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Che Pavana Canal Los JUN 26 1922 No.
of were trial four Whilst Whil Watson, for murder.
the spot September meeting Crown die al.
two ground world his until he of the experts, cultivation, and notes where he WAS the COMMITTEE EUROPE IN NO MOOD FRANCE BENJ. WATSON CHARGED APPROVED ATTITUDE TO DISARM AT PRESENT To Considər Desirabllity of To The Allies Set Out WITH KILLING HIS BROTHER Changes in West Indian Speech delivered by Currency: Poincare before Deputies Genoa Conference and Russo GerThis Tragedy is Said to be the The London Morning Post man Treaty Killed Disarma states that as the result of his trom Paris states that France Result of a Dispute Over Land recent visit to the West Indies desire to maintain and accord ment Campaign.
the Hon. Edward Wood, Under with the Allies is very earnest, Left By Father.
Secretary for the Colonies, but France cannot sacrifice ber late cable despatch Which greater uncertainity as regards of State the appointment of a case of flagrant vialation of the recommended to the Secretary rights, and will no act alone in Black River, June The Strail and seized a machette and has just got through from the future than when they start. Departmental Committee to Versailles Treaty, Poincare Elizabeth Circuit Court opened inflicted several wounds on the Genoa states that the nations of ed for the Economic Conference, consider what, if any, ehanges declared in the Chamber of here yesterday. His Honour deceased. His skull was split Europe are in no mood to disarm Consideration of the pro hefren meubstantially to medica disarmament bis elf is out of the systems of the West Indian Courstiese this afternoon on the Munior Busine Baadwej presting through so that the brain could their armies. and no material question for the present owing Colonies and whether any im Government Foreign Policy. There was no case listed for indicted on various parts of the of exposition of Judge. seen.
progress towards reduction provements are required in the land armaments can be expected the League experts believe.
the This was greeted with great eine Weverso body. His ear was facilities for exchange applause by the members ex were gone through. There being existing His jaw bones were The only outstanding excepbetween those colonies and the cepting the Socialists and Com during the next three or line completely smashed up.
years which oc the conflict was going on deceas.
Such is the opinion of disarma. the general refusal of the worla tee Mr. Churchill has tion to what League circles call Mother Country. This Commit munists with some Radicals and Benjamin of murder against now about 120 Deputies in all dissent curred only two days before, ed ba vled oota to disarm is League Manions and the thembers of the Conference. But for the natia appointed ing the sitting of the Court, His Several people around the vicini.
The Hon. Ormsby Gure, Honour decided to adjourn the ty based the cry and started temporary mixed Commission on tive of the United in Sea tesut pe who accompanied to France wants nothing but the present sitting until the 23rd go to the scene.
Armaments, ernment.
Mr. execution it is man named through which the League is record of disarmament since the Wood on his tour) will be Chal Treaty, and desires resumption chance of being tried in this reaca the spot On nesring the. the of the Versailles instant so as to give prisoner the Alex Benton was the first to spot he saw deceased coming The commission, created in mer enemy countries, would be will include Sir James Stevenson but cannot overlook the ferment!
Benton accosted bin League otticials personalade viser tosinbes Secret of hatred against France in It is alleged that prisoner and away.
September, 1920 by the first virtuail blank.
to assembly of the League, will end assert the only action that could turn the date presentsiness ques Germany, added the Premier. his brother. James atoonde and demanded his return Prisoner refused to its work next June, when a final bring about general disarma. Condial, da na the tatives 20kbe He gave a pledge that France ceased, had an altercation over Royal Bank of not attend a political con piece of land report will be drawn up for the ment within the next five years Capada, the West Ladia Commit ference at the Hague, but said he possession deceased had Daturn, but Banton held accused ears and took him back to the spot.
Only would be another Washington te the sion for many Southern Peplies have been recals conference bed code comedy Agents for contesto out the Gevernment was willing to Treasury coming into possession of same oa reaching the spot deceased ved date to questionaire supported by the United States.
lates. Governor of a. the West Indian assist the Allies, Neutrals, and through the death of his father was not unconscious Bantor League experts are convinced colony one Member of parlia. former enemies by sending ways existed between the months ago by the League to its titty one that America great influence ment, and two representatives French experts to the Confer brothers from childhood as des members, asking for detailed morally, commercially and finan. of the Colonial Office.
