
them advance Saving on fact be The Jamaica PeoTHE WORKMAN ple Association Land Settlement and ImPublished on Saturdays by Rates for Advertisement on applies proved Homestead WALROND, the office Central Avotion. Correspondence on all matters Ano and corner of Street, Panama, of public interest invited. de All copy for publication must be Information has been received Box 74, Panama written on one side of paper only, and from Kingston, Jamaica; RATES OF SUBSCRIPTIOX must be accompanied by the name of o ganization of what is known Oce Year. 40 S. Cy. the writer, not necessarily for publica as The Jamaica People Asso ciation.
Hon but as a mark of good faith. 20 Six Months wao This organization has la anebed 60e. we do not undertake to return been under very favourable ODO 25e.
crejected orrespondence.
auspices, and un dous edly will ba a very power fu lever in the educational. The Liberty of the Press is the palladium of our rights JUNIUS industrial and political, uplift of SATURDAY, JUNE 10, 1922 The aims and objects of the Association shall be to purchase properties in the different THE BUSINESS SIDE OF SPORT parishes of Jamaica and to cut up and to sell again in small lots on easy terms of pay Most amusements in these days, either in door or out Jamaica Peo ment to the members of the Association: door, differ widely from those of the days of past genera To ance moneys upon sal safe tions when in the enjoyment of their pleasure they took securities to help the members the out of toil and made life smooth like oil on the of the Association to erect suit able surface of the waters.
homes; To establish a daily newspaper, and Those were days when community life was communis scholarships to the children of tic so far as Sport and pastime were concerned. The barn its members: To form a co operadance and the barbecue, the May pole and the carnival, tive Bank, and to be interested athletics, gymkhana and horse racing, were, generally in the political advancement of speaking, promoted by popular consent for the pleasure of the country.
The capital of the Association Association has presented an every body who could find the time to witness them and shall be one hundred thousand Executive board, which can be participate in the enjoyment of them pounds, in in 20, 000 shares of Five compared to any business corThose days have long since disappeared. To day, pounds each to be subscribed as poration elsewhere. It is one to which investors can pince Are sports and pastimes are business propositions promoted at dele Womente abiling to per dare condimento e che gentle You usually expensive costs and the communal aspect has gone Two Shillings per share allotment balance of men have all been successful in, out of them. This is one reason why the mass rofinspecta nonth an shapes are transfer their various tespheres activhuse tors ness and professional. The Coupons?
difficult to adjust themselves to the decisions of judges, fole. An entry fee of Five shillo and it is not too much to say shall be charged to able to pay for admission to spɔrts they expect to receive incumbent on members to take tion at stake in allying theman overflow of satisfaction for their time and money.
shares, the Executive solicits the selves to the Association support ol all the members.
Support for this Association Sports and pastimes are profitable advertisements.
is requested from the many CASHED AT ALL STORES The various outposts of the British empire have been. The Association will welded together as much by intercolonial sports as by any cultural products, and will use expressed that it is a duty and transport facilities for the agria parts, and the opinion is here seek thousands of Jamaicans in these other influence.
and best endeavours to mother country as rapidly through the avenue of pastine the spirit of individual tende an obligation to come forward as through commercial relations. It was the same with the disunion that has proved so for and assist in the development SOLD other colonies. It is the same, to day, in the nations. midable a barrier in the past in of that country, so that in the future our people may have securing the best interests of This is indeed a some other means of striving for Britain in a strong bond of social union, Yatching and tennis keep the United States and Great the collable program, and one independence besides, such as is Chess holds very sei found necessary in travelling to Latin Europe and Latin America in a touch of generous which should commend naiset foreign countries EVERYWHERE to sympathy.
appreciated that at pre The Board of Directors are But there seems to be a general protest in some places sent it is very hard to accumu the following gentlemer:against the cost of sports to spectators, It is felt that the late money for investments, but Hon. Simpson amusements ought to be for the public good, and pro there is no tangible reasons why MLC, Law Adviser; Hon. mulgated by public institutions at little or no expense to advance the interests of ones Hon. and Rev. Barclay, the sacrifice should not be made Nash, ML President; to the on looker.
country MLC. Ist Vice President Those who take exception to the part that the spectaThe opportunity has come to Hartly Duff Esq. A, 2nd vicetor must contribute to the promotion of pleasure lose sight the people to assist themselves, President; Fitz Ritson Esq.
of two salient aspects of the question. One is that it costs rather than looking into the 3rd vice President; Dr.
the actors and promoters of sport and amusement no little hands of the Government to do Oswald Anderson, Tresthem. This Burer; Hon. Theo. Wint, ovtlay in making preparations for the execution of their verything for various programs. It is the same in nearly all instances.
Yatching means the investment of large sums of Another aspect of sports is the part they play in pubmoney for the construction and operation of the compet lic and national life Intellectually, physically and socialing craft. Men must be paid to take care of the vessels, ly those communities are brightest, healthiest and most and even if they are owned by millionaires this does not moral where amusements of the proper sort are kept up.
obviate the important fact and consideration that money The best energies are awakened, the highest impulses are has to be spent.
developed and the most worthy interests are conse, ved.
Base ball carries with it the formation of leagues and Agilty, dexterity and resourceful prowess coupled Esq. Hon. and Rev.
