
PAGE THREE por quality of the light supplied while shoot the calendar Sbler International Banking Corporation County of tore to bis SPAIN INDIA Barbados IN OUR COLON STORE ONLY Sab TWEEDS SERGES LININGS VERY LARGE REDUCTIONS IN pulled a pany Works, whole vadertaking a going Berkeley, acting Chiet concern.
Justice presided, and Mr. I am to add that the Coup Cox, Assistant to the Attor. Capital and Surplus 10, 000, 000 Undivided Profits over 6, 000, 000 cil are indluenced to make this bey General prosecuted on be suggestion on account of the half of the Crown, many complaints made to the that of Harrack, by your company, and the in. Intelligent East Indian who was adequacy of the The Council, as you are aware, bo Co Operative Credit Bank. He tram service secretary of the South Essequo have under their consideration was indicted on two couple Head Office: 60 WALL Street, New York City Owned by Tv NATIONAL Crry BANK OF New YORK the improvement of the street. First, that he on the 28the day of in Georgetown which will occa August, 1920, ia the sion heavy additional expendi. Essequebo being a servant of the by your company in the South EssequeboCo Operative construction and maintenance Credit Bank with intent to de Depository of the PANAMA CANAL to your track.
fraud omitted, or concerned in The Council will be pleased omitting from or in a Cash Book prevent any delay in this belongiog to the said South Esse matter, it you will immediately quebo Credit Bank employ Direct Representations through our own Branches and those of cable your company on the ers, material particular, that is subject.
THE NATIONAL CITY BANK OF NEW YORK in to say the receipt of the said bave, etc. day ENGLAND on a similar offence on the PRANCE ITALY BELGIUM (8gd. BARRINGTON WOOLFORD 13th day of May 1920 of the sum CHINA JAPAN of JAVA STRAITS SETTLEMENTS PHILLIPINES to Town Clerk, section 217 (2) the indictable or ARGENTINE BRAZIL CHILE CUBA PERU PORTO RICO GRAY, Esq.
Lencas Ordinance 1893 URUGUAY AND VENEZUELA Manager, Dan. Elec, Co. accused pleaded not guilty Water Street.
After hearing the evidence, the jury returned a verdict of guilty with a recɔmmendation to Correspondents in all the Trade Centers and Ports of the World Intercolonial Crick nerey, where upon tae accused et Tournament.
was sentenced to five years penal servitude.
INTEREST PAID ON SAVINGS ACCOUNTS AT PER OBT. PER ANNUM Correspondent in the DomThe Trinidad Elecorara Argouy writes The time is drawing near when tric Company British Guiana will have to put out on the field a team of Breakdown.
cricketers to defend her selt Koocoon West Indian News. against the invasion of Trinidad Interview with Mr. Harding and have been (Continued from page 3)
looking at a list of names (that some one picked) from which WHY THE EXPLOSION Shooting Case the team ought to be chosen.
It reads as follows: Hunter, Fireman To make room for new stock coming in shortly, we Sav la mar, May 29. On Sat. Branch. Bourne, Carelessness The urday night wbilst district con. Green, Green, M. Smith, Probable Cause.
have arranged atable, James from Paal Island, Whybrew, Nascimento, STYGIAN DARKNESS (FOR THE attached to Grange Hill Police Dias, F. Crossall.
his NEXT TEN DAYS, of attempting arrest of. Fernandes, Blackman, Brown, on a charge of Drayton. Jorge. Jordan, There have been so many con possession of rum, it is Phillips.
that Brown fliction reports in circulation in revolver and shot the consthi DVDR Phillips. C. Brown, the city among those claiming to Fitzpatrick, be in the know as to the cause of The constable was taken to Sar The com Ramblers Croal the explosion and consequent la mar hospital where a state I, Henry breakdown in the Electric Comment was taken from bim As will be seen the list in night that a Gazette repreYesterdad Brown was arristed cludes 24 players, all good sentative called yesterday afteron Thursday and is now in Sav la mar lock enough to play for the colony poon upon Mr. Hardiog, up as well as an alleged acces but as the rules of cricket only General Manager of the Com sory named Kirlew. The con: allow eleven men to play it is pany with a view of obtaining stable is said to be in a precari obvious that thirteen of these the oficial ous condition, version of the would be representatives have accident.
to drop. Now comes the trouble MR. HARDING OPINION.
SEVERE DROUGHT IN Which are th eleven men to TURKS ISLAND give the honour of playing for Alter our man had made the coliny?
known his mission to Mr. Hard TEAM PROPOSED.
ing, the latter said: thing the EXCEPTIONAL VALUES The Action of the Legislativa accident occurred at about Board.
