
The American Foreign Banking Corporation.
The United States Treasury Panama Railroad The Panama Canal Panama Government United States Army and Navy Agents for the Banco Nacional should be is 10 ORDER BOOKS For Friendly Societies Kept in Stock at the WORKMAN PRINTERY involved, wayEstimates, LONDON CORRESPONDENCE West Indian Nows.
The British Budget. Continues From Page 3)
iron upiake from the concrete (By Leonard Reid. Due to the concrete stack was caved in on all four sides.
Head Office: 56 WALL STREET, NEW YORK CITY WHY THE HOUSE LIGHTING London May 1922. The Govern.
ment plans for the current pancial Mr. Harding, witbout further your that is from April lat 1922 to March 31st 1923 vero explained to question from his interviewer, DEPOSITORY OF proceeded to say: la starting the House of Commons by Sir Robert Horne, the Chancellor of the Exchequer, up the steam turbine at p. for the purpose of putting on the yesterday evening. Their main leehouse lighting circuits, it was turule that they offered some, comfound that the exciter armature paratively modest, relief in taxation.
The Treasury estimates revenue and was burnt out, which was probexpenditure in 1922 23 compare me fol adly caused by the excited men shutulog down the steam turbine lows with the figures for the previous by pulling out a wrong switch on year:the switch board.
1922 23 1921 22 THE BOILER QUESTION.
Expenditure 919, 069, 000 1, 079, 187. 000 How many boilers do you Revenue 910, 775, 000 1, 124, 880, 000 use? asked our man The Chancellor satimate that it be It takes three boilers to car.
had left the basis of taxation the same ry our load, replied Mr. Hard2 last year be would have looked ing, As a result of the explosion forward to revenue surplus of about two of these bave been pat out 46, 000, 000. The whole of this pros of commission completely, 30 pective surplus is to be devoted to that we can only carry a portion reducing taxation. The rate of income of our load for the next week or tax is to be reduced from shillings to ten days. Mr. Harding basteoshillings in the Pound, which will cost od to add this one condition to the Exchequer 32 millions this year his latter statement which he The duty on tes is to be reduced from qualified by saying. Provided that this one (tbe four pence, per lb, that is from one shilling to eightpence and corresponding third remaining boiler of the made the three just referred to) is alright.
ne ofice, cocos, and chicory. This will CRISTOBAL PANAMA THE RESUMPTION OF WORK.
cout some millions and the rest of We know said Mr, Harding the stimated surplus will be swallowed that the brick work is comup by reductions in telephone and and pletely cracked, Uoder portal charger Latter post is to be come three halfpence instead of two ordinary conditions, we will get pence, posteardo one panny instead of Mob Burns Three straightened to morrow (Saturday) at o clok.
threepence and the restoration of Sun We will not be able to light day collection will cost the le xohoquer Negroes at Stake the city for at least ten days.
The bouse service and tram cars The main points on whleb critics of resumed tomorrow the Budget fusten are the following. Texans Take Swift Ven(Saturday) at but that In the first place redemption of debt geance on Men Accused is provided conditions are not entirely suspended during the found to be worse than they present year and of Murdering White Girl the Government have been discovered to be at will have to reborrow in order to present.
meet contractual debt obligations. ONE CONFESSES HIS GUILT PROBABLE LOSS.
Becondly it is contended that in several Terpecta Sir Robert Horne over opti.
Grandfather of Their Victim Mr. Harding when asked of the mistic, For instance, on the expenditure Present and Gives his Consent probable amount of the damage ide be includes only 25 millions pounds would not hazard an Before Fire Is Lighted sterling for Supplementary opinion. On the question of loss, whereas the average supplementaries for he said, that on the Whathi asumption Kirvin, Texas, May (A380the past three years have been over ciated Press. Three Degroes that the cars and house lighting 100 millions pounds sterling. It may were burned to death at the service could be resumed today horever be hoped that the Government same stake here at o clock this at pm. the loss in the latter are intent on campaign of economy respect would be about to mob of 500 men, which will justify this calculation. On following their alleged implica slayer of Miss Awsley, is underhundred dollars and about fifteen the revenue side the Chancellor expects tion in the assault and murder of stood to have told his captors hundred dollars in regard to the car service.
the mme receipt, namely 30 millions 17 year old Eula Awsley, a white that Jones, Varney and bimself pound sterling from arrears of Excess girl, whose mutilated body was had planned the crime since Creoline Hair Preparations SOME OTHER FACTS.
