
West Indian News.
Preference Continuation to West Indies.
The Anxerican Foreign Banking Corporation Debate on Statements Made By Major Wood in the House of Commons.
Head Office: 56 WALL STREET, NEW YORK CITY (Continued From Page 3)
refused. Ivan Redway then placei a bat in Cook tray. Cook threw it ont. Rdway it is alleged, attempted to kick Cooks who drew a sharp buteber knife and it is alleged inflicted a wound on Radway leg, cutting an Artery, and scraping tha bons The injired min is nou a patient in th St. Ann Hospital. Up to the present Cook is not arrested.
QUESTION OF PLEDGE DEPOSITORY OF Secretary of State Makes Statement about Despatch Sent to these Colonies.
Shark Is Kiiled.
THE POSITION SET The United States Treasury Panama Railroad. The Panama Canal Pauama Government United States Army and Navy Agents for the Banco Nacional CRISTOBAL PANAMA boling, existing Captain Gorka Eritt, Mister of the yawl Canary, told a Gleaner roporter of the cap.
ture of a shark, miles out of S18 11 Mar on Thursday last.
Sailing a calm sea, the shark was seen along side of the vessel The men had neither line or hook, but set what is called a contrivance with running noose. The shark which was evidently hungry, and seeking for prey, got his tight ensued between men and fish. The struggle lasted for a good time and the monster was eventually On measuring it was found to be six feet ten inches in length, two feet five inches in gi Irth and the outstretched fins three feet wide. The Captain believes that the monster was the same one that killed the Frenchman in the Savola Mar barbour some time ago.
maintain DOMINICA Another Fatal Sea Accident.
ALBOA EST EER REWED case is a young Soldier of the as London May 25. Canadian Gazette. Replying to questions in the British House o!
Commons on Monday, Mr Edward Wood, the Under Secretary of State for the Colonies, said: was authorised to announce in the West Indies that His Majesty Government would propose to the continuance of ince on lines to articles at present enjoying it for a period of ten years. It is the intention of His Majesty Government to this undertaking in any relevant tinancial legislation which it may be their duty to submit to Parliament, as long as they continue to enjoy His Majesty confidence. This legis.
lation is, and must be subject to Parliament approval.
Major Wood: Did the The Dominion Of Secretary of State for the Colo nies know anything about this? Canada And Its Mr. Churchill: Yes, Sir; most gladly co operated in bring. Immigrants ing it to pass.
Capt. Benn: Does the Secre tary of State for the Colonies Department of Coloniza.
think that he is qualified to give tion Announces Certain pledges for future fiscal arrange ments, without consulting the Charges In Its ReHouse of Commons quirements.
Mr. Churchill: This is a matter which was discussed with the Chancellor of the Exchequer. NEW REGULATIONS.
have no doubt that my right hon.
friend will be e quite ready to de. The Fitness of Immigrants fend his action and will be To Be Determined By quite ready to do so too.
Lt. Col. James: May, ask the Their Occupation.
Secretary of State for the Colo nies to consider the advisability THE TEST ABOLISHED.
of giving an undertaking that the substantial value of the pre ference shall not be less than Ottawa. May 20. The Depart.
that enjoyed at present?
ment of Immigration and ColoDispatch to be Published.
nization announces certain changes in requirements conIn the British House of Com cerning immigrants entering mons on Tuesday Mr. Hurd Canada, the change going into asked the Secretary of State for effect immediately. Under the the Colonies whether he is aware new requirements, instead of a that the Government of Jamaica money test to determine the has published in the West Indian fitness of immigrants by their and Canadian press for general occupation The regulations information his dispatch of will facilitate the movement of March on the proposal to con. Britishers from the Mother tinue for ten years the Country and the otber sellence on goods at present entitled governing Dominions. to Canada.
to preferential rates on importa and are framed particularly to employment is secured.
tion into Great Britain and encourage settlement in Canada American citizen whether the despatch will be by the agricultural and domestic entering Canada from the United laid before this Parliament forth servant classes, as these are the Siates provided it is shown to with to gether with any replies classes immediately in demand, the satisfaction of the Minister that may have been received In the case of persons of other of Immigration and Colonization, from Colonial Governors. classes entering from the that his labour or service is Mr. Churchill replied: United States, Canada will required in Canada.
answer to the first part of the those new Passport regulation question is in the affirmative. labour is required in the Do requires that immigrants (ex: Tbe despatch in question minion.
cept Britishers from the United was sent to the Colonial Gov Under the new regulations, Kingdom or any self governing ernments with a view to pub the landing in Canadamu alians Dominion, and Americans from lication, and it will be laid before immigrants is probibiled except: passport issued in and by the the United States) shall carry a early as possible passport 1. bona fide agriculturist Government of their own coun notification has been received from the Governments of Jamal entering Ciemadamente diferent and try. It is further provided that rnd Barbados that publication with suficient means to begin immigrants coming from the bas taken place, but no other farming in Canada, Continent ot Europa. shall have replies have yet been received. bona fide farm labourer their passports examined and Lt. Commander Kenworthy: Is entering Canada to follow that vised by a Canadian it proposed to consult the House occupation and with reasonable ment Immigration Officere of Commons before committing assurance of employment, stationed on the Continent of future Governments. change female domestic servant Europe.
