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Big Explosion at Balboa Shops Two Instantly Killed MURDER CHARGE LAID AGAINST CHINESE LAD me.
a was death shop yards were assistant to a coop bis the noise, PANTRY BOY HANGED FOR KILLING LADY WHITE and Badly Wounded Jacoby Was Grateful to Prison Bodies of Dead Men Torn to Pieces Accused Committed to Take His Officials for Kindness and And Scattered Between Bits Trial at Manchester Circuit Met Death Calmly.
Of Metal and Twisted Tool Court, Jamaica.
Young Henry, Jacoby. the these tew lines to thank you and INVESTIGATION STARTED TO The Gleaner states that the banana walk nearby and that eighteen year old pantry boy. all the officers who have looked preliminary investigations into they should go and see what convicted of the murder of Lady after me since have been here.
White in a the charge of murder against they were. The boys returned FIND OUT THE CAUSE OF West End private If you would not be put to any Willie Chen a young Chinese, 18 saying they had seen hotel, on March 15, has paid the years of age was held at Manpenalty of his crime on the inconvenience, would like you EXPLOSION.
deville at special fixture, MAN DYING scaffold in Pentonville Prison.
to thank those men for before his Honour Mr. Har in the banana field. Accused and Once again thanking you for all Jacoby remained calm to the the kindnes of you all. Youra vey Clarke, the new Resident one of his countrymen accomond.
obediently, Jacoby.
Wbat is said to be one of the The cause of the explosion Magistrate for Manchester.
panied by others (witnesses for When Ellis, the The allegations against Chen the Crown) hastened to one and his assistant entered the EXECUTED IN TEN SECONDS curred yesterday morning at going to press. The tank it is was that he committed murder McPherson, a district Constable most calamitous accidents oc. remains a mystery up to time of cell His falr, curly bead was often about 45 at the Balboa Botler stated. was operated with oxygen by shooting Edwin Brown at who resided not far away and breath, sighed deeply, and took a liked him for his quiet grateful Mechanical Division causing the as the result would surely have in the parish of Manchester, on Accused little unsteadily, caught his bowed in prayer, and the officials Shops Ward No. albool the luckily it was not a gas cetylino, Dumbo a district at Coleyville reported what had taken place.
subsequently step or two forward. momen. manner.
tary look of sadness came over Later, at the prison inquest, and seriously injuring four the 3rd Jane last, the Hon, Aarrested and showed from his instantaneous death of two men been much worse.
The explosion which badly Smith appeared for the room how the firing fron his his face as he was being pl Major Blake stated that from others.
damaged everything in close accused.
revolver was done. Accused nioned.
the time Jacoby left the con proximityalso blew of a He glanced at the chaplain demned cell to From the facts gathered it of the 75 feet high poor portine Mr. Nethersole. Clerk of stated that he thought there taking appears that a large number of the Courts instructed by Isopoctroying his fowls.
were dogs under his house des who had constantly attended place was under ten seconds. He men were engaged at work on a him during his time in prison, stopped for Conducted the It even after the corpses and tor Purchas, a moment on the big boiler job when the oxygen wounded men were removed and prosecution. The enquiry lasted On the conclusion of the eviand a smile of gratitude flicker way to the scafford to thank tapk from. them their kindness, and drawing which they were the debris cleared away pieces from the opeuing of the Court dence, Mr. Smith urged that for of buman flesh could be steadily to the scatola a few said he was satisfied with the suddenly exploded.
As many seen until 30 there was neither a case of away.
justice his sentence. No clinging walls of the eight witnesses tostified for the murder nor manslaughter for The deads are: Johnson, shop and all around beyond the boy Counsel for the defence. The deceased came to his deatbrinis from the Crown and were cross examined the accused to answer; that crowd of three or four hun hitch of any kind occurred. American who were directing Spot of the explosion dred people gathered outside the His father, Henry Jacoby, the work and Gooding, Barprison, and when the clock identified his body, and Immediately after the explo evidence went to show that misadventure, and that no prima stated badian who struck nine many uncovered.
sion, that he was a silver plater Mr. Johnson.
works in the boiler shop accused was a clerk for Wong, facie case could be established Before the crowd by was suspended for the remain Another Chinese, a relative of against accused.
cleared trade. His full name was Henry The injured are: F, Gibson, der of the day. The fire departa his. Accused had some fowls in Arguments between Council away a well dressed an appear. Julius Jacoby, and he was eigh and Campbell, Americans, ment of Balbos was probator Satuday night. 3rd June accused would have to commit accused to under ed carrying sandwich boardsteen years eleven months old. said to be seriously damaged in on the spot sbop at Dump and the Bench followed.
And the After business was closed osed on His Honour decided that he bearing the words Humanity, Personally, he did not know that the leg. Lewis, Matiniquian, from Balboa Dispensary Civilization, crossed through in he was employed as a pantry hurt in the left limb and arrived on the spot in double heard sounds as if something take his trial and leave it to the red ink.
boy or that he was in London. Brown, Barbadian, fracture of quick time it is expected that was interlering with the fowls Attorney General as to what Jacoby was genuinely grateful field road St. Albans.
His last known address was Hat the right arm.
the injured men may recover as they were making a for the kindness of the prison The explosion on account of its It is proper Believing that dogs were under course he would pursue in the Officials to bim, as this letter Mr. Smith made a strong that he wrote to Major Blake, against the execution were recei consternation among the em. ed an investigation of the sad window of his room galtest the cod deters protesting unustalla violence caused great authorities have forth with start the shop, he fred two successive matter.
