p. 8


L PAGE EIGHT THE WORKMAN, SATURDAY, JUNE 10, 1922 The American Poreign Banking Corporation AcoordThe United States Treasury Panama Railroad. The Panama Canal Panama Government United States Army and, Navy Agents for the Banco Nacional none of the are of the day, turfites valid. on tomorrow.
108 clergyman At the known that it le problection of their offspring with EXCELSIOR THEATRE The churches really a mu toutual IN it our on standpointin The Third Degree Bumper Race Religious Marriages Meeting Of Protestant Churches.
To Be Pulled Off At The Juan Franco Race Track Prior To 1919 Not Valid To morrow.
Head Office: 56 WALL STREET, NEW YORK CITY Says Secretary of Government and Justice, The Panama Jockey Club, always determined to go itself DEPOSITORY OF Recently an occasion arose in Onu better at each succeeding connection with the civil regisrace meeting, bas secured a ractration of the birth of children ing card for tomorrow which born in this country. also the will eclipse all previous race registration of marriages premerting that have ever been mious to the year 1919 held at the breezy and delighttul Juan Franco race track.
to the provisions of the Civil Code at present in operation, all There are expected to be marriages solemnized about eight races on the pro.
Roman Catholic Church are conby the gram and it is anticipated there will be a warm contest amongst sidered ed previously to valid, although celebrate to the passing of the large field of thoroughbred horses listed for the day. Fore.
the present Code. But that marriages contracted at most among, is a match race between Mr.
Duque Risas, and the Protestant Churches Mr. De La Paz. Sonrisas, for considered so, unless they comply with the provisions of the a sidebet of 500. 00 Code now in operation.
each. This race will be the banner event Protestant marriages celebra.
and no doubt a large number of ted at present, can be made will be wagering large sums of on condition that after the solemnization of the money tonight and before the the marriage the officiating will race is started have the same registered at the great deal of interest is being office of Civil Registry, this act shown in this match race as can be done easily by making the performance of Risas is well application at the Alcalde of to local turfites.
CRISTOBAL PANAMA fice, where the necessary intorlast meeting for the first time mation can be obtained.
the public was privileged to see Sonrisas going over the track, The opportunity is hereby taken of informing West Indians and from what she has shown.
quite a large number of admir.
who had been previous to 1919.
and whose marriages were not ers will be staking their chance on her.
last night Juan Diaz and on Sun.
made by the Civil authorities, a moral duty for them In the third race, As de Oros, day they expect to have a real the Merry Morton, and May Be will unique time riding to Summit.
law; and for face the starter, As de Oros Keep it up boys we like your will be allowing May Be 27 lbs, spirit and hope you will even here should take the opportunity the and Merry orton will be giving tually turn out some worthy away 14 lbs to the saminterest participate even in the Olimpics.
horse. cycle champions to perhaps TO NIGHT TO MORROW of the Civil Code, inerespect the ing race, and although May Be Remember great oaks grow from is out of the class of the other small acoros.
300 sbould same time, Sunday, June 11th like to reSaturday, June 10th horses with the handicapping at mind the interested parties that his disposal, he should, it in CRICKET Universal Special Attraction marriage is good form show a very exciting agreement, and those who bave contest. Most Interesting Feature By GLADYS WALTON entered into this agreement of In the fourth race, Glorita and Mr. Kelley XI Defeats Phaeavour owà free choice, should Lady Peerline will meet, Glorita Yorkshire US to see that the pres Playing With Fire will be carrying 122 lbs and By CHARLES KLEIN tige of English social life is main.
Lady Peerline 107 This race tained as taught to us should be interesting from every At Standard Oval last Sunday, the NEXT WEEK IN various homes. Here is a transYorkshire was to have met the La Continuation of the Universal Serial lation of the reply received from The fifth race wili bring out Boca in Sportman League Cup Hon. Ricardo Alfaro, Secre Lord First American and Ace Match that was ordered by the Longue of a thousand mysteries.
tary of Government and Justice of Trumps. Lord will be carry. to be played over. For some cause or of this Republic.
ing 132 lbs. First American, other Boce did not turn and to The Blazing Secret No. 533 Panams, 138 1bs, and Ace of Trumps interest the spectators KELLY WITH May 30th 1922, 115 lbs. In this race the Ace THE PERMIT offered to pick a team Office of Secretary of dangerous contes of non players and play Yorkshire tant to Lord and First American Among the players selected by Mr.
