
a (Continued from page 6)
doubt that the three men are no more in life.
En passant it would not be out of place it a little bint could be taken by the fishermen or the merchant as a means of protect ing lives a little (for to me it it looks that our present set of fishermen always adhere to the primitive way of this kind of labour in which there is very of improvement to be seen to show any progress whatsoever) by introducing some modern useful things such as life belts (cork s) for the men to use around their waist when going out to sea. This believe will greatly improve the system and help to save more lives, once it is introduced koow they will take up to it and the result will be marvellous, INDICATIONS Coughs La Grippe Reconstructant Cold Anaemia Following Fevers Bronchitis General Tonic and Pneumonia An excelent vehics for administering lodides, Bromide and Salicylate. Summer Complaint and Bowel Irregularities among Children. All ages, all climates all seasons of the Year.
You have Tried the Rest Why not Use the Best little if any at at allo The wonderful taste of fine Turkish tobacco expertly blended with the mellow smoothness of choice American tobaccos.
They Satisfy WATERBURY CHEMICAL COMPANY Des Moines la Des Moines, New York, Toronto, New Orleans ST. VINCENT Chesterfield Book Binding!
sor to doubt interesting, books when you Book Binding Department ion of his llock.
ia SAVES any end LIFE of and LEWELRY BARGAINS Says the St Vincent Sentry of recent date. The Anglicans of Layo, much to their regret, are about to lose CIGARETTES the valuable services of the Rec.
tor Rev. Moore who will be of finest Turkish and American tobaccos blended leaving the island shortly for Grenada. He has been appoint ed Rector of Guayre as suces Rev. Alleyne who has been transferred to the Vicar Why throw away your old, but no age of St. Leonard s, Barbados.
Rev. Mr. Moore has been in St.
Vincent for eighteen months during which he has laboured LIGGETT MYERS TOBACCO Co.
Die lied successfuly in the parish se can have them neatly bound at of St James and St. Mary. But his his deep interest in the welfare of THE WORKMAN his parishioners and his devo tion to to the arduos duties which fell upon him in this extensive NOTICE district he won considerable esteem generally, and especially Link up with LIFEBUOY the affection of Mrs for Health Sake.
Mrs. Maynard, Certified last has likewise evinced an Moore who pined him in June Mid wife. of La Boca begs to tionate regard for the people affec CENTRAL AVENUE notify her friends and patrons that she has returned to her cherisaed in allectionate rememaround her and she will also be and No. G Street home, House 1029, St. Thomas Cher Street, La Воса, and is rance by all with whom she fill engagement couple health and prosperity in me in contact. We wish the entrusted ito her, She their weeks in Colon, and during that labour. The Rev.
Moore is son pality will enable the extension new Lodge Notice.
timo acted for weeks as a Red of Mr. Lynch Moore, an ex of the city in an easteryadiren Cross Nurse at ther Cree whionis Accountant of the local branch At the result of a Conference ISLE OF SPRING LODGE NO.
tion for housing with satisfaction for one on vacation e The following is Princess between the Town Council, and 8150 Mary acknowledgement the Governor, a Committee of thanks for ths address the Legislature has been apThe meeting nights of this ensket which the people of St pointed to cɔnsider the matter and 3rd Vincent forwarded to ber Royal in association with a Committee lodge are the 1st Mondays and the 3rd Thursday Highness through his Excelleacy of the Town Council.
of each month. The next meeting the Governor on the occasion of takes place on Monday July her marriage to Lord Lacelles: Buckingham Palace.
Dr. James Kelly, Registrar of Brd at 30 m. sharp in the YOUTH and happiness are linked the Ceylon Medical College, has Loyal Progress Hall Parama, up with health. Link up with To the People of St. Vinc nt Bequia been appointed Surgeon General for the purpose of installation of and, the Southern Grenadines. of British Guiana in place of officers for the July Decr. term.
Lifebuoy for health and for the Your Excellency.
Officers and members of taa Dr. Conyers, who has various sister lodges are core children sake. Lifebuoy Soap proI thank the people St. Vin resigned on account of ill health. dially invited, and requested to motes health happy, smiling health; cent and its dependencies very be on time.
it protects the children from the dangers of contagious diseases.
We are hoping that some oc sincerely for the casket of native wood and their address of conColonization.
