
THE WORKMAN, SATURDAY, JUNE 17, 1922, PAGE FIVT Atlantic Side News We Furnish Te. You Pay SERVICE DUT ONLY real Lions froun SERVICE COMES FIRST PROFIT FOLLOWS EDDIE Donovan, and be The of the opportunity Boy. He He had spent of been ibe hand in the. prayer, just the bymn God to sbor What period of. Thus us diligence Notice to Creditors To Whom it may Concern Grand School EnWANTED.
is to of the Panama Banking Joseph Barle. Member of the tertainmentAlbert Henry of Bocas del Royal King Solomon Lodge No.
Toro would like to know the Company, Colon.
I1, IU. is suspended The Senior Scholars of the whereabouts of Louisina Cheese for 99 years for continuous bad GAS behaviour and utter disregard FOR 7th Street Baptist School, as man, Joseph Watson and Joseph are hereby for the Chair and Laws of the Colon claimants sociated by the Evening Scholars Brown who formerly resided at advised that it will not be neces.
of the Teacher Mr. c, Kerr, Chor Chorrillo in Panama. Taese Order. 17 24. 1st.
AND sary to come over to Panama GAS are sparing to efforts to put persons are requested to comto receive their cheques for the before the public what is known municate with Albert Brown first dividend decided upon at Brigade has removed its office as a high class Eentertain whose address is Catarina Farm the General Creditors Meeting from 14 and Broadway to 12 ment; the progamme consisting Costa Rica Division, Bocas del held on May 30th. All such Street and Broadway which was of songs, dialogues plays, drills. Toro.
cheques will be sent during the formerly occupied by the Chapter operettas, etc. etc. at the Criscoming week by some one desig: Division of the UNÍA. This ball tobal Silver Clubhouse on Thurs Clubhouse on Saturday night nated for the purpose, who will will be thrown open to the public day June 22nd, inst JULY 15th 1922, under deliver them to the interested at 30 sharp. Some the of the WE ARE HERE FOR THE GOOD OF THE COMMUNITY few of the pieces are repiti auspices of the Silver City Asso best speakers of this city will the parties.
Entertainments ciation. Remember that this con of last year, and the year before test is opened for both profes Due notice will be given later take in the function Commander of the date, hour and place sparing no pain to make this Watson of the Boys Brigade is by a great many requests; while sional and Amateur Singers of where delivery will be made.
the New pieces are such as has known never been rendered by chil applications must be in the hands meeting a big success, respectability and all EDWIN CHANDECK, collection will be taken up in dren here before.
committee not later than Secty, 3rd Circuit Court. aid of the Brigade.
The two special features for July 8th Tickets will soon Panama, June 16, 1922 the evening will be the Cantata sala. The Committee is preparing Dedication of Colours.
entitled The Seasons by Evan a two a two act Comedy (arranged by Boys Week at The geline Cook and John Charles DUDLEY) to be staged 2nd Colon Troop Baden Powell and the famous Chil as the first item on the item on the program Scouts.
PANAMA COLON GAS COMPANY dren Operetta entitled Edith on that night, and the Silver City Wesleyan Methodist Church Dream which is being repeated Band will be in attendance. After PANAMA OFFICE. Colon AT COLON OFFICE: from the Entertainment of 1920 contest those wishing to trip On Sunday 18th inst. the Cathedral Plaza by YOUR very numerous requests. the light fantastic toe will be 93 Bolivar St. children of of the 7th, Street privileged to do so. Address all On Sunday night 11th inst. the colours of the 2nd Colon Troupe Rev. C. Surgeon, preached a dedicated in the Wesleyan Chapel. Baden Powell Scouts will be Tel. 798 SERVICE Tel 364 Baptist School and their Teach applications to EDWARD DUD er Mr. Kerr, needs no LEY, Secretary. Silver City Asso special sermon to Boys.
the introduction; money and time ciation, PALBOA, or in care Char before 30 The services will be conducted was Crowded and in the perinters haver shears child repeat La Boca Clubhouse.
by the always well front pews were to becomes ears Surgeon, Pastor of the Church. Haleyan Methodist Church led in prnper. Mr.
