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PRICE Cts. Cy.
Give their They cause this statement to kill or While game 1000 much hite umpires!
My ARRESTED ON CHARGE Of Perjury Testify False For Impersonating Police ly Now Behind Jail Bars. Had 32 Calibre Gun and Badge.
For The Murder Of Lady White In By order of the Sixth Circuit To Share Fate of Colored Brother Judge, on May 30th last, William For being armed with a pistol London Hotel.
Cadogan and Alfred Coke, West calibre 32 and a police badge No Midshipman, in 1873.
Indians have been arrest on a 334, Manuel Jose was arrested charge of perjury. From the on Calidonia Road by plain London despatch states that again. He got a hammer. He information received before Mr. Justica McCardie, at went upstairs where he thought office, it is stated that the two evening last and placed behind by one who has lived for a short period in a West Indian The following letter written to The New York Times this clothes man Noville on Tuesday the Central Criminal Court, the voices were coming from me Heary Jacoby, 18, pantryboy. He saw the door of Lady White ly against Joseph Cummings the posed To await sentence to Colony will no doubt be read with much concern by our was charged with tue murder of room half open and thought he in a case of calumny brought from the facts adduced, it apon him by Mayor many readers. The prisoner heard murmuring inside. The by Eigene Robert, and which pears that Jose pleaded White guilty on a 30 days with a feeling of pleasurable recently New York, April 20, 1922.
relief the entire absence of color jury were being sworn he chaled in, and, seeing a form, hit out the Fourth Circuit. There was no indecentersault palto forthich to the Editor of the New York Times taboo in Jamaica, at least in the member.
domain asked to retire, a jury. Lady white, but thought that it cade proven agaiat Cummings, term he was allowed the privit.
The appointment of it and tae result was the Judge lege of a trustee prisoner, as bas Treville Holley, a negro student highly Emile lic functions. There are many man being sworn in her place. was some person who had no ordered that the charge be baen stated by police officer in the College of the City of New colored families there, and the Me.
Percival Clarke, Mr. 9, right to be in the premises. removed from the files of the Oliver Perez the owner of the York, to be a midshipman at natural and unconscious way in educated and refined Roome, Mr.
Bentley When he turned on his electric Court Purchase prosecuted; Mr. torch and found it was LadyIt has has been discovered, tbat to Jose (civilian) and requested those seemingly insoluble pro together in the daily affairs. be badge, he gare a suit of clothes Annapolis, calls up again one of which the two races mingled Lacien Mr. Percival Clarke, in opening was terrified that he rushed class of people who can always Fior defended.
he there are in this the case. described the circan downstairs and got 80 frighten be found to swear that they are ndake them to cleaning blems of which there is always life was quite amazing to the establishment not at least one to answer.
to remembering the badge pinned CORE hea poor, harassed bussen (American.
For example, attended the Daring the night of March 18 things.
the prisoner, wo since March The Jury, after consulting for brought as the result of malice Jose made much of the opper But let no false bopes spring in when the seven advanced schools pentry boy at the some time in private, returned and Whenever tunity after finding the badge, the hotel. came from the basement into Court and said they were all fore be kept it, denied seeing it, and this letter will furnish an answer the annual week of spots and minds of your readers that which the island bɔasts enjoyed the Court to give and told the night porter that the agreed that the prisoner went declaration the most disgusting deceiving those whom he could at once that am as much, per were around threatening and to the question. Let me confess ganes, The com. the seconds The competing students colored and white, as searched but nothing unusual to murder, but for the purpose anc and criminal intentions, money from these people imper. than the average person. And busily about the athle ic field masters, who moved found. Next morning, after of the discovery of the robbery. desired to they invariably tell story sonating himself as an officer of the of they be and point my bewilderment is reps for it Inspector Cornish came to the quite clear in bringing in a ver that they are always confounded the law and throwing a very ugly the comparison which am com came ott. Any suggestion of a hotel, and the prisoner made a diet of Manslaughter.
on the detective depart. pelled to make between the hand color line appeared to be abso. to him about having Continued on page ment of this city. Com. Mr.
heard whisperings in the base Justice McCardie said that ling of the question here and the lutely lacking. The audience was treatment accorded it in at least composed, should say, of about ment, Inspector Cornish sent if the prisoner went into the one more land.
