
Wedding Bells.
THE IDEAL PHARMACY Webley and Myrle.
Drugs Patent Medicines Perfumes, Soaps etc. etc.
8901 bore bring pace to be to be found.
make bride Panama Hardware that decorated with been the reply that must General Reduction in their prices The Lusitania May Panama Branch.
Be Taken Up Jamaica Representative From The Sea. Government Association.
of No 1, 29th Street East, Calidonia Cuatro An Expedition For Salving sion of the masto meeting which (OPPOSITE THE IRON GATE)
The Wreck to Start From was beld as Liberty Hall Chap Philadelphla.
ter No. 17, on the 27th ulto, that the invitation from Jamaica to send a delegate to join the Deputation whieh will be sent to ENGLISH AND AMERICAN BRITISH SKEPTICAL England be accepted, and that funds for detraying the expen.
Admiralty Officials Doubt if ses of the delegates to and from Operations (an Be Successful England be solicited from the West Indian colonists residing 60 Fathoms Doop.
in this city, Colon, Bocas del Doro, Port Limon, Costa Rica; RAISE OTHER SHIPS. the appeal is hereby extended to those who have expressed. desire to see this important cable des satch from Phila movement successfully carried delphia, dated May states through, to forward their sub500that an expedition for the sal. scription, to Mr. P. Wynter.
NO SUBSTITUTES USED vaging of the Lusitania and President of the Panama Branch other ships that bave gone to the Dr. Lowe, Dr, Anderson, bottom of the ocean in the last Dr. Connell, The City Only the purest and most genuine Drugs. comfew years will start from this Pharmacy, Chemical Hall, and city May 25. The steamship the Workman Printery; or pounded by a reliable Pharmacist of over Blakeley has been chartered through any member of the ter the purpose by the Lusitania Association.
40 years experience The amounts received will be Salvaging Company No great dificulty is foreseen published from time to time. It in salvaging the Lusitania. is requested that all West In WILLIAM de SOUSA, Proprietor because the exact position is dians should unselfishly known, ard the belief is that the the sacrifice to contribute his his the wreck is in an apright posi cuota to this fund. This move S63 5BKSYSOKS tion. Estimates of the gold in ment should be of interest to all the wreck run into the millions. who bave grievances against the single passenger is said to condition of affairs in the West Lodge Notica.
bave de posited 75, 000 with the Indies. This is the time when purser of the Lusitania, while we must do for ourselves and ISLE OF SPRING LODGE No de Page, of such the medical director of the tages as will inake us to be res 8150 Belgian Red Cross, is reported pected and to demonstrate our The meeting nights of this to have car ried more than 100. manhood in a becoming manner. lodge are the isi and 3rd Main Store: Plaza Catedral 600.
This is a call from Jamaica, to Mondays and the 3rd Thursday each and every loyal of each month. The next meeting Branch: 125, Central Avenue VIEW TAKEN IN LONDON. which London, May It is announ. son and daughter should takes place on Thursday June ced from Philadelphia that the give his and her respond in 15th at 30 sharp in the Lusitania Salving Company is so uncertain manner. Let us Loyal Progress ball Patama show that we appreciate that we to make an attempt to raise the are not forgotten nor left alone. requested to be on time.
All officers and members are ANNOUNCE Lusitania.
Inquiries at the Since we are asking other West British Admirality to day elicit WM. MAYNARD, ed been heard there about any such demonstrate that we are worthy nothing had Indians to join to make movement Per. Secretary.
a success, we attempt, and itwas thought to be of their assistance.
extremely doubtful whether. it The Life Law Benevolent got Subscription lists can be made, it could be successful It As Friendly Society.
deep water all around the South would like to interest himself in was pointed out that there was from the members of the who coasts of Ireland, and that the wou The Life Law Benevolent Friendly Lusitania must be lying at a members of the Association the Gunchapali Chapter No. 14 ha the collection of funds. The Society, operating in the Liberty Hall of Contractors and Builders will be depth fathoms also stated that am the Brition appeals to the various clubs and launched its bark upon the literary was greatly benefited by paying a visit Associations to undertaken get up benefit to attack and destroy Deed be, our Government had the insurance of merchant vese entertainments for the purpose common enemy, in aranee, selfishone to these stores.
the and esse, sels during the war, and any bc communicating with salvage would belong to the Gov. Secretary, Mr. Bragg, as On board with Captain Gittens, bis ernment.
to the nature of the function the Board marinerade partich has friends at Colon, Bocas del Toro, bivakter a normal courtesy. Thomas At the marine department of they would like to have. Our officers and crew were three discinguish ed visitors Rev.
charge of these matters, nothing find a leader and organize a service in this noble venture. The proand Port Limon are requested to sad C, Johnson who did yeoman Creoline Hair Preparations is known of any proposal to Positively Superior to all others on Earth.
salvage the Lusitania. The committee to handle their part of grammo which was enjoyed by all preTry them and be convinced.
question of the right of the Gov. the work.
sent is as follows: They are the Master Preparations of the World.
ernment to do so, it is said, Opening addren by the President.
depended upon the position Different from all Others!
the wreck. If it layon within More About The Lifto. nd Law the fundamental Prices of all goods in the United States of America 50c. principles of the Creative plan by the three mile limit, the Govern all Foreign countries, 693.
ment would possible have a lien Rev. Whittaker Mooney Billings Solo, Labour on, by Mrs. Brooms Creoline Halr Producer upon it.