Ricketts, President of while it is assured that this little tots from is to be con surpasses any Fellow Scouts from other and this saintly GATUN men of 20 years.
to young solo by Mr. George troups, the general public, and all pathos and seal implored God blessing gratulated in his dogged deterdered by children on this side Boys Week Service a Success thing that has ever been ren Smith, Sor. aud an anthem by young people. both lads and on the Convocation and prayed that mination to have caused the Covision may be given or youths to realize operation to perpetuate. The of the Cholr interspersed the pre lassies are cordially invited.
1stha It is the great posibilities orspped up in the mere Word CO OPERATION is Service commences at 3p. their future and thus be made to take that everyone liminary Exercises.
in children per The Boys service on last S10popular Pastor welcomed sharp.
carries the right lead, ono realized, boacing skin conymous of the weight it Interested Let me beseech all the formance will avail themselves day night was in every respect a the Boys in his happy style. He mind the diversifi opinions on religion members of said Co operation to th the said was that the WORKsaw bad represented him as an s. Conclave to Meet. represented tha: a miracle bad indeed return and support it whole this entertainment. where a real Chaplaia Patman arrived at is as as tine evening of wholesome en according to arrangements and old Colon with to the most impressionable years of Your Grocery Store is siill alive joyment awaits everybody. meeting of the Past Noble to the burbidit in this momentous question; subject Pastor his life in Colon between 17 and Father Conclave of the Lodges awaiting Reserved Seats 40c. General tary Waller while the audience your support The hearty singing of the hymn Admission 250 21 and always feel a keen interest working in Colon under the cave Panama. an appropriata compo accomplish. This Grocery Store cooperation can Alte wh!
After which a very fiae selection the boys of the city. Taking as Panama District of the Grand Sirion by the Rev. B, Fieber, set to is in existence for a Price.
was readered by the Gatua Ouit you like men be strong be held on Sunday afternoon, the tune America) the Star Spangled three (3) ears. Is it not proo! Canal Zone Notes his text Cor. 15 Chap. verse 13 13. United Order of Oddfellows, will the Quartette; then a song by the at Bander, and the pronouncing of the perfect that the hundred and fifteen boys who He pointed out that industry was o clock at the Flower of the Benediction by the Rev. Jos. Thrift, good management is one of the chief elements to a Isthmus Lodge room, Members Pastor of the Baptist Church brough show your broad mindedness in Fellowmen of the race were present.
successful career Whatever occu: are requestod to be punctual in the proceedings to close The Secretary then came for: bolding up the hands of an RED TANK pied the mind in the way of study attendance.
ward with a few remarks of ap: started Boys week. Let or work should be undertaken competent, broad minded preciations for the presence of hope that as tte days so by much kood Negro like himselffin doing the MacFadden Health Club. such a man as Chaplain Putman with may result from the efforto being put little good which will benefit us lazy and careless boy made who has shown such interest in Boys Week forth on tehalf of this important class of all.
the same class of man, He cited the boys of Gatun, The Chaplain our citizens. very enthusiastic meeting of the then arose and after expressing the case of David Livingstone the Thanking you for space, am, Macladden Health and Our boys need help at all times and Eduontional his pleasure of being with the African Explorer and Han That great leader, the sainted Booker in all places, but more especially in this Yours for co operation, Club took place at the Red Tank Club people of Gatun he proceeded to del the great musician, wbo under MEMB stupendous difficulties reached Washington, brought down a crowded stirring ago and at these terminal citite house on Thnrsday night, 8th, inst. At emphasize the following the heights through the display of bold, yeh reagoin New York City, com. where there are so many attractions to this meeting it was decided to have posed of representative.
community night, when Store Disappeared Educational Truthfulness, gigantic efforts.
for the benefit of the Pint Honesty May we fervently enter into the spirit films off red by the General Ambition. He Whilst noting the necessity of of different racis, when he enunciated of the Bureau of Clubs and Booker doing things to achieve results be that great truninun In all things that are of Dr. Fisher endlove. com Washing George Colon, Rep. of Panama, God save fair Paasma directed their attention carnestly purely, social we can be a separate 10 Playgrounds will be showa free. The Washington and other pioneers June 14, 1921.
date for this entertainment will be of the two great Aaerican Races to the things not to do, chiefly the fingers, yet one as the hand in all to mutual progress, In beart and hand and law To the Editor of the Workman gambling. drinking and impure announced later as, examples for the boys of No better opportunity has been af Save Panama conversations.
