
PAGE TWO THE WORKMAN SATURDAY, JULY 1, 1922 Interesting News from The West Indian Islands Don Be Surprised to England gained If Someone Should Ask You For LUCKY STRIKE Empty Packages succes a piece of 1912 proceeded 29 Evo entrance and gave an wel of WHY?
To Win over 1st PRIZE 250. 00 Gold seasons was a Panama Hardware its TRINIDAD about p. m, Friday there was honour at the bands of His a strong smell of burning cloth Maj sty the King through one emanating from her room. The of its treasured sons who has Opium Den Raided Scent fearing luhbecame stronger Past been knighted Sir Charles until that fire would Clarke, break out at any moment neigh whom His Majesty has been Stubborn Resistance by bours summoned the Police. The pleased to honour. is the pres her room was forced ent Attorney General of the Chinese.
open and the tester of her bed colony and is a native of the was found to be on fire which island. He received bis early DETECTIVES GET BETTER has promptly put out. Later in education at the Lodge School the afternoon, Miss Reid upon and Codrington College, and OF FIGHT.
learning what hud occurred des then proceeded patched a youthtul relative who where he entered Cambridge QUANTITY OF OPIUM FOUND. lives with her, with the key to the University and there room to see what had happened aiutinctions and Baubsequentes. studied for the. He (From Port of Spain Gazette)
Nearing o clock last Satur was an attempt made to burn her his profession for several years, expressed the suspicion that it resident in England practisio day afternoon, an alleged opium Out by neighbours with whom it meanwhile taking part in den was carried on by one Lee is reported, her relations are politics. but subsequently reSing a Chinese, at No. 34 strained. significant fact, turned to Barbados and set up Charlotte Street was raided by however, is that earlier in the in practice with a small party of Detectives Detectives morning one of the neighbours, entered the House of As Assembly representative for St. Peter.
Lance Corporal Kells and conca Mrs. Holder) is said to have Con found a burnt rag in and still holds that seat. In stable Andrews. Reaching the her home.
Mr Clarke was was elevated to premises, the Detectives headed Yesterday afternoon at about the post of Attorney General and by Leotaud.
eded by way three o clock the neighbours has since held that that post with all of the gate leading to a flight of were again alarmed by the same the dignity of his pred au stairs. There they were hindered kind of smell which extended who were all men of IT SEEMS EVERYONE IS AFTER THEM by the watchman who refused and to the street. The Brigade Althouge not not brilliant to allow them a criminal prosecutor his bu besides offering a stubborn re notified that there was alarm in out with the ord reel and allen is responsible for this hel the premises and turned sympathy for the weak Chinese to his confreres who chemical engine under Sub In is always brilliant from his seat in spector Ince, Asst. Supt. Upon in the House, and willingly iden.
upper story, With some diti their arrival the room was bro tities himself with any move.
culty the tecs got past this ken man and reached the door which remained there was a pronounc section of the community. He while they opens into the main ball, only to yo to ed smell burning cloth. is a great Barbadian who is proud And that the inmates had block though a vigorous search by to be known as such and as ed their passage with bar. Not daunted, wooden detectives who turned up, failed a consequence is one of the most Leotaud popular of officials to day.
and his men tid forward to reveal anything on fire.
pressed but Kelly got squeezed between ing the matter, and needless to Three Day Cricket Matches wat The detectives are investigatthe bar and the door, whilst state that residents in the yard whe Leotaud hoger; came in for a are very uneasy in mind good share of injury. This what they regard as the unpleas.
Our public have been lauguish caused the men to relax their sant prospect of being victims of ing for some where to go to on hold a bit, but or and their efforts soon afterwards deve day will, we are sure, welcome the There is an element of super announcement that the fixtures at the Chinamen who numbered stition attached to the foregoing for the 1922 23 cricket sea they forced the door and rushed balí doz Though they incidents, one of the occupants have been arranged and will reached so far, with great difti of the yard baving complained como will commence on nce on June 10. few culty, their troubles were not of being struck with a stone on weeks earlier than is is usual. For yet ended. The worst yet the thigh, while at the pipe, the purpose of to come. As they stepped in the hurled, she believed by an invisi burry and haste and relieving the hall, the Chinese welcomed them ble band and from a yet more games which have in the drawn with a fusilade of opium pipes invisible quarter.
pist WILKINSON few seasons resulted from two hurled in all directions. When days cricket, the Cricket Cup CONTRACTOR BUILDER these missiles were exhausted First Class Workmanship the rushed tilbe detectives with Naparima Oilfields Scheme to the sta practice cided to revert old of pieces of stick and whatever they could lay their hands on We have to thank valuable games. The arrangement has Plans and Specifications Free meritsIt Main Store: Plaza Catedral at the moment. Fortunately the correspondent for the following and less risky balantage to the Box 411, Panama, detectives House 99 and also 5th Street Was with extract from the London Times affords were armed Branch: 125, Central Avenue sticks and defended themselves) ot May 27, which was received stronger eleven to win, greater they could. pitched by the Dutch Mail Steamer than draw, its fixtures. Yet we rather now resulted, and the Crijnssen yesterday morning. entertain incessant blowing of the Police The director of the Naparima whether some little doubt as to ANNOUNCE present conditions are whistle attracted quite a large Oilfields of Trinidad bave formu favourable to the change.
