
like e! They Satiefefe Chesterfield the recipient Book Binding!
a Why throw away your old, but no Book Binding Department and in Sured his ness in SAVES Primary power THE WORKMAN, SATURDAY, JUNE 10, 1922 PAGE SEVEN lateresting Wast Indian News WATERBURY COMPOUND (Carlined from page 3)
WITH CREOSOTE AND GUAIACOL tries Town Board of which be was an energetic and conscien.
rious member.
INDICATIONS Thn Editor of the Workman takes this opportunity of tender Coughs La Grippe Reconstructant ing sincere smypathy in their Cold Anaemia sad bereavement to the widow Following Fevers and daughter of Mr. Brice, who Bronchitis General Tonic and Pneumonia was a warm and esteemed friend An excelent vehice for administering lodides, Bromides of Mr. Walrood during the And smokers many years of his sojourn in and Salicylater. Summer Complaint and Bowel Castries everywhere like Irregularities among Children. All ages, fall climates, Chesterfields.
all seasons of the Year.
Why? Because GRENADA You have Tried the Rest they are made of Why not Use the Best the choicest Turk ish and American Appreciaton of Mr.
FOR SALE BY tobaccos.
Harbin Work.
An interesting little ceremony took place in Grenville on the WATERBURY CHEMICAL COMPANY 19th inst. when Mr. Har Dos Molnos la, bio, late Inspector of Schools, Des Moines, New York, Toronto, New Orleans attended by invitation at the Wesleyan School House and was of an address and a perse presented to bim by cer Lain of the Primary School Teachers in recognition of his CIGARETTES valuable services in in the cause of of finest Turkish and American tobaccos blended Primary Education in Grenada during the tenure (nearly 30 years) of his office as Inspector of Schools when he moulded the destinies of Primary Education, and also as a mark of their esteem. and appreciation of his services to them.
doubt interesting, books when you Mr. karbin was accompanied LIGGETT MYERS TOBACCO Co.
by Mr. Fleming. The address bore striking testimony can have them neatly bound at to his sympathetic attitude and helpfulness to the teachers generally and especially in the THE WORKMAN training of Papil Teachers to (RE JOHN INGRAM OF Me. Harbin suitably replied become Headmasters.
Link up with LIFEBUOY JAMAICA, DECEASED. in the course of his remarks while thanking them for that for Health Sake.
testimony of their esteem, as Died at Sento Tomas Hospital his hearers that his keen. CENTRAL AVENUE Panama City 2nd Dec. 1921, educational matters had not a bated one bit by his retire.
The Acting British Consul at ber of the Board of ment from and No. G Street office, and as a mem.
Colon is desirous of learning Education he would do all in his whether the above named left to upbold and improve any surviving illegitimate chil. the usefulness of Primary Edudren or collaterals having declarand the dignity of cation the Board of Trustees suggests Floating Exhibition ed right under the Panamanian ManageLaws.
He was pleased to note the ment involve the idea of activity To Tour The high position the Grenada or, at least, active supervision of scholars attained at the training something that is being done. World.
Institutions both in Barbados Is. it going too far to suggest and Trinidad, which bore ev that the Government lease the dence to the foundation laid by Park to a company, under pro London, May. Shipwrights the schools of Grenada.
visions for reasonable public and engineers have converted the facility, to provide amusements 9, 000 ton British Liner Orontes for the people in their own way. into a floating exhibition of BriWake Up. The wonder is that the people of tish Manufacturers. Under the YOUTH and happiness are linked Grenada are so law abiding while name of British Trades the up with bealth. Link up with they have little outlet for healthy vessel will set sail from London Lifebuoy for health and for the If things continue much longer pleasure.
early in June on a mission round children sake. Lifebuoy Soap prothan they are at present, we over forty may not be able to hold the Island Scholarship motes health happy, smiling health; of British made goods, literally it protects the children from the We are hoping that some oc General Election this year for the new Legislative Council. The establishment of an Island from aeroplanes to hairpins and dangers of contagious diseases.
casion will bring you to our There are many things to be Scholarship in St. Vincent bas from needles to steam children Lifebuoy Soap has a twofold use it disinfecte as it cleanses; disease germs cannot live where of the three islands of the Wind steamer makes for South AmeLifebuoy Soap has been used. Lifobuoy Soap do come be assured that it will Official announcement must be ward Islands Government now ican ports by way of Madeira will safeguard the children keep them be a pleasure for us to serve made of the details of the has its Island healthy as well as clean. Insist upon them Scholarship the Cape Verde Isles. From you, and that our pleasure le scheme. The qualifications of Ordinance. We koow had Oupbs en route. she at Tristan using it before school, after play, before meals.
