
TEE WORKMAN SATURDAY, JUNE 24, 1922 PAGE THREE West Indian News. Contuurd from page 9)
Shortage of Water International Banking Corporation COR Pehlic attention is directed to an (dicial o tice which states that the Rier of the Water works Departient in quence of th continued short of water has beer authorised to sł at off the supply from any district from time to time during such part of the day as may be necesary to eke out the supply.
Be ore the water is shut off from any particular district notice will beg en as to the length of ti e the pipes will he closed held SPAIN After PORTO RICO Chea. Trips to Canada Thy Royal Mail Steam Packet Company are issuing return tickets between this port and Canada for 195 minimum during the ssmmer season commencing wi the Cbaleur leaving here on the 25th instant for St. John and available for return from Car ada up to the departure of ih Chignecto leaving Halifix on October 27th.
Tobago, info DEMERARA British Guiana and Its Needs.
IN OUR COLON STORE ONLY over hat the the under business in the new premises at Water Street on the 6th proximo.
Capital and Surplus 10, 000, 000 Undivided Profits over 6, 000, 000 The new building which is.
very olaborate one. is nearing completion. all cages, etc. haying been already erected. The transfer of fittings from the present promises will be made on the 3rd and 6th proximo, Head Office: 60 WALL STREET, New York City Owned by The NATIONAL Cnry BANK Or New YORK TRINIDAD Trinidad Fruit InDepository of the PANAMA CANAL dustry.
At general meeting of the Trinidad Agricultural Socety, Direct Representations through our own Branches and those of on March 8th, Mr.
THE NATIONAL CITY BANK OF NEW YORK in Freeman the Director of Agriculture, read ENGLAND FRANCE ITALY BELGIUM paper on the subject of the establishment of a truit industry CHINA JAPAN INDIA JAVA STRAITS SETTLEMENTS PHILLIPINES in Trinidad stating that ARGENTINE BRAZIL CHILE JUBA PERU it was recognised that tropical fruits an said that quality could be URUGUAY AND VENEZUELA grown both Trinidad and from the time of the Governor 10.
Correspondents in all the Trade Centers and Ports of the World ship of Sir William Robinson efforts bad been made in the establishment of a fruit indusSU try, the first practical step hav.
been taken by Mr.
ESPECIALLY EQUIPPED FOR FINANCING AND PROMOTING INTERNATIONAL COMMERCE Symington, of the British West Indian Fruit Syndicate, in 1903, who formulated scheme in INTEREST PAID ON SAVINGS ACOOUNTS AT PER CENT. PER ANNUM which growers were assisted and arrangements made for shipment. The results were pot ficancially successful, the reason for the failure given by the shipping syndicate being Lack of knowltivation, har amongst trust that before long the growers of the much talked of railway will be vesting and handling of fruit.
started, for, once let the capita The inferior quality of much list of this country grasp the of the fruit and its upsuitability fact of the vast resources of the for outside markets, colony in timber, gold, diamonds Want of transport organisa tion.
the and money to be made by To make room for new stock coming in shortly, we establishment of cattle ranches Expenses incurred in ex have arranged on the large savannahs, feel perimental and educational work.
more than hopeful that In 1906, a contract was enterCrown money to construct the railway ed into through will be found. Be sure of this Agents between the Govern it the English capitalist does not ment and syodicate, And it, the American will. For which a subsidy was granted to the cate. This was termimuch interested in the colony, nated by the syndicate in 1907.
and are becoming more so every Quite recently the matter was year.
again taken up, the formation of At the moment what is most Co operative Fruit Growers required is the dredging. of the Association being proposed, ia bar and improvement in guiding: point of view of which the follights to the port, for until this lowing desiderata for successful is done there can be little or no trade were given by Mr. Free improvement in steamer commu. central depot in Portolnication with outside countries.
Better cable communicat! on is to the ground also greatly needed if business provisions depot) to which fruit with other countries is ese can be consigned to be brought on successfully on moi outright. The depot to have dern lines.
proper facilities for receiving capital, a good supply purchasers.
orders and distributing fruit to of lah ur. and Government obtained by an extension of the might be EXCEPTIONAL VALUES watchtal over its expenditure, business of the present depot, there is no place know of with which preferably should have greater possibilities than British Guiana. suitable premises provided with window in wbich fruit The Demerara Argosyofth could displayed in an attrac18th May says manner: cultivation and proper situation continues to be serious and there is likelihood bus handling of the fruits to e sure several businesses going into the good condition.
hf their reaching tha consumer in COLON hands of the Oficial Receiver within the next few days. Dur The necessary steps to estabing the week several on lish a fruit industry appeared to Freeman to be: were filed by creditors at Registrar Ofice for Receiving chase and sale of fruit through a Arrangements for the pur.
