
THE WORKMAN, SATURDAY, JULY 1, 1922, PAGE FIVE Atlantic Side News 00 their own ever been witamed the Per Seated which Red Patura why it was was pective licence eyes, Blacketts displayed politically and Red modelled.
Was said balanced.
15 11 14 13 Done in greatly our people to better enjoyment of the evening.
then, You.
80 and ably presided 48 wishing and pledging on Colon Boys Brigade. Nomination and election of To Whom It may Concern Canal Zone Notes officers for will also take place at this ses.
sion. Members are requested to LEST REMOVES TO BETTER be punctual in attendance.
This is to certify that Bro.
YOU FORGET RED TANK Joseph Earle, Member of the QUARTERS Royal King Solomon Lodge No MacFadden Health Again Rose Garden Palace to Meet.
11, U. OO. is suspended for 99 years for continuous bad Conquerors.
Soldier Boy Bids Farewell to EVERY HOME CAN ENJOY GAS AS behaviour and utter disregard The Paraiso Community Club received Comrades.
There will be a meeting of the for the Chair and Laws of the ever thrashing at the hands of the Rose Garden Palase No. 1, We are still furnishing stoves Order. 17 24 1st.
MacFadden Health and Educational F. at Eureka Lodge room Club at Volley Ball on Wednesday night (Cmmunicated. on Friday, Jane 30, at 30 FREE insurrection in 1865, and Crown 28th inst. It will be remembered that The removal of the Boys Bri: Parents and guardians of the provided the gas pipes are already installed Government was established. He they were outpointed a few weeks ago gade to Broadway Avenue was little ones are requested to be told the audience how a deputa by this same club duly celebrated on Sunday night present. good attendance is tion was headed by Mr. Richard This is the We are still furnishing installations return match which is when a coterie of brilliant speak anticipated.
Hill Jackson, of imperishable played on the Red Tank Court, and ers adorned the platform and FREE memory, a talented son of Jamai was the most interesting and exciting paid glowing tribute to Com Co operation Should Be ca, went England, repre rame that has mander Watson and staff for Encouraged.
provided you purchase a GAS Stove.
senting tbe people before Her on the stage were several ladice their brilliant efforts at reforma Majesty late Queen and gentlemen who journeyed over to tion Victoria Government, Red Tank with the Paraiso Team Pathetic Scene Witnessed. Colon, Rep. of Panama, resulted in the granting of the witace the recovering of their loot There was an occular demon June 29, 1927 OUR AIM IS present Constitution which was trophy, but eventually had to stration of this noble work in the To the Editor of the Workman, with Sir Henry Wylie without it, Dear Mr. Editor. Craying the person of little John Blackett Norman GAS STOVE IN EVERY KITCHEN who took up the admin All room who stood on the platform to say benevolence of this insertion in istration of the of the colony in 1884. soupied by the fans of clona sport from goodbye to his comrades, tears your weekly in thanking you, The workings of the Constitution both districte who rooted for their res streaming from large, pensive shall not hesitate doing 80 in was explained.
and teame from start to faish. Much mother is is in advance PANAMA COLON GAS COMPANY necessary to request a also the progress, educatinge price is also due teacher Myers who the A. and, absolutely To members of the of keen interest in the bome neglected by his father, became a PANAMA OFFICE. a this city: AT socially COLON OFFICE: mically which will be brought out the game.
econo team sad rooted himself boarse through Fellowmen: turned over to Commander Wat Cathedral Plaza YOUR 93 Bolivar St. about through such a change as Fuller of Paraiso acted as secrer son by the Governor of Colon Having the sincere desire is being asked for in Jamaica to and Palmer of Red Tank Referee.