He called appeal to His Honour for bail but the prison governor, shows. ved in one morning by Messrs. ployees of the boiler plant who occurrence but it is believed that to some boys who slept in an the application was refused: His Dear Sir am just writing the Continued on page nothing definite as to ghantly scene of mutilated bodi cause may be forthcoming in geen shadows passing away tv a for his refusal.
im outroum, saying, that he had Honour giving serious reasons of dead men lying on the flour view of the fact that the two men Jackson Steam (ATLA BOCA CLUBHOUSE scattered among bit of metal and tank and who were nearest the Hugs Docks for Sout. The Lucky Strike to twisted mechanics tools while scene of the explosion Laundry Lecture Extraordinary wounded men groaned for help men who were killed outright hampton.
in heart rending tones.
whilst on the job.
With each increase in the size of liners, the dock accommodaGETTING WARM There may be many and BRILLIANT LARGE tion at Southampton, England, We had the pleasure of paying a various answers to this question.
has been extended, or rather it One of the most talked of visit to the Jackson Steam Think it over Form an opinion. RECEPTION NUMBER should be stated that the develop topics in local circles is Laundry at Cristobal Colon, dur tben attend the lecture to mor.
ment at Southampton docks his Lucky Strike contest offered ing the week, and were at once row afternoon and hear Mr.
always been in advance of the struck with the capacity of the the Bible Greets the Prince of Wales Boyce, present Of Men Sentenced For place and the volume of work answer; it will surely wbich actual necessities. schemerid by the British American To interest tarned out. This laundry keep you.
On His Return Home.
of new docks which will accomo comes off on August 15th next.
now on foot for the construction bacco Company, and about 105 employees busily Thi modate not only the biggest have laid aside all other brands Smokers in general seem to working and the prompt and This lecture was received with.
Great popular celebrations On Monday last, it was a pain boats now aflost but as many of cigarettes and are puffing speedy execution of the orders delivered by the same speaker com a Wards the means to fulfibo. Prome him to see ea de re nu pober more of the largest possible Lucky Strike, determined to puli is amazing. We wonder how it at Paraiso Clubhouse last Sun nis Wangs and the colder runt Sterm of amerno hand in the day of the operation size as are likely to be construct down the first prize of 250. 00 all is five long wonderful Eastern their from the gold the Gombos the entire staff at the Jackson o clock. large attendance is series jetties is stand around and listen to the Steam Laundry are all elicient anticipated. All seats free, and His Royal Highness progreso making investigation contemplated, and the scheme argumenten er endome of these employees who are satisfied with there will be no collection. through with it was stated includes construction their job and do it well because Mr. Boyce will speak again at interest and some anxiety, and were all convicted at the Magis of new graving, doc koster larger ligukera lighthey strikes Lieky and. Luck. the pleasure which his reception trate Court forvagrancy: than anything at present avail. woat use they intend to make they are all paid about 25 per Paraiso Clubhouse next Monday ot cent more wages than any other night on the al important sub by the Japanese has aroused, Sixteen of whom able. These graving docks will that 250. 00.
basiness of its kind on the Istbject Where Aro The Dead. has been succeeded with a grow Indians and the others Pans enable repair work to be carried One smoker was heard to reing enthusiasm as it is the desire manians.
out on the largest liners; The Police officer in charge their facilities are to be suppli Calidonia road that competition and mark the other night on the rousing Theco proprietate de Jackson is Surrey e Versus Briken home draws towards realisation. The tea tehe ya de la courteous and affable at have continuously lived at the Important yelopments are also cruisor Renown Cristobal nic CC commends the respect and ad.
to reach Plymouth on the labour camps. The Government Liverpool docks. Work is already Strike as they appealed to bim Silver city in the oa foot in connection with the prize, be did not intend to smoke miration of all who come in conany other cigarette but Lucky evening of June 20, but the of the Canal Zone has expressed in an advanced stage tact with him, whether on busi Two Days Match Prince will not land till next in con ness or otherwise and this is we these nection with the graving pow, more than ever.
But all that as it may one thing think the sequeel to the success between Surrey C, and Britac dington about four o clock in the men who are unemployed to docks and of this go ahead business is at nic will commence on Snnwith an enlarged is sure that within the past few their country, but present enjoying Targe numbne ot entrance to the new dock sys: weeks the popularity of Lucky mu day 2nd inst and will be continu The Prince will visit the West Indians on the Isthmus tom, enabling the largest liners Strike has jumped up immense BIRTH to go in and out of dock no mat those pain to the Sport ont lingbaywhich in the wesured bole ar girent quence and the charge number or may berk Thas been thered from ed on the Glorious 4th. Every Guildhall and Mansion House who are not willing to accept the ter what the state of the tide Ily and it seems that that poputhing points to a brilliant within of his arrival, made to In consemay be. The magnitude of this larity will be permanenta and it rain does not mar the welcome from the City, Born to Mr, and Mrs: anticipations of the engagement. Two days after his returnidle men hanging around the the fact that at least two more Genaral Notice.
Labeach a bouncing baby boy Cricket fans will witness one of June 23 18 bis birthday, and been camps, the Silver merket had years will be occupied in com11tb last Thursday morning the the most sensational games of for that occasion a special party stalls robbed.
All publications of Births broken into and all the pleting it.
Deaths, and Marriages are 29th June. Mother and babe cricket ever seen in these parts. is being arranged at Bucking who are at The labourers work have been charged for according to the are doing fine and Sam is around The game will be played at the bam Palace.
robbed from time to time of all wearing a broad smile on the Standard Oval and will comIf you like beautiful bais amount of space taken up. No exceptions will be made to this arrival of this his third boy, menco at 11:30 a, Continued On Page Continu:d on page 8)
use Creoline Hair Producer. notice.
GOconnesotes of the big tour buh to of oblique were West mus.
to give him a ed afternoon.
return to


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