
PAGE FOUR THE WORKMAN, SATURDAY, JUNE 17 1922, Unique Cycle Association.
THE WORKMAN Oce Year 600.
Magnums Children NOW of Last Sunray 14 member of Published on Saturdays by Rates for Advertisement on applies the above named Club journeyed WALROND, SI the ofice Central Avotion. Correspondence on all matters to Gamboa for a try out over eno sad corner of Stroot, Panama, of public interest invited.
the hills at Paraiso they were do All copy for publication must be joined by about six more pros. Box 74, Panama written on one side of paper only, and pective members among them CATES OP SUBSCRIPTIOX must be accompanied by the name of being a lady member who very 40 U8. Cy the writer, not necessarily for publieably kept with the bunch and Six Months enjoyed the splendid time they 20 son but as a mark of good faith.
bad both in going and Three we do not undertake to return These riders are becoming quite returning One 250. erejected orrespondence.
popular among the Boys now 25 they are usually replete with The Liberty of the Press is the palladium of our rights JUNIUS thrills, jokes and harmony, and tends to inspire a feeling of com SATURDAY, JUNE 17. 1922 radeship and confidence among themselves that spells success to their Association, The rules Committee has comSAFETY, SANITATION AND pleted their task and will submit SCHOOLS.
rules formed on Tuesday the night at their general meeting wheh to anyone wishing to join is extended a cordial welcome. Ride and Be Unique is their Some weeks ago there appeared in this column an slogan, and their endeavour to editorial comment on the unsafe and unsanitary conditions Keep Going.
prevailing in the tenement buildings located in the crowded barrios of this province and in that of Colon where thousands of families are forced to reside in buildings and WESLEYAN METHODIST CHURCH under circumstances of the most unsatisfactory sort.
Public attention was called to the grossly unsanitary houses in which respectable people are compelled to live Panama City.
In Memoriam.
because there is no other choice and because nothing was done to improve these buildiogs, most of which were conDied at Ancon Hospital Canal structed in a rush and hurry and without regard to sani Service will be held in the above Zone on the 15th inst, Mrs.
tary precautions when the swelling tide of inflowing imi Church on Sunday, 18th instant. Clara Amanda Blackwood of grants created a heavy demand for housing accommoda The Revd. Kissock Braham Spanish Town Road, Kingston daugt of the late tions. will preach at 11 a. and Jamaica, George Gardener of Linstead Comment was also made upon the filthy practice in At sermon and mother of Mrs. Ruby certain sections and among certain elements of the com bespecially for children and Passley, residing at 126: King munity where discarded rag3 and other refuse were young people. Ata 30 the mubt were laid to rest in the Corozal Street, Kingston Her remains allowed to accummulate in great quantities restraint or disapproval. In some instances, places were valuable as set of any country. Cemetery.
At o clock in the The Lord gave and the Lord and are still known where cats, dogs and parrots share a afternoon the children will render the taketh away.
single room with families of six or more persons and musical service for Children Blessed be the name of the where flies are encouraged in swarms.
Day entitled Happy Children Lord.
The moral aspect of community life was brought to Day. The service is bright. Jamsics papers please copy. light by a reference to the buddled conditions which hurl interesting and instructive. Ad families one upon another and unveil the secrecies and mission to this service will be privacies of the home. Children still at the age of minori by a collection of not less than Special Meeting of Church. man Club.
ty are introduced to observations unpropitious to their age Coples of this service with music and disastrous to their minds.
may be had at ten (10) cents special Meeting of the TRY THE NEW BLEND Whether or not these comments have awakened the cach.
consciences of the responsible authorities, a great stir has. On Monday evening. the 19th, Church man Club has been the 19th taken place in connection with the sanitation, safety and the public meeting will be held called for Monday welfare of the public. beginning has been made to and special songs, and the prizes The children will give recitations inst. all members are requested to be present. Business clean up the cities involved and decisive action has been for regular attendance and efti vital importance will be dis Entirely Different cussed started. This is a matter that should interest the gener ciency will be distributed by At the close of said meeting al public inasmuch as the Commission of Inspectors have Mrs. Anderson. Special Lecture will be given shown their seriousness that much improvement may be Special hymns will be sung by one of the leading men of the on Sunday. Copies may be expected from their activities.
city who will give a brief talk on But there is a fear that the beginning has been made obtained from any of the teach: the History of the Negro Race.
20 FOR 150.
at the wrong end. The trouble should be attacked at the contestations and one halt (211This is an interesting subject.
and so it is hoped that all inter centre and not at the radii. The Commissioners have start cordial invitation is given to ested in themselves will take ed out to inspect the public schools and they are doing it all to attend the most popular bold of this opportunity to hear with a sweep. No overt criticism is directed against the services of the year, the Chil something of a people, at pre dren Services.
ent fighting for Selt Determina SAVE THE CASH COUPONS policy of condemnation directed against the buildings in tion, All friends and well which children gather for daily instruction, but it is queswishers tionable if improvement in the school buildings will reduce are cordially invited, Creoline straightens and Meeting commences at p.
the dangers and menaces to public health without first beautifies the bair and pro The Club is situated on Street, House 16 improving the conditions under which the children and the duces hair on bald heads.
rest of their relations have to live.
CHURCH SERVICE If the work of the Commission had been first directed and disease menaces would lurk most, and if they proceed Bible Truth Churches.
on the tenement houses occupied by people of the middle at the wrong end the public should not be afraid to tell (American Episcopal Church)
San Miguel and poorer classes it would have been discovered that the them and help them to hold the bull by the horns and not St. Paul Church, Panama. 5:30 am. Morning Prayer 10 a. Children Service.
greater dangers and menaces le in the places where they hy the tail. a. m, Holy Communion, eat and sleep and spend most of their time. And besides, 11: a. Presching Service The school buildings may be badly lighted, poorly 10 a. m, Litany.
the children do not form the only part of the population. 30 Sunday School, ventilated and inadequately equipped with toilet accommo10:30 a. Holy Eucharist and mor7:30 Gospel Service.
