p. 8


poned to the nak of catching colds, stan through infeco Crom other son OSTROLINE larly night and morning Ce efectos preventive games Linges atly applied, and plans to me Curred by Chemistaverywhere, price four Mr.
Big Clearance Sale WALK OVER STORE of a question in Parlia (NOSTROLINE country, Men and Women Shoes ad men who Moromise their ORDER BOOKS For Friendly Societies Kept in Stock at the WORKMAN PRINTERY ria.
PAGE EIGHT THE WORKMAN, SATURDAY, JULY 1, 1922 Pantry boy Hanged Hon. Theo Wint sexe EVERYBODY of Jamaica a fonte, cilther through condition (Continued From Page 1) Butcher and Burns, the SHOULD USE solicitors who represented! Will Visit The Isthmus Jacoby. Within the space of Latest communication to hand twenty Perfectly cale for person of. Preste hours over 5000 from Jamaica states that the letters arrived.
Hon. Theo Wint; member of isport, com Burns is considering the the Legislative Council of Jamal.
AT Harold Matthews Co. Clifton, Bristol matter of ment. We know, he said, that ca, and Secretary of maica People Cothe foreman of the jury persuaded that on the ground of Society, Ltd, will pay a visit to early during the his youth Jacoby ula be prieved, if a recommendation re this. The Hon. Mr, coming Wint is one were added to the verdict. All Sons of Jamaica, and in all the PROGRAM OF BIBLE our correspondents stated that various spheres of activities into STUDENTS LECTURE they are astonished at the attiwhich he bas entered be has Branch American Bazaar tude of the Home Office. Jacoby himself said: Well it made good. He was a talented SUNDAY, JULY 2, 1922 is all over, told you you and successful Elementary school CENTRAL AVENUE CORNER STREET No. couldn do anything, didn 1 acher before entering politics. Opposite Duque Hardware)
Court Wallace, 24th Street.
All your work has been wasted, and it was during his adminis.
tration as President of the Guachapali, 30 Subjectbut thank you for what you to Jamaica Union of of Teachers, that Why was man created. Speak have done the Unior sprung into promier: SEALE. Evangelist.
Dence and became the mighty An enormous assortment of Bartenders Defeated force it today, having La Boca Clubhouse, P. M, such shaping the great influence in Subject. Why man was Chauffeurs.
educational policy of the untry created Speaker: BOYCE, Mr Wint is a straigbtforward Evangelist.
In an excellently played game persevering worker in the poliGolden Green Schoolhouse.
game of cricket on Monday last, tical affairs of Jamaica. During 30 pm. Subject Where are From 00 to 00 per pair, must be sold.
real sportsmanship was witness the sessions of the Legislativo the dead Speaker: THOMAS, Evangelist.
ed on the Standard Oval, when Council this year, he was one of the Bartenders defeated the the most drastic critic of the All who attend these Bible a friendly present Chauffeurs c, in administration He The opportunity of a lifetime to get a pair of lectures express their apprecia.
match. The game was lively stands out solidly for the High Grade Shoes at a price within the reach of all, tion of the way in which the from start to finish.
vancement of the natives of bis subjects are proven by the The Chauffeurs won the toss island home. He is in hearty numerous quotations and Citaand went to bat, they played a accord with the change of the COME EARLY AND GET FIRST CHOICE tions of the Holy Scriptures very careful innings and at the Constitution now asked for from These lectures are free All fall of the last wicket were all His Majesty Government, are invited to attend at any place out for 72 runs, Patterso and During his visit to these shores Xoor SCC the opportunity of suitable to their convenience.
Peterson played a careful game he will take making 10 and 21 respectively, explaining the objects and in Auspices: International Bible The Bartenders then went to the tentions of The Jamaica People Students Association.
bat and compiled runs for Co operative Society, Ltd, and IN BRILLIANT RECEPTION their inning, after a very good will be soliciting shareholders to demonstration of cricket.
Burns this concern, which it is anticipa who was not in a hurry to leave ted will meet with the wicket, made 58 not out, and response from Jamaicans resida ready (Continued from page 1)
Oscar Foote made 10 runs. Bar. ing in the se parts. The Co BEST MAN AT WEDDING tenders won by 14 runs. This operative Society one of the It is learnt that the Prince club are of opinion that they will most powerful organizations yet may act as best man at the wed.
befable to to accept challenge launched in Jamaica. Its Board ding of Lord Louis Mountabarfrom any of the amateur clubs of Directors are men of unim peachable on the isthmus.
ten, his naval throughrepu ation cannot afford to compromise out his Eastern tour, to Miss Koep the old English game up pot boys and let it be played in a future with any shady Edwina Ashley on July 18.
friendly and manly spirit at all actions. It rightly managed, as Lord Louis Mountbatten is the son of the late Marquis of times. Those who witnessed the it is is hoped it will be, there can Milford Haven, and bis mother, match were very pleased with be no question about it, that it the conduct of the players. will be the dawn of a bright and the Dowager Marchioness of prosperous era for that country.