Straightens rough, barsh, kinky hair with or without hot combs, Lecturing before the Engineer Case. Address, The Law of Love by Mr. and without chemicals. NOT MADE OF VASELINE. Contains 10 ing and Scientitic Association Thom.
percent more oil than is possible to be put into any other preparation of Ireland as long as February So, Lillion. Sweet Lilies by Miss of its kind in the world. Patches thin places and prevents baldness. Maxwell.
San Francisco, May 8th. R91918, Eneor who has carried Creoline Day Dandruff Remedy out many salvahe perations of moving Governor Stephens last Addrose, Co operation and Finance, on by Mr. Johnson the Cork coasts discussed the excuse for delaying action very good scalp treatment, positively removes Dandruff, Tetter and Fezens. It is antiseptic. Grows hair, keeps the scalp healthy dificulties of the raising of the the request of District Attorney Remarko, by Brod Leslie, Best. Lusitania. There was a proba Matthew Brady, of San Francis Austin and In ounce bottles.
he said, Closing remarks by the President.
Jackson Manufacturing Co.
that by that co, that be pardon. Tom Mooney 455 West Tenth St.
the Benediction.
time she had ceased to be a ship and Warren Billings on Manufacturers and Exporters Indianapolis Ind. Al Up to date Drug Stores carry a stock of Creoline.
She was subject to the enormous grounds of proven perjury and Special mention must be made of the pressure of 140 pounds per fraud in their Tom able manner in which Mr. Thomas dissquare inch, and was many has dismissed his ap coursed upon the exhaustis subject, times heavier than the heaviest from the order of the which although is old as the bille, a is ever new, for love is the fulfilling of 000 tons. Besides there was of audita quorela. the Law. Very inspiring was the rendi The best Tonic in the World The appeal has been pending tion by Mrs. hour for the hope the Atlantic swell to interfere with the work, before the District Court of of Quite effective and was to have been was the treatise on Co operation and heard Monday, May 8th. When Finance, by Mr. Johnson, Oh that Ob MORE ABOUT MURDER the appeal was brought before beautifully rendered This elegant Tonic preparation is highly recommend.
the court for hearing Byron Lillies, by Mis Maxwell, it reminded Parker, attorney Of Ex Czar and His Entire for ed in Debility, Nervousness, Female Weakness, Tom us of the master Word, Bebold the Mooney, moved its dismissal. lilies of the field Family In his Impoverishment of the Blood, and to build up they toil not neither do his afidavit requesting the they spin, yet Solomon in all his glory dismissal of the appeal Tom was not arrayed as one of these.
a run down constitution. Direct West India cable des Mooney said It promotes digestion, improves the appepatch from Paris states that And in conclusion, wish to warn you In view of the recent applice to be prepared for two eventful days, responsibility for the nurder tion for Executive clemency June 18th and 23th, respectively, the tite, and gives tone and energy to the whole system.
and burning of Ex Czar Nicholas made on my behalf; and in order for mer Anniversary Day, and the latter DOSE: One small Wine glass before each meal or of Russia and all the members of that the Governor, without times a day.
be. Literary Meeting his family is placed by Nicholas ing at all embarassed by Solokoff one of the leaders pendency of any legal proceedof the Bolshevik Government in ings, may give speedy considera be proper to carry it into effect Moscow. He makes this state tion to the facts and circum without delay.
ment after a three year inquiry stances discovered in Commenting on the dismissal officially ordered by the Kolchak Superior Court by my Attorney Mooney, wife of Tomer Moon which the of the appeal, Mrs. Rena Solokpff was for many years Byron Parker, in support of and Secretary Trensurer of the investigating magistrato, under my Petition for a Writ of Audita Mooney Defense Committee the Imperial Regime in Russia Querela; and inasmuch as 28 a par Said: and he is generally described don, il granted, as the matter It has been said that GovFOOT EASE as the best living authority on now stands, would, as believe. ernor Stephens would refuse to Walls great deal and be happy and healthy the circumstances surrounding be my only remedy. which un par don my husband and Billings the death of the Imperial family, der the most favourable circum. at this time, on the grounds that But you can if your feet troublelyou.