halt white and balf colored, another officer to elucidate some room for the purpose of stealing, point next was CORRECTION. spent some weeks in the neither advantage in manners or Spring of 1921 in one of the Bri dress over the other prisoner, in whose possession he strike Lady White intending boa either to were found an electric torch and to inflict tish Colonies where there are was in Kingston a friend of mine 800, 000 coloured people and 200, 200, attended a football two blood stained handkerchiets. grievous bodily harm? Even if he went to the police station and struck intending only to inflict In reporting the proceedings of the Public Meeting Colouredites where thereuestion between two teams made up o made de second statement on next grievous bodily harm yet. inas. re the creditors of the Panama Banking Company held in either policlaredor of day, March question; white British soldiers stationed economic, on the island, 19, as the victim had died The game was the prison er asked for a newspaper, and from the blow be would be guil. the National Theatre in our last issue, it was made to where even the social side of the umpired by a black man, assist appear that the compensation to the Receiver would be question is almost non existented by three white copy of a a Sunday paper contain ty in law of murder.
ing of murder The jury then found the prison. about 25, 000. This amount was mistakingly represent where there is no governmental friend was a Canadian and felt discri nination was handed to him and he al er guilty of murder, but with a ed Balboas instead of Pesos. The actual compensation of people; where white women are dents of the United States; bat resi most immediately asked to see very strong recommendation to the Receiver up to the present is 9, 200 And it is an safe to wander abroad he confessed his utter amazeInspector Cornish privately and mercy on account of his youth. ticipated the most he could possibly receive on Collection and when they will, and where ment at the fact that not him. in consequence of that, that he entered the room with made would not total more than 12, 000 Balboas, all told. lynchings are unknown. made protest was made, or apparently a and statement the police went to the the intention of killing, my owo observations during the felt, by anyone regarding the time of my sojourn there, and color of the umpire, and bis hotelto look for work men Asked by the Clerk of the Co tools. They looked for a WOOLS: checked them up afterwards by decisions were accepted with the for a bag whether he had anything to say, Quinine Must be Free at British Consulate Notice.
which had contained a haminer, the prisoner replied: Nothing the observations of others and same ffaality as it he were wbite.
but it had been take away by at all, sir, and Hospitals.
by reference to published Remembering these things. police got it Mr. Justice McCardie said he The British Consulate General study of the subject made by a and remembering that myself back, although it had been used agreed with the verdict. In his According to the information at Panama would appreciate any cultured Englishman who had had not been in Jamaica a week Mr. Webster, the analysis, found opinion the jury could not have below, persons applying information the been Governor General of the before almost forgot whether human bloodstains on it. Coun come to any other conclusion. He quinine for whereabouts of Mrs. Amelia Colony for five years. refer to the people met were black or sel submitted that the motive must pass upon the prisoner the must be supplied at the follow Street, Spanish Town, Jamaica. West Indies.
for malrrial attacks; Bryan, formerly of 39, Martin the Island of Jamaica in the white, but knew only that they of the crime, was robbery.
were agreeable or otherwise sentence of death, but he should ing places free of charge.
When read the interview in find myselt wondering whether also send to the Home Secretary Balboa Heights, At the close of the case for the at once the recommendation to last Sunday Times with an un the white midshipmen at AnnaCanal Zone, Peaceful Death.
named naval officer who predicts polis are really of a different Crown the prisoner went into mercy which had been made by the witness box. He said that the jury.
June 5, 1922, absolute ostracism for young breed from the whites of JamaiEdward after the search with the night porter he went back to bis room, tence of death on the prisoner, The Judge then passed sen. District Physicians, Lyons, well. Holley and describes the slow ca (descendants mostly of EnAncon known Jamaican departed this torture which was the lot of glish and Scotch. or whether but later thought he heard voices who heard it with composure.