Milford Haven, is a daughter of Mr. Wint will take particular the late Princess Alice and LARGE NUMBER notice of the sanitary improve grand daughter of Queen Vicio ments in Panama and the Canal Lord Louis who is the Zone, as he is one ot the leading brother of the present Marquis, Continued from page apostles in the reconstruction is in his twenty second year.
their belongings, and it is very and sanitation of Kingston, the Miss Edwina Ashley is in her bard for the police to discover capital of Jamaica.
Another Piece of Panama Patchwork. LEAGUE OF COLLEGIANS twenty first year, and takes her Christian by whom these robberies are King Edward who was her godfrom the late committed.
The following poem is certainly full of sentiment and has not And Prospective Collegians of father. She is the daughter of It was a pitiable sight to see Harp Study for the Pubjic a few purple patches of language. It was written by an I, 1. Gets Down to Business as Conservative member for the Colonel Wilfrid Ashley, who sat condition of some of the men student, a West Indian, who played hooky one day when he was and this alone explains their The Bible Students of Panama ten years old and never got back to school. Now for some months As was announced in the last since the latter year has repre Blackpool Division 1906 18, and unwillingness to return to their bas opened another Bible study he has been employed in trading on the San Blas Coast and has baked. or, half starved, is no Harp of God as the text book Navigation. Every line of the poem is true to life and we cannot the League of Collegians and homes in the Indies. bis wits by issue sented the Fylde Division of Lancashire.
condition for a man for the convenience of the inter avoid the question: Did this beautiful Innocent girl lose her lite Prospective Collegians of to bis native country.
There ested in that That gentleman, in 1901. mar because broke the Indian law againt very was held evening Last Tuesday night their class prime of the shelf sickened and area Fery quickly when her home or host at the home of sidney La ried Muud only daughter of Direen of men, boys from years old to old Avenue, near the stranger become known.
McClean, Muller Building the late Right Hon, Sir Ernest bordering on sixty, and while it Park was packed ATCHISON, Calidonia Road. when Hubert Cassel, the famous financier, and seems that some of them may be with men men women and children elected as friend President Supt. Inter. Course Schools.
of King Edward. Miss burdened criminals those who who kept the study lively by to guide the destiny of the Ashley was a favourite with her have continuously kept from asking many salient qestion; on She was caly an Indian Puns (Poonah) She was only an Indian Puns, League, who in accordance with grandfather, who, on his death working, it may be possible that the subject before them, evinc But with a heart of purest gold, With teardrops in her eyes, the unquestionable prerogative in September last, left her a here are among then one or two lag a very studious attitude.
Her eyes were bright like diamonds, When spoke of lesving for awhile given bim by the Constitution large fortune.
honest men who are unemployed No Novice can assume leader And she loved me with love untold, Her breast would bonyo with sighs. appointed and cannot afford to find the But God knows did not mean it. Secretary General of the League high rental in the city of Colon dip in this association to deal Far from my thought when met her an intelligent public. The That ber bears would beat for me, Because was happy you see Noville is a member of the Terrific Sand Storm in the Considering themselve old em men selected are above the Nor even guosted when she smiled. spoke of going and returning Hamilton College of Law. Chicaployees of the Panama Janal, average and the Harp study Mojave Desert, What those smiles would come to me, And thus would prove her love for me, 80, III, and Mcl an a member shey hayo continued to occupy is no frivolous matter.
American School of Cor.
She was only To ask important questions She was only an Indian Puns, Indian Puns, quarters there, respondence, Chicago.
Her life slowly ebbing away, terrific sand storm is only reasonable and Here is a problem for wbich and Who just osme to brighten my life: indispensable purposes of the one of the greatest scenes that the West Indian Government factory stood by her deathbed and watched intelligent answers is very satis. would ask her in my language League is not Till obe passed with the angels we say and funeral benefits to its mem. drama to be shown at the only to give sick you can see in the great Western to all concerned and will have to find a solution. she wanted to be my wife. TWww useless to wait for an answer Her sweet eyes were then full of tears, bers but chiefly to widen the Excelsior Theatre on Sunday.
is a reflection on our system of more cannot be desired.
