
I like em. They Satisfy Chesterfield Book Binding!
their Book Binding Department SAVES THE WORKMAN, SATURDAY, JUNE 17, 1922 PAGE SEVEN Interesting West Indian News WATERBURY COMPOUND (Continued from page 6)
WITH CREOSOTE AND GUAIACOL which was being conducted here with liquid asphalt. It is stated that about twenty five artisans INDICATIONS form the Public Works Department who were engaged in Coughs La Grippe Reconstructant various ways, have been tempor.
Cold Anaemia Following Fevers arily thrown out of employment Bronchitis General Tonic and Pneumonia since this order and rumour has it that several Red Over An excelent vehice for administering lodides, Bromide seers will also be suspended as and Salicylater. Summer omplaint and Bowel consequence, Irregularities among hildren. All ages, all climate.
You ll like them too.
Now Patrol Agency all seasons of the Year.
They represent the highMr. Ramdeen of Tunapu Da has been granted the local patrol You have tried the Rest est quality in cigarettes at agency for the distribution of Why not Use the Best the lowest possible price.
the product of the TCO In consequence, there is now being installed a tank with a capacity FOR SALE BY of about 800 gallons, the site of which is a few bundred feet ISAAC JUTTING, 111 BOLIVAR STEET, COLON.
above the Court House.
Water Supply.
WATERBURY CHEMICAL COMPANY The inhabitants of the district Do. Molnos la, are simply overjoyed at the fact Des Moines, New York, Toronto, New Orleans that the provision of an ade.
quate supply of water bids fair to be an fait acompli, by the time the next dry season approaches.
CIGARETTES When the privations and bordfor such a long time are considered of finest Turkish and American tobaccos blended not to speak of the part an im.
pure quality of water plays in the health of a community, it requires little imagination to con ceive how great must be their joy. With a good water supply Why throw away your old, but no must necessarily follow an improvement in the general doubt interesting, books when you sanitatio of that distric with LIOGETT MYERS TOBACCO Co.
the consequent resalt which cannot be purchased in.
can have them neatly bound at The Road To Toco.
It is reported that the road THE WORKMAN will be completed by the first week in June. So far as the REJOHN INGRAM OF bridges are concerned there re.
Link with LIFEBUOY up JAMAICA, DECEASED. mains very little to be done save perhaps the erection of the necessary abuttment work on for Health Sake.
Died at Sento Tomas Hospital the bridge near Majbo.
CENTRAL AVENUE Panama City 2nd Dec, 1921, Shortage In Strength of and No. G Street The Acting British Cornul at Colon is desirous of lesrning Constabulary wbether the above named left any surviving illegitimate cbildren or collaterals having declar.
The Port of Spain Gazette states ST. VINCENT bers of the Board are divided in ed right under the Panamanian that the local Constabulary is their opinion as to whether the Laws.
still short of its required word contract embraces Mr.
earnest effort that has been made inefficient Postal Arrange and have not thus acted on the by six for the past few months to bring ments, Administrator letter. The St.
the force up to its full strength.
One would be inclined to Vincent Times states that there is a likelihood of the Administra.
that this indicated. dialDelia The St. Vincent Times in a tor using his power to dissolve on the part of suitable can recent issue complains of the the present Board.
aidates to throw in their 10 inefficient manner in which the with the Constabulary Force or Colony Post Office is conductor to unattractivenes in the ed. The rural delivery is most Laugh With Us.
YOUTH and happiness are linked sideration of the facts however, among other of enlistment. But con defective and the Times Cites up with health. Link up with Lifebuoy for health and for the discloses just the opposite; Negro employed at one of it offers the Movie studios in Los Angelos port of the children sake. Lifebuoy Soap proincidentally throws light, evidence. Quite was drafted by a director to do motes health happy, smiling health; some extent, on the shocking rece unfitness of Ofairis recently, we are informed, a let a novel comedy scene with a physical to We are hoping that some opit protects the children from the addressed alate Fly ler had been youths of You get in this bed, in a reputable ordered dangers of contagious diseases.
ontstdotes casion will bring you to out the colony. Out or eventeen town on the direetor, the bring the lion in and it him in Lifebuoy Soap has a twofold use it disinfecta store shortly. And when you candidates who were Leeward coast threatening as it cleanses; disease germs cannot live where last month; not one was found with an action in the Supreme scream.