Sokoloff bas gathered more than stances might not be able to an appeal was still pending in Dr. TICHENOR JANTISEPTIC 3, 000 pages of testimony and a obtain through the Courts for the courts, The dismissal of the is the best treatment, gruesome collection of photo many months to come. Appeal removes this excuse and graphs bones and clothes. HEREBY RESPECTFUL leaves the matter in the hands of dobie itch, bruises and burns Full directions with every package. It gives quick relief to cuts Among the evidence. is a code LY DISMISS THE PENDING the Governor for solution.
represented as an APPEAL HEREIN, now duly Used internally, Dr. TICHENOR ANTISEE TIC is certain relief Governor Stepbens bas all official report of the murders set for hearing lor cramps, colic and diarrhoea. It saves doctors buu.
to the Moscow Government by May, 1922; ina berebitin day of the evidence of perjary before Whem in a drug store, don forget to buy the Soviet officials at Ekaterin my Attorney, Byron Parker, his not taking immediate action Dr, TICH ENOR ANTISEPTIC burg, where the crime is said to to sign this dismissal with me, now that the appeal has been have occurred.
and to take such steps as may dismissed.
Th. SAN MIGUEL BIBLE TRUTH CHURCH, was the sene of great de light and perplexity on Sunday, May 21st, be James Webley. Dative of Jamsies from the parish of St. Catherine And Vida Myrie, sleo from Jamsios and the parish of Westerland vere joined holy wedlook by the Rev.
Long before any of the guest appeared in the earth, the spacious bell was alled to ite espacity with spectators. one desire to the lovely couple joined together. Many were the expression avde by individuals of the crowd that stood in and out of the hall, oute de than loride, there vw not even standing the ebureb, bob platform a and rootty were packed with spectators, A1 40 the crowd was put into an uproar when the bride apprared on the be, and entered the shureh leaning racefu ly on the areas of Mr.
Prapeis, as betmen attended by Mine Eudora Myrie. sister of the bride)
ehier bridoomsid. The bride adrned in besutiful cha nose dress, trimmed in bendiok and flowes.
As soon as the Usber of the Church Mr. Rouway save the signal that the was on the way, the choir marebed to the duo way and with the melodious strains of most beautiful anthem, which made all remember the days of the piat, received the bride and Landed her in her place, alongside of her distinguished guest Me.
Webley, while the voices of the BIBLE TRUTH song birds could be hosrd pealing forth in the most excellent manner for blocks away from the church.
The decoration of the church was an excellent piece of artistic work, thare were special arrangements made for the couple and guests, which made feature of the piece one long to be remembered. Elevated over the comple head. was a leautiful home made horseshoed with tieus, roses, and geraniums, while all to the level of gaza was in resemblance of a flower gard While from corner to corner of he church was well designed with lowers of all description The o remony was performed in the moet dignified manner The Rav.
gentleman taking his place in the front of the altar, and there performed the ceremony, while profound silence reiga throughout the ball. Following the ceremony, the Pastor gave a strict fatherly advice to the couple, followed by another beautiful anthem from the choir.
After the crowd gave way for the couple to paw outMe Hurd, peeled that beautiful Medley wedding msroh, which made the happy pair felt that.
theirs have been one that caused many to show interest and zeal into, while the happy couple drove amid the cheers of the crowd to the house of Mr. and Mrs.
ME Nibbs, where a happy time was spent, Many were the well wishes given to the Bride and Bri legroom, and after a few well spint bours, the happy couple accompanied by Mr. Francis, and Miss Myrie, drove to their home, where they are enjoying the happine of a married life.
Among those present to witness the ceremony as guests were the Misses.
Adina Foderingham, Winifred Gray, Millin, Graham, Hughs, Blake, Franklin and and Nibbs.
Mesdames Spence, Conliffe Stuart, Moore, and Clark.
With tha Mossrs. Myrie, Blake and 2009. cousin to the brido)
mons. Spence. Campbell, Catherwood, and N; Concliffo. All AN dressed in their besutiful suits of white, which made the function looked quite pleasant and uniforma like. This wedding in the BIBLE TRUTH CHURCH AT ок SAN MIGUEL will long be remembered, by all who witnessed it. Not only in.
one way, but in every thing in connection with the same. Too much credit can be given the members of the cburch for the decorations made, the members of the choir assisted by Mr.
Hurd, at the Organ. We wish this new couple HEAVEN RICHEST BLESS.
ING. after a LONG, HAPPY, AND USEFUL LIFE. Jamaica papers plesso copy)
In ounce uns.
bility trials, Mooney so writ of reward sweeten Appeal VIGOR TONIC Lillies, Sweet JAVER MORAN American Pharmacy.
1921 WILKINSON CONTRACTCR BUILDER First Class Workmanship Plans and Specifications Free 5th Street West House 99 Box 411, Panama, ہے JUAN ILLUECA Attorney at. Law No. 44 Central Avenue TELEPHONE No. 64. BOX No. 75 Practices in all Courts of Panama English Spoken Fluently


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