
THE WORKMAN, SATURDAY, JUNE 10, 1922, PAGE FIV Atlantic Side News HORSE RACES TO. MORROW Sunday, June 11 JUAN FRANCO PARK Crack a jack Races. to IMITATION set forth Truth game to success.
SINCEREST FLATTERY come ing to be Lodge AS GOOD of 39 15 15 Independent Order Broadway, Colon, Members Canal Zone Notes GRAND are asked to be on time.
Of Good Samaritans an Ragtime Rally Grand Secular Concert, GATUN Daughters of Samaria Grand Secular Concert will Boy Week WILL BE HELD BY Celebrates 75th Anniversary be given by the Eastern Star Juvenile Lodge No. 3, IndepenRoyal King David Temple No. dent Order of Galilean Fishermen Since Secretary Waller attend The reveral Lodges of this Order in on Saturday, June 10th at o. of Friendly Society ed a Committee meeting op Boy the Colon, together with the Central Ameri Jethro Temple (Mosaic) 106 Week in Colon last Monday he is can Grand Lodge No. joined in cele Broadway, Colon, between 7th very euthusiastic in his endeaIN brating the 75th anniversary the and 8th Streets. Admission Adults vour to do something to help the EUREKA LODGE HALL institution of the order, on Sunday last, 250, Children 15C. Refreshments boys In this connec4th inst.
tion there will be a special meet At 30 Sharp on sale come one, come all.
44, Hudson Lane ing for Boys at this Clubhouse at Between 4th a 5th Streets This took the form of a Church 15 Sunday June 11th.
Parade. The members of the lodges Fidelity Lodge No. 29.
Captain Patman of Coco Solo will gathered at the St. James Lodge Room ON speak to the boys. Everybody is (corner of sth Street and Hudson Alley at pm. were the members arranged The regular general meeting of admitted free Boys will take Saturday, June 10, 1922 themselves in Regalia and headed by the Fidelity Lodge, No. 29, Inde the front seats At o clock band of music marched in procession to pendent United Order of Scotish the Wesleyan Church where Thank. Mechanics, will take place on AN INTERESTING PROGRAM Billiard Contest. Full Band of Music will be in giving service was conducted by the Saturday, June 10th at the St.
James Rev. Surgeon. The Rev. gentleLodge Hall, 8th and Hud OF attendance. Billiard contest will begin on preached from Luke 10 Chap. verse son Lane. Colon. The Lodge has 36 37.
exchanged the meeting night Monday night June 12th and All are invited. Refreshments on Sale.
scheduled for the 13th for this In his impressive and eloquent made ending Friday June 16th. The and anticipates to confer contestants will play for Gold, rer be led bis bearers the scope of the on this date Members Tetine Silver and Bronze medals. The court to prove who would have tragedy enacted on the road leading are requested to attend, and be Turfites will witness a field of from Jerusalem to Jericho. grapbically on time as this meeting starts at winners of this contest will play been licked or the lickers.
a match against Paraiso on Satur depicting the story of the misfortune to m, sharp. All visiting Bros, are horses in the various events which day June 17th at which time they MacFadden Club Trims the traveller his neglect by the passing cordially welcome.
will publicly receive their medals Levite and Priest and the practical sym has not been seen at the Juan There will also be a dance patby shown to him by the despised and on Paraiso Community Club this date at which time the small bsted Samaritan.
St. Peter Anniversary.
sum of 10C will be charged, At Volley Ball He then proceeded Franco track since it was opened.
draw lessons from the narrative: pointing The St. Peter Lodge No, 22.
The members of the MacFad out that the Saviour meant celebrated its hird an The members of St. Agnes den Club of Red Tank journeyed to demonstrate to the Jewish nation that niversary on Sunday, May, 28th, ADMISSON 00 Guild are very busy over songs to Paraiso on Wednesday night their favoured position as God chosen in the lodge hall, and was a bril.
and a very fine one act drama to 7th instant and engaged the mem.
people was no reason for them to keep liant function while it lasted, place before the public in the bers of the Paraiso Community away from their less favoured neighbours The chair was taken by Bro. John near future Mrs. Jo Laurie, Club in a game of Volley Ball.
but rather placed them in the respon Wilson, Installing Master, and Mrs. Waller are doing their cible position of pointing out the way to he lived up to his reputation as It was a well contested game best to make the concert some and was worth while going miles the higher pathways of life and virture an able social chairman. Refresh thing to talk about to see. The home club won the In like manner the members of the in high praise of the lodge. The ments were served and all spoke.
toss and had choice of first ser Order by reason of their stand taken as in their mottoes Love, Purity gathering broke up at pm.
The Catechist at St. George vice and court.
