
THE WORRMAN SATURDAY, JUNE 10 1922 PAGE THRIE International Banking Corporation Eucla anda tinguished son not convey also SPAIN BELGIUM CHINA INDIA CHILE sons fully being medicine West Indian Society society IN OUR COLON STORE ONLY and.
West Indian possession of the the sad and regrettable death Crown, and consequently Its and he and all the other memroads are better, its educational ber of the bar felt the death as a Capital and Surplus 10, 000, 000 Undivided Profits over 6, 000, 000 standards higher, and its ser keen personal loss. He, bad vices better paid. The oil pro known Mr. Brice from childhood cured by the different Trinidad and bad watched his career with remark he ably. There can be no doubt besitatingly say that Mr. Brice that Trinidad contains oil in very bad displayed rare ability in bislarge quantities, and extension profession and was possessed of of output is only retarded by the most charming manners. He Head Office: 60 WALL STREET, NEW YORK CITY Owned by THE NATIONAL CITY BANK OF NEW YORK dificulty in obtaining markets was a and shipping facilities. As else Luciaand it was most regret wbere both the sugar and cocoa table that such a promising and industries are hard hit by the clever young man should have slump in prices and cut early in Depository of the PANAMA CANAL asked the court to record the Politics in Trinidad are com expressions of regret of the plicated as must be expected in members of the bar and to so mixed and polygot society instruct the Clerk of the Court to There is even something of a Direct Representations through our own Branches and those of their sympathy to the Labour Party in Port of Spain sorrowing wife and daughter.
THE NATIONAL CITY BANK OF NEW YORK in mainly composed of the port His Worship the Magistrate labour, and all the modern para in replying said that he ENGLAND FRANCE ITALY phernalia of strikes and riots bad only a few minutes before JAPAN JAVA STRAITS SETTLEMENTS PHILLIPINES tion of Trinidad is, in compari Brice death and be desired are not unknown. The constitu learnt the sad news of Mr.
ARGENTINE BRAZIL JUBA PERU PORTO RICO still a pure Crown very to associate himself URUGUAY AND VENEZUELA with a Legislative Council con with the remarks which had tairing, with the Governor, an fallen from the leader of the oficial majority, the minority Bar. He also had known Mr.
Correspondents in all the Trade Centers and Ports of the World unofficials, of nominated Brice from Boyhood and had ment for the introduction of an and could testify to the skill of There is a move watched his career with interest elective element.
the deceased in the practice of Trinidad by its geographical his profession. Mr. Brice was position its superior resources, blessed with a most genial disESPECIALLY EQUIPPED FOR FINANCING AND PROMOTING INTERNATIONAL COMMERCE its excellent educational insti. position and it was always a tutions, aud by dan the coming pleasure to be associated with INTEREST PAID ON SAVINGS ACCOUNTS AT PER OFNT. PER ANNUM presence of the new Agricultural him in any way.
College for the West Indies, is destined to play a leading part the request made that this He would certainly accede to in and around au the Caribbean Court send to the widow and Sea.
In the development of of daughter an expression of its tropical agriculture tropical in the evolution of regret, and those of the memof bers of the Bar, at the death of West Indian News.
and polity Mr. Brice and the sympathy for it shonld exercise an ever in those he has left behind. He (Continued from page 2)
creasing influence, and should then adjourned the court provide both example and dokng everything possibly can guidance. Formerly all forest Immediately on the adjournto elect an immediate curtail and swamp, Trinidad has reach. ment of the Court the abovenam ment of expenditure, and in the ed a comparatively high state of ed members of the Bar proceeded hesitate to ask material development. But it to the Royal Court which was To make room for new stock coming in shortly, we the Legislative Council to vote can be made to support a much thensitting in its appellate the amount necessary to pay me larger population of all kinds. Solomon vesiding.
have arranged. the remainder of this year Now that the subsidy to a at the rate of 5, 500 per annum British line mail steamers has The Hon. Degazɔn, adinstead of at the rate of 5, 000; ceased, regular mail, and pas dresssed the Court similarly as would prefer, with your senger communication to Trini in the District Court the approval, to defer doing so dad is dependent on an admir members of the Bar robbed in until the end of the year when able Dutch line that sails at wig and gown standing.
the additional amount necessary Dover and Port of Spain on its His Honour Mr. Solomon in can be provided for in the Esti.
way out from Europe to Cura answer said:mates for 1923 coa, while the intercolonial com Mr. Attorney It was with At the sametime entirely munications is severed learnt of the agree with the views expressed service subsidized by Canada. deep sorrow that in paragraph of your despatch running between. Halifax (Nova Sylvester Brice this morning death of Charles Alexander under reply, and am very Scotia) Bermuda, the Lesser strongly of opinion that the Antilles, and Demerara, Pas! personally knew him as a boy via.
at school and watched his Governor, who is continually sages to England. whether by the Dutch career interest. His having to consider questions in Canada or na Mail, are expensive. Shipping was able to send him to Trini.
father, though not of great means connection with salaries and bonus of the Civil Service, communication between Trinishould never have been asked to dad and Jamaica is almost non dad to finish his education and Participate in any cost of existent and it greater co opera when he came back he ing operat associated a law student with drawn by the tion between the various West Mr.
bonus Mr.