JUAN ILLUECA crowd, but assistance lated a scheme for providing for Everybody appre could be rendered. After Constable Allen andere requirements.
the company appreciates no doubt y future financial the difficulties which the Attorney. at. Law minutes, e absence of rain and the stringency and reinforced the men who provisional agreement has the water restrictions impose.
No. 44 Central Avenue were always getting the better WO been signed of the fight, despite the dis Petroleum Corporotion Limited Preparation of proper pitches is TELEPHONE No. 64. BOX No. 76 with the Whitehall almost advantage at which they were one of the companies association it seems as it impossible; and increased Practices in all Courts of placed, in being outnumbered with Messrs Pearson Son, period of play must and hemmed in our strange Limited. under which there will dificulty of must enhance the Panama territory in of preparation English Spoken Fluently Contractors and Builders will be be Trini: occasioning greater wear search was dad surrendered, and with a made for the prepared opium nominal capital of 150, 000 in general and consistent showers greatly benefited by paying a visit which was wound hidden in large shares of each (or its equivaRent Receipt Books In Spanoverthrow all doubt. But quantities nnder trap door in lent in dollars. This new com it is this very lack of certainity ish and English for sale at the to these stores.
a corner house. Several pany will take over the properiwhich makes us question the Workman Printery.
After the Police had gathered last, 200, 000 of its shares being The still high cost of balls is suficient evidence, they marched allotted as fully paid to the a further. though a less the men in procession form pressing to Naparima Constabulary Headquarters, fol. consideration. Fifty thousand the points raised will not Company as purchase rea reason. Yet we that lowed by a a large crowd.
L90 shares of the new company will much. We expres a pious hope Sing, the owner of the premises be subscribed was charged with being in pos. Whitehall Corporation for the and in time, and that the pros: ibed for at par by the that the rain will fall abundantly session of a quantity of opium. ovisions of working capital. perity of the various Clubs will and charges have also been. he shares will give the be such as to feel highly any in No 1, 29th Street East, Calidonia Cuatro against the others found on the Whitehall Coporation the control crease in the already high cost of premises The entire batch will of the new company. If a fur playing. OPPOSITE THE IRON GATE)
appear before the City Magisther 50, 000 shares are subscribed trate in due course.
the corporation it will be entitled to receive 100, 000 fully. Improved Shipping Trade.
paid shares of the new company ENGLISH AND AMERICAN Strange Domestic as commission. It will also have further option until March The following statistics obtained from the Harbour Master Happenings 81 1926, of subscribing for an Office, show a marked improveadditional 50, 000 shares in the ment in business in shipping new and the AT ST. VINCENT STREET option of purchasing at par Fremos ducha, the period tada ted.
Monday instant from the Naparima Company 20th instant, there Two Attempts At Fire Setting Parts to be alloted as the pur 2, 780 tons of miscellaneous cargo from schooners shares cbase consideration 410 THE BRIGADE CALLED OUT from On the scheme being carried miscellaneous cargo and 4, 028 steamers 144 the Naparima Company tons Since Friday afternoon las will become a bolding company. 952 tone of cool. Total the occupants of No. 104 St. VI. The directors stated that share NO SUBSTITUTES USED cent Street which pre. com holders controlling approximate; tons of sugar, molasses Shippod by schooners, 848 prise front room and nine y 125, 000 shares have approved miscellaneous cargo; by steam, and Only the purest and most genuine Drugs comEystem, have been thrown ntbers built on the barrackinto ºf the scheme.
ers, 6, 600 tons of sugar and molasses and great excitement and a state of miscellaneous expectant fear as to being BARBADOS cargo and 18 (bunkers) 1, 000 pounded by a reliable Pharmacist of over en veloped in flames at any tons coal. Total shipped 9, 448 moment. The fifth room in this yard is occupied by a woman Barbados Attorney 40 years experience called Miss Ried who caters for the supply of Motor Hearse.
to workmen General Knighted WILLIAM de SOUSA, Proprietor.
at South Quay. These meals are prepared at her home and taken Messrs Burton Co, down by her, thus necessitating Yet again says the Barbados takers, of Pinfold Stre her abscence from home daily Globe it falls to the lot of Bar added to their already up to the from about 11 a. Sometime at bados to receiye distinguished (Continu on page. 3)
st best battle no of General Reduction in their prices the When by Oy would hoping ܘܬܘ mean THE IDEAL PHARMACY by the Drugs Patent Medicines Perfumes, Soaps etc. etc.
tons of out, landed tons.
meals Advertise in the Workman. It pays.


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