
PAGE TWO THE WORKMAN SATURDAY, JUNE 17. 1922 Interesting News from The West Indian Islands COMPETITION seems keen Every Smoker Seems To Be Going After training Service no There is labour in entire com an LUCKY STRIKE Empty Package Contest 1st PRIZE 250. 00 Gold MANY OTHER VALUABLE CASH PRIZES a dint himself. In May 80 ed an But all the con Du more than Panama Hardware their BARBADOS who wrestled long and arduously the neighbourhood which is with her.
thickly populated and covered The oil now being won from by small wooden buildings. Inthe first well Visit To Turner Hall bat present under control by the respective parties.
Hall Oil Station and flowing at. moderate rate, giving a yield of about 150 bar.
role day. The well is capable!
JAMAICA COURTESY OF COLONEL of doing much more, but there are certain storage arrangeYATES ments in course of completion which render it necessary to New Barrister.
proceed cautiously, Enables Press Representa and much ran to waste, but this The first yield was far greater Amongst the passengers ar tives to View Interesting was due to the fact that the capi riving from England on the Operations.
tulation of the oil maid to her. Patuca to day is Mr, wer ed.
weoer was sudden and unexpect Rannie, Barrister at law, Representatives of the Presa di contronyshe is under oplen a Wolmer Bons a los temas de er Lieutenant Regt. The were privileged, through the At about p. on Thursday, young gentleman obtained courtesy of Colonel Yates, of the drilling operations were com. coming out into tungost, 1919, Wed In pay a visit to the Turner Hall it is expected soon to bave two after several oil Those Real Cash Prizes works Thursday last. At wells flowing at the point. Tur here was one of on lected their disposal was placed one of per Hall is the most forward ot and embarked on the.
the finest of the Company fleet all the various stations at which Castle for the seat of war in May or cars, and further aided alope be hoped that the encouras WAS sent to Military Training colon by are under way, and it 1918. On arriving in England he bearing the magic signaturo, they were ing results which have attended during which time be by officials in showen the utmost deference the exertions of the Company at Schoolbirocreditably.
chargo of the this particular point will be re. coming third of 65 War station, and every opportunity produced elsewhere at distant men and cadets. In November afforded them of gaining intor date. It over a company deser 1918, he was posted to an Engmation of the interesting opera ved fine and full success it is the lish Line Regiment, but before tions under way.
British Union wbose presence he reported for duty the ArmisTurner Hall is at present in here has meant much for a large tice was signed. He was then and unskilled ordered back to appearance like no where else army of skilled the 1, in our little colony, these dull days. Regiment more than the perfectitude of The community, we are Before being demobilised be agricultural art to be seen confident, wish for the Colonel made attempt to obtain an Vastly more. Situated in the his Company complete good the most Army Scholarship, which he bigher levels of the country it fortune, for discovered was only opened to affords scenic outlook hardly capable of effective description Fably associated the progress of some very influential gentlemen gress of the Company is inseper of pluck, generous help of in cold prose. It is a joy for ever, and even in the midst of the colony, whose agricultural got the privilege extended to the the humidity of a bright and And outlook is not at present as Regiment, obtaining one glarish May afternoon was was bright as could be desired.
he startcharmingly cool and captivating ly impressive: To the right and Discussion of Es tion da als studies on and London University. His examina and tion record includes many firsta glories of the island natural timates.
In November on. In his Final 1921, be graduat beauties are ever present to the eye, as well as the Co operative Bar examination in Maicb last, results of the industry of capita and labour on the res a responsive soil When the Estimates for the ho not only obtained Frst Class Honours; but passed tirst in were order of merit in a class of 122 ihese things which were current financial year once primary in importance, are being discussed in the House students.
now marely secondary there. of Assembly, a few of the memTurner Hall of to day is a small bers, spoke very superciliously to the scheduled course of trainThe young LL. B, in additon WILKINSON city of other interests. It is about policemen and were for ing has had the privilege of CONTRACTCR BUILDER pinnacle for sight reducing their pay without any several months? Chamber werk. First Class Workmanship seeing; more than the centre of recognition of claims to Although offered very lucraa circuit of changing greens, and nd fairplay. As a repult discontent tive position abroad he has Plans and Specifications Free other tints; more than Main Store: Plaza Catedral wood of was at once stirred up in the decided to return home.
chattering, the Force and the Inspector Gener monkeys and the location poblertal boiling al was forced to call the Gor the 2nd June, before His Honour Box 411, Panama, In Chambers on Friday last, 5th Street Wes: House 99 Branch: 125, Central Avenue 009 concen the MDeFreitas, spring. It is industry in concen trated form, a city of machinery Wnisation by of disorga Mr. Alfred Bailey Rennie LL.
potent possibles of and metal, and giant tinta burworks; were resignations Barrister at law was admitted city of huts and the men not rightly to practice in the Courts of JUAN ILLUECA ANNOUNCE of tanks and tinkering of fur: treated. The Governor prompt. Jamaica His Honour, in admittibg Mr.
bustle and bustle. no attention of the House of Assem. Rennie, expressed the hope that Attorney. at. Law leisure. Day and night are the bly, who appointed special he would have a successful No. 44 Central Avenue samo to the peoples of this Committee to rely to His career at the bar at Jamaica.