Civil Indian Colonies is to be pro Cools Lartigue now. of the ME: EXCEPTIONAL VALUES am accordingly informing moted boete a mishipa communicaa Loeward Islands. He then quali the Legislative Council that won both with England and fied for his profession and passdo not intend from now on to themselves must be much im. ed at the Bar. These walls will between the diferent colonies ed his examinations and practic.
draw any such bonus on my salary.
What is true of ship no longer reveberate with the have the honour to be, ping is also true of cable coma sound of his eloquent voice munication, news service, and am not saying woat do Sir, the like.
not Your most obdt. that all the judges, who has sat to humble servant, on the Bench, considered hiin WILSON, ST. LUCIA very able ad yocate. Among COLON Governor.
the juniors. who were his rivals The Right Hon ble, feel sure that there has never oooo Winston Churchill. Death of a Promi been a bitter feeling against him. e.
nent Lawyer.
came across It is felt in Trinidad that it If he bad an Resolution of Sympathy conditions do not improve at the enemy, that enemy was himself.
His humour will, unfortunately end of the year, and there is Bargains! Bargains. Bargains. still cause for rigid economy.
The St. Lucia Voice records the has sustained a great loss in his never again delight us. The Bar At meeting of the Loyal Sir Wilson will not take death of Mr. Charles Brice a death and feel feel sure that David Lodge, Ancient Order of advantage of his trump card. prominent young Lawyer of will wholebeartedly agree with Shepherds, held recently the that Colony which sad event my my suggestion le took place on the 11th ultimo trar should enter these preceed that the Regis.
following resolution of Sympathy was adopted:GO TO THE PANAMA BARGAIN HOUSE of District ings in WHEREAS, it has pleased the Graphic Description Court, Castriosthe following angle wire libre minute of this court was paid to Mr. Brice by press our sorrow at the loss we to widow exGreat Creator of the Universe in His When you wish a cheap, but decent Suit (complete. the Acting Attorney General infinite wisdom to remove from our hats, hose, collars, ties, and so forth.
the midst our beloved sister Drucilla Wallace By Mr. Ormsby Gore. DeGazon, who have sustained and also express melancholly duty who the sympathy of the Bench and on May 10th, 1922 and, had evolved upon him to an ter in their affliction, cury the Bar with himself and daughWHEREAS by her death the Order Trinidad is, after Jamaica, the of a colleague a member of the announce to the court the death Another fitting tribute was Thas lost one of its devoted members, Also cheap Cots for the weary Traveller largest, most populous and bar, BE IT RESOLVED that in the person of Mr. paid to the memory of Mr.
wealthiest of the British West Charles Brice. He had only a Brice at a meeting of the Casmembers of the Loyal David Lodge No.
Indian Islands. Its capital Port few moments before learnt of of Spain, is not only the largest (Continued On Paye 7)
2821, in session now assembled do sincerely extend our heartfelt sympathy Address. MULLER BUILDING city in the British West Indies and condolence by draping the Surance but also the most important and other Paraphernalias of this Lodge CALIDONIA shipping port and junction. It for three months, and at a given time is a well built, a well rua town, while in session silence be maintained inhabited by as varied a collec The STEWART for five minutes, for three consecutive tion of human types as is to be meetings, and a space to be left blank found anywhere in the world on the face of our minute Physiographically, Trinidad conmemory of the departed CALE No. sists of a range of forest clad BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that mountains running east and a copy of this resolution be sent to the west along its northern shore.
monthly magazine of the Loyal Order of PRIVATE ACADEMY To the south of this range lies a Ancient Shepherds Ashton Unity, Dat square plain, covered with sugar plantations, cocoa farms ACLASSES IN cupy to the bereaved family, copy to be laid on the face of our minutes, and English Classes and coconut groves stretching to a line of low hills, where a copy to the local press for publicaFor Young Ladies 6 lake situated, AND FOR BOYS 7 Trinidad, though mainly agri cultural and largely dependent ROOMS TO LET Mon Tues. Thurs. Fridays.
upon cocoa, owes much of its 51 16th STREET WEST prosperity to the oil and asphalt CALLE No industries which form such a BARTON, special feature of the colony, PANAMA CITY APPLY ON PREMISES It yields a higher revenue per head of the population than any VERY LARGE REDUCTIONS IN TWEEDS SERGES LININGS direct with Was Bennett and 8180 proved.
American Bazaar high you the Hon said that the we the a book in Commercial Evening School el male and the famous asphalt Shorthand, Typewriting, Spanish, Etc. ior,


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