
THE WORKMAN SATURDAY, JULY 8, 1922 PAGE THREE Capital and Surplus 10, 000, 000 Undivided Profits over 6, 000, 000 Canadian Government Merchant Marine.
International Banking Corporation West Indian Hews. Continued from page 2)
of careless in the per.
son su ed or that it merely xes to sweil the il surance comHy is of moment, what is equired tin som Way or another tha mians shall ba found for seeing that the cu pantes shalt teel justified in cən tinang lua cept fire risks in Port of Spain at not more than the present rates; and that we sball escape what we eem like ere boog to earn for ourselves abroad very unenviable repu tation, such as, we once before bad, being a city of remarkab wd extensive and inexpliable fires. Short of an adop, of the German system of insur ince outlined Huggios, we think it ought to beastly possible for the merchants and the insurance arrange some scheme, whereby there sball be a guarantee List over insurance, against alleged reckless mis use of electricity and other dangerous fire producing elements, and against all else that is likely to lead to such fires as have of late been only too frequent in Port of Spain.
tion by Mr.
BELGIUM companies to miles be and time, Passengers in money Leeward At the Magistrate Court Trinidad, last week, a crippled returned soldier named Cyril Peters was fined 100 with the alternative of three months imprisonment for selling a pint of rum without a license. This Was Peters second conviction for a similar offence.
201 Commercial Evening School DEMERARA Earthquake In Colony Of British Guiana Two Shocks are Experienced at Demerara Heralded By Slight Rumbling.
learing are when we have journey There is of the ARE FELT AT BERBICE.
An Amusing Incident Told Of a Well known Young Man and His Family.
Dany WIII Connect with Bermuda and Other West India Islands.
Head Office: 60 WALL STREET, New York City Owned by THE NATIONAL CITY BANK OF New YORK WITHOUT GOING VIA NEW YORK Depository of the PANAMA CANAL Direct West Indis cable from Montreal, dated June 20 says. Commencing Wednes day the Canadian Government Mercbant Direct Representations through our own Branches and those of Marine Canadian Fisher and Canadian steamere, THE NATIONAL CITY BANK OF NEW YORK in Forester will make Bermuda part of call dorth and south ENGLAND FRANCE SPAIN ITALY bound.
This CHINA JAPAN INDIA JAVA STRAITS SETTLEMENTS PHILLIPINES This will be a great convenience as tourists, commercial ARGENTINE BRAZIL CHILE CUBA PERU PORTO RICO travellere, and others will be able to reach Bermuda from JamalURUGUAY AND VENEZUELA ca and the Bahamas without having to go via New York as heretofore, thus saving a disCorrespondents in all the Trade Centers and Ports of the World tance of at least 1, 300 sides e ecting a coming from the South, Demerara, Trini dad.
Barbados, the Windward and ESPECIALLY EQUIPPED FOR FINANCING AND PROMOTING INTERNATIONAL COMMERCE Co wand bislands via the M. thus us be able to make Date INTEREST PAID ON SAVINGS ACCOUNTS AT PER CENT. PER ANNUM connection with Canadian steamers for the Bahamas, Jamaica, and British Honduras without the long delay via Colon. During the Summer months or between May October they can Mooney Billings God Judgements obert Bermuda tory Montres where they can obtain good The STEWART In the Earth.
steamship connections for Eng.
June 12, 1922.
Fan Francisco. Although six During the Winter months the long years have passed since the Whatever our avocation in life Canadian steamers make Halifax inception of the frame up against might be, whether we be among their winter port.
the two trade union champions, the professionals, the scientists, The Canadiam Fisher will inMooney and Billings, the de trades, overseer in the most low. augurate the new service. mand for justice for these two ly and humble walks of ordinary large number of passengers will innocent men grows ever strong labour. for here the more God leave on the Fisher, in the steer CLASSES IN er as the months roll on.
se na verecelled the attend bound for Jamaica.
