
PAGE TWO THE WORKMAN SATURDAY, JUNE 24, 1928 Interesting News from, The West Indian Islands TALK OF THE TOWN until.
working on the S Wave of the of Everyone After Those Real LUCKY STRIKE!
CASH PRIZES. direction 1st PRIZE 250. 00 Gold a 24 OTHER REAL CASH PRIZES cut Panama Hardware still JAMAICA tragedy, and that the deceased Wright is arrested in conalso had ease in court, the section withe the death of result of which he feared. Keturah Williams, young woman who resided at 50 Smith Chinaman, Charged with Shooting Lad Lititz Sisal Factory. Laseround whole lifeless body on Railway at Hunt Bay on Tuesday Lititz, May 31. The weather day Gleaner. with a cut on morning, as stated in yesterThe Death of Edwin Brown here has been exceedingly dry the throat and soveral other cuts at a Place Called Dump: and hot for the past two months, the All the private tanks and some over the body, The Alleged Facts: of those of the Parochial Board According to the statements have gone dry The parish poliected by the Saint Andrew SHOT BY WILLIE CHEN tahk at Junction is without any house at about o clock on Police, the water. and the people the Monday night in the best of Never Before Has Contest Caused So Sald to Have Been Killed parish tanks at Litiz bas also health, and nothing more was actually suffering. One of the Mon Pano And the water in the seen or heard of her Whlle in Act of Robbins ne drzi noted the monterer shath a body was found at Punto Bay.
her other Shopkeeper Fowke. week. The tank at the reservoir before the Halfway Tre Court The will be taken Much Talk to supply such to day, ACCUSED ARRESTED. bumbar kod umblu reach who are reservoir in connection with the Litite Fibre Sudden Death.
Christiana, June There Factory is gone down fally excitement feet. It is feared that if the continues throughout this neighbourhood weather dry The Gleaner of the 1st inst for yesterday, when news another week, that an actual says. Yesterday morning Mary spread far and wide that lad water lamine will be the result. Swaby young woman of about eigbteen, named Edwin The Lititz Sisal Factory is about 30 years of age, and a Brown, was shot by Willie Chen, nearing completion. The work domestic servant employed to Chinaman, and died shortly is the capable hands of Mr. Mrs. Stephenson, at 60 Lower afterwards.
Eustace Rose, builder of Kings. Elletson Road died suddenly at It bas been alleged that the ton, and Cawood, a resi her employer residence.
The The bady of the deceased was with another boy named Harold is in the capable hands of Mr, taken to the Public Mortuary.
Shorter; were were seen by district Burgess who knows all there where later in day Dr. Lawson constable McPherson, Russell is to know about sisal. He has Gifford, MO. for Kingston and Watkin about 11. 30 on effected several improvements post mortem performed the Saturday evening, coming from since his advent here in Febru examination and ordered burial.
Coley ville and and going in the ary: The building and machinery op Dump, where Chen of the factory are supplied by does business.
Messrs. Robey and Comp. Ltd. BARBADOS They were asked by the con. of England, and will be capable stable why they were out at such of turning out tons of Abre late bour, and he advised them per day when completed.
The tod. mende Steamship Service to go home to their mother. management hopes to to commence They made no reply. Shorter decorticating in June or July stated that the deceased Brown, The machinery is being brought To Link up the West Inhad a flashlight and he asked over by the plantation 5 ton dian Islands.
bim to accompany him. After truck from Kingston It is under Teaching Dump, they went under stood that there are fully 400 it is acres ready to be annual meeting of the alleged caught a fowl which with another 400 following close Barbados a Chamber ng com they took to banana field on. This, in itselt, will afford merce held recently, Mr. 1, adjoining the shop, and tied it work constantly for about 300 Austin in the course of his up there.
people. It is marvellous to note remarks said They went back for a second the resisting powers of the sisal freely admit that the prefowl and the bird made a poise plant against the sun; the only sent time is not favourable for ;WILKINSON which awoke the Chinaman, spot in the whole savannahs is the contribution of subsidies, who fired. shot through the 1, 000 acres of sisal. Several of and we mast our coat CONTRACTOR BUILDER window of bis room. They both the small settlers within three according to our cloth. but the ran and a second shot was tired miles of the factory are putting desirability of After having gone a few chains, all their waste lands in sisal, satisfactory and efficient British Plans and Specifications Free First Class Workmanship establishing. Sborter found Brown was miss with a little help from the Gov. Mail and Passenger service with Main Store: Plaza Catedral ing, and prceeded to his Short ernment. Fully two miles of the United exists. 5th Street Was House 99 er home.
tramway have been laid to take Fortunately placed in the preBranch: 125, Central Avenue Later the Chipaman called to the sisal right inside the factory.
his boys and sent them to the and thus reduce the expense tot sent as are Demerara, Tainidad Box 411, Panama, banana fiold, as he had seen handling. small motor engine Windward and Leeward Islands. of the shadow in that direction, The will be used.
