to start horses complete assortment of keen disappointment was felt. The Deputy General Inspector when it was announced that of Pulice had a lengthy dispute Estrella and Cortez would the starter.
New Records meet in the match race as the requested him to attend at the owners failed to agree on the Alcaldia on Wednesday to decide Comprising the lotest hits in Jazz, Popular matter pl weights to be carried whether the start was a fair one.
and Classic Music, as well as English and by their horses.
Tae racing public cannot un.
Spanish Songs derstand In spite of the doubtful atti in matters relative to a start, wby the Police DepartMODERATE PRICES COURTEOUS ATTENDANTS tude of the weather, the day turned out to be a pleasant one ment should intervene. This is of sport and enjoyment, for als a matter for the Stewards of the the horse though the dark clouds Jockey Club. and lingered MADURO Jr.
on during the greater part of the owners to make a protest; but it day, there was no rain until is certainly irritating to charge CATHEDRAL PLAZA. was a with Sole Agent for Panaina and the well spent and resulted with ing one sidely without any subsome profit to many of the tur stantial reasons for doing so, This is a matter which ought to be fltes.
su arranged satisfactorily with the Bambolina and Sonrisas the Government, so as to avoid ment, Jo the various cycle newly arrived horses from Ecua. pleasantness for the future.
events, Hollis spain proved bindor proved themselves very The first race was won by self very much the best man on reliable representatives of the Checkers, at a Canter. Pool paid the wheel, and if the boys are to turt from which they came. The 70. Second race by Chombo cut him down, they will bave to public would like to see a race Loca, Pool Paid 90. Third go in for cycling in real earnest between Bambolina and Risas at race by Bambalina, Pool paid spirit.
a very early date if such a race 82. 50. Fourth race Very much is required from cao be got on the square.
American. Pool paid 20. Fifth TO MORROW The most interesting race of race by Sunrisas, Pool paid 90. the athlete it he is to make binselt. Night the day, was that between Ace Sixth race by Checkers, Pool success of bleaching must be given up, and of Trumps, First American, and paid 10.
the athlete must be prepared to Saturday, June 3rd Sunday, June 4th Lord. Aca of Trumps was ridden give up some of his whims and by and First American by Murray. Big Athletic Meet caprices it for only the apprecia Valencia Lord by Medina MARIE WALCAMP HERBERT RAWLINSON Ace of Trumps was made is able to distinguish himselt IN ourite at the Pari mutuel with AT ISTHMIAN PARK The ancient Roman and Grecian Lord taking second place. There IN CHEATED HEARTS.
a lengthy delay in getting were great athletes and they lived up to the requirements so the horses off, but when the flag fell, it was a very good send off In spite of the unfavorable as to win public applause and NEXT WEEK Lord and Ace of Trumps made aspect of the weather on Decora appreciation. It is an bealthy the lead, closely followed by tion Duy the athletic fans turns cecreation, the improving CONTINUATION OF First American. At the close of out in large numbers at the strength, vitality and manhood the tirst furlong, First American Isthmian Park to witness the of the contestants. Th 9th and 10th Episodes The Dragon Net led the pace with Ace of Trumps prowess of the various contes que of the race is is improved behind but on rounding the fifth tants. Quite a larger number of thereby, and it is expected that furlong, Lord made a beautiful amateur cyclists took part at if the colored people are to be SSSSSSSS the leading horse, but all to no encouraging feature than any of races, they must sabordinate effort to get on equal terms with this meet, it was by far more the physical competitors of other the pace as Murray had his If this spirit is continued, to excel, at with the mount well under control and and with the organizarea pe cana di Trebis celelalte ware very contenta mination to defeat the victors of of house La Boca.
all bis club by Mr. Greaves disatisfied with the prizus oder The Stork was given a hearty horsemanship in nursing so as to others, in the near future the ed, the opinion is expressed.
public, will have an opportunity that if the Isthmian Park manThe numerous friends of st welcome at St. Peter Rectory hien18 na rode splendidly, but Murray of witnessing some Peter Church, La Boca, are last Monday night at 11 o clock the success get CRICKET hereby respectfully asked to that it brought Rv. J: these meetings deserve.
gave him no chance. On the last sports in this city.
Mulcare a precious jewel in the bear in mind that on the evenni stretch of the track, Ace of The flat events were well con then all the Trumps fought bravely with tested, and the Boy Scouts are Lord for second place; on reach presence added very much to decessary must be shosh Barbados XI Easily Defeats lag of the 14th inst, a HUGE shap of a lovely baby girl weigh contestants. They are very PINK TEA will be given by the ing Mother and child Demerara Creoles.
organizations of St Peter doing well.
lug the judge box. First Aneri the success of the day enjoy important part of the sports, and consideration, or them is a very De Sousa Gives a Good Display Church in the AUDITORIUM the Notice to the Public.
important factor in bringing for Demerara Creoles, whilst Boca avut the desired results.