Church gave an interesting adThey underated the playing and were not to keep these IS THE Virtues within their small circles but dress on Sunday gone, being the ability of the visitors and Lodge Notice.
day of Penticost, and also urged visitors proud of their them. The were expected to disseminate them both that that day being the birthday Wed by precept and example to that the became too confident and The officers and members of of the Church, more of the mem the next two to the home club.
lost Communities in which they lived might bers should have attended, be benefitted and their order thuo be the light of Colon No. 11, Earl Both teams then settled down beacen lights to those around who Roberts, No 30 Royal King to business and brilliant playing having fallen by the wayside through sin No. 31 Lodge of the BIO Mr. Laurie Chaplain of the was witnessed during the of are respectfully last and sorrow might be lifted up and WHEN OTHER PEOPLE ADVERTISE St. Agnes Guild are urging the three innings. These however pointed to higher and noblet dima in lire to be reminded of the Mass Meet be held in the flower of parents and guardians of the were won by Red Tank giving He elaborated on the mottoes Love, the Isthmus Room on young girls to see that they be them games, Paraiso Toe Purity and Truth. and earnestly Wednesday eve June 14th, 1922, AS GAS come members of the Guild, as following are the scores by enjoined tha Fraternity to live up to at pm sharp for the purpose the Guild is the best thing to help sames:these during the year just entered upon. of nomination and election of the girls to cultivate virtuous Game Red Tank 15. Paraiso The vermon was listened to with rapt a District Deputy for the District THEY TACITLY ACKNOWLEDGE THAT lives among young women, 12 attention by the large congregation and of Colon. Please be on time as the opinions expressed later that had the theme wilabe to opath eh bupin for GAS IS THE BEST LA BOCA been member of long of importance 15 standing he could not have more befit the good; and welfare of the tingly interpreted the deeper meaning of Order.
GRAND ALL. ISTHMIAN the The officers and members of term Good Samaritano.
After the 85 benediction tte members marched around the Light of Colon Lodge No. 111 SINGING CONTEST.
The following members played for Red Tank. Messrs De Bourg the city in procession, finally returning are also begged to keep in mind Hawkins, Mitchell, Walford. Smail to the Lodge Room where appropriate the nomination and election of remarks on the occasion were made by officers for the ensuing term on PANAMA COLON GAS CO.
To Be Held By The Silver City Lowe, Morris and Mrs. Mitchell, high officials of the order, the eve of the 21st inst.
The gathering retired with deep PANAMA OFFICE. AT COLON OFFICE: IN MEMORY OF sense of grattude to Almighty God Do nt Forget That Rally.
Cathedral Plaza YOUR 93 Bolivar St. Committee of the Silver City MRS. ANNIE HAMSLEY for the way in which they had been led Association have arranged to during the past year.
If you want to witness one of Tel. 798 SERVICE Tel. 364 have a Grand All Isthmian Sing.
the grandest Rallies ever held in ing Contest at the La Boca Club For over past from Lafo moiled, sootb(Died May 13, 1922)
Boys Week, the city of Colon take a walk to house, on Saturday night, July Eureka Lodge Room 44, Hudson 15th 1922 ing cares; Lane, between 4th and 5th Sts, In connection with the contem: tonight (June 10) and enjoy yourCHURCH SERVICE Eibie Truth Churches.
both professional and amatuer Transpo ted from the scenes of mortal (a) This contest will be a for Swept from Timo valo vith all ite woes and tears; plated exercises in the interest otself. Admission free. American Episoopal Church)
San Miguel singers.
our boys which starts tomorrow, 5:30 am Morning Prayer gloam. Sunday) by the monster meeting Rose Garden Palace No. St. Paul Church, Panama. b) All applicants must be 10 am Children Service.
of She gleaned to Christ Eternal Harvest in the American Theatre, Colon 11: a. Presc ing Service known Respectability and singing Home. s. m, Holy Communion, the Rev. C. Surgeon of the must be of a classical composition as ripen fruit in service, and in age, Wesleyan Church (6th and Cash 30 pm, Sunday School, There will be a special meeting 10 s, m, Matins, No Rag Time or Jazz.
10:30 a. Holy Eucharist and ser7:30 pm. Gospel Service.
Streets. will preach a special of the rose Garden Palace No. 1, And those who with the righteous, chaste (c) Tae Committee resolve the mon, Calidonia and sage, sermon for boys at 30 on O. on Friday, June 16 at right to reject any application. Have faithful been, is things or small, Sunday night. 30 Parents and guardians Holy Baptism, 5:30 am. Mbruing Prayer p Sunday School (a) Three prizes will be award or great, The front seats of the Edifice are invited to attend, along with 10 am, CHren Servi o.
Christ ch her mongst the saints who will be reserved for the young the children. They are warned 30 Evensong and sermon. 11. 11. Sing Serce (e) Three noted Musicians will on Hm wait.
sters and every courtesy will be against paying any to 2:30 Bunday School To St. Alban s, Paraiso.