Tel. 798 SERVICE TeL 364 and the Alcalde. With a firm but to direct your kind attention to day and for which this deputa The Parsino Club must be complition will proceed to England mented on tbe able to ser which gentle hand, the character of a few facts, shall promise to boy was during this year.
re do so in the most limited possi.
this refractory stuck to their guns though receiv ble manner, realising that time Messrs. Ricketts. ing defest all the time, but the Cole, and Whyte addressed Tank team was certainly too much for For ten months Commander is very precious. As reasoning the Cristobal It is to my mind a the meeting, endorsing all them as displayed superior white ve daberende boy became one pledged to conserve the rights Coloured School read a paper on went only for Janaicans and to plans Iaid down of MS Wynter, work and end utande et belysero pro parent Watson. and the victory and have of the brightest jewels of the of their noble race. sball it be the Life of Longfellow maica. The conception have pledging also their co operation to accept a challengo from any club on certainly through my long residence in and support. Nr. Ricketts mado understood that until at present Brigade.
Find very often sad to say fare you are unable from prejudice devoted much time and Stady 17 this part on the worladem cela sady Sappor stress. requesting The following are the members who or lack to his subject and consequently bis it is one of vast importance and Jamaicans to come forward and played on the home team well; and Commander Watson see through the existing circum esse meeting was well attendedly. One of the most important other islanders will assist they Noel Hawkins, Blanchart, Wal masterpiece. interest to West Indians general do do their duty; that although the Da Burg (captain. Pat Mit 11 could not check the many tears stances relative to this organithat coursed down his cheeks zation? Should your objects of for a true comradeship had enrolliogare as mine, to c) labor by an appreciative company of issues il am permitted to go to must renember that the burden ford, Jack Johnson, Judge Lowed the members and their friends England, if the paople in this was theirs, and like men and Phillip McDonald.
spruns tutell your mother as units, with a pure hope, amongst whom was the Rev. country will find the neucleus to with some love of home and up between the man and on The following are the scores by games by intelligence and Braham, of Panama. Mr. send me there; will take up pride in ourselyes we must come Red Tank.
be, that send you to her a good bonest eforts, to gradually con Watson with his party of musi with the Home Authorition is forward and send Me, Wynter Game Paraiso boy, and may the Lord bless and vert the present filthy and cians contributed much to the why 50 West Indians 15 keep you should you live to be shameful conditions that environ should be abroad? Why we to England.
a man Do To Others As Have so should so to speak be parasites and seconded to the oficers and.
To In the ball there elevard and progressive states; 15 was scarcely a dry eye. believe, you will agree Poaceful Retreat Lodge No. 49 foreign countries when as members of the for matter of fact, the untevourable the use of the ball 15 Monday night, Alcalde Arauz, with me, that less unnecessary and to the 1, D. of conditions in the West Indies President who had 15 Father Burns Lawyer noises be made, especially as can be rem died, and wa be en Toe will of the meet Pacheco, addressed the boys and against the other people; and by regular meeting of this Lodge abled to remain at bomo Vader ing was carried standing The 86 had a thorough inspection of the stern measures a re establishing takes place at the St. James our own vine and fig tree. President replied in appropriile Red Tank Private School quarters, all were well pleased of an upright and with the work and pledged moral ministration of the division and 30 o. class of candidates this movement, there are some every success to the movement.
proper ad. Lodge room to night (1st inst. at In seeking your support to terms and financial support association wbole Private school will be conductThe Alcalde donated 00 brought about be will be initiated after the transmisunderstandings that would and expressed the hope also ed in the Colored School, Red want alot action of general business. and promised the same you. tbe rejoicing of of the As Tank, by some of its teachers.
amount monthly. He also stated Victory Hall non recognition time. Visiting members will be going into the depth of my sub of the Ass Reinidion Vida Persedden period Special patiteations will be like to have cleared away, and that thon as poration, Members are requested to be on remove from your minds before sociation attained Summer Vacation that he would place the matter is Vice during the this cordially welcomed.