IN DYING CONDITION father had made him asked him who had committed!
information on the present size cially throughout the inquiry is expected to extend ence of experts on June 15, war would compel the nations to re over a period of two months.
and the rest of his (deceased the act. Daceased replied that of armies, the amount of reconstruction of father s) to believe material on hand and contem duce their armies when etorts plated reductions. All the big of the League, which is made up The position with regard to the propos si bletiori chokha ropne pribor Childrene bio bolie voor vras his brother Belain what United States in the opinion of the father world powers, with the exception of and is the instrument of these West Indian currency is dec ded. Poincare and the Genos Con came in possession of the on to accused who became viodeath. deceased had done it. Banton then held of Russia and the United States, states, would fail.
ly anomalous. The Caribbean pro lent.
Banton continued to bola to whom the questionnaire was prisoner was colonies are supplied with silver ference was a failure politically perty, but alway: him District Constable Unconfirmed estimates recent coins similar to those in circula but a success from the financial contending that he (prisoner Smith came on the scene, wher. had a claim to some portion sonable frankness in the opinion Alergasbord other more that there tion in the United Kingdom with and economic viewpoint.
he handed him over to the 1, 000, 000 arendo Europe to day than just thinte al cospecially when Berlist penny Germany only understands the property. He, the prisoner, district constable, who took hime a portion of land from to the Black River lock up.
the argument of force. said the RECENT CONFERENCE. previous to the war. This figure Guiana Accounts, however are Premier in conclusion, The built a pig stye deceased for Daceased was also immediately The Genoa Conference and the takes into account the wiping kept in dollars and cents and best way to secure peace is the land, taken up and sent to the public Russo German Treaty, in the out of the German aroy.
Iscal of varying values are keep up ourviligance and using deceased materials for hospital here, Since it began its campaign for in circulation.
estimation of the commission The question of strength.
the building of attended to by Dr.
have dealt a serious blow to the League has made successive recent meeting of the Associated to.
the Disarmament Campaign that accused pull down the accused was Infor futile attempts to call a world Emembers tons contre ressociated pellations can be pure it om poltery Pussday morning and demanded son. He died during the operaby reaching the con Indies, held in Trinidadaad indicates representatives of the trol of private manufacture and when it was decided to Presid to: of French troops from Upper hizmetine. same seine hellino Sergeant Major Lawrenced that he accused, had Silesia declared that the French claim to anything as he was not a Committee of inquiry.
Inspector Dodd proceeded to countries are leaving Genoa with traffic in arms.
What is desired is the institu done their hest to insure peace sent. the remarks, and imme. place, to make the troops there as well as here have us father son. Accused re the spot where the tragedy took necessary tion of a West ladies coinage, which we have beea too easily diately urow a rail from the enguiries.
Third Circuit Com Boy Scouts Given the profits from which estimated accused of compromising. stye and struck deceased a ter Daceased was a respectable at many thou saods of pounds per Badges.
pletes 1st Payment do not hesitate in saying tridte blow on his head Daceas. man, and had been tately macriannum should be assigned for the benefit of the Colonies con the Premier declared, that we ed fell to the ground and imme ed. Accused has a wife and diately accused flung away the several chuidren.
cerned. That coinage it is urged are peace best defenders, Of Depositors of Panama Impressive Address De should be based on the decimalis The best way to maintain Banking Company. livered by Commander local Com peace in mission which sat in British Raine, as well as anywhere, and Attempted Case of Boy Meets Terrible Guiana some months ago adopted every where is not to separate Oa Tuesday evening last, Mr. recommendations in this sense peace from the enforcement of It is indeed a pleasure to Suicide Death re. IC. Harris, Commissioner of and port that the Third Circuit Court the Boy Scouts movement in this should consist of the florin, halt a durable and prosperous peace proposed that the local coins treaties. The first condition for of this District. completede itthe city inspected the two compa Poria, quarter florin, ten mit is not to base such a peace upon Woman Tried to Take Her Three Miles From Santa, first payment of the depositors nies of Scouts operating in this piece and five two and one mill the disregerd of treaties and the of the Panama Banking Cruz.
city put pieces. violation of international law.
Life by Hanging pany, on Thursday last. All the the boys ne through several exercises anxiety and fear of the deposi demonstrated very telegraph despatch from im On Monday last, at about 10. 30 tora in connection with reaktis para provement in ta.