Profits Duty were actually gathered found near here Thursday night. January. The original plan was Positively Superior to all others on Earth.
Hinekson is the name of the in last year, while his critics Try them and be convinced. Snap Curry, the first negro to assault two other women a fireman wbo was working at No.
gard it as extremely unlikely that burned, was taken from the cusThey are the Master Preparations of the World. boiler. He was stunned from a any such sun will accrue, and are tody at Freestone County officers do as Miss Awsley on the same day, and in rapid succession.
blow received on the head by a Different from all Others also inclined to think that income tax early last night as he was being said. He did not say why the Curry was quoted as having piece of brick work sent flying receipts, owing to the acute depression can Pricestof all goods in the United States of America 50c. from Wortham to some will far sharply through space as the resalt of all Foreign countries, 60c.
than the Treasury noumo. Tatoreover the point west. It is alleged that he plan had failed.
the explosion, and also received he The three negro3s were emCreoline Halr Producer setimate for special receipts is sur had assaulted and murdered the ployed on the farm of King a blow on the knee. This, it is Straightens rough, barsh, kinky hair with or without hot combs, prisingly higher and without chemicals. NOT MADE OF VASELINE. Contains 10 thought, suggests how close be was to the furnace or percent more oil than is possible to be put into any other preparation that he is however, fair to accept these srl and that in his confessions prominent farmer of this comImplicated the two other munity, and grand father of the of its kind in the world. Patches this places and prevents baldness.
was doing something to the criticismo without looking from another negroes, Varney and Mose dead girl, with whom she lived In ounce tins.
furnace when the explosition wpeet at the task with which the Treas. Jones.
both ber parents being dead.
The Creoline Day Dandruff Remedy ury was fuced. Trade is very bad and mob took from the sheria Mr. King was present at the So far as the restoration of very good scalp treatment, positively removes Dandruff, Tetter unemployment rife, and for many his keys to the Firestone County lynching and the mob leaders and Eczema. It is antiseptic. Grows hair, keeps the scalp healthy.
the necessary brick and mamonths past tbe leaders of industry Jail, where Jones and Varney are said to have obtained his la ounce bottles.
sonry work is concerned about have been dinding into the Chancellor were being held as suspects. approval before lighting the cars the argument that if he could reduce Hurrying to the jail, the mob Jackson Manufacturing Co.
thirty extra men were taken on torches.
455 West Tenth St. Manufacturers and Exporters Indianapolis Ind. to expedite the work yesterday.
taxation he would give a stimulous to unlocked the doors and took the MOB ACTS DELIBERATELY, All Up to date Drug Stores carry a stock of Creoline.
benefit the whole two negroes in charge. All three It is expected that the Comcountry and incidentally recoup the prisoners were then rusbed to The lynching was carried out pany owa staff and will be able to attend to what Brabequer for its sacrifices. Time wil Kirvin, the home of the dead deliberately. There was no disto what show whether this argument was valid girl, and an iron stake was reported, however, that the charge of fire arms. It is ever mechanical or engineering or not, If it was, then the results of the driven into the ground on a troubles that may be discovered.
negroes were mutilated before present year may justify the optimisa small square in the heart of the being tied to the stake The ice supply to the city yes With The best Tonic in the World terday and to day was and will with ich the budget estimates have Wood was piled up and the exception of a few hele wa kurated with wild be available from the reserved their heads over the complete and the screams stock. In the event of the Com.
suspension of the condemCurrey was burned first then ned men, there of debt repayment. Against this the Varney and Jones, There was disturb the early morning quiet WAB to pany floding it impossible to Chancellor can argue that since the end some delay resume the house and tram car in burning the of This elegant Tonic preparation is highly recommend.
community of the great war the British Taxpayers last service at pm to day it means of the backy they steadfastly The plot where the burning took ed in Debility, Nervousness, Female Weakness, has been called upon to make heroic maintained that the Company will not be their innocence place is in front of two churches Impoverishment of the Blood, and to build up able to supply any ice on Sun.
mcrifices for debt reduction and that the Third degree methods failed to one of the negroes is said to day.
exceptional economic circumstances of bring a confession from them, have died singing a cburch a run down constitution.
the moment esentially demand a tem. and they were finally cremated anthem, In consequence of the acci. It promotes digestion, improves the apperest porary this dent, the citizens of Port ofis certain Kirvin, a town of about 500 Spain experienced great inconly true that since the end of the rain on the strength of Curry war, testimony.
tite, and gives tone and energy to the whole system.
inhabitants, is in Freestone as well as during its course, the British venience throughout Thursday taxpayers has borne burdens quite BODIES BURNED TOGETHER County, East Central Texas, DOSE. One small Wine glass before each meal or night and all yesterday. Candles unparalleled Europe, times a day.