the Municipality as he superstition. We ject Primary Subjects considered the work a noble one should labor for the good in the stated by some uninformed or meeting stating that he was five me to the regular Infant School will be Commander that am very much pleased to be named conducted there with. rather than wasting all So Watson bails from Caus of cos our energies in trying to annul Mass Meeting At the members of this of this on this important committee, from the ability of the teachers, This statement and to be one mopolite. Unassuming and hu. the upright and honest offorts those to work demonstrated in the school, and be is liked by all, for, exercised by us. Trusting that Colom absolutely false. am associated in bringing about its moucces: the noticeable improvement of underneath the rough exterior you will see clearly our purpose.
a newspapar in this coun. He movement Marcus Garvey to parents will avail themselves of greatness embodied in sim try, but it Again thanking you for space.
it must be understood This work while com do not dictate the policy for Negroes in all parts of the tuition.
In Aid of Jamaica Repre of mean political and social liberty this opportunity for private Yours truly, means self sacrifice, BRODIE of that paper: In any matter of and is the noblest of its kind on sentative Government. criticism in any matter that my world, and this one of the NI the Isthmus. It is not training moral conscience dictates to be movements that this to be should support but mak PARAISO good boys to be By kind permission of the press my opinion through the right or wrong, and have to ex14th Successful EntertainIf of bad boys The meeting was brought to Oficers and members of the ment.
West Indian community would fearlessly of Universal Negro Improvement quences. allow me to say, and man forms the Committee of the conse cloa. The following gentle DAY PIC NIC see its way to assist this worthy There will be a day Pic nic at Association Chartered Division incontrovertibly so that such Association Bathrow fence, Chat this Clubhouse on July ath. com work, it would be a blessing The Entertainment held at the No. 18, Colon, a mass meeting articles bears my signature, undisguised, Lawrence would not have to trouble for the Thursday evening b: the th, President of the Panama Branch President of this country, and Cole, E, Whyte, G, his band will be blowing the utövelizatibe Cristobal Silver Clubhouse hasta el falled by the para la Water even if were actacking the man; Scott, Vice President mencing at 21 har Martine and these Street Baptist school of the Jamaica Representative anything you see charged to me Parker, y Blues, ly something very grand and Government Association, on last not appearing under my signs Wynter. Reid. Mrs. Do your feet in good dancing condiworthy of Sunday 25ch ulto, at p. The ture is not written by me.
Death of Mrs. Susan The tion spacious hall was crowded customary Sunday night proMessrs. A, Archer Hall is very swift. There will be Sup Williamson, Smith.
by 0 Association was of youre loa dren opened the program with sone through and an appropriate negro movement and there good time iſ the weather permits.
plays address delivered by It in regrettable to chronicle the death entitled Howdy do which was Millington, Chaplain, Mr. one thing that you must take James Stewart. Burton, At sharp there will be se into consideration, if you L. Stewart, Kerr, TROTTERS don fail to see staged by the GLOBE of Mrs. Sumn Smith, wife of the ver The very deservedi, applauded by a At the close the Associa bevelebanes ir done to bent, read arst meeting of the committee them; and bear their side solit tion exercise well known Mr. Smith, and everyone presennildren conducted Mr. William Brous was re that is, you must allow each and was ixed for Wednesday 28th ting jokes, you will be laughing people government mother of Mr. T. Smith, of CristoWhile all the instant.
from start to finish.
bal Colored Echool Sbe departed this themselves very commendably, que snd be in a very com pate to constitute the nation tributed to the program, which to proide at the mass every individual who life on the 111b. inet. at her residence too much praise cannot be given meeting, The choir of the UNIA. con Blblo Class Jamaica, after a few months illness. to little Miss Noble for the plimentary manner introduced to have the right of his owo was very imuch appreciated.