Dear Sir shall be versing was tho Setap Basket. unique feature of this literary met Gatan.
The May her rich soil abound, He closed by making the final forded in this Doemopolite Community speech was well taken by thankful to you in having the The following members participated. the four hundred people present, appeal to dedicate their lives to to exemplify this great truth, than that In wealth where life is found, following published in your speaking impromptu on the following this was shown by a standing Christ as the surest way to live which was offered last Sunday at the Let voice and fervent prayer ro paper of Bauarday the 17th instobjecte vote honest, useful lives, Boy America Theatre in connection with the of thaaks proposed by found Some months ago read an Scouts from the several troops ma meeting launching out Boyo Mr. Bourg, Industry: Mr. Small, Teacher. Webster of the Gatun Save Panama announcement in the Negro Selfishness; Mr. Mirebell, Content neat school.
World of and up to date Grocery Mr. Hawkias God is Love; were fairly represented at the Week. Nature ortainly tested hearty sympathy with the movement.
Store opened by the Colon. Mee On Monday night, a good many The afternoon sun shone out beautifully, Division of the UN. It was Mitchell, Ambition; Mro. Gayle, Happi Mass Meeting at Cristobal so said; but claimed to worth well Education; Mise Campbell. Habits; Des; Club House.
attended the weekly Prayer meetended B, 30 pm, the spacious Opera ball ing which is one of the most 2000, 00.
Mrs. Palmer, Love and Mrs. Blanchard Colon, Rep. of Panama, important services in connection was densely packed with a crowd of Boys It peculiar to notice, after a Flowers.
On Tuesday 20th of the preswith the Church. The Church was of all races, creede, classes and colours June 14th, 1922. couple of months with Beveral ent month at the Cristobal All agreed that a profitable time we Colored Club House, by kind crowded and as on Sunday night on the platform, upon the invitation thousand dollars sale, the great spent, the honour with their of the Rotary Club, which is responsible To The Editor Of The Workman store has disappeared. There permission of th: genial Secre.
occupied the front fews. for the exstoires, were to be teen Religi Sir. Please publish the followwill be tary a mass meeting the Rev. ous Leaderoi every shade of thought During the meeting LA BOCA Fisher of the Union Church, Earnest men of deep convictions, wheting in your valuable paper of was also to be in a few weeks a who Saturday, the 17th inst.
Panama Branch of the Jamaica Well, these weeks seemed to be As a member of the Colon made up of Sundays of very long Silver City Band at La Boca sucia vised, and being invited to the are not secustomed to meet in the name Represeatitive Goverament As.
platform gave sting of their Common Christ yet who were Independent Mutual Benefit Co hours in god rate.
interesting sociation very address: his visit was highly willing to forget and to lay maide difer: operative Society and also of the To night trust gone will press this meeting will be called to and be made a very enco in the woman toimitive a Order at pm. and several favourable impression on ff to the weeks.
Indian gentlemen are ex.
The old reliable Silver City Chaplain S, Putman, No le attention of the general pub Why should not the Negro ta addressed the boys and their the Submarine Bs. so made a very able nected specially members con World tell us what was the out Band will be on hand at Lalte dims and objects of the congregation. Mr Surgeon later oved to addrass the audiease nec either society of the the come of these out of date busi. Boca this evening to deliver on the dads and all felt that good bad chairman, great contrast there is in proper nesses? Men and women of the latest musical goods. Fans Pated that Mr B. Lawrence Association. It is anticipated His resulted in the night service, The boys were invited to attend beard. Perobant voice being distinctly management and honest dealing Colon bave you proved that truth are asked to drop in on time as will be asked to take the chair, in every part of the building, relative to both societies.