Government, if the people are Among the many questions For she knew not what said, Her teadar bands were clasped in educational Scope of Collegians, that is to morrow. This theatre mide: PO asked on Tuesday, is one which you in her eyes the reply was written: permitted to remain abroad for why yer, our hearts to already themed. Met me there, said abe, and painted me of general intelligence. Next FOX the latest triumph of that convicts through needs special mention, pamely.
circumstancestroyer which the leader asked the audience after she was only an Indian Punne Why God permits evil? The To the land that is better than time, meeting takes place to morrow great screen actor HARRY have.
She smiled wben gave her my promise Sunday) at 6, 30 prethrills suspenso and through all It was avec picture fall of economic conditions in the be had given them opportunity as black night, And pressed her sweet lips to mine, cisely.
the varius West islands to reply: Why parents chas They would look and laugh and smile My teare flowed fast as kissed her Founders.
the picture runs a thread of which forced them abroad. At tise their children, and as Then all was still for time, sentiment as Noville. McClean, hum steal present living on the Isthmus of many parents were Each day as she came ia sight, human sympathy Nichols, Alleyne, and more the greatest and best loved The shadows of evening were falling, Panama is very uniavourable, answer came for their good. How could keep from loving hem, Oace Herbert and it should be the duty of the The leader then explained that eyes and.
And the evening breeze fanned ber actor of the screen has given ali various ehwest Indian utovern. God intends to roll away the How did keep from kiveing them bead, that is in him for the enjoyment ments to come forward and pre curse in due time, and that man When my happiness was complete.
Till her tender hand clasp loosed in mine, Stick. Stick. of the army of his aimirers.
And one moment more she was dead.
For next week the Excelsior state of civilization and idleness. it, and choose the good; thus be went them falling into a backward boiving bed the experience with will be wise enough to reject she was only and Indian Puna. Once more by her casket passed announces the continuation of. As she sat on the besch by me, And wi sed her et peaceful mood The man who sticks has his lesson The Secret Four. the greatest will be as God knowing good Smiling and talking in her language, And the sunile cold she was happy for success does not come by chance Eddie Polo. And for the Furth learned, serial of the great and only UNIQUE CYCLE ASSOCIA and evil. There is science In How happy she need to be, And only u: ood.
this answer The night was clear but the sex ww angry There were beau. flowers all about It is earned. of July, matinee and night toe TION BOYS.
The Barp of God study is Dark clouds were marching from the her so keep pounding away for good hard inmortal Charlie Chaplaia in his every Tuesday at p. All are But the veetest laid on her breast latest picture Pay Day. To Ride Across The Isthmus on they were peglected too long, welcome, bring your Bibles, What cared for wreck of land or so, And ber last words ll ever remember, Will take stepping atonda out of She loved me: twas better than the best July 4th That we meet in the land of the bloot. Let your motto be this What another FIVE ARRESTED IN LYNCHstumbling blocks ING Lecture Meeting of Mutual Benefit What promises to be of unImportant to Lodges. been able to handle surely can. asual interest among our IsthYee the man who sticks has the sense to Arkansas Men are Accused of Society.
Bro. Laurie, of the mian Cyclists is the mamoth ride Royal King Solomon Lodge will All notices for publication Ad.
Tomorrow at three at the vertising dates of meeting nights He can make himself what he wants Murder in the First Degrae agross the Isthmus planned by be giving Special Lectureon tice of the Secretary Treasurer are charged for at the rate 00 to be Unique of Calidonia. meeting of per payable advance.
July 4th. These boys will leave Meeting night in July, all Scot Directors of The Mutun Benefit Publications notifying suspen For the man who Sticks is bound to so off with your coat and piteh right in the at a. precisely.
Texarkana. Ark. June 10. tish Mechanics are invited.
Society will be held for the pur sion or expulsion of members Win. Five men were arrested and The Cycliste cricket team is of Respectfully, placed in jul here pose of discussing matters rela: are charged for per inch of the opinion that they can defeat CL.
to day LAURIE.
the chauffeurs CC and is desir charged with murder in the uve to the quarterly workings of space taken.
the organization.
first degree in connection with on of meeting them on any oval The Directors are requested to ly Societies are hereby requested the World bəst hair pro negro, on May 19.
Lodges and other local Friend.
Rent Receipt Books in Span. be out in full so Creoline Hair Producer is the lynching of Haley Owens, a at any time for anythingSo there; Honk Honk Boys, our ish and English for sale at the ness on the agenda may be disthat the bust to be governed accordingls. ducer and will not soil or stain been the slayer of Policeman Owens was believed to have glove is on the ground.
Workman Printery. pensed of The MANAGEMENT, clothes.
Dick Choate, the to return men Delessep skoville was Sidney Lime McClean as with an of the The receive and become CAREY. It is Indian with me present the keorke.
man 000


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