Bible class on Sunday evening Her christian life was remarkable. As excellent manner in which she Mr Wynter as the principal this the 2nd commencing at pm leadrese of the the Baptist Church for for many rendered her little costumed song speaker for the night, who polici It is only upon that you can ever bope to sharp. All are invited.
years she was very faithful, upright, and The Gipsie Girl. and to Miss addressed the meeting as fol have a successful government; energetio. In her home town abe wa Olga Jones in The Fairy.
liberty of the press, liberty Wealthy Burglary bith mother and sister to everybody with the beautiful effect from the President, Officers and of speech, these are principles GATUN and gained the aftentiran af. She was Moving Picture Machine. And members of the Valversal Negro to die for. If your purpose 18 that men are willing to fight and Chicago. Paul Sartung, The Secreta has announced muob respuoted aud ho n! Per last lastly but not least to master Improvement Association, Charo right, worde were, Thank Citi his intention 101 it and member of then wealthy Chicago thly am going to dwell with Him Suuve, ites and Miss Charleston intered Division, No. 18: First, others live the life family. has coafossad to the Community nigat at waich time farce The Darkey Wood Dealer permit me to state my apprecia com convince e police that ha robbed more than special prepared program con Impressive. She has left behind a bus the house with brought downtion for you. As in giving to make others see that you are 350 Ohicago homes within the sisting of Moving pictures, belp The funeral ceremony was very which certainly Ts right, and you will have nothing 150 pouco komand the police ful talks, singing recitations etc band, five sons, two sisters, grand children, and numerous relatives and Hen3 to mentidegater; not for the Panamá Braub o maica Prapresentatives Goyern to fear, even though with her. beautital voice ment Association this ball for may fall. Right must finally believe the value of his loot will will be presented free.
The Sunday evening song ser friends to mourn ber lost.
in Telling Dollie.
the purpose of mass meeting triumph, and truth must prevail total more than 25, 000 pounds.
On the whole the entire proto night. Not dead, but sleepeth.
vice is being made more interest By this you have have some admiration for Hartang was characterised as gram is worthy of mention and demon. trated your unselfishness some of the things accom had the perambulator robber by ing by those who are lending their talent to the occasion.
we think Mr. Kerr, and his and pres that you are liberal by Mr. Marcus Garvey, alınuugo tebe police, while declared iba selection by the Clubhouse Panama District to Hold band of well trained little artists minde, and are always wiling can accept the entire while accompanied Annual Session.
should be very highly commend to assist those things that are gran as leid down He has by his wife, who pushed a per Quartette, a duet by Mrs, Waller ed for putting hetore the public conducive to the int rest of demonstrated what can be an anbulator carrying their year and Mr. Barton and a solo by Mr. Headley are the items to be and carrying to agh so success complished by unity of pur old child.
negroes and their advancement. poste 500 presented on Sunday the 2ad.
The Fourth Annual Session de folytech prog talaborat chudrea hard to put before you to bright, your chaplain address this baby remained on watela in front Hartunk, while his wife and the joyable program of are also preparing for our first grand children Day in Grand United Order of Oddiel Performance, house, this movement like the one you evening.
enter Gatuo. This exercise will take Frlendly Society, working are engaged in Mr. Wynter went through an through the rear and na lace about the 23rd of July, a the Committee of Manage out to a successful issue without exhaustive history of the politi with his bar England, Colon Wesley Guild.
nic is also being plar will be held the support of the people, and it cal situation in Jaica from the (20sc wi lake part ia saiu pro der the auspices of Naomi cannot be disputed that within time it became British posse re The Colon Wesley Guild had a the ranks of your Associatio, si un, up to the time the Rapre30 No. 61, on Tuesday, straighten.
gram. Everybody is asked to 4th at the Flower of the rare treat on Wednesday evening there are a large number of the sentadva Constitution was with beaut we bair and tell other friends and patrons of keep in mind these exercises and Isthmus Lodge room, Colon: last when Mr. B peuple.
drawn after the Moraat Bay duces hair on bald heads.
the Community before the he hatred and Judeias the Isle and is th mane, with a the Hon.
lies plicity that mendable 18 bi ter ing good and gram Concert you antici demonstrate it heavens a We are OUE bave In cannot be carried ned for.


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