Resolution of Sympathy Orders against debtors.
central depot. possibly as a development of the Government Bargains! Bargains. Bargains. WHEREAS The Great and Supreme In connection with the Bel Air Ground Provisions Depot. Fruit Ruler of the Universe iso in His infinite Park (Demerara) Housing could be sent in from any rail wisdom removed from among wone of scheme, it is understood that His way or steamer by after and its value received the our worthy and esteemed Brothers and Excellency the Governor we fellow labourers GO TO THE PANAMA BARGAIN HOUSE in the person of discussing the brothe sender by means of an order on matter with the Joseph Beckford, Hon. Mayor, the collector Primrowe Lodge No. 10100, G, 0, has decided to appoint a jin done already for ground provi: NO When you wish a cheap, but decent Suit (complete. working aittee of committee of members of under the Committee the sions and bananas. Fruit could Management, England, who departed Legistature and Town Council to be delivered to the consumer as hats, hose, collars, ties, and so forth.
this life on the 9tb, day of May 1922, consider and report thereon. with ground provisions now.
AND WHEREAS the long and An attractive display of fruit intimate relatione beld with him in The management of the George should be made in Portof Spain faithful discharge of his duties in this town branch of the Colonial and efforts made to render good Also cheap Cots for the weary Traveller Lodge make eminently befitting that Bank has decided to commence (Continued On Paya 7) our REFORE BE IT RESOLVED: our appreciation of Him. That the wisdom and abiliny which he Address. MULLER BUILDING exercised in the aid of our organisation by service, contribution and otherwise be CALIDONIA held in grateful remembrance, RESOLVED FURTHER: That the RESOLVED sudden removal of such a life from our When all other things are midst, we have met with great and irreparable loes, and leaves a shadow and equal, it is the woman who vacancy that will be deeply realized by looks good to the eye that All the members that we have lost sa finds favour CALLE No. caracet, energetic and indifatigable worker both in the ranks. and as an Fashionable clothes will Officer: that was beloved by all ail who certainly add to your apPRIVATE ACADEMY came in contact with him for his perpearance and enhance your sonality is a. and Brother, loveliness in society, so it is BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED to your advantage to choose That with deep sympathy with the English Classes bereaved relatives of the decessed the right Dressmaker.
PRETTY STYLES AND brother, we expreus our hope that even For Young Ladies 6 as great a los to us all, may be overFINE WORKMANSHIP AND FOR BOYS 7 ruled for God by Him who doeth all things weil, The Woman Exchange FURTHER RESOLVED: That Mon Tues. Thurs. Fridays. copy of these resolution: be spread on DRESSMAKERS the Recorde of our Lodge; copy be BARTON, forwarded to the bereaved relatives and No. Tivoli Road, Panama a copy be snt to the local newspapers for publication ANN THOMAS, Prop.
VERY LARGE REDUCTIONS IN TWEEDS SERGES LININGS man Spain (similar carried on Given This show American Bazaar the financial tive mar The call (By JOHN LAING)
Mr. John Lsing, who was born in Berbice, was in the Colonial Bank from 1871 until 1894 when he went to Demo tars as Joiut Attorney of Messrs. Sand bach, Parker and Co. In 1904 be be came Managing Director of the British Guisoa Bank, which position be con tinued to fill after that institution was taken by the Royal Bank of Canada, until 1919, when he retired Between 1914 and 1919 be filled many pub.
lic positions, and served as a Member of the Combined Court and Executive Council of British Guians. He recently revisited the Colony, and now records some of his impressions below.
After an absence of very near.
ly three years, found Demerara changed in many ways, and greatly missed many old faiends especially amongst the social and Owing to the sudden fall in mercantile community the price of sugar, rum, and rice the was quite prepared for depres.
sion all round, but found things much worse than expected.
However, this is not not the first time that the colony of British Guiana has been face to face face with serious crisis in its his.
tory, and it will, am sure, emerge from the present one stronger and more stable both agriculturally and commercially than in past years. If so, then out of evil will come good. Over speculation in local shares, will cease, and lessons learnt during 1920 21 will prove of great use to the whole community am glad to say that the labouring population have taken the whe necessary reduction in wages, both on the wharves in Georgetown and on the sugar estates, in a good spirit, and so far there has not been as much trouble as there has been, and still is, in this country.
Much is expected to accrue, not only to British Guiana, but to the West India Islands also.
from the recent visit of the representative from the Colonial Office and the searching inquir ies held as to the tion of these colonies and future possibilities. The visit of Sir Edward Davson, and the keen interest taken by him all that concern India Islande and the will. am sure, bear good fruit in the near future, but in any ouse he deserves the shanks of all colonists in these Would that we had more men ready and capable in assisting in the re construction and building up of the economic and commercial life of these old and valuable colonies!
British Guiana is, in my opinion, capable of great expansion It can largely develop its sugar if only given fair play: the rice industry is suited in every way to attract large num bers of East Indians, and can be greatly expanded. therefore hope that the deputation Bent from India will report favour ably as to the status of the East Indian in British Guiana and the suitability of climate, with the result of a steady flow of a labourers into the colony from India, by which the sugar and rice industries will benefit.
The interior of British Guiana its but little known owing to want of communication, but petitions Mr.
station depot, present condi destes and their the British Guiana we placas Consider Your Appearance man,


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