It is a well known thing that m, yesterday afternoon (Toursevery man choice is not the day) or very close to it What caused the correspondent at Turks same, and know that will trouble?
Island, has written to the Gleaner have a lot of people against me asked our stating that owing to a terrible for for picking some players and то Mr. Harding this question atiye.
drought in the Island, the not picking others who they replied as follows: people are sufering from drink think are better, but as the trouble was a gas that vegetation bere goes:and a imals are dying, and choice, so of the fireman in carelessness of COLON nevertheless the Legislative tin Branch, Smith, Freep, The explosion blew of the Hunter. Capt. A, starting the fire in No. boiler.
Board has rejected a Harding and o Nascimento (G. CC. SOMSSKOOSSSS SOXX brought forward by Mr. Benie Fernande, Drayton. back flues, of the Nos and. went on to say min Frith, proposing that the Drayton, and Phillips, boilers. It blew out the side more large tanks so that the DC. Fitzpatrick and wall and a portion of the end and the end wall of No A NOVEL WILL.
people should have water. Our Browne (B. C. correspondent adds that there wall of No. bɔiler. All the back The will of an ex schoolmaster Bargains! Bargains. Bargains. are large amounts of funds in combustion doors of Nos, and ESSEQUEBO BANK and science teacher the Government Treasury.
blowa of. The named were James Campbell Cbristle, of KilFRAUD.
front doors in ard malling street, Sato cart, Glas boilers were blown open and the gow, who left 840. contains DEMERARA feed valve Defalcations Exceed 5, 000 broken And the next to the oil of No. boiler was following clauses: GO TO THE PANAMA BARGAIN HOUSE the off by the door when it He bequeathed his personal Accused Gets Five Years Pənal heater on the clothing and bed clothes to the Town Council oll system was old men When you wish a cheap, but decent Suit (complete. and women home, Servitude.
also broken by the door. The Glasgow, and if not aceepted, to feed pipes between Nos. and the Charity Organization Society, hats, hose, collars, ties, and so forth.
To Conduct Own Electric The Essequebo Criminal Ses: brick walls of Nos. and boilboilers were broken off. The or to ony really necessitous or sion Plant.
was opened at Colony deserving persons whose circumHouse. Suddle, on Tuesday 16th ors were badly cracked and the stances were wall knowa to any inst. His Honour Mr. Justice Also cheap Cots for the weary Traveller (Continued On Paye 6)
of his trustees, with a strong The Georgetown (Demerara)
preference in favour of total Town Council are contemplating abstainers non smokers, and, the conduct of their own elecDe unbelievers in any religion. Peo tric works, and with a view to ple who waste or br Address. MULLER BUILDING wasted possible purchase have instructPie ed their Clerks to forward the not deserve charit: assisCALIDONIA Lollowing letter to the Manager tance, He wished utmost!
of the Demerara Electric Co:simplicity to be observed in bis When all other things are funeral: no hearse to be used.
4th May 1922 equal, it is the woman who but a plain carriage with box Sir, am directed by the looks good to the eye that underneath, or any simpler tor Mayor and Town Council of finds favour less expensive way of conveying CALE No. Georgetown to inform you that his body to the crematorium the Council has under considerFashionable clothes will (where he had paid the cremaation the advisabillty of erecting certainly add to your aptorium fee in advance in 1907. PRIVATE ACADEMY their own Electric Plant lighting He wiebed no one to waste time the streets of the city and here pearance and enhance your loveliness in society, so it is by after for supplying lights to desired that his ashes should attending his funeral and English Classes private individuals, and also to to your advantage to choose include the establishment of the right Dressmaker.
their own Tramway Services.
by any of my trustees or others For Young Ladies 6 and to that end and am to ask FINE WORKMANSHIP to fertilize their potatoes.
whether AND FOR BOYS 7 company gotiations Th Woman Exchange cos for the sale to thein of your ROOMS TO LET Mon. Tues. Thurs. Fridays. electric plant and Power Station DRESSMAKERS and the Tramways after inspecCALLE No J. BARTON, tion by parties represented by No. Tivoli Road, Panama APPLY ON PREMISES your Company and the Council ascertain the value of the ANN THOMAS, Prop.
American Bazaar as have ing Water, and motion boilers Nos.
27 money in alcohol az wwacco did Consider Your Appearance not be preservatorium or used PRETTY STYLES AND are JOUwilling to enteriana to


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