7:30 pm opel cvice.
juige the Competition.
shown them by the officers and sister Williams on behalf of said The vacant pew where she was wont to members of the Church.
10 am, Holy Baptism. All applications must be in BARCLAY Pastor in charge prayPalace as she is no longer con Apart from the deep interest pected there with, and the Royal 11 s, m, Holy Eucharist and sermon. Seventh Day Adventist Church the hands of the Committee not the absent, gentle form with locke all grayMr. Su geon evinces in the later than July 8th, 1922.
iths King David. Temple No. to p. Sunday School, 68 ANCON AVE, PANAMA.
of thn my as Christan Minister which the Palace is affiliated will 30 Evensong and addrese. with C) Address all applications to the chair orno fille by. 945 Mr EDWARD TO he fact that be spent his early not hold itself responsible. Sister NIGHTENGALE Priest in abarzo borbe School; 11 15. ro, General Worship tary Silver City Association, to pathos tell of this vacated place.
tyouth as a Colon Boy makes them Matilda Brown has been appoint mule dear to him.
ed to succeed her.
St. Peter Church La Boca. 3:30 pm Sat Class: 30 Balboa, Canal Zone, or in care of Tie thus Ho calloth Hie elected honoe; Young Preis dog; 30 La Boca Clubhouse.
It is boped that a large number Tis thus we move from thiags of Tims 6, 30 am. Holy Communion Vesper of the boys will avail themselves Miss Jane Gayle Better.
and Seore; 30 a;m, Hoy Bipiem. h) The Silver City Band will Suada, night 30 pm. Service Al be in attendance and after Por finite man breathes here. but there to hear what an old Colon Boy il a Morning Payer and address, the are wesome.
has to say to them.
in Contest those desirous of trip heav Miss Jane Gayle who was p. Sunday School, Baptist Church. 30 pm Choral Evensong and ser.
ping the light fantastic toe, will be We feast upon the soul immortal recently admitted in the Colon Colon, 11 a. ro learin.
NOTICE Hospital, has been successfully 7:15 Pastor privileged to do so, operated on and is now MULCARE Rector.
Further particulars in connec. Wby mourn for those called dead, since conva Chorillo, Descon Linton, tion there with, wili be published and t» depart is Love all blissful rest?
they are blest, All members of the Royal Kinglescing at her home. Her many St. Barnabas Church, Empire Coros al Road, Mr. Gelliran, 7:15 Pitt llater.
Solomon Lodge, No. 11, 10. o. of friends join in wishing her For christian soul in spirit oue rem sinS. are asked to attend a special speedy return to good bealth. 10. 45 am, Litany and Holy CoinIn Heav or Earth tis one eteras muion.
7;15 Yearwo meeting on June 20th, for the pur Everybody Got Off LickEmpire, 11 a. Pastor Wit. Sunday School at m. m, strain.
pose of Nomination and Election. Britannic West End To morrow Mr. Brown Ing. ANTOINE 30 p, Evening Prayer and address, Pueblo Nuevo, 11 am. Mr, Yearwood St. Bartholomew Church, An interesting game of cricket 7:30 Williams The Silver City Band will be at Important to Lodges.
Owing Now Providence Descoa Broom Las Cascadas to the heavy shower on the Cristobal Silver Clubhouse on is scheduled to take place to Cativa, Deacon Poster, the morning of the 30th ultimo, All notices for publication Ad.
Saturday night, June 24th to play morrow on the Mount Hope oval 11 a, Morning Prayer and address. Gatun, Taursday Pastor Thrift the inter clubhouse tennis tour vertising dates of meeting nights for the usual Monthly Dance. Aí between Britannicc. of Pana2. 30 m. Sunday School, ma and West End selection nament that was looked for at are charged for at the rate 00 welcome for a good time.
of Colon this gone promises to p. Evening Prayer and address Genaral Notice.
La Boca on that date could not per month payable in advance.
take place, but it was the talk Publications notifying suspenbe interestingly contested and a MULCARE, Priest in charge. All publications of Births, by the several teams and tennis sion or expulsion of Gulding Star to Meet, members large crowd of cricket fams are Deaths, and Marriages are fans that it was a good thing the are charged for per inch of expected to witness the struggle. Creoline Hair Producer is charged for according the rain fell, which has saved the space taken.
The regular fortnightly meeting the World best hair pro amount of space taken up. No contesting teams from a licking Lodges and other local Friend of the Guiding Star Lodge No. 14. Adaertise in The Work ducer and will not soil or stain exceptions will be made to this Now, we the prospective cham ly Socieries are hereby requested pions at Gatun would like on to be governed accordingls.
day, June 14th, at the Mosaic Hall man it pays. clothes.
The MANAGEMENT, the 4th of July on the Cristobal The MANAGEMENT 13 15 11 11 FUEL FOR COOKING os 67 monies er sنور mon to


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