to be found age being many Chinese who are Throughout the length and Shorthand, Typewriting, Spanish, Etc. creator justice rings out. Evea nothing to hapori ereater peaceoul Horatio Bottomley breadth of the United States the noon of life conservative daily newspapers, mind and happiness which cannot by any stretch of than the knowledge and the imagination. be termed surance of a walk in the path of Sentenced to Seven Years radical. have united with the righteousness to the best of 51 16th STREET WEST leh labour and liberal publications in in our ability. But an unfaithful demanding that the Governor of prophet once prayed let me die The conviction of Mr. Horatio PANAMA CITY California use his executive pow the death of the righteous, and Bottomley, for fradulently er to free these two men.
let my last end be like his. But converting to his own use vast The Lousville (Ky. Post says served the mamons of unright care that prophet or preacher had sums of money committed to his by thousands of peoeditorially: Mooney certainly eousness That prophet.
should be pardoned. It has been recollect was Balaam. Numbers his integrity has we ll ple of all classes who believed in created an lunwas originally convicted on per proven mountain high that 22 to chapter 24. mense sensation. Hundreds of Ia Bargains! Bargains. Bargains. were. is jured evidence. Of course it more prevalent than ever; the into a Victory Bond Club and would be better if that verdict could be seta aside and a a new triail Balaam type of prophets the by Mr. Bottomley with tempting Similar organizations promoted ordered but the Californis Court preachers incr rases GO TO THE PANAMA BARGAIN HOUSE of Appeals has held this to or promises to the public, a large be legion types of spiritism ot impossible. The only alternatives doilea But the word of God section of whom and these ese has not in are to permit Mooney to stay in When God judgements are in their money again. Mr. Bottomthe poorest class will never see When you wish a cheap, but decent Suit (complete. prison under a sentence made the earth, the inhabitants of the ley has been an ext net possible by perjury, or to grant world will learn righteousnes. unique hats, hose, collars, ties, and so forth.
him a free pardon. With the lite. As a journalist, a politician, record as it is, it is the pardon But these same false prophets an astute company promoter and that should be used about God judge a demagogic orator he bas won Also cheap Cots for the weary Traveller The New York World has this ments a ments and does Isaian prophecy, many remarkable achievements, to say: Woen Mr. Stephens was they change the teaching of the in spite of various sbady transelected Governor it was generally latter half of the verse about the actions in which he escaped the understood that he would come righteousness in God judge. skin of his teeth. During the in the world learning long arm of the law only by the Address. MULLER BUILDING mute Mooney sentence to lite imprisonment out day (Acts 17:01) to that of war, as the editor of John Bull to o the opinion of other communi being tortured or tormented for a weekly periodical, and CALIDONIA ties, but that, out of deference to ever and ever world without end lecturer, he put himself forward those leading citizens of San But if they believe it they do as the champion of the British Fra rancisco who wanted Mooney not act and live as though they soldier. on whom his writings jail whether or not, he do and are blinder than Balaam and speeches certainly exercised go no further. He did ass.
for some time a strong impresMammut the sentence to life im blabbering. ranting as it were. infuence which he then acquired It is now no time for religious sion. It was largely owing to the CALLE No. prisonment although the evidence on hand at the time cried Rather, God faithful watcher and to the belief that he had left aloud for a pardon. If he still live and work as set forth in his past behind and traasformed Isaiah 42 4 thinks Mooney should stay in himself into disinterested PRIVATE ACADEMY jall for being an undesirable They believe Acts 3: 19 23; patriot, that he was citizen he would do well 15: 14 17; 17: 24 31; Romans 8: induce so many people English Classes glance again at Mr. Brady 18 23; Tim 2: 36; Isaiah 65: with their money on what proved 17 25; Rev. 21: 85.
to be fictitious security Various For Young Ladies 6 The Pittsburgh (Pa. Press It is God who has given the attempts were made, in vain to promises for help bring him to justice. It was declares: If it is true that and hope of art. Tis He who has only when he fought an action AND FOR BOYS 7 nothing is eyer settled until it is ob for libel against a man who had permitted the judgements ob for set led right, the country and Saining in the earth in the vari published defamatory pamphMon Tues, Thurs. Fridays. the administration at Washing: lous phases and experiences of let about his misdeeds that the ton may count BARTON, troubled by the Mooney case for for the glad day and what that action Mr. Bottomley gave among men to prepare us law. was given its chance. In a long time to come. There is has in store for the bnman family evidence, and his admissions One way in which the time can in the new earth. Let the glue. under then of ea bochilimet borteris be shortened and that is, by ton, the Carnal minded wbose examination of a doing Mooney justice.
god is his belly the thing of ter made his arrest and convic.
