p. 8


18 AT P.
team sa taken in HORSE RACES killed TO. MORROW borse.
JUAN FRANCO PARK the subject he was quickly he did Grer Po8 Crack a jack Races. table: Trumps will the was success, Big Race Meeting CRICKET Murder of At Juan Franco Park Pioneer C, Thrashes EXCELSIOR THEATRE (Continued from page 1)
To morrow Jamaica C: letters. hammer similar to the one in the drawing WAS TO NIGHT found in the pao try, but it had The Panama Jockey Club has (By Spectator)
MONDAY decided to keep the spirit of Saturday, June 17th Do marks on it.
Sunday, June 11th u an ideal day Mr. Hutchinson: Dil you find racing up by altering their pre for cricket fans generally, particularly at GAIL KANE any books in his roon. Yes, vious decision not to pull off any the Pacific end. The Pioneer a JUNE 19th, 1922 IN several; in a chest of drawers.
more races until the new track newly organised club of Red Tank and Were they detective stories? completed. It was found that THE DARE DEVIL Paraise made their debut into cricket s.
turfites were very much dis dired circles, playing their muiden game against The Coroner: Another Big Fight TO MORROW Two penny satisfied about the calling of the Jamaica at Isthmian Park. So ones! Yes, sir startling.
of the race last Sunday after far as a disappointment as to the result AT 8PM Sunday, June 18th Examining the books, the such a splendid card was an of the struggle, it must be mentioned coroner remarked, Yes they are nounced; and just at the moment and maintaiued that the Pioneer men all sensational, terrible things, all soundly displayed of long the meeting. Fearing that that stand ne, many of them being rever BIG FIGHT TUESDAY wbout hangings. explosions, and cuademned convict There is disappointment might have had ans of the grand old english game.
MAIN BOUT bad effect on future racing, it one bere rather signidcant, with JOE SALGADO SOLDIER SOUDIN JUNE 20th, 1922 10 the coin was spun beAt a picture of a boy bound up on is decided to continue racing the floor. They are all sensatios.
until such part of the old track tween Fitz Patrisk of the visiting Barnett of the home team.
MARIE PROVOST Continuation of the Universal Serial al rubbish, sensational detective as may be required for the new and resulted in favour of the visitors trash.
track is Tomorrow, the weather per sters to bat, and the opening was very The skipper very wisely sent the bone NOBODY FOOL The Blazing Secret Summing up, the coroner said mitting and it all things go fair gloomy, ass Blackmao, an old Surrey the letters showed beyond all it is arranged to pull of eight veteran, started to treat the crowd with reasonable doubt that Walker, for some reason or other, was good races.
The first race of three furlongs will see eight on exhibition of very fine bowling, yet intending to kill bumsell, but before doing so he wished to kill entries, in woich all the crack mention must be made that the wicket Minor Lilliputians horses will belped him a bit, for for 3, for somebody else, and it did not start. This should be an inter 4 for. for 8, for for 10. Chiidren Day on the Atseemed to have mattered very lantic Seaboard.
much to him who it was. It esting race considering the short for 21, for 27, and 10 for 33.
Horn Miller. Barnett, and Roberta fallwould seem as though the head din ng which has been arduck ing a wee bit abºve the ceviable ranged.
The American Legion and the housemaid bad herself had a another race, Risas and Sambleton, Walker, Bergeant and par Nedrick very narrow escape from being to up of Education, requested ticularly meet at equal It was not true that weights of 126 Tbs each of his bold the reputation of the boys from the Dr. u. cEtwards, com ested Walker acted on the impulse of Isle of Springs, but Sam Blackman held Thursday to address the Cristo the moment, because he had will be a very interesting race otherwn horns are said ate them at bay. The folding of Duncad bal Colored School on llealth ana written letters in the afternoon Clarke Yorkshire crack D, Weather Recreation. The lecturer was showing he was contemplating be the fastest in Panama Toe third race, Dorris Morton, brilliant, George Kaight bowled well, but bead and Sidney Arober, were part cularly given a splendidovation as he entered the premises.
committing this horrible murder Chagres, and Glorita are ex: was rather unlucky.
and had made preparations with It was a magnificent lecture Sunday, June 18 which to do it.
to pected meet. Chagres and very instructive.