Balboa life on the 1st of June 1922, at another colored midshipman at Continued on Page Pedro Miguel the age of 67, after a period of Annapolis in 1873, recalled three months illness. He died Gatun FOR NEGRO EX SERVICE MEN a very peaceful death, and conColon Hospital scious to the last momentere He DESTRUCTIVE FIRE AT TRINIDAD Sirs. This is to confirm tele knew and said his prayers to Two Million Dollar Hospital For The Disabled borge advice to wade thout quid Praise God am saved. His Messrs Murphy Moze Co Emporium Completely and spoke in clear tone, charge should for. death as one Veterans.
nine issued for the treatment malaria.
whose life was peaceful and up.
He was a member of the The Nashville Globe of Ten ed to day by Assistant Secretary Respectfully, He has left a daughtnessee dated May 12, states that Clifford of the treasury departH. FISHER, er, son in law, grand child ren Last night, at about 935 owned by Messrs. Murphy two Million Dollars is to be spent ment.
and numerous friends to mourn Frederick Street, which at one o clock fire broke out in Moze Co. enveloped in flames.
in the erection of a hospital for Chief Health Officer.
The flames spread with amazContracts for the mechanical their lost. He will be long kept ex service men in the state of equipment of the hospital will in memory.
time, seemed to threaten to en ing rapidity and is the little Alabama. The bas be announced later. Blessed are dead who die in velop the entire eastearn block time that the Brigade took to already been awarded for the The hospital which will be Meeting of Noble Father Conclave.
the Lord. Com. from Messrs. Murphy, Móze get into action had obtained erection of the building which is the only government institution Co. northward also Messrs. such a hold on the building and to cost 1, 010, 000 alone, Negro after former cobertes pertinentes development par ore deler hepatingo do the Boy Scouts, Local Association Aarbering. call received this fun to attempt to contine it to The regular of Stephens Ltd. on the. stock it more hopewhich it is to be furnished.
will be situated adjoining F. will be held on Sunsively It is understood that 38 the Central Fire Brigade what seemad The regular monthly meeting the this the Tuskegee Institute and will source of building and this hospital will be have a capacity of 500 beds, bale day, June 11, 1922 at 4p. at the of the Local Association of Pane turned out in full force. underorigin. In this the Brigade sucStar of located near the famous Tuske of which will be for tubercular at which meeting election of will take place at the office of Chisholm, with Asst. Supt. Sub leaping higher and higher lashed Boy Scouts the Inspector Gooden ceeded admirably. The flames groot enter med toad onlyn dolored patients and a half for men ainoana oficere for the ensuring them will De Las Carrington this evening Statie sergeant Jones. and sergt. on the South and appeared at Inspector de also Messrs.
ex service men will be permitted tution will cost between 2, 000 asked to be present on time.
shell shocked cases. The inati also take place. All members are commencing at six o clock sharp John, taking with them the one time to have caught hold on to attend. It will be the biggest 000 and 2, 225, 000.
hospital of its kind erected in the T, PRESCOTT, The members are asked to probe Dennis, Buick, Ford and the the rool, the hour, and to United States.
Work is to begin at once, Mr.
punctual, Truck with breaking implement in Frederick Street and to some Clifford said, and is to be comThere were also detachments extent at Henry Street, where Washington, May By Aspleted in nine months. There sociated Press. Award of a will from Belmont, Besson Street there was a possibility of the Notice of Meeting be twenty six separate British Consulate Notice.
and the Harbour Stations, The The flames attacking Messrs. Stecontract or 010, 000 to Alger buildings, he stated, making it meeting will be called at the Hon.
Colonel May Inspector. phens (Ltd. Grocery and non Blair of Montgomery, Ala, a small village all by itselt National progress Lodge Hall, by The Acting British Consul at General of Constabulary was Sharmant Commission Agency, for the general construction of the United States Veterans Hos Clifford said, has just completed ty on Monday evening precisely Ethel Mendoza, who is said to spector Costelleo. to find No. adequate supply of water (about Mr. Blair, the contractor, Mr. the Antiguan Progressive Socie. Colon would be glad if Mrs. present as also Detective 10the Brigade favoured by an pital for disabled Negro soldiers the construction of the veterans at p. for the trannsaction of reside in Colon, will call at the 12 Frederick Street. late at Tuskegee, Ala. was announc hospital at Dawson Springs, Ky, business.
Consulate as soon as possible. Skeoch Emporium, but now (Continued On Page 4)
where her God was right He was contract Supt.

    Death SentenceFootball

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