Mrs, Maria de la Cruz Pereira, Santa Cruz dated June 10 states At a fatal accident has occurred in over, a Martha of confidence have been expres the the seconde de der demonstratiloCapitalists To Invest In British Guiana. residing to make the Street Boys sed by the majority of depositors ester of the the district of Leeds tempted to take ber life by three miles from this town.
presented the hanging From what could be gathered, who have that panies to It is reported that the unfor the victim, Linton Varnols, a boy Insitution; and are satisfied that stating the number of those who the Commissioner, who are members of an exceed.
FOR DEVELOPMENT ingly powerful capitalists group tunate woman who is supposed of about 12 years old. was in Messrs Isaac Brandon never intended to treat them had earned cervice badges for Rendy to Take up Bonds to in London are prepared to take to be suffering from melancholia.
with another company 28. was found in her room suspend. They went to water a cow and boy, up uonds to the extent of of and badly. But that such the Extent of 3, 000, 000 or 000, 000 or 4, 000, 000 to carry out ed from the rafters, and almost donkey. 4, 000, 000.
The Commissioner addressed works for the general develop in a dying condition.
Relative to the matter Judge the boys, impressing upon them ment of the colony.
Her husband is away in CoVallarino, and Mr, Raun expe what was expected of On returning the cow, on lumbia and she has been trying which was a long rope, took dited the business of the bank, Scout, the necessity of discipgood They will provide the to get him home. It is said that tright and galloped away.
Viscount Dunsford, part. and undertake the contracts.
The they and their efficient stať1 ne and a sound moral character nor in the firm of Messrs The proposed is to end of the rope around deserves meeda dhe printese for The badges were pinned on the Wilde ana Co. Contractors, as much interese, charmeuing pay his way. it is up to the Varnols feel and made fusta.
10 work successful ones, which they have present ed so as to assist the poor depo were addressed by Mr. Case, Civil Engineer and col. tions of the British Guiapa five appenuch to state of Frenzy and and when stopped it was found a mystery what has The cow dashed down a very worked 30 sitors who were suffering, as Stewart. depend at the pre incident sent time, entirely on their small performances was, one of the about regrettable Lowellyn Evans 0; million dollar loan now sa bascribe have concluded this rash act, that the unfortunate boy had the evening provedneten Demerara recently od at a therexan boef one million England dollars will met.
but it must be admitted that been trightfully injured about savings to weather the tide of was stripped from Providence alone saved her from the which the brain hardships through which this This of his on important Lord is an untimely was oozing, neck and body, many Country is Scoat colours and disgraced for mission to Beltish Guiana where son of the 1st Earl of Middleton: boy on the premises found bones having been smashed.
they into negotiationHe as Captain Shortly after being taken up arrangements the out unusual vibration of at that with of Courtoire de long, with the uniform of the Scout to immoral colony for the rn mexecution that someo Yeomanry and was men: building. and looked into her he expired, despatches, assistance rendered by Mr. Mor dances, and that he had commit works and municipal schemes, received the Legion to also room and saw her in this condi. The saw the body and of Honour tion.
with clocklike precision. The regulations.
rice, worked splendidly, and ted other acts contrary to the Their proposals will not be decoration and Military Oros 00. He reported the matter to ordered burial.
officer Gordon of the National highest courtesy was shown to restricted to any particular for gallantry, Mr.
ho Police who went in and with the depositors in receiving their of work but will include execu accompanies British Consulate Notice.
the party as con some assistance took the body checques, and all tue cierks in All persons in arrears with tion of any undertaking for the suiting engineer is Set Defence down. Ehe rushed to The Acting British Consul at he Court offies did all that was subscription to the Workman improvement and development Expert for British Guiana the Santo Tomas Hospital for treat Colon would be glad if Mrs.
of the With to sea defence of which were ment, and will be carefully Ethel Mendoza, who is sald humanly possible to render them settlement not later than the inancial arrangements it is erected according to plans pre watched to see if she develops reside in Colon, will call at tha Continued on Page 30th of the present month (June. understood that these gentlemen pared by him.
any sign of insanity.
Consulate as soon as possible.
tee sed stye.
on went where Comwere and much is about com.
comBros. is misfortune of business, the conduct money of sbe very have to boys head. passing The tioned in linel Case was to


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