He got an iron is It is Born iron The visitors opening their innings a regretted that lectures of the bar and covered it with an doubtfui entry as up to the time of going to press, his train. 45 looked like pulling off the game kind are not given to we often to At 30 Sharp umbrella case for some am ng er had not been heard from, as to without the fall of a wicket, but not the children, as it would tend to a reason. Then he drew up up wat WAN whether he will be starting this set in with Haynes, J, Blackt un, Kaight build, their moral and phys cal Was perhaps the most astonish ing ing document ever written AR se. Should these three en and Blacka so going pretty chea. man certainly tries face the starter the race for 0, for 1, for 3, pues this book manhood. Dr. Elwards has proved himself agenda of what he was going to master of do was asked to deal to his miserable victim before will be one for the public to see, ed quite gloomy slso, but as Sid. Archer as pro as the owner of Glorita is de and Weatherhead joined heade, the with, and all went away satisfied killing himself. He got his wea increased, that the instructions given durpon ready termined to put it over Chagres scoring and had written out a It is said that Glorita is in fine Archers innings was a bit faulty; howing the course of the lecture will AN INTERESTING PROGRAM programme, which he appears to form, but Chagres is as game as ever, as cricket has its uncertainties ba be beneticial to the children now bave carried out. hope said held firm, and to him mast be given and hereafter.
OF the coroner, he not carry it The fourth race, will be a the credit of victory for his side out in every particular, because he mentions nales and distance, when Lord der joined him after Weatherhead was torture. He did Successful Pink Tea, did of First American and Ace diemised, and not some breexy cricket strictly adhere to his time meet to contest indulged in.
Wiltshire also because he play yed fide caught the 7, 35 train after deciding in his proThe Pink Tea held under the the superiority of each other buving scored 17 runs to his credit. the over this distance of endurance, majority being scored off Beraett. The auspices of St. Peter Church Turfites will witness a field of gramme to torture his victim at 10 30 and then kill himself by This will be a race of go from Pronzer CC. were all di missed for 84. Workers Club on the Lawn of horses in the various events which turoing on the gas at eleven. He to finish, and some one runs, thus winning their maideo game the La Boca Silver Clubhouse on start did turn on the gas, but apawa must die out of the hot pace by 51 runs Barnett certainly lost bis the evening of the 14. inst.
which will be set by the Ace of hond in not Van Horn a pronounced has not been seen at the Juan parently he did not like it, and He went Trumps.
he went out and took the train to opening with the ball of ourse Mo: Most of the ladies wore pink; Cortez and Estrella will meet Intosh and he (Barnett) bowlad well but the gents of course they were Franco track since it was opened.
Tonbridge a mile and distance. This Van Hura certainly should have been high strung, and music, under Without retiring, the jury for a race is expected to be one of the first cousidered. The finding of Some the direction of Mr Roger recorded a verdict of wilful mur.
banner events for the day. The ton in short stip was a marval. was all that could be desired.
der against Walker, who was ed: Mrs.
forfitee are just mad over this hoping better luck for the Jamaica Sarah Allen of Quaran.
ADMISSION. 00 committed by the coroner for race, Keen disappointment was next engagement, tine Station is to be heartily trial of the Central Criminal felt last Sunday when the meet The Pioneer CC. will meet the Brie complimented for the able man Court.
ing was postponed on account of tannie at Standard June 18th and ner in which she superintended the many anticipations in this it is hoping that the botter team will the refreshment stalls. The race. They will, however, go to win, but am predioting that Mr. weather was simply delightful Mr. Chas. Harris Sails it to morrow Graban and his merrry buach will have and every body enjoyed a good for Costa Rica.
Sixth Rice As de Oros, May it rather tough.
The STEWART Be, and Merry Morton will meet The Progressive Club begs over the four furlongs. May Be through this medium to tbank Among the passengers who sailed on the Ulua on Wedis an unknown horse in this Benefit Match By Picked all who attended: nesday last for Port Limon, class, and it is being softly Teams.
Costa Rica; was Mr. Charles spoken that he will be seen at Mr. Jos. Northover in Panama Harris, an employee of the hie baut tomorrow. It is the first Through the kindness of the Municipal Engineering Divivija ilme that May Be will be called of the Panama Canal. Mr. Harurge himself to the front cricketers, a benefit match Mr. Joseph Northover, one of amongst horses which are sup being abranged to take place at the Atlantic side Sports was a CLASSES IN ris, who is the Provincial Cor responding Secretary of the posed to be of ur bred. The the Isthmian Park, on Sunday race wili be watched with very July 9th. The two teams will be visitor to Panama yesterday. Joe Central American District of Messrs Elcock and as he is commonly called by his captained much interest.
Spanish, Etc. the Manchester Unity of OddSeventh race. will be four fur. Barnett, and promises to be ono frioads is one of those resever ponsible fellows, has gone we understand for bringing longs and distance and all of the strongest teams ever up of to inspect the lodges water bi its racing pre the entries will be the same as brought together on the Isthmus sond standard on the Isthmus.
jurisdiction in the neighbouring This played for in the first race.
51 16th STREET WEST During Mr. Harris visit to The eight race, Glorita. No Se the augumenting of the funds of The old maa is looking just as the Panama Branch of the fresh as a young fellow of twenty Port Limon, he will also bring and possibly Chagres will die Jamaica Representative AssociaMotive the attention PANAMA CITY furlongs and.
of the West Indians residing there. the lance. The former corrying 120 tion, in the proposed plans of sending a Deputation to Eagland Baptis mal Service at movement of the Jamaica RepreIbs, and the latter 110 lbs.
during the present Church, Panama.
sentative Government AssociaIt is matter of great satis.
tion; having been authorised Disorder at faction, to see the unity of feel.
to collect funds, and to organisa ing West Indians We take great pleasure in in Holy Confirmation at St.
