
PAGE FOUR THE WORKKAN, SATURDAY, JULY 1922, THE WORKMAN MILDRED HARRIS IN Published on Saturday. by Rates for Advertisement on applies TALBOND, the office Central Avotion. Correspondence on all matters e sad corner of Street, Panama, of public interest invited.
2do Box 74, Panama All copy for publication must be written on one side of paper only, and RATES OF SUBSCRIPTION must be accompanied by the name of Oce Year. 40 U8. Cy. the writer, not necessarily for publica Six Months 20 Hon but as a mark of good faith.
wo do not undertake to return One 250. erejected orrespondence.
CARTERS EXCELSIOR THEATRE TO. NIGHT MONDAY Saturday, July 8th, 1922 July 10th 1922 HOME And during the week te TO MORROW continuation of the great Sunday, July 9th 1922 serial with Eddie Polo The Secret Four LOCKED LIPS SSSSSSS Three 800.
For more than two years a steady, but slow, stream of repatriation of West Indians has been going on, each All roads lead to Guacha pali island experiencing an influx of its own people, who fourChapter No. 14 on Saturday teen years or more ago, created a serious labor problem night next July 15th where will by their rush out of their own homes under the power of be stag Real West Indian the isthmian industrial magnet which at that time attractTea Meeting Latin Giants, Oratorical torches, mocking When speaking in terms of Cigarettes ed people from all over the world.
The classes of repatriants have been, for the most birds, Dramatic comedians, all CARTER are prepared to demonstrate to part, those who have become disabled and crippled, those an anxious audience that the who have contracted incurable diseases and destitute Negro is what he makes himselt.
individuals all of whom, in the language of the Canal The contest of 5, 00 Cy. for is of greatest importance BENEDETTI HERMANOS authorities, would in time, become charges on the governthe worst dressed man or boy.
Central Ave a 3rd. St. will be a special feature of the ment of the Panama Canal.
PANAMA evening Queens also will grace we are placed in a position to give you The two great agencies at work on the scheme of us with their presence. Refreshrepatriation are the Panama Canal and the American Red ments all free.
QUALITY, together with an attractive Cross Society. Outside the offices of these institutions Admiszion 500. Cy.
price in view of manufacturing CANER very little is known locally of the magnitude of the task GADSBY that they have been performing. The difficulties concomProp.
PRODUCTS mitant with the unceasing work are as varied as they are Look out for the program stupendous, and it is not unreasonable to express the next Saturday, Mr Maloney belief that some of the West Indian islands have in Stopping Entry into preside supported by his Vice. The Moderu Demosthenes will creased these difficulties without considering the welfare of Liquor from Jamaica and asst. Vice.
of their own people. Equal to any imported The Panama Canal has been handling the repatriation affair with weak hands, little realizing that they had be gers are so thick along the New York, May 28. Bootleg Great Singing Contest at Excelsior Cigarette Superior to most fore them a problem, the solution of which had to be waterfront that the Atlantic worked out in a more serious state of mind than that in Fruit Company has had to hire which they undertook to manage the plan. The Panama The proprietors of the Excelsquad of ex bugilists to guard a Canal laid off over seven thousand West Indians who its pler from the swarms who sior Theatre are making arSAVE THE CASH COUPONS had come into this country particularly to work on the meet every ship in the hope of rangements for a Grand singing re stocking Tois became known Contest at the Theatre canal, and when it became evident that they were strand to day when Gunboat Smith August 1st. West Indian 00 Gold Per Hundred ed in the cities of Panama and Colon they made arrange led his squad into action against Emancipation Day) at night.
ments to send away as many as they could.
several motor boat loads who The contest will be preceeded In the first place there have not been funds enough in speed up to the docks just us by snappy Moving Picture the hands of the canal officials for the purpose of repatriat. Jam sica, made fast.
the Princess May, inbound from show and followed by All applicants (males and 20 Cigarettes Made of Imported Tobacco for 15c.
ing the discharged forces which had been called here from Smith said that the bootleg females) can leave their applica the West Indies, and secondly, the Panama Railroad gers displaying, bank rolls called tion at the theatre any day be Company bave had no boats operating between the leth on the members of the crew to tween the hours of p. m, and mus and the West Indies such as they have running between Lored four of the men who had p.
produce liquor Smith party Pe 228 will be given to the CHURCH SERVICE ADMIRAL SEA BURIAL the Isthmus and the United States. This means that the climbad into the pier, put to three best singers. There will question of repatriating West Indians was, from the very light the rest of the landing also be a prize for the best beginning, a most formidable one.
Ashes Conveyed to the Deep party, and then jumping into a pianist.
The contest are open to all (American Episeopal Church)
From Destroyer Decki Some of the islands are out of the main route of the skiet, drove off the motor boats.
Two shots from the bootleggers West Indians of good reputa St. Paul Church, Panama, steamers wbich sail from Cristobal for the West Indies, were fired tion Judges will be selected from a. m, Holy Communion, and it is impossile for people going to such places as MontIn accordance with his wishes 10 sm, Litany.
serrat and its immediate neighbors to escape transhipamong gentlemen of first class Admiral Swinton Holland, one of 10:30 am. Holy Bueharist and ser the most distinguished navak ment, and transhipment is an awkward arrangement under Musical Art Association. musical reputattion and ability.
officers of his day, was given a the present uncertain schedules of the few companies with Holy Baptisa, sea burial. The admiral died splendid opportunity p. Sunday School.
vessels plying between the Leeward and the Windward Sight Singing. Voice Production Notice to Correspondents Chichester in his seventy ninth at 730 Evensong and sermon.