Address, and the little city of perpetual motion, Exce TELEPHONE No. 64. BOX No. 76)
Ana And the umo tona terms of the reply are such as constant hum throttle of favourable WO RECENT SHOW, Practices in all Courts of Jabouring backwarde enribes and reasonable.
Some of the wards between the Panama and very men who were for embark.
station and the City with a variety of loads, ing upon a course of imprudent The Society of Protection English Spoken Fluently Contractors and Builders will be and cooling ices to lengths and mittee and we were pleased to to extend a hearty vote of thanks om: against Praedial Larceny desires ranging from fresh vegetables economy greatly benefited by paying a visit lengths of giant timber. empha see that their association with to all those who assisted in make Rent Neceipt Books In Spanbor. emellen: the report is evidence of their ing the recent demonstration at ish and English for sale at the sises the present to these stores.
animating and restlesness of the change of attitude. There is Adnotto Bay a success, especial whose rustic beauty and calm social or political fester to a acting manager of the Atlantic little out of the world spot, nothing like a crsis for bringing ly to Mr Lindsay Downer, the Workman Printery.
have recently been so rudely head, and had there been so Fruit company who entertained disturbed.
significance murmurings The new aspect lent. perhaps Porce, the reactionaries of the the Governor and party and the given permanently, to Turner House may well The school children were ably Hall is due to the discovery proud of their victory over. assisted with conveyance to the there, a couple vi onths ago certain the House will accept the the Atlantic Fruit Co Public spiritless organization. We We are grounds and back by trucks of of rich fuel ch weposice, and no committee report which states Works Department, and Grape it famous No 1, 29th Street East, Calidonia Cuatro made history for itself and the stored alion cell anan. cemmta: Ion Factory om eers very pleasant (OPPOSITE THE IRON GATE)
the appeal for ever occasions no surprise. In present in the Police Force and uc vnsion was the all of the geological Survey should receive their present e who may desire to re enrol help was which have been conducted rate The Society also thanks the of over the colong time ander rain present grades or ofices but the use of tarpauline and bilo pay according to their Jamaica Agricultural Society for ENGLISH AND AMERICAN the ed to exbibit optimism subject on promotion to any for change may made in requisities for exhibition regard to potentialities of the che non rybiche me libe to abido also the Army Ordinance De area. There were the individual may be promoted appealed for by Mr. Hop Para the use of tents, partment signs upheld which und hold thor beliebte but so that he shall not on pro kids, a very able supporter, and the motion receive lesser salary. Vice President of the Society Colony, and would from the pioneer prospectore: Store would be lacking in little after o clock, on in courtesy if they did not also emerey and finan: Sunday night last, a tre broke the role tihe United Fruit Company so definitely out for tarpaulins and donation.
characterises the gallant Colonel 80x1itt, used as carne by Company took the lion share wooden building on the whole the Atlantic Fruit Yates and his powerful company Mr. Donald NO SUBSTITUTES USED they fought against the most badly damaging same and exhibition and administration: For Les two years have Street.
of the arrangements for two Studeadverse conditions; for the same baker motor cars. The damage to whom the society owes debt Only the purest and most genuine Drugs comperiod have they with the utmost of the car is estimated at 500 of gratitude The Society also prodigality thanks the subscribers for their gold from contiguous strenous effort by the and owned by by subscriptions.
pounded by a reliable Pharmacist of over to win from mother earth some Mr. Goodridge, was also The crowd that gathered there of her richstores; and at last damaged by the fire. The Cole on Empire Pay on that occasion 40 years experience when disgust seemed likely to ridges were in atter dal ce ever been seen Fire was among the largest aged ture has yielded to unde wamp enthusiasm and Industry, Capt.
short, the Society the WILLIAM de SOUSA, Proprietor.
persuasion and in amicable col worked hard and successfuly they shall greate: SEBESSIES SOS ry is now giving returns which, fortunate that the wind was crowd to the influence of it not yet, will doubtlessly soon light or else there might have praed al jarceny defeated.
offer fair compensation to those been very extensive damage in (Continued on Page 3)
matter to the is General Reduction in their prices of tibhExcellency Ad may be be considered and the more bave been THE IDEAL PHARMACY mapp Drugs Patent Medicines Perfumes, Soaps etc. etc.
but, The Society courage, wal, their coffers in poured wy.
a Ru aland. it stea.
yet a was Advertise in che Workman. It pays.


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