
PAGE TWO THE WORKMAN SATURDAY, JUNE 10. 192 Interesting News from The West Indian Islands HALT. 500. 00 REWARD HOW WOULD YOU LIKE TO HAVE 250. 00 GOLD HANDED TO YOU?
Your CHANCE is at hand ment.
The Prizes listed below will be awarded on the basis of the persons turning in the greatest number of LUCKY STRIKE empty packages off the naturally Contost Ciosos At Our Offic. On Tuosday August 15th the there 91 19 99 11 years the of many street HERE IS LIST OF THE LUCKY STRIKES FOR THE WINNERS 1st LUCKY STRIKE Greatest Number of Lucky Strike empties 250. 00 2nd 2nd Lucky Strike 75. 00 3rd 3rd Lucky Strike 40. 00 4th 4th Lucky Strike 25. 00 5th Lucky Strike 10. 00 6th to 25th 20 prizes at 00 each 100. 00 500. 00 99. 19 5th more drought Winners To Be Announced Through All News Columns, August 25th If you send your LUCKY STRIKE empty packages by mail be sure that they are properly addressed and plainly marked to: British American Tobacco Company, Ltd. Drawer 2025, Ancon, Z, or Box 1118, Panama City, Panama to LUCKY STRIKE FOR THE WINNERS Because Cigarette smoked by people in all walks of life WHY. ITS TOASTED COD JAMAICA ra ce 18 comparatively small society in Boston to establish a Barbados has been continuously Club in a wet country in the British, and has enjoyed the West Indies and he had selected same constitution sin ce the mid Barbados as his paradise. Dur.
Banana Trade Isale of the 17th, century. This ing his visit, we learn that he constitution is modelled on that entered into negotiations with Booming At Pres the Mother country the owners of land at Pegwell.
consists of two Houses of Parlia Oh. Church, near the Sout: ent Time. ment, the lower, or House of Point Lighthouse, and bad Assembly consisting of twenty selected a plot for the laying out four elected members, and the of a golf course. He will be Last Week Price Jumped upper, or Legislative Council returning later in the year and From 4s. to 6s, per Bunch nominated for life by the Crown. hopes to set to work on his pro The elected house has full finan ject. How serious Mr. Böyle is.
In Portland cial power; the executive power, we do not know, but he spoke however, resides in the Governor with a most businesslike air.
of KEEN COMPETITION. responsible to the Secretary State for the colonies. Barbados has, therefore, representative Campaign Against Hawa Fruit Being Brought Out By but not responsible self govern kers.
Trucks From The Remote Interior The character of the Cham Police activity in Swan Street, ber is strongly conservative, and and other localities where initer DEPENDING ON RAIN the men in it are mainly repre, ant vendors congregate in numsentatives of the plantocracy, bers, has been very consider There has been quite a stir in resident owners of sugar estates learn the beginning of a camis called locally, e. the able during the week and is, we She banana market during the There remain in in Barbados far past week and keen competition mo marked the buying in various more than in any other Colony paiga to drive these hucksters and hawkers of varied commodiliving on ties resident gentry estates who have been handed public Market. The vendors are centres on the northside.
street and into The price began at 43. per down, in many cases, from father quit bunch and rose rapidly to 68. to son, since the 17th century. at being robbed of what had very indignant frult being brought out by motor TIME OF CRISIS.
trucks from some of the remo The island is passing through come to be loo sed upon la most test points in Portland by a critical crisis just now. The cases as a special privilege that cases as a right and in many buyer who could wait slow delivery, so great was the has been followed by a severe The law is clear, but the boom in sugar from 1917 to 1920 hardly brooked of interference demand.
Speaking to a large banana instances in which it is have come two successive years not the planter on Saturday last a repre of drought, and lands that Gil it in the best policy to ful.
sentative of the Gleaner 30 learnt normally produced For letter.
16 10 of tons that the fields in St. Mary Were cane to the acre are this year vending has been permitted and the privilege at present in blooming condition cale ore Credit but all depended on the May only producing 15 tons.
restricted, and some of seasons, without which it is estates are already heavily en breadth as Swan Street, we can though it does act as a bar to the traffic in a street of such limited feared that a million or cumbered. The disturbing fac brea trees will simply bend over and tor which has to be faced by the hard yaradmit that it had the fall owing to the same effect in other streets o sugar planters throughout the less British West Indies is the enor. And whilst as a main street traffic and greater comfort.
The demand this year has in mous growth of Cuba produc Swan Street might reasonably creased by the number of com. tion. similar crisis followed be relieved of its impediments the United Fruit Co. steamers continental beet sugar during for convenient sake its contigu from south have been menting their cargo of fruit at the latter half of the 19. cep ous alley ways might weitere Kingston before proceeding tury.
permitted to be used by the The total annual sugar pro vendors. and this without placNew York duction of the British Westing any hardships upon any Indies and British Guiana is particular set of Sad Drowning in lividuals about one quarter of a million beyond the street sweepers, who tons, a small thing besides the have to sweep any hour.