All others requiring is expected to a fiscal policy for entering Canada to follow that passports must have ten yerrs?
occupation and with reasonable passports vised by. British Mr. Churchill: certainly bold assurance of employment, Consular officer. It is provided that the Government has not strict application of the for Canadian examination and that a fee of 00 is chargeable gone beyond what is usual in above would mean that only the vise of passport.
matters of this kind. It is desir, agricultural and domestic serable that the Colonies should vant classes could land in Asiatic immigration (except have some assurance of a con Canada, but provision has been nationals of a country in regard tinuance of conditions.
made under which immigration to which there is in operation Lt, Commander Kenworthy: Officers have authority to admit: a special agreement) must have Does the right bon. gentleman (a) The wife and family of any 250 to land in Canada.
think it is quite fair, because for person legally admitted to and the moment there is a tremen resident in Canada, who is in a House of Lords Excludes dous Protectionist majority in the House that they should bind his dependents.
position to receive and care for Women.
future Governments for ten (b) The national of any coun Lady Rhondda claim to Mr. Churchill. The hon, and try in regard to which there is seat in the House of Lords as a gallant gentleman, who is to in operation a special treaty or result of her father death, she form part of the Government of agreement or convention regula having succeeded to his title the future, will be perfectly free ting immigration.
which has been before the Com.
of course, in this as in other mat.
ters, to break faith with the ing Canada directly or indirectly has been refused. c) Any British subject enter. mittee of Privileges of that Body Colonies.
from Great Britain or Ireland, London, May 19th.
the United States of America By a vote of twenty to four ROOMS TO LET Dominfon or Newfoundland who the House of Lords has decided or any self governing British the Committee on Privileges of CALLE No shall satisfy the Immigration that Lady Rhondda claim and Oficer in charge of the port of petition to be admittec to sit in bas entry that he APPLY ON PREMISES sufficient the Upper House has not been means to maintain himself until made out.
bad the prefer (d) Any and the who might have returned The freely admit whose Creoline Hair Preparations Poaitively Superior to all others on Earth.
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for the day, the House as (From the Guardian)
On Saturday the 20th May 1922, will be long remembered by the inhabitants of this Parish (St. Mark) as is the 24th Decemder last (1921) when we had a similar incident of death by drowning. This time it is thres fishermen who went out fishing the Saturday in question in canoe in the channel between Martinique and Dominica; left ber shore in the morning and up to now nothing has been heard or geen of them. The fact of the Da WI. regiment in the World War aged 26 years, Captain Algie Mayne aged 21 ands years and Sonny Soraphin aged about 47 years, of Soufriere left in a boat usual for the channel: By to 10 a. several of the tishing boats that went along with them returned reporting very sea with furious wind ragiog in the channel, necessitating their return. Many returned later related their experience with the weather and said those not back by p. Were doomed to be buried in the sea After Sun.
set to 7p. some of the boats that were still behind came in by degrees via Rosseau side where they could fetch land where some sold their catch Until to p one of the two boats stili and reported not having seen missing came in from Roseau anything of the above lost boat. Immediately two captains with their boats carrying a lamp light each volunteered for a search of the lost comrades, reaching very far the channel without any result, returned about 11 o clock which removed all hopes of recovering the lost men: when the most pitiable scene then followed by the waiting crowd being disappointed when the searching parties announced nothing about them to crying and waiting which penetrated the intense of the night in the village was the horrible spectacle to bebold.
The man Sonny Seraphin left a wife with children able to help the mother besides his brothers their children, Mr.
George Mayne (father to Angle and uncle to Bernie) with his children and other relative were all awaiting in the crowd which was a a very large one.
Next day Sunday another search party left early in the morning and returned by o clock with no sight of anything of the lost party.
Monday afternoon while writing, one of the fishing boats returned with the rudder of the illfated boat as a proof sign of their having perished and confirms the opinion beyond any Continued on page са thege Consider Your Appearance most years?
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    World War

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