
PAGE TWO THE WORKMAN SATURDAY, JULY 8, 192 Interesting News From The West Indian Islands their VACATION SURE Senior for WHAT HO. AND MAY BE were 1st PRIZE 250. 00 Gold stand a the death of William LUCKY STRIKE Empty Package Contest 24 Other Real Cash Prizes ernment two sent to Panama Hardware JAMAICA condi eyery kind of food productions sible for the tubercular necessary for man existence, tion of the lung to have caused crippled by the taxation and men al unsoundness tending to First Move To Put duties imposed on them. Sugar, suidical impulsese on The jury returned a verdict of Brake on Immi very basis, thereby minimizing death by prussic acid poisoning cry of many of the porary insanity. Reporter, gration. white men out there is England bas forgotten us. It is a most The Report of the Goverr ment to Enforce productive island, the climate is excellent. the scenery magniti Resident Surgeon for the Dictation test Provided cent; and it only a line of steam pastu month disclosed the By an Existing Law. ers would take passengers in a following. Admissions 277, dis shorter time than at 21.
present charges 241, deaths post would be a favourite mortem 0, pay patients Jamaica HOW STATUTE WORKS winter resort bringing in a good subsequent treatment 896, deal of money to the island. treated by visiting Surgeons as Government at Hong Kong Mr. Humphreys, out patients 329, total for month Swan Hill Court Shrewsbury: 3, 433, daily average 203, operaServed witb Notice as to tions 109 of which 76 Intentions of this Island.
opthalmic, Typhoid cases 20 BARBADOS deaths AND DOWNING STREET The. Albare on Thursday From the Gleaner we under Suicide at Central brought 330 passengers for this that the Government port from Colon including 50 chil.
propose to enforce the dictation Almshouse.
dren. These are all Barbadians test prescribed by Section (a)
the older members being persons of Law 86 of 1916. The Img15 Male Inmate Takes Prus ma during the Janal Construc who had been working in PanaRestriction Law, 1919 which runs as follows: sic Acid.
IN present time there is a great (a) Any person who fails to pass the dictation test, that is to say, when an officer dictates on Friday 2nd ulto, at the Central consequent destitution among An inquest was held at a. amount of unemployment and to him not less than fifty words Almsbouse by Mr. J, Sains West Indians in Panama.
in any prescribed lenguaje, fails bury, acting Coroner, associated to write them out in that lant to discover the guage in the presence of the with a jury OBITUARY officers.
circumstances attendant upon Toppin, a It is further understood that white inmate. aged 36 which We have to record the death the Government of Hong Kong took place under exciting and of Mr. Jeremiah Walton, of Bay were informed in October last, opusual circumstances about Street, which sad event took in reply to an erquiry, that the 30 the previous day. place early yesterday ay 31st policy of this Government was to entore the law strictly. deposed that about p. on David Sealy another inmate at the General Hospital.
Mr. Walton was a well known telegram to that effect was also Thursday he was in n the dining figure in the community, and sent to the secretary of State room sitting opposite deceased enjoyed the bighest respect of a for the Colonies.
Local shipping officers have when he saw the latter take a very large circle of friends upta been advised of the matter by contents into a tin of coffee he He was a very ireen business. a circular letter froin the Gov.
was about to drink, stir the man and in his early days car.
liquid ard drink it off few ried on Fancy Goods Depot in minutes later deceased said o High St.
Visited Englid on Water Supply at Jones Pen God Sealy. help me with the several occasions and was able to assistance of other men he gain a very wide knowledge of lifted deceased to bis cot and the success which he met with business which was reflected in The Gleaner has good reason to called the Head Nurse, believe that His Excellency the Nurse Hinds, the Head Nurse, in his enterprise. The ebbing of Governor bas cause a communi deposed that on being called to the tide of success began in his WILKINSON cation to be the St. the deceased she found him in a later lito, due mainly to powerful Andrew Parochial Board in collapsed condition and adminis. competition, and as a result, he CONTRACTOR BUILDER which he states that he does not ter cne fortieth of a grain of was forced to retire from busi: First Class Workmanship see his way to approve of the strychnine. She then telephon ness. During the many years of improvement of the water sup ed Dr. Williams one of the his retirement, he displayed an Plans and Specifications Free Main Store: Plaza Catedral ply at Jones Pen at the present Parochial Medical has edical Officers.
juncture. This innet fortitude. Pleasant in Dr. Williams deposed that on House 99 he always seemed to 5th Street Was Branch: 125, Central Avenue come as a great surprise to many members of the Parochial Board found deceased in reaching the Aimshouse be have been able to catch the Box 411, Panama, haying regard to the in a state of of the silver lining and the the Board bad decided to lay profound coma He appeared to influence of his quiet resignation down concrete drains and gut examination showed that the personal contact with him.
breathing who came into ANNOUNCE the ratepayers in the heart and radial pulse were still He was an ardent Mason. JUAN ILLUECA district agreeing to special local rate pay a going. He administered an Past Master of Victoria Lodge.
cost of the improvement.
to meet the injection but deceased expired C. and was also elevated to Attorney. at. Law after his office in the higher branches of special meeting of the St. arrival.
