
Capital and Surplus 10, 000, 000 Undivided Profits over 6, 000, 000 (Continul from page 2)
matk establisb ment the very latest thing going Motor Hea se. It is the first of its Kild in Barbados. It is another mert of the nterprise of old establish trnad the no much Cause for doubang thier ud patronage will Tesut :rom the venture.
a small one, but on principle she feels that she has not been fairly dealt with. Surely the Goveroment will not keep that six shillings whica has been so doubtfully obtained. We hope the account is not true, for the afair has the ring of things in certain South Amer. can republics where government owe their existence to legalised bar ditry His Excellency Ladder.
the International Banking Corporation Head Office: 60 WALL STREET, New York City Owned by The NATIONAL CITY BANK of New YORK Accidents.
ITALY PHILLIPINES Joseph Roach, of Thornbury, SI, employed as an en.
le at the British Union Works at Turner Hall, met his de thon Saturday last at Orange HII. James, whilst assisting the removal of a boiler by truck from the country on to head quarters in the The boiler was placed on a actor and made fast by hasser which later broke. As ault Roach was crushed to pu beneath the boiler weight aid the truck reduced to matchwid. At an inquiry held a Vridict of death from misadven ture was returned.
CUBA PERU PORTO RICO Primary Samuel Sealy, from Richmond St. Joseph is at present held in custody at District on a harge of manslaughter, he over Elizabeth Williams. 69 years of axe, of Braggs Hill, whilst galloping a pony from Murphy St. Andrew to Clement Rock estate whither he was sent to deliver it. Wildams was taken to Hospital and died a few days later from her injuries.
keep Commercial Evening School. introOn Saturday last a boy named Dacdonald Searlog 18 years of age employed at Hope plantation St. James, property of Mr. Hutson, was working in the mill when the sails were struck by a squal and two points were blown. Hearing the escaping the first point but the second fell on him breaking both legs and inflicting terrible injuries on the body from which he died at the General Hospital on Sunday night, crash Searles ran out narrowls Shorthand, Typewriting, Spanish, Etc. a trap with no wrote that spoke flag an getting a 000.
About 30 a. on Monday a man named Ernest Chase, 56 years of age, of Lead vale, Christ Church, accidentally fell from a motor lorry on which he was lift while the vehicle was being driven along way between Newton and Balls the bigh plantations. He was taken up a badly bruised and bleeding condition and convey to his home where he died shortly afterwards An inquest held by Mr. Bartlett Corner of Distric B; and a jury. On Tuesday morning, Dr. Johnson, Bacteriologiste performed a post mortem examination and attributed the cause of death to dislocation of the neck bone. The jury returned a verdict of accidental death His Excellency the Governor, Depository of the PANAMA CANAL in his Empire Day speech, put it to the imagination of the school children that it was possible for the poorest boy in the Primary Direct Representations through our own Branches and those of Schools of Grenada to climb the educational ladder and reach to THE NATIONAL CITY BANK OF NEW YORK in the topmost rung of University training in Great Britain. We ENGLAND FRANCE SPAIN BELGIUM are afraid that while this is poze CHINA JAPAN INDIA JAVA STRAITS SETTLEMENTS sible in Grenada it is not yet probable There must first be ARGENTINE BRAZIL CHILE more scholarships from the URUGUAY AND VENEZUELA Primary Schools to the Secondary School, More of such scholarships are needed to help justify the amount we spend on Correspondents in all the Trade Centers and Ports of the World the Grenada Boy School. We are not satisfied that the Children of the Primary Schools are being given full chances in this respect More School boys ESPECIALLY EQUIPPED FOR FINANCING AND PROMOTING INTERNATIONAL COMMERCE should be put on the first rung of the ladder. Mr. D, INTEREST PAID ON SAVINGS ACCOUNTS AT PER CENT. PER ANNUM Freitas once remarked that boys of poor parents in the country districts who won scholarships to the Secondary School had to forego them because their pa.
rents could not afford to them in town. We want to hear family, and do trust that his Church leaders were well repre the only good reply that could injuries are not as serious as sented, and His Lordship, the be made to Mr. De Freitas.