Government Justice with an allowance of 17 and Kelly were two of the Surrey second XI Mr. P, Wynter, 15 lbs. respectively, and a peculiar feature of the game was have seen, and the contrast be in this position for fully four same was Arrested on Secretary, West Indian The sixth race, will bring out the meeting of these two men at the tween that and the picture of days, and that he was not given Committee, City.
on the field again, for the same wickets at a time when it see seemed that Continu from page one lonely boy, cultured and food. The result was, that at the Sir, have received your let.
distance, Lord, First American their side would be playing a losing game refined as we are told he is, time the Sanitary oficer dis. ter of the 18th instant, in which and Ace of Trumps. It is being It is true that Moore has been used now by the trained legal mind.
questioned why these two races and again in the Surrey XI, but that is It is hoped, that this will be looking invovaon day after day covered the boy, he was in a you solicit information from the averted of and as tné program only to fill come vuonncy. York and malicious tendencies, They cultured and refined young com authorities had to order milk for riages contracted by.
of should come on Cent a lesson to those scant West eumediately after that there mine which he tronde se should be placed under bawlhal pagions foro polar com a each. courtesy courtesy with treated the Yorkglance of sympa him.
Indians residing in this city was is in Mayers in his defence dented prior to the of these horses had rey fans to be questioning why he is not restraint so that the peaca of the leaves me bewildered, and won the statement made against him. Civil Code nuw in force, and the promulgation of owners decided to test the prowes of given place in in the regular Xt Mct community should be maintain dering, why here, and not there? He declared that the boy was a consequently null and void, can these animals.
Kelly side batted first, and were all the well being of a place, and XEM, ed. They contribute nothing to BERTHA HOWE.
Seventh race, Cortez with 118 dismissed for 87 runs.
very bad character, and that his be ratified by registering them princip ibe. Estralla Lis bes; ande Bambar probleme me me Souderdomsma harm in causing respectable Clement Mayers possible to reform him. That the characteo da diverse comfort mit einem 16 they do a father had given him control over in the Civil Record.
lina ought to be very Pollard 10 After recess the boy so as to see if it were Referring to your consultation Yorkinteresting one, but with such ahire started on their innings but owing and law abiding people to be in a of in with an equal standing the balances to Kelly trundling could only muster inconvenienced Sentenced By finement two days previous, and the different Protestanta rites would be incline to Bambalina. 46. The mon to man to had escaped. He was recaptured before promulgation of the There will be but one race for Blackman 11 and Ashby 10. Smith, who Negro at only the evening previous to Civil Code now in force, were the Lilliputians, and this race is was put on late to bowl for Yorkshire Judge Of Fifth Circuit Mayers arrest and chained 80 89 null, because the civil legisla.
the same as always. On the captured wickets for 17 rune. For Mr. Continued from Page to prevent him escaping a tion of that period recognized whole a very excellent program Kelly team, Rice captured wickets is offered, and if the weather for runs and Kelly for 15.
the black themselves are differ It will be remembered that called and he denied second time The father was as as vaild oply Civil and Catholic will permit, a tine day in racing ent, or whether it is just a differ during the month of February given Mayers any jurisdiction marriages contracted prior to having marriages. Consequently, the ought to be enjoyed by the ent way of looking at the ques of this year, Clement Mayers, over the boy. The father tufites.