ANNOUNCE should not be forgottop. In mat boys went and found Brown at office which was for sbou edhe poo Emporium, Watson distance of about five chains years at of this sort our motto JUAN ILLUECA of, lying on the ground, gasping be removed to a central spot on it is understood, will should be, gentlemon to stand as Attorney. at. Law deem it most advisable that No. 44 Central Avenue and he immediately reported the system will be established. This belosa be made to link up JsTELEPHONE No. 64. BOX No. 76 They went and informed Chen. the farm. When a bli telephone when in the future a service is established, every effort to district constable is very necessary wben it is McPherson, who accompanied considered the magnitude of maica witb the other British him to the spot, and there they business to be done by the sisa! West Indian Islands, Jamaica is Practices in all Courts of found Brown lying dead with factory alone. to say nothing of one of the most keez and enthu Paran his face turned downwards. other conveniences. It is under Siastic of these islands, who English Spoken Fluently Chen was then arrested and stood that the owner of the All sire to see West Indian CoContractors and Builders will be charged with murder, He was gator pond Wharf is making ex: operation and Unity, but owing greatly benefited by paying a visit brought to the station here at tensive improvements to meet to the lack of Steamship Comabout 12 16 and handed over to the volume of shipments that munication, we are berett of her Ish and English for sale at the Rent Receipt Books In SpanCorporal Beckford, who pro is expected as a consequence of counsels at most of our meetings to these stores.
ceeded to the spot and took the the establishment of this factory. and denied also the personal Workman Printery.
necessary statements.
On Sunday morning at about intercourse with her people. In of this year, o clok, a post mortem examina Woman Body, Throat the eatly thesses blant and Fyffes placed tion was held by the MO. Cut, found on Railway a Passenger Steamer on the who extracted the bullet which Lines.
West Indian route to include Ja had lodged in the chest of the maica, and although nothing is deceased.
The first ballet was known as to the result of that picked up about three yards The Gleaner states that the voyage, hope it will illustrate from the shop.
dead body of a young woman the practicability of Jamaica No 1, 29th Street East, Calidonia Cuatro Inspector Purchas and detec of about twenty five years of being included in any West Intive Ray on came up this age, whose name is unknown, dian Itinerary. OPPOSITE THE IRON GATE)
morning from Mandevule to was found on the Railway make further investigations at Hunt Bay. The woman The prisoner was taken by them throat was cut and she also Director For Public to Mandeville, where the pre several cuts about examination body.
will be The matter was reported to the held.
St. Andrew police, who went on the scene and took charge of the Among other messages reMAN FOUND HANGING. Edwards. DMO, for cently sent to the House of bodyLater day Dr.
Lower St, Andrew, attended at Assembly from His Excellency Belief that Anderson Killed Huni Bay and performed the the Governor was one express ing the inability of the Secretary Himself.
post mortem examination of State for the Colonies to proUp to a late hour last evening cure trained Civil Engineer for St. Ann Bay, June 9, woman was not identified.
the body of the unfortunate the post of Director of Publici young man named Daniel An.
derson (alias Cole) was found ing enquiries into the matter. the Legislsture and The St Andrew Police is mak Works at the salary of 800 a year fixed by NOI SUBSTITUTES banging in bis residence at USED Gully Road, this morning.
whether the House would be pre It is alleged that he carefully. Police Take Wilfred Wright pared to waive the folded a sheet, and made use of and accept such a man as the Only the purest and most genuine Drugs comColonial Office could procure it as a rope to hang himself In Custody In Connec.
with. He also left the door fion With Woman Death at the salary offered. The mes wide open. before commitsing pounded by a reliable Pharmacist of over sage has been referred to a Committee of the House to draft a The house is very near the Hunt Bay Tragedy reply. If the House are well 40 years experience road.
30 that passers by could advised they would not waive the see the body without going later issue of the qualification nor would they WILLIAM de SOUSA, Proprietor.
into the house. paper states that detective De increase the salary as at present large number of persons haney, of St. Catherine, arrested there is not urgent need for the Olsen have taken charge of the body. about 32 years of age, and an remains open will save the Gov.
It is alleged that there was a ex contingent man of Spanish ernment a few hundred pounds.
dove affair at the root of the Town on a charge of murder. Continued on Page 3)
Advertise in the Workman. It pays.
ters soon a whole.
General Reduction in their prices batter eno de THE IDEAL PHARMACY line bad Himinary ber Drugs Patent Medicines Perfumes, Soaps etc. etc. asking qualification suicide.


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