The STEWART has been stated Bishop of Barbados and the We hope to give further details Windward Islands was present of the accident in our issue of After the March Past and the JAMAICA Tuesday, for we are about going singing of Flag of Britain by to press now. Two versions of the children, in a neat and impact The Regrading of the accident are in circulation, little speech, Mr.
Civil one is that Mr. Rapier, in trying duced the Governor to the Servants.
to avoid collision with a woman. oth He dealt with went wide and over another is gathering, that the motor cycle was going remarked that the Royal Family of the Committee appointed to is the meaning of Empire, and CLASSES IN injudicio isly fast and skidåed, stood as an example to the various deal with the regrading of the Whatever the borgere District Board stands living and right thinking. The Gleaners understand that the Public morally. indicted for the crime of Chairman of the Committee also Gle leaving such a dangerous death thanked all those who helped report is now before His Excelno protecting wall, bim, with support moral and lency the Governor, and it is said We of that spot on several tangible, to make the celebration that Sir Leslie Probyn has 51 16th STREET WEST occasions; Mr. Weston called a success.
decided to forward it to London attention to it over and over. On His Excellency the Governor Secretary of State for the Colofor the consideration of the dark nights many people have in course of his reply, endeavour ntes before it is submitted to the PANAMA CITY been within an inch of slipping ed to impress on the children Legislative Council for considera over to their doom just there. what a great privilege it was to tion, We are very, very sorry the Board bas waited for its of the British British citizen, and The regrading of the Public attention to be called to a great duty through painful and heart for liberty, justice and righteous Servants as recommended by ness all, Bargains! Bargains. Bargains. ducking injuries to one of the meant protection, He wild, it the committee will involve not immediate expenditure of 14, tema few men in Grenada which the Colony can afford to see disabled sure that many of us were deep and laid aside The Board is not affordd us by the On Saturday a representative ly conscious of the protection flag. To of the Gleaner learnt that the alone to be blamed The Gov illustrate this, the Governor Civil Service Association had GO TO THE ANAMA BARGAIN HOUSE starves the Boara recited the historical of funds is to stand blame also.
case of taken active steps to get the extended to Don report of the Regrading Commit Occasions like use one When you wish a cheap, but decent Suit (complete. Athens. In tee given effect to, but from what to think wicked things; cause Education in partic is learnt. Sir Leslie Probyn does one hats, hose, collars, ties, and so forth.
to feel the Governor said that he not think the report should be Wells should not have been the tried to make provisions so that considered before the Autom of victim of gross municipal ne the poorest boy in the land may the present year at earliest.
that innocent av wo rise steadily and tinish his educa 137 cheap Cots for the weary Traveller tion in a British or other Univer Killed By Lightning.
Empire Day Celestron striking case of this which. put to the imagination of the brations.
Address. MULLER BUILDING correspondent from Lludas children. Vale writes to the Gleaner that on The singing of We ll Never Sunday 11th June, boy resid.
CALIDONIA On Wednesday May 24th, Let the Old Flag Fall and the ing at the district of Juan dethere was the annual celebra calling for Three Cheers for Bolas was killed by lightning tion of Empire Day by the His Majesty the King, which and two others who were nearby school children in the colony. were lustily responded to, ended were badly burnt by the flash.