Mass Meeting At Liberty Hall tion?
better known as General Mavere placed under arrest as an accom ces passing of Law 53 of 1919 wish that the naval officers was arrested on information of plice and was only set at liberty legal value, neither can said The new track is being rapidly cannot automatically acquire pushed along, but this will in no Chapter No. 14 who discussed with The Times one of the Sanitary officers, for during the trial of Mayers, as have retroactive effecte, bacan ao Law way interfere with the racing correspondent the entrance methods of punish the Judge had found the evi persons who had contracted tomorrow.
boy into Annapolis had ment on one of the boys, who dence was not sufficiently con legal marriage before the passing Was an Unqualified Success not treated the feeling of the was a member of the Grace clusive to establish a case against of Low 53, and in accordance it as if it Church Boys Brigade. From him.
with the same law. Thereföre, Uuique Cycle Association.
number of West Indians attend nature. ordained of God and was convicted, it has been proven and the court decided that it problem is that persons who Quite a fairly representative were a thing inherent to human the statement on which Mayers week ago the The above named Association ed the mass meeting at Liberty unchangeable. Before my visit before the court that the boy appreciated as a fact that contracod. Mayers hade institution for during the civil administriages tion of Messrs Agard, Greaves, on Thursday night last, under it, but not now. have seen what padlock used. That the boy was of reforming bad prior and Hollis has taken on 1919, can legalias the quite the auspices of the Panama bad situation by contracting new well among the local cyclists as Branch of the Jamaic Jamaica Repre all the prudent ones are sentative Government Associacommendable, but it was clearly marriages in conformity th proven that he had exceeded the becoming members feeling the tion. Mr. Wynter, presided.
what may be In the same manner. those for such Speakers Rus08 Const sell to legitimize their.
panishopen this offsprings born without prescribed by the of The Association has already Alvarez, let Vice President of When all other things are formed the rules to govern them the and Mrs, Aird, to subject condities of the consequence of the monial bond, will have to of the court, and to pre: the Civil Code, which establishes themselves to the dispositions of selves and aims to make their Lady President. The meeting equal, it is the woman who vent any farther brutality of members physically fit, for the was an unqualified success from looks good to the eye that daily grind of life. to create this kind being practiced on the only illegitimate children all stand point. The merabers finds favour children, be would have to senbe legitimize which at sublime, broad, and sportsman: pledge their support in assisting tence Mayers to two years im those born to parents like spirit that makes an ath Fashionable clothes will prisonment, to be served in the the time of could have in any of which will be for the deputation be sent to England.
certainly add to your aplocal prison of the district of this legally married, and which has full report of the proceedty, to associate themselves with Circuit.
anything athletic and follow the ings will to be duly proven before the be given in pearance and enhance your the next Judge authorizas the recognition The whole thing is regrettable of an illigitimate child.
movements of athletes here and issue of this paper.
loveliness in society, so it is abroad, and to help improve and to your advantage to choose as it is a fact, that Mayers had Piption libe coming week sub reformed a large number of am, yours respectfully, uplift athletics in general on the scription lists be the right Dressmaker.
the places named, and West Isthmus. Signed)
these boys and was doing some R, ALFARO PRETTY STYLES AND useful These boys have already com Indians are requested to con FINE WORKMANSHIP work to the community: Secretary of Governof course, he believed the to make a very good tribute in time, as the funds are ment and Justice impression on the public here urgently wanted so that a report The Woman Exchange stern disciplinary measures of the arms and Notice, and have awakened muca inte may be sent to Jamaica stating rest by their riding excursions. the possibility of the Panama DRESSMAKERS being a man of high intelligence he was very show y and made Last Sunday they rode out to delegate accompanying the depu.
the mistake of his life. It was subscription to the Workman All persons in arrears with Tápja, 17 miles from this city tation, No. Tivoli Road, Panama an error of the rightful use and had a very novel time. On of Nawspaper are asked to make Wednesday night 14 of them If you like beautiful hair ANN THOMAS, Prop.
power, and the result Mayers must suffer imprison of the present month (June. is that settlemánt not later than the 3rd Hourneyed to Old Panams and use Creoline Hair Producer.
should be such wicked to whether mar be 20 118 boy her was the of using harsh a colored midshipmen against only possible solution to this illegal an the purpose disposition be considered reasonthe new law, Consider Your Appearance tion may wish as who matriwho can that are of birth so well beloved in in menced apparently not ment.


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