After some stirring musio from the Colon the Wesley Guild meeting on Port De Lensepe Coco Eolo Bands the Rev everlasting! This one thing as we expect starting promptly.
Co operative do know. Lieing lips are sa eight o clock. number of De asked to render a Fisher led off in the singing of that ciety was the first to bave abomination to the Lord (law)
Wednesday 14th inst.
a few songs a wonderful movement martial christian hymn Onward Chris here in Colon which has bene delight.
but they that sperk truly are his ADVANCE INFORMATION for the the occasion. Mr. BP.
Wynter, President of the To the Editor of the Workman, tinn Soldier Father Burns of the St. its members in the giving Thanks for space, ma Branch of the Association Dear Sir, In a recent issue of Joseph Catholic Church made the In of Doctor and medicine during Cristobal Saturday 24th who has been seluctyour periodical the names of vocation. The 34th Palm was then illness, burial fund, loan, 500 Truly your, ed at Jamaica to be a member certain teachers of the Canal read in alternate versoe by the Rev. R, per week to members during ill BRODIE The above Band will to of the deputation that will proZone Colored Schools appeared Bype of the Seventh Day Adventist Dess and many other minor help Cristobal on Saturday 21.
This was done ceed to Eagland will be present, with the infortion that these leading.
to dispense the latest hot staff, also other speakers from this teacberº hp certiLecture After the singing of another bymn the supported the Come and hear for yourself.
city ficates. row. Palmer His Lordship the Right Rev. Bishon society and even when the society The West additions to on the School Morris of American was and had a will you now kindly add to that Churcb gave the ad ireet of the evening beavy, law suit it did what it Royal King Solomon Lodge will arrival of a Triple Plated Silver present the large numbars and Bro. Jo Laurie, IG of the already well renown Band is the Atlane side are asked to be list the names of Messrs G, The Church and the Boy.
possibly could to alleviate the ba Riving Special Lecture on Cornet and to interest in Parker and Kinnimouth of With faithful eloquence there is not and sexdat had no corred? Handreds Meeting night in Jaly, all Scot as bas been expressad kyckose Jamaicans are asked to demon of members.
bed the good of the Order on the first Burnished gold bell, which have movement which is of vital in the Cristobal school and H, Divide set forth the need of the Boy, as to their future welfare.
Bridget of the La Boca school, representing the future leaders of the of the members ceased to sup tish Mechanics are invited.
a CAPITAL KICK Yours, etc, foountry, for the Church. He made it port the society and took refuge them. Don fail to hear these Respectfully, clear that the Church was the chief in the UNIA What has been PERCY VERE instruments LAURIE.
instrument of the age in moulding and the result? They have paid in blending backed up by the deadlo Sogether political affairs of their beautiful Isle of Springs, and to WINER preserving character and impressed on their monthly contribution to come forward and respond to The Fsrst Colon Boys his youthful hearers the necessity 75, 00 when dead; now Notice.
The All Isthmian Singing the call of those at home, cultivating the virtues taught and up they are dying and are told they Brigade.
held by are unfinancial. These poor peo All persons in arrears with Contest The addrase was pregnant with sage ple who have acted so foolishly subscription to the Workman Creoline Hair Producer is The First Colon Boys Brigade noble advice and we listened to with do not know where they are. Nəwspaper are asked to make Applications are coming in fast the World best hair prohas planned a big mass meeting wrapt attention, The grocery store is knocked in settlement not later than the for the All Isthmian Singing Conducer and will not soil or stain for Sunday June the 18th. The The Rev, M, Snrgeon of the Wes oblivion.
30th of the present month (June. test to be held at the La Boca clothes.
great Air aad Secretary kindly off also named pore, WBoya in company with their dads and contine with the rainy wock junt contrast In Management bought for den med et beste como Campion Work Micro guests of bone dads Modern Laundry andry and Bakery.
The The ac chata ladies wili Pang: and ortained members promptly when Frans strate of receive christianity.


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