In their homes the children spend not less than seven dation, and all this would necessarily call for improvement, mon, Holy Baptism, Calidonia teen hours out of the twenty four in a day. It is seen that but when squalor, filth and disease are characteristics of p Sunday School.
5:30 a. Morning Prayer they spend two thirds of their time in the hovels and dens the rooms in which people eat, live and sleep there is no 30 Evensong and sermon.
10 m, Children Service, of diseases, and in this condition they do not stand alone comparison.
11 a. Preaching Service AF. NIGHTENGALE Priest in charge as the whole of the population using tenement houses faces 2:30 pm Sunday School to say the least, there are hundreds of rooms and the same trouble.
7:30 Gospel Service.
scores of buildings that should be condemned at once and St. Alban s, Paralso. BARCLAY Pastor in charge The tenement buildings all over the city need imme pere ptorily. In some instances, the rooms are so dark 10 am, Holy Baptism diate inspection. They needed it during their construrn, that che oci upants find it necessary to keen lighted candles 11 m, Holy Communion, and are Panama 11 3p. 30 m, Rev Wesleyan Methodist but nobody seemed to have been interested in the pubac or lamps all during the day, and in many other cases the p. m, Special Missionary Service, Kimock Braham welfare at that time, and, for that reason, the beds of rooms are so intolerably hot after mid day that staying in 30 Evensong and addrese.
Spreia Sunday School Services all day disease were established. There is much surprise at the them becomes a physical discomfort.
Colon lam. and 30 pm. Rev. NIGHIENGALE, Vicar, unsanitary and unaccommodating conditions of the school As regards the problem of safety, to overlook the fact Surgeon p. Dedication of Colours in connection with 2nd houses, but surprise would change into horror if the Com that the tenement buildings are absolutely devoid pro St. Peter Church La Boca.
Colon Troop Beden Powell Scouts mission should change the objects of investigation and tection or provision would be characteristic arrogance.
Holy Baptism at am.
New Providence 11 am, Mr, H, G, scrutinize the death traps in some of the buildings in Think of a fire breaking out, in the dead of the night, in 11 am. Morning Prayer and Holy Johnson.
which unfortunate individuals are compelled to seek one of these liberty prisons called tenement houses! It Communion, Empire 11 a. Mr. Payne, shelter from the public gaze.
souid not only mean a stampede but death to scores of p. Sunday School, Mount Puron Baptist Church 7, 39 p, m, Short Evensong, Holy Con.
As a matter of fact to say that the tenement vuild persons who, in the rush to escape, would jostle for the firmation, Sunday services 11 am, and 7:15 ings contain forty or sixty rooms is a mild statement solitary stairway while the flames rush upon them. They pm. Sunday School at p. MULCARE Rector.
There are many that contain over a hundred. But the would be caught like black beetles in a kitchen and sent Issac Hall preacher for the day, general observation is that thirty or forty rooms with and to the next world, in a trice.
St. Barnabas Church, Empire Baptist Church.
average of 150 or 180 persons are accommodatedral So far as the schools are concerned, the children ocColoa, 11 a. and 7:15 Pastor This is not only uns one stair way and one toilet!
cupy them during the day and the fact they are astir 11 am, Morning prayer and address Thrift, and unsanitary, but it is inhuman.
Chorillo, 11 am, Capt. McPherson reduces Jang in case of a fire, to a minimum. It is the Sunday Sobool at pm. 30 Evening Prayer and address, 7:15 Pastor Witt There can be no doubt, Panama poor people and opposite thr wo overtaken by a fire at night ia Corozal Road, 11 a. and 7:15 Deacon those of the mediu crity are living und serious conditions their closed comes tocated in large and inconvenient build St. Bartholomew Church, Linton, as to health and morals. The Public Health Department ings with a hundred and fity or two hundred men, women Las Cascadas Empire, 11 a. 15 Mr. Brown unceasingly sends out warnings against disease, and these and children rushing frantically to the stairway, and find 11 am. Morning Prayer and address, Pueblo Nuevo, 11 a, Desoon Johnson warnings appear on large placards in red letters; but ing themselves jammed in the confusion and excitement 30 m. Sunday School, 7:30 Descon Stewart what do they all amount to when the beds of disease re in the only exit at their disposal. p. Evening Prayer and address Now Providence Deacon Broom Cativs, Deacon Foster, main untouched First things should be placed first, and the greater MULCARE, Priest in chargo, Gatun, Thursday Pastor Thrift Hlowing a danger signal against a vicious steer or a mad evil should receive primary attention. The aina sagacity seventh Day Adventist Church Maeting of Tsenmian League.
dez with a bunch of school children on the open play thins down when people strain at a gnat and swallow a 68 ANCON AVE, PANAMA, ground. Precaution can work where danger is inevitable, camel. If it is necessary to improve the sanitary and Thə Isthmian League of BriA visit to Gauchapali, San Miguel, Calidonia, Malambo, other conditions of the school houses a fact which cannot Sabbath (Saturday) 45 sm. Sab tish West Indians will hold its Cocoa Grove and Chorrillo would open the eyes of the In be disputed. it is more necessary to improve the dwell be so sehool Ja 15. General Worship regular Panama meeting tonight Spanish Class; 30 specting Commission. Health Oficer, a Fire Chief and ings of the children whose safety and health appear to be Young People Meeting: 30 pm. All members are requested to be Constructing Engineer ought to know where the danger the big idea in the minds of the Commission.
present. mon Rev Weapers,


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