C, Secretary; Theo: McKay Destructive Fire link pa profession in itself in which men excel as stars play and the minds of thinkers and toilers are diverted from. Plant TP Hyda No Talbe pressure) eventually sucthe payment of salaries to professional players. In fact, with strength and wholesome strategy are brought into Young, , C: Major (Continued from page 1)
and draw down handsome remuneration for their ability, the burdensome and exacting rigors of daily toil. The Qaw. eg Eba. Bon, and Rere In order to excel these men must neglect other lines and pu itancial spirịt that introduced itself into the social Graham, ceeded in placing in the region professions for iis sake; and there are others than the affairs of the world four hundred years ago might anache Nelson, Esq; Caleb Cam FAQ Med devouring flames to McMillan, of remote at one tine seem an imminent players to be considered.
matize general pastims and pronounce them as iniquitous, Esq. B; Jones, possibility the spread of the Cricket is no exception, so far as expense is concerned, but this is the same spirit that has scourged the world IP. Wilson Eeq. Hope McKay and but it is not a profession, at least, in British colonies with the errors of predominating ignorance. And this Pantone Bavi Peterkins and Rosemin Dick Wells, so immense where it is a gentleman game. Teams are organized spirit is going to the well because it has failed to salvage EMP. B; and Enis to be, that to the and mantained at the sole expense of the players and the great ideals of the human race.
All particulars can be got from eye, the flames seemed honorary members, and in countries where financial means eral le the players to keep the good old game alive the conducive to commerce as business propositions, but who Who Theo Wint, is expect Miranda, where, with he falling Sports and pastimes are essential to social purity and Dr. Lowe, and Mr. B, obave attacked the root of the of this city itter store, and this caused bo public gets off with a negligible quota of expense.
In must pay the piper? As things are here the crowds baveed to pay a visit to this country ofiten da, liotle panic at the w Hop places like anama. it is different question. The men the advantage over the actors and promoters, and, per at a very early date when he ha e to the cutting of who play game are all poor and belong to the working haps, this is so everywhere; but it isn fair. What about shall have an opportunity of the current we dl, er given in class. They are unable to keep the game alive themselves the cost of advertising. the manufac. ure of implements, stating the possibilities of the presided over by MP Moore who are charged admission to the grounds for the privi keeping fit, the awarding of prizes, the onstruction and ment of Jamaica by her own in their efforts by members and must therefore depend on the support of spectators and the purchase of same, the expense of training and Association, and what can Mr accomplished in the advance close. The Brigade were backed was brought to a summary lege of seeing the games. These admissions are not maintenance of criclos orals, base ball diamonds, cycle sons if they will come forward excessive and it is absurd that they should be complained tracked rave courses? Does all this not mean money and asslot themselves.
of the and several of.
and plenty of it, too?
men and oficers of Cricketers have to provide themselves with gear and Now, to get down to brass tacks is the public doing Wistarna.
NOTICE of and memattire and se inot cost a trifle. When the players are its share to enbance and encourage sporu? It is quite of olu individu with. mited pocketbooks it becomes a drag easy for people to criticise the wander and operations of and a hezdicap on them. They must keep their clubs such social institutions as clubs, leagues and sport. com, Midwife. of Boca begs to wrough No. 1a Frederick Street, Mrs. on Lieut, includin, Vangouldt.
working and at the same time provide themselves with mittees, but unless it is associated notify her friends and the gear and proper and necessary implements. The wealthy with generous and unstinted support criticism doen help that she has returned to her thedower baltop which is occuexperie e cutly, but how can the poor man pro People clamor for clean sports, brt cl an sports mean bome, House 1029, St. Thomas pied brlor ulding Pig who su some damage vide them a ap has club alive? Here the cricket busi a clean public, and there is nothing clean in kicking against Street, La Boca, and is by ready to the any slengagement Stephens La also reasonable charges for admission to a game. Chat doesn entrusted to her. She spent six Walls. By no. it see ness needs animent.
and Sra.
The paraphernalia with whir seb to get himself in trim dows, it doesn buy bicycles and boxing accouvremenu, time acted for weeks as a Red dead. of show cert that the spread. and the time which he must necessarily put into training it doesn pay for adver. istng in newspapers nor can it Cross Norse at the Free Clinic illis would be prevented and are items of no little import. Very few fans realize how give prizes and furnish conveniences in grand stands, with satisfaction for one who is this pour mise was confined when at about 910 10 the flames sucmuch a boxer spends on his preparation for a fight and bleechers and enclosures.
cumbed absolutely to the power few seem to care.
This is the business view of sports without considera Dental Notice.
ful jets of water. The premises Horse racing, the giant sport, is the most expensive of tion for which all amusement of a general character loses owned by Mr. Gran McIntosh all. The animal, its upkeep in fodder and care taker are its benefits. The public must be fair minded and con All those persons who were There was a very large crowd tremendous in cost. good race borse does not cost siderate and contribute better patronage to th: efforts of being worked on by Dentist in evidence which gaye little money, neither does its daily maintenance, jockey local promoters than is being given at present. poor Hilton Howell. are asked to call trouble whatever to the memclub means money and a race track cannot build and keep attiendance at a horse race, a boxing ma. ch, a cricket or at House 1028, La Boca, next bers of the Constabulary who itself. Turfites are only concerned in the track meets, a base ball game, a cycle and athletic meet or even a cir door the Salvation Army Hall turned out to preserve order.
from and but owners, jockeys and promoters feel the pinch of get cus is as unfair as it is discouraging If sports are neces inst, and have some completed. Creoline straightens and ting up the programs and making enjoyment for the sary the public should be willing and cheerful to pay for HOWELL, beautifies the bair and procrowds.
duces hair on bald heads.
Magnums 20 Good Cigarettes for 15c.
Parker ald Esq 63 de appear Elis)
o pumber of well by Ler Section bers of som Bott Water are no Dentist.


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