In Memoriam.
such local committee or com Continued from Page on the Isthmus and their deter viting the general public to Peter mittees as he may see necesmination to do all in their power te nd a Baptismal Service which sary in the furtherance of the discovered that the wires had make will be held at the above named To corrow evening at the close In sad and loving memory of Panama Branch of the Associaly was the work of some of the on tbe day of the match, a bum 118th, commencing at June of Sauztened Evensong. The Jour Beloved Son and Husband, tion.
been interrupted. This doubted. Success. It is anticipated that Church on p. Apostolic rite of the Laying on of Walter James Morgan, who convicts which had made the per crowd will be present, and Sandidates who have been study. Rt. Rev. Jas. Craik Morris, in St.
when a large number of Hands will be performed by the departed this life June 17th 1919, a pleasant stay in Port Limon We anticipate for Mr. Harris organised attempt to break loose that the best of sportsman: ing data delonghi na will be Bap: Peter Church, La Boca. All our May he rest in peace. as he is one who carries with and bad succeeded.
ship will be demonstrated, him always a democratic spirit INSPFOTOR MAITHEY Days of sadnese, still comes o er us this will go far to show that tised, by (emersion. Come one, members and friends are hereby of urbanity, so sadly looking ia PROMPT ACTION. there can be unity on any im come all, come on time. Doors heartily invited.
Hidden tears so often flow.
great number of people; whose Mumory keeps you over near us Fortunately, County Inspector portant matter which tends for open at p.
boorish manners make then Matthey who is stationed at the advanerment of the West Be it known albo that there is British Consulate Notice.
Although you died three years ago, intolerable to the cultured man.
Bartica handled the matter Indian element in this communi a Reading Class conducted at We always think of you dear; splendid representative of the promptly and several of the ty.
above named Church at the When our bearts are sad with pain manners.
best they are in West India fugitives were recaptured. Later Good Game For Sunday. day evening at P. precisely at Panamon would nepreciate the No The British Consulate General This world would be a heaven to us mended and the service message information Everybody welcome.
Could you be with us again.
The Jamaica C will meet the reached the city as the detach Sussex CC of Colon on Sunday whereabouts of Mrs. Amelia By his mother, Mre, MemoNOTICE ment referred to under the com.
Bryan, formerly of 39. Martin riam Morgan, and his wife, Mrs.
mand of Captain Cressall was 18th inst, in a friendly game of Dr. Edwards Stable Taken Street, Spanish Town, Jamaica Miriam Morgan.
Mrs. Maynard, Certified about to Isthmian Park to embark on the Colonial cricket at the Over Mrs. Miriam Morgan, Midwife. of La Boca begs to steamer 90: the Settlement that Judging from the past records Mutual Life Assurance 25 Greenwick Park, notify her friends and patrons the previous communication had of both clubs it is hard to pick It will be rememDr. Edwards, that Society Boston that she has returned to ber been incorrect, and that whilst the winner.
bome, House 1029, St. Thomas there had been an organized and bered the Jamaica CC won from indomitable sportman, has again Members of the above named Street, La Boca, and is partially successful attempt by the Sussexs C. two days taken over his string of horses, Dental Notice. ready to fill any engagement the convicts to escape from the match this makes it more im and will for the present carry on Society are hereby reminded entrusted to her, she spent six Settlement, yet there had been portant as the latter are deter the management himself He has the assessment fee due by the mined to regain what they lost promised to do all in his power terminate on death of Alexander Brown, will no violence.
All those persons who were weeks in Colon and during that and the former what the have to bring up the notable string of tha 25th of the being worked on by Dentist time acted for weeks as a Red As stated the detachment did won Those Hilton Howell. are asked to call Cross Narse at the Free Clinic Jamaica horses which were. preseat mouth June.
not leave the city, but this mornGame Starts 12. 000 first pioneers of thoroughbred met bey, who have not yet paid at House 1072, La Boca, Dext with satisfaction for one who is ing if it is necessary. reinforceracers in this country to the area ked to be governed door the Salvation ArmylHall on vacation.
ments will be sent from the city Advertise in The. highes: standard, and that the accordingly.
and have same completed.
to assist in rounding up those public will have all the satisfacWM. DESOUSA HOWELL iugitives who are still at large. man it Pays, If you like beautiful bair tion expected from his stable.
Secretary Dentist. use Creoline Hair Producer, Commercial Evening School is upon to Shorthand, Typewriting, tbe Republic to sent year.
amongst the atto this on Sunday at as SA


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