
Three Due PAY DAY QUALITY COUNTS MOST diploma MAGNUMS in Panama PAGE FOUR THE WORKMAN, SATURDAY, JULY 1922, The Death And THE WORKMAN Burial Of EXCELSIOR THEATRE Dr. Ciro Urriola Ex PresiTO. NIGHT Published on Saturdays by Rates for Advertisement on applies dent of Panama.
TUESDAY WALROND, the office Central Avoton. Correspondence on all matters Saturday, July Ist 1922 and corner of Street, Panama, of public interest invited.
de ELISABETH RISDON All copy for publication must be We regret to report the death July 4th 1922 Box 74, Panama written on one side of paper only, and of Dr. Ciro Urriola one of INRATES OF SUBSCRIPTION must be scompanied by the name of Panama most talented sons.
CHARLIE MOTHER CHAPLIN Oce Year. 40 U8. C, the writer, not necessarlly for publica Dr. Urriola was a physician by IN1. 20 Six Months profession. scholar and ton but as a mark of good faith.
60e. we do not undertake to return politician who had done much for TO MORROW 250. arejected orrespondence the advancement of his native country. man of very strong Sunday, July 2nd 1922 moral views embodying the up Tu Liberty of the Press is the palladium of our rights JUNIUS HARRY CHEY rightness of those who form the Executive and Administrative In the latest Western drama DURING THE WEEK SATURDA, JULY 1, 1922 bodies of the country last, the distinguished scientist breathed THE FOX Continuation of The Secret Fuu With BRITISH GUIANA ATTRACTING his last in the Ancon Hospital.
The body was brought to the city ONS COISSONSES CAPITALISTS.
later in the afternoon and deposit ed at his residence, until the following morning when it was administration lasted four taken to the National Palace and months. In which it will never laid in state in the Yellow Room be forgotten, his sharp repriIf recent reports received from British Guiana are for a bulishe dayeuntil the hour mand to the Canal zbaronu fabrities.
authentic, that South American colony of Great Britain the announcement of his death, eveving the may, not long from now, become a centre of industrial Der Beli Berio Porras, President funeral took place and as foi of the interest by which the great mass of West Indian unem. Executive Decree, in which he citizens, and foreigners.
the Republic 20 lowed by a large number of When speaking in terms of Cigarettes plogrede labor in the islands of the Caribees and adrift in expressed the deatro That the American Minister the Honorable Panama and Cuba may find a field of vantage and busi National Government, as a tri South and the toca Ho Dabibet bute to the memory of the illus. Secretaries were the Pall bearQUALITY ness. company ofĮ British financiers have turned their trious son of Panama, give his ers, and the funeral car was is of greatest importance eyes on this much undeveloped colony with a view to me me permale hand honour that the closely followed by the repres laws permit and that the ex sentatives of the Diplomatic and establishing development and improvement interest on a penses of his funeral be borne Consular Corps in this city. The permanent basis, and if this can materialize it will prove by the National Treasury of the Bomberos Corp. the National to be the most fortunate thing for that country which bas Republic.
Police, the nurses from Santo We are placed in a position to give you QUALITY, togel her with an attractive been crying to the Imperial Government for the last quar. Dr. Urriola, was educated at Tomas hospital, the boys of the National University of Bogo National Institute and all the price in view of manufacturing ter of a century for help.
British Guiana (Demerara) has remained undeveloped ta, Columbia. a doctor in medi. other educational centres in the because of the failure of the Colonial Government to cine and sargery, and took his city. At the grave side the Official in 1888, later he became orator was the Hon. Duncan, obtain loans from the Imperial Government for the ex. Batchelor in Science and Philo Secretary of the Public Instruc tension of industrial works there. Why this and other sophy. In after years he went to the family and the bereaved To colonies in the Western Hemisphere have always failed to to Paris to take up the study of Gynecology and there distin: citizens of this Republic, The obtain loans for development on large scales have never been clear to public minded people, except that it has gulshed himself. On his roiurn WORKMAN tenders its condolence to Equal to any imported always seemed to be something contrary to the financial con this country be founded the in this sad hour of bereavement, school obstetrics and the and do sincerely hope that the policy of the Mother country, nursing establishment at the loss sustained will be borne with Cigarette Superior to most it would appear that the needs of these colonies Santo Tomas Hospital, which Christian fortitude and hope in have never been appreciably understood by the British became very successful with its the future.
hundreds of trained women and Government, and it is not unlikely that the late Commisgirls scattered over this country sion which visited the West Indies has succeeded in educat and who are doing very much to Shepherds Jevenile Rally.