WM. MAYNARD, Lifebuoy Soap has a twofold use it disinfects casion will bring you to our gratulations on my marriage Per. Secretary as it cleanses; disease germs cannot live where Lifebuoy Soap has been used. Lifebuoy Soap store shortly. And when you which you have been good their Mr. Clementi, in his recent will safeguard the children keep them do come be assured that it will come to forward on lecture on Colonization in Bri.
healthy as well as clean. Insist upon them.
using it before school, after play, before meals.
be a pleasure for us to serve. am much touched to hear of tish Guiana said that the prime What is the Transverter. USE LIFEBUOY SOAP FOR CLEANING THE you, and that our pleasure in the great interest they have requisite in a scheme of free tel. en in my work for social Immigration from India to HOME WASH YOUR HANDS AND FACE WITH IT BATHE WITH IT SHAMPOO WITH IT.
serving you will make your visit welfare and for children.
One of the fundamental probBritish Guiana was the estab to our store even more enjoy ch appreciate the allu lishment of cheap, regular, and lems for the electrical engineer able for yourself.
sions to Lord Lascelles, whose direct lines of communicatoin is to change alternating current family. fully realize has long between those countries. In into continuous or direct cur. FULLER been associated with the West justice to Mesers, James Nourse, rent. change MORE THAN SOAP, YET COSTS NO MORE.
JEWELLER Indies, and we both are grateful Ltd. it should be mentioned that made for a variety of reasons; for of good that firm maintains a regu and it is exceptionally important 122 CENTRAL AVENUE wishes for our future happiness. lar monthly service with additio. in the case of electric railway can assure the donors that nal sailings as required, from working, where many engineers shall cherish their gift as to the Calcutta op Vessels West advocate the pleasing souvenir of use of direct curcall at Demerara soir required, provided the depth of British engineers have been affection and regard.
as rent at very high pressure, Two MARY water on the at Demerara devoting their attention to this 8rd April 1922.
is sufficient for the vessel to matter and have devised cross. With regard to the re machine which provides. and patched turn voyago. vessels are des away the most efficient means from time to producing pressure mah DEMERARA Demerara to direct Calcutta when taere is is a sufficient number of oting Current generally produced people requiring passages, by steam turbine driven The Financial Situation Con after completing discharge in describe this machine without Otherwise, vessels from Calcutta generators. It is impossible to tinues Serious DONE WITH NEATNESS AND West Indies, the return to India elaborate technicalities, but we cargo from Cuba or Ameri may state that the first machine The Demerara Argosy of the ca via the Mediterranean, or made, which has been under DESPATCH 18th instant says we financial via the United Kingdom, as cir test successfully for about fifteen situation continues to be seri cumstances from time to time mentos, alternating ous and there is a likelihood of dictate. In the case af vessels into direct current at 100, 000 several business going into the returning to India via the volts with an efficiency of about hands of the Oficial Receiver Mediterranean, would be ninety five per vent. The original within the next few days. possible to carry a certain design was so excelteat that sub During the Week several peti number of people if passages se ant tests have not led to any tions were filed creditors at were required.
material alterations. This the Registrar Ottice for recelvmachine, which is called ing orders against debtors. Transverter because it first a Cotton Pooduction transforms and then converts the current, is expected to be of Purchase of Bel Air Park.
immense value in the electrifA Good Assortment The production of Cotton in cation of railways and also in the the British West Indies for the licking up of electric power sta special meeting of the season 1912 20 was 4, 091 bales. tions which is so necessary to TO LECT FROM AT THE Georgetown (Demerara) Town of this total the greater portion economy in the public Council was held on Friday 18th was produced in five islands. electricity. This mecane ma inst, to consider a letter from The production of these five for thereto Councillor Nelson Cannon, offer the season amounted to 106 passed tarough tb ental ing Bel Air Park for sale to the biles for St. Vincent, Barbadus stage. Machine Council for 65, 000.
an output The pro 201 bales, Montserrat 756 bales. 06 oyer 700 GO power are perty comprises 65 acres, and St. Kitts 659 bales and Nevis 290 expected to be at work in the its acquisition by the Munici bales, near future.
Remember LIFEBUOY SOAP is more than soap, it is a reputable germicide and sure disin fectant LIFEBUOY SOAP LEVER BROTHERS LIMITED. PORT SUNLIGHT. ENGLAND Indies Bar JOB PRINTING of every description to time from of with changes it Wedding Cards, Christening Cards. Birthday Cards and Ball Cards barion WO) MAT PRINTERY


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