In every centre of the population the programme. Cheers there was some Committee to given in turn for the Governor CALLE No. make arrangement for the carry and Lady Haddon Smith, and Boys Tragic Death and St, George preparations children briskly repaired to the e objects of the day, for Mr. Mahy, after which the PRIVATE ACADEMY along the old lines were careful. various school houses for re the Gleaner states that the little The Linstead correspondent of ly the industrious care freshments provided for them. district of Phillipsburgh, about Mahy and his English Classes Committee. Mr Mahy has been eleven miles from Linstead was the Chirman of the Empire Day Hard and an Unneces. the scene of a fatal accident Celebration Committee for some which took place shortly after For Young Ladies 6 years, and he has always given sary Case.
two oclock in the afternoon of great satisfaction Saturday the 17th ulto. The AND FOR BOYS 7 victim of the occurrence being a About 8. the school child Our information is that some little bov eleven verre of age, age, Mon. Tues. Thurs. Fridays. ren of the parish of St. George days ago, a lady who resides in named Sylvester Wright.
assembled in various St. Andrew bad occasion to Churches of It is said the WAS youngster BARTON, their fathers for apply for a ticket for passage on sent to look after his mother Divine Worship, after which the Government Mail Car which headed by the Government band was leaving St. George for her goats, He afterwards went on a uniform, of the Grenada Boy with an infant in arms (her ture of the skull. When found and a Contingent of Cadets cher mango tree to get some mangoes home parish. She was travelling and he fell and sustained a frac School, there was a grand parade Child about five months old) and he was unconscious and he died Church Street to Queen the Postmaster, we understand, at his home shortly after. The from The best Tonic in the World Park Public School, and private demanded, and at every explana police took statements and Dr.
schools with the exception of the tion insisted, that full fare be Clarke D, 0. performed Anglican Girls High School, paid for the infant. The lady were represented, and we think explained that the infant would a post mortem examination.
the number of children on be carried on her lap the whole This elegant Tonic preparation is highly recommend. exceeded that of former way, and that no extra room Pears Alleged Wounding.
ed in Debility, Nervousness, Female Weakness, would be taken up by the five Impoverishment of the Blood, and to build up Having arrived at Queen months old baby, but the PostRunaway Bay, June 12. Park, the children were put in master said he stood on the a run down constitution.
position to await the arrival of Regulations, and refused to red near to Dandovery on Satur the serious case of wounding occurIt promotes digestion, improves the appeHis Excellency the Governor exercise discretion, even com.
tite, and gives tone and energy to the whole system.
and Lady Haddon Smith. We mon reason in the matter. As it day last at about 6:30 pm. 1 glad to tind that there was a case of must go, the group of young men while DOSE: One small Wine glass before each meal or were many more spectators of extra and full fare was id for turning to selein after having times a day.
right kind present at the five months old Queen Park than usual to understand that the lady in ques: Oval, met a beef seller by the witness the renewal of loyalty tion has sent in a claim to the asked by one Samuel Richards name of Johnny Cook. He was JAVER MORAN American Pharmacy. and devotion to the Throne on Government for a refund of the to carry a bat in his tray, but hs the part of the rising genera six shillings paid for ber infant.
tion. Government Officials and The matter of the six shillings is (Continued On Page 6)
ernment which sta was these of ve GRENADA Painful Accident were Mr. Bain Wells Serious.
ly Injured.
ing out of the dve left to of Mr.
av Mr. George Rapier, widni Yesterday a little after noon, a painful accident took place at the beginning of Tanteen Road, below the Rock, when motorcycle, speeding from the direc.
tion of Street, driven by with Mr Bain Wells, of Hampstead, st.
David s, in the side car, over the precipice and fell intes the Coal The drop was about forty feet, through the branches of a silk cotton tree, dows to the gnarled and exposed roots in a drain with boulders about Mr. Rapier, besides being terribly shaken and sus.
taining a few bruises, is very physically, for the accident, but dangerously hart, Mr. Rapier after the accident, was able to walk the residence of Mr.
Brathwaite to summon medical aid for Mr. Wells amon In bled, and motor cars and other vehicles rushed to the spot.
After the arrival of the doctor, Mr. Wells was conveyed to the in the ambulance. We understand that, among other hurt, his legs are broken in several places, and it is feared that amputation will have to be resorted to in one case.
We very deeply sympathise with Mr, Bain Wells and his little the worsout Mr. Wells is VIGOR TONIC rewere the


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