Pronounciation for Singers and a: The Panama Canal authorities ought to be in a posi Plano Lessons. plan has been and Contributors. NIGHTENGALE Vicar After cremation of the body tion to put through the repatriation of West Indians to a formulated to meet everybody St. Alban s, Paraiso. Woking, the ashes were conThe management of this paper perfection, but this would mean more financial grist than enabling all interested to acquire desires that all communications p. Sunday School, and confirmatier. En board the destroyer Tarpon 11 am.
veyed to Portsmouth and placed toey have at present. The Secretary of War should be a musical knowledge at a very for publication be typewritten of which steamed out of harbour approached on the question which should occupy a more For further information apply and legible to facilitate publica. NIGA TENGALE Priost in charko ing their colours at half mast, if hand written must be clear 30 Evensong and address between warships at anchor fly.
prominent place in the canal affairs than it does; and it to tion. This notice is occasioned should be an official and not a cbaritable undertaking.
Of Spithead the commital D, LEACOCK, by several letters and other copy St. Peter Church La Boca.
It should not be forgotten that when the Isthmian General Director, band written not legible and portions of the Burial Service Canal Commission found themselves in a quandary as to were conducted by the Bishop of Morning Prater and addrose, 11 a. Box 946. Ancor, CZ, which oiten delay publication.
Sunday Scbool, p.
Chichester chaplain at Portsthe necessary labor force for the building of the canal it Pronsong and sermon 17. 30 mouth.
was to the West Indies they looked for people and they There has been general talk about the going away de MULCARE. Rector.
When the ashes were consigagot them under the lure of certain magnificent proposals West Indians from the Isthmus, and most persons of in de St. Barnabas Church, Empire nav bugl ers from 81. MS c ed to the dep off he Nab.
amor, which, it is believed, the matter of repatriation was pendent means have been thinking that the egress has Sunday School and Confirmaalase to y sounded the Last Post.
one of the foremost.
been entirely too slow; but there are a few points of impor pm.
Now that the people are no longer needed it ought to tance that should be considered in connection with the Evening Prsver sad address, 30 be the business of the canal government to attend to their vexatious subject. MULCARE, Priest in charge repatriation in a serious and business like way. Not only The Britis. Consulate has no appropriations for the si Bartholomew Church, SLE OF SPRING LODGE No.
should chose who are likely to become charges on the gov purpose of assisting indigent and unemployed West In Las Cascadas 8150 ernment be repatriated but also those who are out of dians in getting back to their homes, and for this reason Morning Prayer and Holy Confirmation employment and for whom there is no possible chance of applications for relief and aid at that off. ce have been al. 10. 30 am.
getting something to do.
ways denied. Mony persons, if not most, have expressed Evening Prayer and address The meeting nights of this When people are sent home from here they are either indignation, dissatisfaction at the failure of stranded OJ T, Muloare, Priest inge. Age are the 1st and 3rd inuigent and helpless or too old to turn around for them British subjects in obtaining such assistance as referred to, Seventh Day Adventist durch of each month. The next meeting selves. This is commendable in itself as an act of charity, and not a few malicious remarks have been directed 68 ANCON AVE, PANAMA. takes place on Thursday July but what about the vast number of stranded and able against the officials of the British Government in Colon Babbath (Sturday) 945 Sab 20th at 30 sharp in the died men who cast their eyes in every direction seeking and Panama; but if no funds are available what can these ba School; 11 15. m, Gener. Worstio oyal Progress Hall Parama, work and finding none?
officials do? 30 pm. Spanish Class; 80 WM. MAYNARD, The American Red Cross Society with its limited It should be remembered that the ignored questionaire Vespero. ung People Meeting; 30 Per. Secretary funds bas been. nd is still doing a considerable appre was the block that kept back financial and or her aid com Sunday evening at po, Ronding chole amon mainly among the women and ing here from England. When the unemployed West Class All are welcome both young and children in de wil vircumstances. This society has been Indians were asked to fill out this questionaire the scant old. 30 pm Pe action Service.
Bible ion Caturches.
feeding mothers and nursing infants for a long period and response was practically insulting to the government, In Baptist Church San Miguel it is determined to continue this work as far as funds will fact, the people, by their silent apathy, intimated that Colon 11 Am. Panoon Edwin Edwards 530 mm. Morning Prayer allow they did not favour repatriation, and the matter died.
7:15 Mrs. Thrif.
In not a few cases the Red Cross Society has repa10 am. Children Service triated, at full expense, mothers and children to the Wert wrong and are now willing to return to their homes, even Coros Rond Il a Deacon Linton 30 mm. Gospel Service But the people have since found out that they were Chorrillo 11. Descon Smith 11 am, Prraching Service 30 pm. Sunday Sobool Indies. But it cannot be expected to do this kind of work in an ark. At this stage what can be done for them? 7:15 Pop Witt on anything like a large scale. For bumanity sake funds Things are becoming worse every day and the bird life Now Providence 11 a. Pastor Thrift Calidonia have been advanced in small sums to many who have been most of them are leading can continue much longer. If Bagoro ulam. Pastor Witt 30 a. Morning Prayer sent away from the hospitals as invalids so that these they are now willing to ccept repatriation aud are ready pablo Nuevo Mr Yearwood 11 a, 11 Proaching Service 7:15 Mr 10 sm Children people might have something to pay their way from the to fill out the questionaire they should be given another 7:15 Mr Gray landing point to their final destination when they arrive opportunity to do so, but the decision and desire should be cativa Deacon Foster 30 m, Sunday School at home, expressed by them in no ambiguous language.
Now Gatun Thursday 7:30 Pastor Thrift E, Barclay Pastor in charge, 30 Goepel Service mon, at Class two Exchange)
7:15 Dancon Lioton


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