Port Antonio, May 16 News output of Cuba but a matter was received here on Sunday of great significance to an island that a sad case of drowning had like Barbados, which, for cliTRINIDAD taken place at Spring Bank, a matic reasons, cannot turn to few miles from this town. The West Indies are to escape any It the British circumstances in connection with the tragedy went to show that muur vulsons, the end of Governor of Trinia lad named Cecil Hylton aged foretell, in 16 years, and four others went dustry must be maintained. Tt dad and His 500. After they were finished, the and St. Lucia. It is everything Increase deceased found that some soap to Barbados, Antigua, St. Kitts, was still on him, so he went back and Demerara At the last meeting of the to wash it off. He stood on a stone Canada has come nobly to the while in the nel pot washing, he indies to this respect, giving out the table in connection with by the edge of the river. assistance of the British West Legis ative Council. Trinidad, certa slipped from the stone and was West Indian carried away by the stream. proference of 33 per cent, over the increase of 500, to the salhis life, but was unable to do so. Empire preference given by the State. It appears that One of the boys tried to save Cuban sugar, in return for an ars of the Governor as recomthe mended by the Secretary of The deceased was a very British Wast Indies to Canadian crese crease was recommended at tbe promisiug lad, and his sudden and Unit Kingdom goods of time when Sir John Chancellor demise has cast quite a gloom between 33: per cent and 50 per was Governor, but Sir John did over the little district of Spring cent. Canada has done even bet not get the benefit of it.
Bank where he lived.
The body was found to day agreement with the West Indies, Sir Wilson, the new Govter by entering in to. Intrade increase was actually offered to near the spot where he was making the preference continu ernor, drowned. It was expected that ous for at least 10 years, but, according to his poet vortem examination will United Kingdom, gives West State, he has in effect, asked Toe despatch to the Secretary of be held by the West the Colonial Office not to force cocoa preference of 168. and him to accept it at the while this is much appreciated BARPADOS it is perhaps natural that the time in view of the finances of West Indies, would the Colony and at a time when be under the present difficult it is pressing for strict economy air in the cumstances like to this Graphic Descrip cerea de sine polecane obletnie ceret overnment Sir Leslie Probya, announcement of his Majesty crease, has voluntarily declined fighting for 500 tioni Government that subject to to accept i!
Parliamentary assent the British the public The following is in the interest o Mr. Ormsby Gore, a member preference will run as in the copy of we despatch of Sir of the British Coramission that for a 10 years period has given ernor of Trinidad: of the Canadian preference Samuel Herbert Wilson, Gov.
visited the British West Indian Islands receni IDriting a increased confidence just when series of art to fue London such confidence Trinidad No. 213 imes describing the yarious needed.
Government House, West Indian Islands portrays 30th April; 1922 Barbados as follows: Sir, have the honour to It is sometimes ted that. Tourist Season Poor. acknowledge the receipt of your Barbados is ir est Indies, despatch, No. 101 of the 27th but not of theu lainly that This year tourist season bas salary of the Governor of this February, 1922, regarding the 90 miles of sea tat separate beer a very poor one, and comBarbados from St. Vincen! 083 100t unfavourably with Colony; and beg to request separate Barbados preced. Sve or six sea that may have your approval very effectively from its neigh us. It is not easy to state the to postpone, until the end of the bours, the Windward Islands. cause, though it would hardly year, the introduction of a Bill Barbados is built entirely of be wide of the mark to presume to carry out the instructions grey coral line limestone. It is it was due to the universal Contained therein: the size of the Isle of slump in trade during 1921. a not make this request Wight, and is more densely slump which did not affect the because think for one moment populated than any other island same year traffic, as it was that a salary of 000 a year din country in the world, con subsequent to the opening of the can, as King Representative square mile. Barbados produces cent visit to the Island of Mr. in the same way as my prede taining some 1, 100 people to the season. Whether or no the re in Trinidad, support my position but sugar. Every available inch means much for the pros previous to the change which susan, and apparently nothing Henry Boyle of Boston cessors did on the same salary of it has been cultivated for pects of the coming season we have taken place in the general sugar cane for at least 200 years. cannot predict; by Mr. Boyle, cost of living, It is the most English of all who was at the Hotel Pomeroy do 90 because, in yiew of the the Colonies. Socially there is a couple of weeks stated he was present financial position an absolute colour line and the commissioned by several this Colony. am at the moment humbier of persons of mixed wealthy clubmen of fashionable (Continued on Page 3)
man can Varied Assortment of British the in STATIONERY The Of Every Description CAN ALWAYS BE HAD AT THE WORKMAN PRINTERY to was most seems to When passing drop in and inspect our yaried Stock of Birth day Cards Menu Cards Wedding, Christening and Dance Cards.
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