Lynton of Birbados Stands The famous Silver City Band public in generai. tnt my wife hereby beg to notify the will Resu ts of Competition Out Head and shoulders be in attendanca to give Mildred Gooding has without Above His Fellows. you all that is desirable in floor my consent lett my home and Novice Cycle Event, won by music Irresistible ments Stalls will be in evidence ponsible for any debt she may Refresh protection, will not be resMain Store: Plaza Catedral Somersale, Allen second, and The Barbados vi. Demerars Creolo di over the Hall, also tables contractor Gittens tbird.
kame that should have been played a groaning under the weight of take notice from this date.
assume, Please Branch: 125, Central Avenue Halt Mile Race, was won by Sunday and Tuesday last, was played on various articles Post Office and Omphroy, Hollis getting second Tu sday May 30th at the Standard Blindfold business and other IRVIN GOODING.
place. At the crack of the pistol Oval, owing to th: incasant rain on amusing sports will be run by Panama, Omphroy went to the front and Sunday, no game could be played. and the charming young ladies of May, 25, 1922.
ANNOUNCE carried his lead to the end of the the players had to content themselves the Girls Friendly Get your (last lap.
with a one day matah. At 12. 10 the Ticket! Get your Ticket! Get Notice.
Three Mile Race, Hollis was ein ww apua, and the Barbados skip your Ticket on time!
the winner, as was anticipated at per having woa the tow seat his oppo BE IT KNOWN TO EVERYthe crack of the pistol. Omphroy Dents to bet. Play was delayed owing Creoline straightens and took fact to the smo of thy mbo were BODY.
What you saw poblished some Five Mile Racé Keen disap Into in reaching the ground. it was beautifies the bair and propointment was expressed in this not until 12 30 that play was called duces hair on bald heads.
weeks ago into this paper about one CAMACHO. this Camacho is race when Schloss came home The games opened rather dienstrously Advertise in The Work got the mone knowo tom pows umpires the winner, as on all sides the. for the fans were almost sure that their wickets for 25 ruas.
Demerara Creoles as they loot of Jose Camacho, of DemeraraContractors and Builders will be Hollis would have Their ninth man it pays. 20 27 race, Hollis took second place.
wicket fell at 42, and De. Milliard, thol greatly benefited by paying a visit Nine Mile Race. Hallis lived last man in joined Dasous who to these stores.
up to the expectation of his laying splendidly. To the surprise of many supporters who felt that in all those two batamon dared all efforts an endurance race of nine miles, in spite of tapested bowling change, in of the bowlers to KEEPING UP WITH STYLE made at Jamaica during last for De Miliard, fooliahly ran bio band and with the improvement he and at the end. Hart who was running year, that this race could not be out, after having added 43 runs for the You can look in any Fashion Book, Creoline Hair Preparations taken by any other, Schloss took last wiokot, De, Milliard made 16 and whether it comes from New York, second place riding with very DeSouss carried out his bat for a wellPositively. Superior to all others on Earth, excellent judgement. Baptiste Chicago, London or Paris, and you Try them and be convinced.
will see that the majority of Skirts took third place making several played 44, the entire total being 85.
They are the Master Preparations of the World.
attempts to outpace Schloss, but!
After reon Barbados opened with illustrated in them are pleated.
Different from all Others with the experience of track Lyatoa sad Baricer facing the attack of This serves to prove that Pleating Prices of all goods in the United States of America 50c. riding showa by Schloss, Baptis Gittens and Vietor Joha and from the te was unable to accomplish the first they started for the bowling sooring has become a Universal Fashion.
all Foreign countries, 600.
Creoline Halr Producer trick. The lap prize went to 40 before the fall of a wiebot. With one Here too in Panama our up to date Baptiste in this event, dowa Challenor joined Straightens rough, barsh, kinky hair with or without hot combs, pleating outfit makes it possible for who was playing superbly, and the soore and without chemicals. NOT MADE OF VASELINE. Contains 10 The Cricketers Oae Mile Rice was easily passed with one wickat dowo The woman of moderate means to percent more oil than is possible to be put into any other preparation was won by Walker. Ford Prom then on, interest in the same was took second place, this race was not kwa Milliard and John going on of its kind in the world. Patches thin places and prevents baldness.
dress in the latest styles of pleats.
In ounce tins.
amusing and a great deal of in late to bowl for Dauerara Creoles when Creoline Day Dandruff Remedy terest was shown by the fans.
The Woman Exchange all other bowlers had failed surprised very good scalp treatment, positively removes Dandruff, Tetter Throwing The Cricket Ball. evon terselves, as Milliard got and Eczenia. It is antiseptic. Grows hair, keeps the scalp bealthy. B was woa by Nash of the Jamaic. Wiekets for ruas ard Johas for DRESSMAKERS In ounce bottles. Barnets taking second placa Por dos. Lyoton made 61, Challenor Jackson Manufacturing Co.
No. Tivoli Road, Panama 455 West Tenth St. Manufacturers and Exporters In conclusion, quite an enjoy 36, Baker 22, and Knights 14 dos.
All Up to date Drug Stores carry a stock of Creoline.
able day was spent and it ts bop closed their innings at 30 with 157 for ANN THOMAS, Prop.
ed that the athletes who did not vickets. Kaights of dos, captured succeed at this meeting will not wickets for runs.
email to lose bourable to keep to the previous montre bedden til them the opportunities where betina be discouraged, but will return Pink Tea At Siver Club Hearty; Welcome to Stork.
Panama Hardware General Reduction in their prices taken dislodge them wioket joined Lynton Indianapolis Ind.


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