After the third negro had been about 80 miles south of Dallas.
and lamps had to be The Governed for lighting up reisition ber ment financial plans for the present burned to a crisp, the three Miss Awsley was riding year will find their full jurisdiction il bodies were piled together and a horse home from school, several workshops and other places.
real budget balance is actually estab mass of fuel and oil was flung miles from Kirvin, late Thursday With rainy weather prevailing attacked. He lished. For this to be achieved, bopes over them. This was ignited, when she was it can easily be imagined under what difficulties people laboured which now look optimistic must be the flames soaring twenty flye body was found near the road with twenty. thre aife wounds realised, and at the same time public or thirty feet into the air.
through the supervision of the must be soonomy must chest.
The mob rapidly dispersed, in the houd. Decs und sternly News of the murder tramway service, but things surrendered spread Michael Patterson at were somewhat relieved by the Teague, Taxas, May Two Even if they are not realised, and the and as day dawned there were Ancon Hospital. plying of busses and cabs which cite men were detained to day Budget therefore earns, eventually, the only a few persons remaining to quickly and Tour day night won witness the aftermath of the band of several mundred reaped a rich harvest.
For further investigation of their unsound finance accusat ons of from Freestone ang Limestus attack Michael Patterson is at pres.
cons proceeding the Up to the time of writing the being hurled at it by its critics, it triple cremation, Counties and a When the tire finally died Cou Inmate of the Incon position remained unchanged.
wonder what did out to see how the Chat this morning to thinly bloed down posse scoured the neighborhood and murder of Bula Awsley for ent could have treated bis Curry was arrested when bis which three negroes were burn Hospital The unfortunato man ed at Kirvin this morning. No suffered from an injury early tank in any other way. The whole remained of the three bodies.
country is convinced, under the promoure SANGRE GRANDE.
Curry, the alleged confessed wife told officers he had come charges were made agaiust the on the morning of the 30th ulto of an intensive press campaign, that it is with blood on the night of the men, according to reports here and had to be removed to that bome with his clothes institution for treatment.
taxed beyond its capacity and The Weather that agree with Sir Robert Horne when he murder. He was taken to WorVOITIER Patterson can be seen at business will not revive until taxation says: That we should have met this tham and imprisoned in bank Section C, Ward 11, bed No.
lowered. The psychological effects of distress without worse calamities than wo for safe keeping.
It is hoped that he will have a fallen during the Copious showers of rain have this universal belief trade and have endured is eloquent testimony mob gathered about the bank In sad, but loving memory of speedy recovery from his ill. much to the delight of planting past week enterprise quickly become a concrete and the soundness of the country and the last night and threatened to ea this life on the 12th, le pune ness and will be soon out again folk who sve visions of an early our beloved Mercel. who departsubstantial obstacle to economic On the other hand the this connection should like to pay my spirited the prisoner through a solidity of its financial position. In storm the building, and officers 1921.
crop, with small pickings, someBritish Corsilate Notice. where about August.
poychological effect off even a modest tribute to the banks of this country. rear window and started with as your has passed, but ibarescill decline in the tax burden may be suffihy have a clear conviction that throughout him in an automobile toward remain The British Consulate General The Roads.
cient to cause a degree of trade improve this oriss this country owes more than Mexia. apparently en route to the wounds unhealed, attended oft with at Panama would appreciate any One of the effects of the recent ment that will realise the Chancellor can be adequately stated to the solidity Waco. The mob quickly sur pain, information concerning the order suspending Public Works hope of balancing his budget.
of our banking system and to the abiliày rounded the car and demanded He sleepa so peacefully he cannot know whereabouts of Mrs. Amelia has been the stoppage of the When we look over the troubles and and character of the men who control the negru. Resistance seemed The bitter pangs our hears doth undergo. Bryan, formerly of 39, Martin experiment in road repairs difficulties of the past year we may it.
useless and the prisoner was His Affectionate Wife Children. Street, Spxaish Town, Jamaica (Continued On Page 7)
conveyed workmen to trade which would shouts little VIGOR TONIC woods from JAVER MORAN American Pharmacy.
collar ирса to we recovery.


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