No. 44 Central Avenue There was a secrecy Andrew Parochial Board will be aromatic scent on degent About a week ago, he took ill TELEPHONE NO. 64. BOX No. 76 held at Half Way Tree to mor breath which resembled that of and on medical advice he was row morning the whole prussi prussic acid, Nurse Hinds removed to the Hospital where Practices in all Courts of matter will be discussed.
a vial which she said he succumbed as already stated.
the same meeting it is aint was taken from deceased His wife predeceased him that a resolution will be brought pocket which emitted a similar about years ago. His funeral English Spoken Fluently Contractors and Builders will be up relative to the representa odour, only it was not quite so will take place this morning at tion of the parish in the Legis strong as that on deceased 8:30 o clock from bis late resigreatly benefited by paying a visit lative Council Rent lleceipt Books in Spanbreath. In August last year he dence to the Westbury Cemeadmitted deceased to the Alms tery.
ish and English for sale at the to these stores.
SAM McVEA WAS HELD but he had been cured some house suffering with dysentery, Workman Printery.
FOR MANSLAUGHTER time ago. About three weeks House of Assembly.
ago the Head Nurse consulted But Has Been Acquitted him as to whether deceased At the meeting of the House of should be discharged Deceas. Assembly on Tuesday an tit, but be In the Police Court or ars deutute he recommended that tive and Colonel Yates of the was rangement between the Execu day June 22nd, Sam McV vas he should be given leave to go British Union Oil Company was brought up before His honour Mr. Burke, on the City in search of em sanctioned by which the charge of Com ployment.
pany will freely place at the dis manslaughter. The accused was arrested in connection with the at the Almshouse said that siderable supply of pure water to Mr. Crichlow, dispenser posal of the Government a conNO 1, 29th Street East, Calidonia Cuatro death of Donald Kelly a boxer deceased used to assist in the be who died at the Hospital on obtained pot (OPPOSITE THE IRON GATE)
Tuesday morning last, kind The The washing bottles etc. He (witness) question of the pay and reen rol deceased sparing with McVea on Monday nights 18 vast at home for the last two ment in the Police Force Orange St, and at the er sio dosed. The bottles dispensary was dealt with in a satisfactory man ENGLISH AND AMERICAN he complained of tot containing ner. The House adjourned for a eeling well.
He was taken to the Hospi poison were ablelabelled and kept fortnight.
bal and as stated above be died. a press in the dispensary The door of appeared for the accuser. No mes during his busy hours the The Hon. Simpson and the press was kept lock.
TRINIDAD iniormation was laid ai press door remained opened for accused was discharged. is well nown in Panama, some time. It was possible for Much Concern during last year he was invited poison poured to go to Jamaica by Mr. when his. ws back hottles Bragg. Finding a lucrative field turned. If deceased did so was Over Big Firəs.
be in that country in boxing McVea must have done it prior to Wed has taken up permanent resi nendaki Trinidad is getting very much dence there, NO SUBSTITUTES USED Dr. Mortimer Johnson, Gov concerned over the many big Bacteriologist, ernment firep that bave been occurring wbo Jamaica Needs.
performed a post mortem exami there with frequency of late and Only the purest and most genuine Drugs comnation upon the deceased it is feared that the Insurance similar The following appeared in the lung was almost destroyed that the upper part of his lett Companies will take attitude to the one assumed pounded by a reliable Pharmacist of over London Times of May 24, Ja tuberculosis. The stomach con some years ago when there was maica. have just returned tained almost a pint of fluid throughout the an epidemic of conflagrations from a visit to Jamaica, during which had a distinct odor of The 40 years experience which motored over a thousand prussic acid. Death was due editorially as follows. Whether Port of Spain Gazette comments miles, and can endorse every in his opinion, to it be that thing your Correspondent says poisoning.
over insurance WILLIAM de SOUSA, Proprietor.
in The imes of May 16. In Jacreates In reply to the natural Coroner the degree maica we have a colony rich in doctor stated that it was impos. Continued on Page 3)
Sesto decison le view that Jound by all ters, and minutes General Reduction in their prices when At banded him a ar: ed was then as THE IDEAL PHARMACY to a was was ng and.
up At Drugs Patent Medicines Perfumes, Soaps etc. etc.
deceae to by out said up island.


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