SAVE THE CASH COUPONS man ing the British mind into the real state of affairs and in alleviate the sufferings of kind. 00 Gold Per Hundred awakening the instincts of the financial magnates.
The Contracting Firm of Messrs. Wilde Co. High Class Rally will be He was a staunch and unre staged in the Shepherd Hall, de was the 20 Street Central, on behalf of of which Viscount Bunsford, as a partner, recently nting Liberal.
visiting British Guiana in company with Gerald Case Principal member of the Direc the Future Hope Juvenile on the torate Esq. and Col. Llewellyn Evans, O, is death and was very much talked dopam.
at the time of bis 10th July, 1922, commencing at 20 Cigarettos Made of Imported Tobacco for 150.
casting its eye on the future of this colony.
It seems to about as being the candidate All Shepberds and friends are be a serious and well meant plan to make the natural of the opposition at the com Welcome. Come and help the possibilities of British Guiana yield to the operations of ing presidential electionut For children have a jolly time.
a Deputy of Refreshments.
CHURCH SERVICE Wesleyan Methodist business experts who have not only the money, but also many years the experience and brains to reclaim the resources of the the National Assembly, and in 1918, Surgeon being the First Vice Presi silent hinterland of this extensive possession; and nothing dent, at the death of Dr. Ramon Aduertigo in The Work(American Episcopal Oureb) Panama 11 Mr. Rev. Kisock but the greatest succecs is hoped for out of their efforts. Valdes, he became the actual St. Paul Church, Panama, Braham D 30 Rev. Rov.
man It pays. Brabam A firm with a capital of 4, 000, 000, can make British President of the Republic. His nm, Holy Communion, Colon 11 am Mr. Rov, Burton Guiana a flourishing country. Swamps and morasses can 10 a. Litany. 30 MC Surgeon be turned into cuitivable fields, waterfalls harnessed British Guiana, after all, may be the means of solution. 10:30 am, Holy Bushariot and sor La Boca 11 a. Mrum. Waltere 700 mn: Mr Iwuis Lindo British Guiana is abundant with them to numerous pur to the per plexing problem of the British West Indian un2 Holy Baptism, Now Providence 11 am. Mr Markposes, forests explored and timbered, rubber sapped in employment. The darkest night bas its morn, and out of p. Sunday School.
bam great quantities and gold and diamond mines worked to the depression which now aftlicts Demerara and many of 30 Evengong nad sormon. Bmpire 11 am. Mr Headley full and profitable capacities.
the islands they may yet issue into a bright and prosperSt. Alban s, Paraiso.
At present, only the alluvial stretch along the coast ous era Work is what the thousands of idle hands aro 10. Holy Baption Seventh Day Adventist Church has been really developed and yet the estimated area of looking for, and work is what the latent possibilities of an 11. m, Eucharist and Sermon 68 ANOON AVE, PANAMA.
this colony is 90, 277 square miles. The leading industries undeveloped land call for. Money is the motive power to 3p. Sunday School, and Confirmation Sabbath (Saturday) 45 a. SabClass bath School; 11 15 sm, General Worabip are tim bering, sugar, rum and balata. Gold and diamond drive everything, and when that comes all will be well. 30 Spanish Class; 30 mining has of late been much neglected on account of lack The hope cannot be too strongly expressed that the 30 m. Evensong and address.
Young People Meeting; 30 o.
of capital, but with the advent of concentrated interests, Colonial Government of British Guiana will not be too NIGA TENGALE Priest ja oharo Vespers.
will undoubtedly become a thrilling business to the Guianese dim sighted to see the future of the country ad ance St. George Church Gatun. Sunday evening at p. Reading and to the imported capitalists.
Claes All are welcome both young and ment in the bands of the gentlemen who recently visited 11 am, Matins and address, Perhaps the time has just come for British Guiana to the country for the old. 30 m, Preaching Service.
purpose of taking positive eteps p, m, Sunday School 80p. Evensong and address, catch up in the march of industrial progress. Hitherto towards the accomplishment of the dreams of decades.
this country has stood fast as if prebced to misfortune The need of municipal improvements are too evident to ad F, NIGHTENGALE Vicar Activities of St. Peter Church, by the ropes of Imperial indifference and local impecuni. mit of discussion. The water service in Georgetown is all St. Peter Church La Boca.