you. It will be Litebuoy Soap has been used. Lifebuoy Soap do come be assured that it will able to meet the physical and Court. Puta The latter was not lion in bed will safeguard the children keep them with be a pleasure for us to serve literary tests, the failures being delivered until the gentleman No. wah! Nat a tall! quite healthy as well as clean. Insist upon them the Negro.
using it before school, after play, before meals. you, and that our pleasure in more prominent he theon former had been sued and bad se: viceING and right here and Inow. But USE LIFEBUOY SOAP FOR CLEANING THE serving you will mak: ur visite. Of the twenty one men of the Writ of Summons, protested the director, tais HOME WASH YOUR HANDS AND FACE WITH Wednesday, the selected on IT BATHE WITH IT SHAMPOO WITH IT.
to our store even more enjoy instant, all had to be rejected All of this was due to the fact was brought up on milk.
bad actually settled the matter. lion won hurt you. The lion. able for yourself.
having failed to or other or both of the tests one that no one had been seen going was brought up on milk tioned. Six were subsequently of the letter. Another case near meat now. Saturday Evening men in the direction of the addresses walled the Negro, but eats FULLER giren. re trial and while three is similar to the foregoing Posl.
managed to come up to me occurred at the Kingston Post which was some office. letter had buen adtest 122 CENTRAL AVENUE What relaxed, their shortcomings àrdased to a resident of Kings Helen, really cannot perin the literary test made their ton Hill, just about three hun mit you to read novels on the simplicity dred Sabbath, But, Grandms, this and the Kingston mere pre!
test. And the taz dary, calling upon him to one 18 ail right; it tells about settlement in seven days. girl who was engaged to three of the terary. large nu. ar of failures, it is and avoid legal proceedings. clorgymon all at one time.
is fortnight after, not receiving any impossible to conceive any rear reply, the addressor of the letter An on Southern planter met sonable difference of opinion. mado inquiries at the Post Office one former Negroes to the imperative necessity for and was informed that the letter who he had not seen for the speedy Introduction long time. Well, well! said education in the colony.
the planter What are you doing practical system of compulsory had not been called for.
An impasse has arisen in civic preachin blinde gospel sab, has pow. Uncle Amos? s a What!
politics in St. Vincent as a result you preaching?
DONE WITH NATNESS AND The Trinidad Agricultural of a question having been raised ter, s a preachin? Well, Society has appealed to local by Mr. Popham Lobb, the Ad well. Does you use notesi gro ars sa go in for more ex: ministrator, respecting the le. Nossal at the fast use notes, DESPATCH but now demands the cash, e dive on of sweet gality of Ne. Ellott Sprott, potatoes especiwny of the kind member and the Waica will ripen out of the ordinary season whilst at time Lodge Notice.
year of the 450, 000 lbs, bandled engnged in doing the Board by the Govund Provisions Depot. printing. The Administrator ISLE OF SPRING LODGE No.
210, 000 lbs, were of local mobo holds that Mr. Spre no juos 8150 to a seat, and bases his ibs from other West Indian contention on a section of The meeting nights of this Islands. In order to encourage governing Ordinance which lodge are the 1st and 3rd the bome agriculturist, the states. person shall be dis Moadays and the 3rd Thursday Ground Provisions Depot often qualified for being a member of offeach month. The next meeting pays higher price to the local the Board, it and while (c) He 19th at 30 sharp in the place on Good Assortment planter than that asked by the has directly or indirectly by Loyal Progress hall Patama.
visiting speculator.
himself intestina or partner any share or All officers and memb are interest in any contract or emTO SE! ECT FROM AT THE ployment with or by or on bentii Trinidad June meeting of the ball of the Board The Admi Turf Club promises to be a big vistrator directs the atters tary.
success. Five horses are expect the Board to the section and ed from Venezuela, besides suggests the resignation of Mr.
aceipt Books those from Demerara and Bar. Sprott or his giving up of the Is. and English for sale at the bados.
Board printing; but the mem Workman Printery.
Sprott LIFE LEWELRYBARGANS tion on in sup to a Remember LIFEBUOY SOAP is more than soap, it to lion of the and we ll rermicide and. sure disis selected bim 09d fectant With. LIFEBUOY SOAP LEVER BROTHERS LIMITED, PORT SUNUCHT. ENGLAND 100 from the one considan impossible. When con yards requirements of JOB PRINTING of every description. evering a hos Klangaton Town Boara, holding same Wedding Cards, Christening Cards, Birthday Cards and Ball Cards right to be requeste. ORI MAN PRINTERY On


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