And the Syracuse (N. time and sense book at these tion inevitable. He has now been The best Tonic in the World Journal, follows with this: things; for blind unbelief is sure sentenced to seven years penal does no good to the cause of law terror, but soon, whosoever will servitude. It is a miserable end and order to have district may drink of the water of life to the career of a man who, it be attorney declare publicly and without money or charge.
bad used bis almost anrivalled with vehemence that the only The true and honest Bible talents honourably, might have reason for keeping This elegant Tonic preparation is highly recommend.
the them Student follows Lamb become one of the most celebra(Mooney and Billings) in prison whịthersoever be goeth. The ted men of his generation. It is ed in Debility, Nervousness, Female Weakness, is that they are undesirable sheep hears the Shepherd rare in the annals of English Impoverishment of the Blood, and to build up citizens.
voice. But tis the grace of God history that so notorious a rascal a run down constitution.
The New York Call, powerful that brings Salvation, to man has so long escaped the clutches of the law.
socialist daily says that: They It promotes digestion, improves the appe are undesirable in the view of PILGRIM WILKINS.
tite, and gives tone and energy to the whole system.
the Chamber of Commerce and Genaral Notice.
the associated industrial DOSE. One small Wine glass before each meai or ters of San Francisco.
strike. We urge every union to times a day.
reinforce the letter of District All publications of Births They are desirable to the wage Attorney Brady by sending Deaths, and Marriages are workers of that city, whom they telegram to the Governor or ap. charged for according the JAVER MORAN American Pharmacy. served faithfully in organizing propriate resolutions in bebalf of amount of space taken up. No unions and in helping to main the two victims of the labour exceptions will be made to this tain the morale of workers on struggle in San Francisco, notice.
nds of pounds psia like the vain that the an isk 26:9)
dont teach shook like The shock of ment 88 shock guilty able to to Demerara, May 18. The most violent earthquake sbock felt locally within recent years was that of 1910. It came on a quiet Sunday afternoon while numbers of the inhabitants were enjoying their usual Sunday afternoon rest and the children at Sunday School.
The day was fine when sud denly at about three o clock a loud noise was heard like the rumbling of a large number of waggons the horses coming on at a strong gallop. It was a remarkable phenomenon, and in moment houses leaves. The significance of the situation was clear.
was of compartively short dura tion. At about 10 seconds after: wards a second and more severe was experienced The duration was much longer in this case and this shock created considerable alarm among the inhabitants. Residents rushed from their houses seeking safety in the open.
The children at the Sunday Scho Schools were so scared that it was with difficulty a panic The was obviated wooden buildings swayed to and fro and so disconcerting was the situation that it was feared the majority of the buildings could not survive the shock. Very shock which was felt on the morning ef the 11th Instant was not as sharp as that of 1910 or of February 1918. In the latter case the churches were holding their evening services. Some excitement was created, several of the worshippers leaping through the nearest window.
EFFECT OF THE QUAKE In respect of the last moroing shock also there was no great alarm because the community was asleep and almost be fore the sleepers had awaken the shock had passed off.
Some persons were aroused by the usual noise which proceeded the earthquake while others started out of bed as the result of the shaking of their houses, The shock formed the lapia conversation all day Thursday and into Some people declared that the end was at hand, while others proclaimed that God was ing to the world. Some of the (Coniinued On Page 7)
to lotter.
The on being life VIGOR TONIC mas Friday to speak


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