the voters, the electoral districts Gregada, His Excellency the beach Africa; thence she goes will USE LIFEBUOY SOAP FOR CLEANING THE serving you will make your wish and other matters must be George Basil HOME WASH YOUR HANDS AND FACE WITH IT BATHE WITH IT SHAMPOO WITH IT. to our store even mere omjey putlished. We should have had Haddon. Smith. is largely rea straight across to Australia Ik he draft Klectoral Bill before ponsible for the Island ScholarSes Islands, she is due in Japan. ra cruise among the South able for yourselt.
the peblic long ago.
St Lucia St. Vincent, Domi cent. His Excellency is quite Bon. 000. Calcutta, Madras Cey.
nica aed Trinidad bave cause serious on the Island Scholar JEWELLER 100 kait on Mr. Wood Report, ship in Grenada, and we regret ward cruise will be by way of hu: Grenada should begin to ted to find at a recent meeting of 3122 CENTRAL AVENUE prepere. We hope that the Council that he had to fight Alexandria, Malta, Algiers, and of time which is against Genadians themselves Gibraltar.
inking to prepare the Bill means for the retention of the Scholar relle bought out snip, which, some persons held, nine months. Three hundred The journey will extend over measure is to be put before the should go the way of economy public, because we will not be a and be abolished or suspended. manufacturing houses will make represen atives of great British sure, hastily prepared, and com THE HARP OF GOD of the liner will be transformed party to help palm oti any mea the tour, and three of the decks ing down to the public for more into an industrial exhibitir basty swallowing Bible Study for the Public, The British Trade will also conThe Draft Electoral Bill lis a claona hall (where das. La it that the Government The Harp Ol God is the British is waiting for the necessary latest book produced by Judge ofices. a bank, interment? Draft sanction of the In Parlia Ruthford, President of the visitors. cates for the aft Bi is only a International Bible Studies As preters rooms and two large Bill to eventually, but what is needed relation. Ioadquarters, Brooks dining saloon. In the portere NYten call certain day will is suficient time to acquaint the fundamental principles of the be reserved exclusively for the with the nature of its Christian Religion in such a use of the local traders but the DESPATCH Vins, bouia take understand.
simple manner that all may general public will also be given plenty of opportunities for visitplace in Septem next, an that the new Council ny sit et the line Tuneday Night Bible studies This is the text book used at ing the vessel.
beginning of January 1923 bula Students class election should take place a te, room, 166 Ancon Avenue, near Card of Thanks.
the giving of proper publicity DeLessep Park opened to the to the arrangements.
public Having recovered, and gone Somebody seems fast asleep All who believes in the Ran about my duties, beg, through and we feel like shouting. Wake som effected by the name Jesus the medium of this paper, up.
un Christ to be efficacious to the thank heartily the many friends The Queen Park seems saving of mankind, are invited who visited me during my short Good Assortment cursed. We seem destined never to join this study. p. m, is the illness at the Ancon Hospital.
to see proper recreation bour.
Gratefully Yours, ground there within the life of Devoted and competent Bible TO SELECT FROM AT THE any living person. Instead of a Students are appointed to lead. GEO MURRAY, Board of Trustees to do nothing. Bring your Bibles and Harps.
we suggest the calling of an Tois arrangement is respon. Creoline Hair Producer is island conference to discuss the sive to the numerous requests the World best hair proimprovement of the Park and made by the public since Evan: ducer and will not soil or stain the creation of a acManagement with wide powers. tivities on the Isthmus. clothes.
LIFE EWELRY BARGAINS the world, callinkbiting all kinds ports, and Remember LIFEBUOY SOAP is more than soap, it is a reputable permicide and a sure disin.
fectant thera calling LIFEBUOY SOAP LEVER BROTHERS LIMITED. PORT SUNLIGHT ENGLAND 100 creat length tain 07 JOB PRINTING of every description DONE WITH NEATNESS AND people th Lule Wedding Cards, Christening Cards, Birthday Cards and Ball Cards to 11 WORKMAN PRINTERY


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