La Boca.
osíty. It has always bad the natural wealth, but lacked but serviceable to the public, Some years ago, in the 30 am, Choral Celebration Holy the proper force (finance) with which to extract it from the midst of a severe drought, British Guiana had to import earth. Her sun is rising, and it may not be many months water from Barbados, and it can well be remembered how 11 am. Matins and out mo.
Thursday night, the 29th inst.
before a bustle of industry will stir the economic atmos schooners and coasting steamers were requisitioned to Holy Baptism as m, very inspiring Missionary Ser p. Sunday Sebeol, vice was held in St. Peter pbere of the only British possession on the South American shoot between the two places with their liquid freight. 30 Choral Evensong and ser. Church, La Boca. In mainland.
In the opening up and developing of the hinterland hasty downpour of rain in the There is considerable unemployment in the West Indian the question of sanitation will form a big item in the T, MULCARE, Rector, diterodont, alte recargoherowd Islands and the developement of British Guians would just initial program. Mataria is rampant and so is filaria. As.
be the right thing in the right time. Labor would be a matter of fact, the prevalence of these maladies are St. Barnabas Church, Empire Mulcare, assisted by the Rev.
needed in the work and British Guiana would have to turn responsible for the besitancy of adventurous squatters to 11 m, Morning prayer and address St Paul Panamale, Vicar of to these Islands for it. The East Indian immigration has penetrate into the woods as, poineers and prospectors. Sunday School at a. Shorter Evensong. By the Ven.
been so greatly changed that it would be as impossible as they act like sieming words in keeping the sons of want 30 Evening Prayer and addrom, Archdeacon.
undesirable to have that kind of labor compete with labor from entering in the paradise of the woodlands, and St. Bartholomew Church, Rt. Rev. Jas. Crail Morris, right next door.
blahop of the Canal Zone, inspirthey must be removed.
Las Caccadas East Indians have long ago been the ascendent conRailroad construction will be another large item on ing addressess were delivered.
11 Alorning Prayer and adus on It was St. Peter Day. and the tingent in the population of British Guiana. If this coun. the program. In this country of nearly 100, 000 square confirmation Claw 2, 30 members of St Peter Chureb try is to be developed now, the fathers of the government miles there are less than a 100 miles of railroad. This 30 Sun is; School.
showed deep appreciation for the must look to the neighbouring Islands for the needed labor reveals the reason why this vast country with its natural 3:30 Evening Prayer and addrose able services of their bishop all where they will find a flowing market. While these resources bas commenced to attract the big constructing MULCARZ, Prist in chargo.
the services of the day Another Confirmation cl Islands have a surplus of lab. to the extent that it has firm of English capitalists. Ninety four and one quarter Bible Truth Churches.
has been started, which will be become a serious problem, British Guiana bas never been miles of railroad are all that British Guiana can boast of, confronted with such an evil. The first requisite as soon and yet what a vast county it is!
San Miguel presented next December November or as the purse strings of the financiers are untied would be All eyes will, from now on, be focused on British 5:30 am. Morning Prayer Besides the regular Mid week 10 Children Service.
to fiod the necessary labor for the scheme of development Guiana as the news have reached West Ind. ans on the service Cottage Prayer Meet.
11: a. Preaching Service and improvement.
Isthmus with unbounded welcome. If the plans should 30 Sunday School. ing is held by the members of West Indians who are returning from Panama and come to anything worth while the great force of the unem T:80p. m, Gospel Servico.
the Church Workers Club in the towa once a week, which is well Cuba to their native islands are going there, for the most ployed will be reduced and the economic pressure decreasCalldonia attended not only by members of part, without the least prospect or outlook. The are re rtionately. Something must be done to change 5:80 a. Morning Prayer the church, but by non members.
turning because it is home, and, hard or soft, th. a state in the West Indian islands, and if Bricish 10 sm, Children Service, out some sort of existence ia the s8. om thot thi 78 to be the centrifugal force in West Indian eco11 Preaching Service 3:30 Sunday Schnol Rent Rucelpt Books In Spanbe among their own kith and kin. To it is hoped that the machinery of development and 7:30 Gospel Service Ish and Englisn for sale at the without employment is, they believe, insult Coud wo injury. imp. uvement will soon be set in action BARCLAY Pastor fa charge Workman Printery, he mon, Communion spite of mon.
Sang the eacon HR. Carson and the abroad non


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